Naruko the Succubus

Chapter 3

"Giddy up!" 13 years old Naruko said with a giggle.

Naruko is riding on her babysit slave; Shizune like a horse in the throne chamber. Naruko is wearing a red top and orange thong panties. Shizune is naked, gagged by a red ball gag, a butt-plug with a fake horse tail and a vibrating dildo.

Watching her daughter playing from her throne, Kushina who's wearing red t-shirt and mini skirts that badly cover her bare buttcheeks, is drinking milk, "Yam. Tsunade makes the best breast milk of all."

Just then, a bat arrive and with the wave of the Succubus Queen's hand, transform into Bat-Maria.

"Well?" Kushina asked.

"The Snake Sannin is defeated by the old man who died, and Jiraiya defeated and captured the host of the One-Tailed demon. Danzo has declare himself the Fifth Hokage." Bat-Maria said.

"Well, looks like he got his wish... For now. Anything else?" Kushina asked.

"Yes, your true friend; Hitomi Hyuga and her twin daughters." Bat-Maria said.

"What about them?" Kushina asked.

"During the Third Exam, they moved out of the village and live in the cottage inside the forest." Bat-Maria said.

"But..." Kushina asked.

"An hour ago, they've been capture by the Cloud Ninjas." Bat-Maria said.

"What?!" Kushina asked in shock and anger.


A long blue hair woman; Hitomi Hyuga, who had her arms tied behind her back, blindfolded by special cloth that's block her special eyes; Byakugan and gagged with brown tape, is being lead by Cloud Ninja leader with the rope like a leash. Behind her are her 12 or 13 years old daughters; Hinata and Hanabi, whose's tie up as well. Surrounding them are seven other Cloud Ninjas; five males and two females.

"I never thought we get one Hyuga but we have three!" Cloud Leader said with a scary smile.

A while later, they took a break near the boulder with a single Kunoichi scouting around.

Hitomi, Hinata and Hanabi are bend over the tree stump, sticking their butt towards their kidnappers. As the leader and his female second-in-command, stroke their prisoners, they didn't notices their team has being taking away one by one.

Leader lift Hitomi's skirt and pull down her panties before he grab the cheeks. Second-in-command is rub and slap the twins' butt.

Leader smile as he turn around, "Who wants to fuck her..." He then saw his male team mates laying on the ground...

Only in nothing but skins and bones! Lifeless skins and bones.

"What'd happen?!" Leader asked while his second-in-command's eyes widen of fear and horror.

"What'd happen indeed." A voice said.

Cloud Ninjas look up and see Kushina in hoodie cloak, sitting on the branch of the tree.

"Wh-who are you?" Seond-in-command asked in fear.

Suddenly, Kushina disappear then reappear in front of the leader before with her Succubus magic, lift him and slam him to the tree. The tree vines then tie the leader up as well as gag him.

"Do wait here, I'll be right back." Kushina said to the leader as she made her way towards the Hyugas.

Second-in-command charge towards Kushina...

"Seize her, my sexy friends." Kushina said.

Then Daeva and the she-devils, attacked second-in-command with ropes to tie her up. Second-in-command tried to fight back, but it was futile. Soon, the second-in-command was tied up in front of the Succubus Queen. Daeva then rip the bottom of second-in-command's shirt and use it as the gag.

Kushina then pull up Hitomi's panties and help her to sit up before she remove the blindfold, allowing Hitomi to see.

"MMMMMM!" Hitomi muffled.

"Hello, old friend." Kushina said.

Suddenly, a blade slice through Kushina's body. Standing behind Kushina, is a scout Kunoichi who return few minutes ago.

Everyone stare at Kushina is shock and horror. The queen Succubus is...

Bang her head at the Cloud Kunoichi and turn around while pulling the sword out with her tail from her cloak.

The she-devils are shock and surprise even more!

"That's new." Daeva muttered.

'Why didn't I die. I need to look this out later.' Kushina thought before she stand close to now, scaredy cat Kunoichi, "Well now, look like your plan to kill me has failed."

Suddenly, Naruko in hoodie cloak as well, appeared behind Kunoichi before clamped a cloth over her mouth and nose. Before she could put up much of a struggle, the Cloud Kunoichi passed out and into the hold of Succubus Princess.

"You're OK, mum?" Naruko asked.

"Yeah, surprisedly. You'll help the twins while I free their mother." Kushina said.

Naruko nodded before drop the Kunoichi and head to the Hyuga twins while the she-devils jump and tie up the Kunoichi.

