Title: Peace by Vengeance.
Written by: Nicia and Little Angry Kitten.
Rating: M.
Summary: In a game of chess the Queen is the strongest piece. She doesn't realize her power, until she's forced to strike. Won by Dimitri and claimed as his own, what will happen when Rose is finally forced to take charge of her life? Sequel to Better the Enemy You Know.

Nicia A.N. I'm back! After taking a break and trying to get my writing mojo back, my friend Little Angry Kitten asked me about Better the Enemy You Know and if I was planning a sequel. I had written a few chapters and then gotten stuck, so she suggested co-writing to finish it off. And voila, this fic was born. Please note, this is a Drabble, so each chapter is roughly 100 words. This story has 35 chapters, each update will have three chapters in it to ensure your email isn't bombarded.

Warning: This fic features dark themes such as; prostitution, non-consent, rape, sexual, emotion and physical abuse, human trafficking and gore. Anyone who is sensitive to those issues or ones associated should steer clear.

For this of you who do read, I hope that you enjoy the continuation of Rose's story.

Anger ventilated often hurries toward forgiveness; and concealed often hardens into revenge. ~Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Chapter One.
Written by: Nicia.











A groan.



"Ah, you're a good girl, aren't you, Rosie? You always know how to keep 'em comin'. Here's an extra five, don't let D know - buy yourself somethin' nice."

Laugh at the corny joke.


Smile demurely.

Flash your tits, sometimes.

Show them to the door.

Brush your teeth.

Mouthwash – a necessity.

Fluff your hair.

Change your panties.

Check your eyeliner and mascara hasn't smeared from the tears threatening to fall.

Reapply lipstick.

And stare into the reflection of eyes that die a little more every day.

Chapter Two.
Written by: Nicia.

It always starts the same way.

I've long since given up on trying to fight my way out of the nightmares. I can't wake up on my own, and sometimes reality seems so much worse than the deafening darkness that consumes me in sleep.

It starts with a scream – Adrian's.

I'm running.

Flat out, chest heaving, feet slapping the ground, full tilt running.

It's not fight or flight - though I'm certainly trying to flee – it's a matter of survival.

Because if I'm caught – which I already am, but, if it happens in my dreams - I'm as good as dead.

Chapter Three.
Written by: Nicia.


I'm in the corridor, heading back to my… I guess the closest term to describe it would be a dorm, when Galina calls my name. She's Dimitri's 'secretary' and there's no love lost between us.

Everyone knows that she wants to be the one sucking his cock, and she hates that it's me who he chooses to have do so – not that I'm happy about that, I'd rather let her do it.

Speaking of which, that must be why she's here – we avoid each other, or glare, normally – it must be time for our esteemed boss to get off.

A.N. So that's the first three chapters. What do you think so far? Next three will be tomorrow.

Please leave us your thoughts!