It is a bright and beautiful morning on Bird Island. The bird inhabitants are going about their business.

However, Bomb is laying in his bed. He was feeling sick and couldn't get up. He called his friends, Red and Chuck, that he was sick. As he did, he coughed like a sick person would. They heard him and could tell he was indeed sick.

"Oh, my gosh." Red said over the phone. "You are indeed sick. Me and Chuck are on our way over right now. In the meantime, we'll call the doctor to give you a checkup."

"Okay." Bomb replied. "See you when you get here. Goodbye." He hung up the phone.

About five minutes later, Red and Chuck arrived at Bomb's house.

"Hi, guys." Bomb greeted them.

"Hey, Bomb!" Chuck greeted in reply.

"We called the doctor and he said he'll be here as quick as he can." Red informed Bomb.

While Chuck puts ice on Bomb's head and a thermometer in his mouth, Red said, "Until the doctor arrives, we'll stay with you."

"Thanks, guys."

About 15-20 minutes later, the doctor arrived, carrying a medical kit. "The doctor is here." he announced. He takes out a stethoscope and puts it to Bomb's heart.

Then he takes a thermometer out of his kit and takes Bomb's temperature.

"It appears that your temperature is 50 degrees." the doctor said. "You are very, very sick. I recommend taking this medicine." He hands a bottle of medicine to Bomb.

"It is said it can cure any illness in an hour or two."

"Thank you, Doc." Red said to the doctor.

"We hope the medicine will cure him." Chuck stated.

"I hope so." the doctor said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must be off. Good day."

"Goodbye, sir." said Red.

"Thanks for the help." Bomb called.

As soon as the doctor left, Red said to Bomb, "Bomb, how about you take the medicine immediately so that way we won't get sick too."

"Okay." Bomb replied. Then Red gave him a spoon. Bomb poured the medicine on it and swallowed the medicine.

"Let's hope I'll feel better in an hour or two."

For the next hour, Red, Chuck and Bomb passed away the time by watching television and entertaining themselves. During that time, Bomb drank lots of juice which in hopes will also cure his illness.

By the next two hours, Bomb began feeling better.

"I think I'm starting to feel a lot better." Bomb said.

"That's good." Red answered.

"Well, now that you're all better, what do you say we hang out together?" Chuck asked.

"That's just what I was thinking, my friend!" Bomb exclaimed with a great big grin.

And that's just what they did. The three birds hang out all day doing all sorts of fun activities. At the end of the day that night, they said goodnight to each other, went to their homes, got into bed and slept soundly now that the day is a huge success.

Finally! I got two of Bubbles13's requests finished! Now I can start working on the story that I planned on making next! So stay tuned and I will upload my next story soon. Even though this story is short, still please enjoy and review.