"Sorry for delay, Hitomi." Kushina said as she pull off the tape carefully.

"Kushina, how is it you're still alive?" Hitomi asked as her best friend untie her.

Meanwhile, Naruko freed the Hyuga twins.

"Nice to meet you, Hyugas!" Naruko said as she headlock the twins, pressing her big breasts on their head.

"Her breasts are bigger than any other girls her age!" Hanabi said as her twin sister blush by the sight of Naruko's pretty face and her breasts.

After her friend is free, Kushina turn to her capture man, "Darling, time to get rid of him."

"Right Mum." Naruko said as she stand by her mother's side.

Then, Kushina and Naruko sexy walk towards The leader. Then their eyes glowing. The vine gag disappear and a stream of energy is coming out of the leader's mouth and enter Kushina and Naruko's mouth. As the energy leaves his body, leader is getting skinner and skinner. When the energy completely leave his body, the Leader's lifeless is drop to the ground. Then Kushina and Naruko grow a bit tall and their breasts and ass grow even larger.

Hitomi and her daughters were shock of what happen to their kidnapper as Hitomi, "Ho... How did you do that?"

"Well, let just say..." Kushina rip her cloak off, showing her crimson dress, her grown breasts and ass and her wings and tail, "I'm not normal anymore since been send to Hell."

Hitomi and the twin surprise at Kushina's body.

(A while later)

The castle gate open and Kushina, Naruko and their guests and prisoners walk through.

"You know, I'm surprise you want to hang out." Naruko said to Hyugas, "Most ladies will just run away."

"You and your mother may have changed, but Your mother is still Kushina i know and care." Hitomi said with a smile.

Kushina smile back, "Sweetheart, why don't you take the twins to your room nd play tea party or something. Hitomi and I have some catching up."

"Ok, mum." Naruko then turn towards her newly friends, "Come on, pretty girls."

Both Hinata and Hanabi blush as they follow Naruko.

Kushina smile before she turn to her first prisoners, "I don't have any interest with them. Take them to the lowest pit."

The She-devils bow before they went off with the now slaves.

"Now then, why don't we shut and have a nice talk?" Kushina said as she sat on her throne.

Hitomi sat down on the chair across from the throne, "Well now, where do I begin? Well, since they thrown you and Naruko to Hell, everyone gone crazy, especially that bubblegum head. She fooled everyone about her brat being the Fourth Hokage's daughter."

"I see." Kushina said.


Shizune, wearing maid like outfit, has pour some tea to her mistress' cup as Naruko and her guests have a talk.

"So, everyone still believe Sakura is the daughter of my father. Too bad as she will soon be de-throne and be throne as my mum said." Naruko said as he drink her tea.

Hanabi drank her tea before says, "Yeah. Our mother told us it was a lie, saying that Naruko Uzumaki is the true daughter of the Fourth Hokage, even in death."

Hinata just her at Naruko with red face. Hanabi saw that and smile, knowing what in her twin sister's glowing head.

Naruko was about to take a biscuits but find the plate empty, "Drat, we're out of biscuits. I'll go and get some more."

With that, Naruko with Shizune, went to get some biscuits. Hanabi after a while, turn towards her twin sister.

"I saw that." Hanabi said in tease.

"W-what?" Hinata asked.

"You're starting to have a crush on our sexy hero." Hanabi said with a smile.

"I-I... I do not!" Hinata said but her glowing face said otherwise.

"I can see in your eyes... Hinata has a crush! Hinata has a crush!" Hanabi said.



"And it's bad enough that over greed pinky brain trying to steal Naruko's birthright. She turn my former husband against me. I was glad I manage to escaped with my little girls before those 'clan' band us with that evil seal." Hitomi said.

Hitomi is now laying on her best friend's lap, having her bare ass rub and squeeze by Queen Kushina.

"You were lucky." Kushina said as she lightly patting Hitomi's bottom, "But when you return to the upper world, those jerks will find you and put that seal on you and the girls."

"Too bad me and my daughters can't live with you, Queenly." Hitomi said as she got off and pull her panties up.

Just then, Daeva appeared, "Actually, there is a way."

"What?" Kushina and Hitomi asked.

"Well, it's been 20,000 years since it's been used, but there's a spell that will allow you to become the Queen's Slave Catcher with Supernatural powers and skills." Daeva said.

"Really?" Hitomi asked.

"But first, you must prove yourself if you are loyal to the Queen by pass a test." Daeva said.

"What test?" Kushina asked.

