Battle for the Cowl

A bloody and beaten Batman was on the floor, in a current state of weakness. Beside him was an equally bloody and bruised Joker who merely grinned at him. "You know where getting too old for this Batman. How about we settle the score? One last bullet. One death. Let's see the verdict." He turned the gun on himself, pulling the trigger. A click noise. "Your turn.." Joker grinned and turned the gun on Batman. Bang.

A storm was brewing in the grey skies of Gotham as the extended BatFamily, Justice League, and other friends all gathered around to mourn the death of the Dark Knight. Alfred stood in front of all of them, him being hurt the most. He went through his speech strongly despite this. Dick Grayson looked at all of the others sadly, then at the two by his side. A older teenaged Damian on his right, and a 12 year old Helena Wayne on his left. Helena buried her face into his leg and Dick put his arm around her.

As the day went by Dick found himself in the Bat cave staring into the glass case that held the Bat suit. Jason Todd's reflection appeared as he walked over beside him. "Thanks for coming Jason." Dick murmurs.

"Of course i'd come. Me and him had some bad blood, but I've learned to leave some things in the past. Especially at a time like this."

"I knew it would happen one day but not this soon.." Dick sighs.

"It is tragic what happened but we can't let this drag us down. It's time."

"Time for what?" Dick glanced at him.

"Time for one of us to take the cowl."

"Are you insane? He just died and you're already thinking of a replacement!"

"Dick, if there's no Batman then chaos on Gotham will go nuts! You know what happened years ago with the Arkham breakout. Gotham needs a Batman."

"No, not this soon.." Dick shakes his head.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Jason turns and started to leave.


"Yes?" He stops.

"You killed Joker, didn't you?"

There was a silence in the room and Dick realized Jason was gone. He sighs and walks up the steps to return to the manor. Selina was on the couch with a sleeping Helena on her lap. "How are you two coping?" Dick asks and takes a seat next too her.

"I'm broken Dick, H-He's really gone. I never thought the day would come.." a tear slides down her cheek.

"I'm sorry Selina. It's hard for you and Helena."

"You might want to check up on Damian. I don't think he's well.."

"I'll go do that. Stay strong Selina, for yours and her sake."

Dick walks into the kitchen, seeing Damian outside the window chopping up grass statues in the backyard. He walks outside and calls his name but Damian continues. He goes in for another hit but Dick stops him. They stay there for a moment, then hug it out.

In the coming months crime and corruption got worse in Gotham City. Nightwing and Robin weren't enough to handle it all. Nightwing returns to the manor and hangs up his suit, getting out the first aid kit to fix some wounds he had gotten previously. "Need a hand?" Alfred was sitting in Bruce's old chair.

"I'm fine.." Dick mutters.

"It's gotten worse since his departure. Even I know that."

"Well what am I supposed to do? Crime is getting worse and where not enough to stop it."

"The bat family has offered assistance numerous times yet you turn them away."

"I'm not risking anyone else's safety. Hell i'm even thinking of giving Damian a break."

"I suggest you get some rest and have time to think things through."

"Rest isn't important right now."

"You guys need to see this." Damian runs in, heading over to the batcomputer to bring up the news. No it couldn't be, a batman styled figure stood on a rooftop overlooking a crowd of people and news broadcasters. "What's going on?" Dick watches closely.

"Citizens of Gotham City, No longer will you have to fear for your lives. I'm back and better than ever. I will put an end too this crime wave." The Nightmarish Batman jeers. "Every criminal in this city has 24 hours to turn themselves in at Arkham or personally be hunted down by me and face the consequence of death. Batman out." he aims a gun at the camera and shoots it, the screen going to static.

"And just when things couldn't get any worse." Dick leaps up and head straight for his suit, Damian following. There was a new Bat in town and it didn't look like he was going to play nice.