Yeah, after a month and a half, my jaw has been unwired, I'm back eating solid food, and apart from some soreness and a missing tooth, I am back to normal, which means chapters will be starting back up again!

Also, apparently you guys really liked this, so if you want to see more one-shot things like it, let me know!

Anyways, on with the show!

Erza knew she made a mistake. From the second she walked out of his door, her heart was screaming at her, telling her to go back, to comfort him, to kiss his lips and take that look of broken devastation from his beautiful gray eyes. But she couldn't. She just couldn't go back.

After all, they both knew that Natsu Dragneel was just a rebound.

Her hands gripped the wheel of her ancient truck as she weaved in and out of traffic, pushing her aging vehicle's inherent speed limit as she made her way towards Jellal Fernandes. The man who had loved her first of all. The man who had accepted her crush. It was what she wanted to do, right?

So why did she feel so crushed, and why did someone else keep popping up in her memories?

In truth, she was scared. Scared from the moment that they had first spent the night together. Scared of the feelings that were developing in her heart for a man who smiled whenever he saw her. Who held her hair back as she puked after catching food poisoning. A man who she laughed and shook her head at when he was laid up in bed with the flu, yet still took the time to make sure that she had everything she needed for class, that she was eating enough.

These were things that someone in love did. But they were things that the other man did too, in the beginning. The hair-holding, the worrying, the love, but that faded as time went on. With the man she had just left, there was no fade. Even before they began dating. When they had met, and he was the gangly, dorky teenager who couldn't control his own limbs, there was an instant friendship between the clumsy local boy and the girl who had just moved to Magnolia, Arizona.

Erza shook her head, set her shoulders and continued driving. She wouldn't second guess herself now. She never had. Every decision she made, she made 100 percent.

So why did this one feel so wrong?

Erza sat in her truck, mentally psyching herself up. She wasn't sure what she expected to happen. Would Jellal expect them to pick things up again? Or would he just want to say hi? Erza shook her head, exiting her truck. It wouldn't do to have self-doubt.

She had made her bed, and now it was time to lie in it.

Erza glanced across the square at the familiar mop of blue hair, and a sense of longing entered her heart. But it wasn't for the love of the past, no. It wasn't for the tall blue-haired man currently talking to a girl at the souvenir stand. It was for the pink hair and gray eyes of the man she had left behind.

Erza listened as the dial tone rang for a third time, hoping beyond hope that she'd hear the familiar deep, upbeat tones of Natsu's voice on the other end. It was the third time that she'd called him in the last five minutes, after calling him about an hour ago and leaving a voicemail. She perked up again, only to deflate as the familiar message reached her ears. "Hey, you've reached the cellular device of the one and only Natsu Dragneel! I can't reach my phone right now, but leave a name and number, and I'll get back with you as soon as I can!" Frustrated, she hit the steering wheel with a fist. Dialing a different number, she waited impatiently as the dial tone sounded again.

"Hullo?" A tired voice sounded. "Hey, Gray? It's Erza. Have you heard from Natsu?" Erza waited. Gray Fullbuster was Natsu's best friend. If he would have talked to anybody, it would have been Gray. "Nope, I haven't. Why?" Erza gulped. Maybe it was nothing, but she got the sense that something bad had happened. "I haven't been able to reach him. I called his cell, but I keep getting voicemail." "That doesn't sound like him. I'll head over and check on him, though he's probably just asleep. Damn that bastard for making us all worry about him." The line went dead, and Erza placed her phone on the passenger seat next to her. "Yeah," she whispered to herself. "Sleeping."

It was over an hour later when she received the text from Gray that confirmed her suspicion. Magnolia General Hospital. Ward D, room 8. You have some serious explaining to do, Scarlet. Her heart fell, and she quickly turned her truck in the direction of the hospital. Dialing Gray's number, she didn't have to wait very long before the man picked up.

"Scarlet." Gray's baritone growl echoed in her ears. "Gray, I-" That was as far as Erza got. "No, Erza. You have explaining to do as to why my BEST FRIEND, your BOYFRIEND, is in the hospital with alcohol poisoning and glass shards in his side. He's lucky that I got there when I did. And at this point, I'm about two seconds from telling the nurses not to let you in." Erza sighed, a sob breaking through her calm. "I—Gray, I…I made a mistake." "You're god-damn right you did." Hearing her friend's ice-cold tone, she rushed into the explanation. "Jellal came back, and I couldn't clear my head. I thought I still had feelings for him, and—" "And you thought that once you saw him, everything would be fine and dandy? That everything would just go back to the way it was before he dumped you?" She heard Gray scoff through the phone. "You really are an idiot, Scarlet. You do know how much Flame-brain cares about you, right? Because I don't think that you do." Gray sighed. "I'll have the nurses bring you to him when you get here. But I'm not going to make any promises as to how he's going to react." "Alright. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Erza said, but Gray had already hung up the phone. Signaling, she took the exit off of the highway, praying that she hadn't royally screwed this up.

There you go! Based on how this is recieved, I'll upload a part three, but I'll be honest, this is about as far as I had planned out, since this was only supposed to be a one-shot.

Anyways, leave me some, and I'll see you all later!

May the sun always be at your back and the wind fill your wings!