With a snap of her fingers, Daeva summon a 3D image of the table with a standing dildo on the edge. hovering over the table is a cane.

"Miss Hyuga must take 100 stoke of this magical cane while one hand grab hold on the dildo. Even being strap down, she can move a bit, but she must not let go of the dildo or she's fail and her soul will be burn, leaving her body very useless, empty shell. But if she pass, then you must your cock inside her butt and during that, her body will change to something that will help her capture any ladies you would want her to." Daeva said.

Kushina and Hitomi were surprise. Before any of them could say anything...

"HINATA HAS A CRUSH! HINATA HAS A CRUSH!" Hanabi sang while running around.

"HANABI!" Hinata call out as she run after her.

Naruko heads toward her mother and guest.

"Naruko, what's going on?" Kushina asked.

"I don't know. I was off getting some biscuits and when I got back, Hinata's face went red when she see me while Hanabi laugh before she went off saying something about Hinata having a crush then Hinata went after her so I follow." Naruko said.

Just then, Bat-Maria fly by, "What's happening is, young Hinata somehow getting a crush on the princess."

Kushina and Hitomi smile at that information.

"Well, it's getting late. Shizune!" Kushina call out.

Shizune rush over before she goes to her knees and bow, squeezing her breasts, "You call, my Queen?"

"Take Naruko and her friends back to her bedroom." Kushina said.

"Of crouse, my queen." Shizune said.

Hitomi was surprise as Shizune got running Hyuga twins before she begin to lead the girls pass Hitomi and Kushina.

"Night, Mum. Night Miss Hyuga." Naruko said.

"Night Mother. Night Miss Uzumaki." Hyuga Twins said.

"Night girls." Hitomi said.

"Sleep well." Kushina said.

After Shizune lead the girls away, Hitomi turn to Kushina, "That's not Shizune, Tsunade's apprentice?!"

"Yep. But with my magic, I've replace her memories with Tsunade, with memories of being the slave. She doesn't know who Tsunade is." Kushina said.

"Wow. But if that's Shizune, what happen to Tsunade?" Hitomi asked.

Kushina smile nearly foxy, "Follow me."

With that, Kushina lead her best friend right to her Breasts Trophy Chamber then heading towards the bare breasts. Hitomi could see the elegant picture of Tsunade above the breasts.

"No way..." Hitomi said as she slowly smiling.

"Yes way." Kushina said before she slap the breasts few times, "Pretty nice place for them, isn't it."

"I'll say." Hitomi just said.

"And I plan to collect some more to go with her soon." Kushina said.

"So, you planned to have all the Large Breasts in this chamber, to yourself?" Hitomi asked.

"Oh chamber is also for my little princess when she find herself some big ones." Kushina said.

"And I'll make sure to catch some when and if I pass the test. Hinata and Hanabi will as well." Hitomi said with a smile.

Just then, Daeva arrive and bow to the Succubus Queen, "Forgive me for disturbing you, but the staffs and I were wondering, how is it you didn't die when that woman stabbed you?"

Kushina is wondering herself, "Good question. Even I don't know how?"

"If I may?" Hitomi asked before made few hand signs, "Byakugan!"

With her Byakugan, Hitomi then see blue Chakra, bit of red Chakra and pink Aura merging.

"Just as I thought." Hitomi muttered.

"What? What is it?" Kushina asked.

"Your Uzumaki Chakra, the Nine-Tailed Chakra and what I believe, Succubus Aura are merged together. I think those changed nearly everything." Hitomi said.

"Meaning?" Kushina asked.

"Meaning, you have gain new type of Succubus power; you can not die by killing." Hitomi said.

"Really?! That's surprise." Kushina said with a smile.

Then, after giving two more slaps on Tsunade's breasts, Kushina, Hitomi and Daeva left the chamber towards Kushina's throne chamber.

"When my little Naruko get to the right age which is 16, am I right, Daeva?" Kushina asked to Daeva.

"For the Succubus, yes my Queen." Daeva said.

"We can start the conquers of our world before the all universes. And I know just a perfect start." Kushina said.

Then a giant table rise from the floor and the table create holographic map of Elemental Nations. Kushina glare at one village.

"It's time you and I have a little payback..." Kushina said to her best friend before pointing at... "Hidden Cloud Village..."

(Done! Kushina is about to start taking over. Starting with the lightning heads. Will she, her daughter and their friends succeed? Will the Hidden Cloud Village stand a chance? I hope NOT! Stay tune to find out. Till then, See you all soon!)