{Chapter 176}

The years passed swiftly following the drama that had started long before Isabella was born, and the Kingdom thrived and grew under Edward's and her rule. The people who had been subjects in her father's kingdom rejoiced that they once again had a King and Queen who so clearly loved each other as much as they loved their people.

When Elizabeth had turned four, Isabella gave birth to a son, but in order to not repeat their parents' mistake, which was to marry off Isabella as soon as they could just because she was a girl, Elizabeth remained first in the line of succession.

Edward's and Isabella's arrangement had ended well, but there was no way to be certain the same would happen for their daughter, whom they had discovered was a hopeless romantic even at her young age.

On Edward's thirty-first birthday, he and Isabella were enjoying a quiet ride through the vast grounds surrounding one of the crown's properties in the country.

"What do you wish for your birthday?" Isabella asked him with a smile, and Edward pretended to think about it.

"I wish for a happy kingdom, two children, and a Queen who loves me with all her heart," he answered after a moment.

"Where exactly am I supposed to acquire such impossibly grandiose gifts with such short notice?" she asked him and sighed dramatically.

Edward reined in his horse to a stop before dismounting. Isabella also stopped her horse, and when Edward held out his arms for her to slide into, she did so willingly.

"I believe you will find all of that right here," he said with a smile as he kissed her with all the love he held for her.

The sigh she let out this time was more content. "I love you, Edward, and I love the children you have given me, and I love the kingdom we have built together. Are you saying that is enough of a gift for you?"

"More than enough."


That's it you guys! This is the end. The complete button has been marked. I have to say that I have been absolutely blown away by all of your support and I wish I could give all of you personal thanks, but there are just so many of you!

One in particular that I want to give a shout-out to is twilightobsession who took the time to review every single chapter when I accidentally deleted it over at starslibrary. That was just amazing, and thank you so much!

Also debslmac! I've come to expect your smileys on each chapter now, and they always make me smile as well. Thank you for that!

And to everyone else of course. As I said, there are so many of you so I'm just gonna make a list below to you who have meant so much for me during this process!


suzy 2010










and so many more! Thank you! I love you all bunches!