A/N: I hate Peter Pettigrew with a growing passion so I decided to write a Fanfiction for a world in which he doesn't exist. This will start out first year and end... I don't know but at least not until they're 21. The main idea that made me want to write this came from an awesome dream I had. Anyway, I ship both Wolfstar and Jily to a fault, you will no longer see me write a story without one of these couples. I also refuse to kill any of them off. Regulus will come into the story the second year, Wolfstar will start to generate in the third year.

BTW I am still searching for a good Marauder worthy name for Regulus. He will be an Animagus fox. The best option at this moment is slytail. Other options I've thought of or have been suggested to me are fentail, pufftail, and startail. Any suggestions will be appreciated, but they have to be Marauder-worthy to win!

P.S. I am awful with grammar and will be hopefully looking for a Beta writer. Be gentle when commenting, but I am looking for helpful tips. Without further ado

Year One

The sorting was finally over. Everyone sat at their respective tables and began to dig in the feast. James Potter sat next to Lily Evans on his left and fifth year, who had scuttled in after the sorting had finished, on his right. He looked across the table and spotted a small boy who was plagued by scars, and next to him, a boy who was looking down sullenly at his plate. He decided to try to strike up conversation with the red head beside him.

"So, Lily Evans, what are you looking forward to this year?" He asked the girl, specifically using her first and last name because that was how she introduced herself earlier. Her face lit up.

"I don't know, everything I think. Although I do find potions and charms particularly interesting. I can't wait to learn exactly how to use my wand. I mean I have been trying but, the only thing I've been able to do is to turn my sister's cat bright pink, and I'm pretty sure that was an accident." She explained. The boy across from her looked at her with interest.

"Evans… Are you a Mudblood?" The boy pondered. The purebloods and half-bloods around him stared at the boy in shock. The boy sitting across from James with scars looked at the rude boy with a little terror in his eyes. James kicked him under the table. "Is… is that n-not the right th-thing to say?" He asked tentatively, looking towards James. James shook his head no with his eyes wide. "S-sorry" he stuttered and looked back down at his lap.

"What's a mudblood? And who are you anyway?" Lily inquired.

"Sirius Black." The boy answered. James sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Well, that explains it. A Mudblood is a very rude word for Muggleborn. Meaning because you come from muggles you are no longer pure and have mud in your blood. But since he is from the Black family, of course, he doesn't realize that's rude. Mudblood and Half-breed insults are thrown around as if they mean nothing." James clarified. Lily looked affronted.

"I think I've lost my appetite" Lily expressed, getting up and moving to sit with the other first year girls. James stared at her in surprise. He then turned back to Sirius and shrugged.

"Thanks, I guess." Sirius declared. James looked at him with one brow raised.

"For what?" he countered.

"For defending me, I think." Sirius sighed and James scooted so that he was sitting across from him. "Can we start over? And then maybe you could teach me how not to be, rude? I guess….. I don't understand…" he paused. "How that was the wrong thing to say. Maybe I was right and I shouldn't listen to my mother." He concluded, looking down at his plate in worry. James smiled.

"Sure." He started, putting forth his hand. "I'm James Potter." Sirius smiled gratefully and took the hand, with a certain gusto that was not present before.

"Sirius Black. So, it looks like we will be spending a lot of time together for the next seven years." Sirius stated, retreating his hand back to his lap. James grinned Mischievously.

"Yeah, we will. Hey, what do you think about pranks?" James queried. Sirius' face lifted up into a grin and his eyes lit up.

"I think we might just be perfect for each other James" Sirius announced.

"Alright, Girls through the door on the left, Boys to the right and don't fret to ask us any questions. we'll be glad to help." The Prefect shouted.

Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Kingsley Shacklebolt went off to their dormitory to get ready for bed. Remus was the quickest to get his things and hurry off to the bathroom. So, while the other boys waited for their turns, James thought it would be best to get to know his roommates better.

"So, who are you?" James directed to the dark-skinned boy.

"Kingsley," the boy stated, "Shacklebolt" he added as an after-thought. James nodded.

"Well, I'm James Potter." He introduced.

"And I'm Sirius Black. Do you know anything about the other one?" Sirius inquired.

Kingsley shook his head." Do mind If I go next?" He asked.

"Sure" James answered. Sirius shrugged and flopped on his bed. James rolled his eyes and then got an idea.

James took a pillow from his bed and crept up to Sirius' bed, which was right beside his own. He looked at the boy and without another thought hit the brunet square on the stomach. The boy under attack jumped up surprised.

"What the hell was that for?" He screamed. James doubled over laughing.

"You- you sh-sh-should h-have s-s-s-seen your f-face!" James wheezed. Sirius glared at the laughing boy and then grabbed the pillow from his own bed and hit James on the head. "Oh, you're on!" James exclaimed, getting up and hitting Sirius back. By the time the lycanthrope was finished in the bathroom and came out, the dorm was covered in feathers and two boys were wrestling on his bed.

Remus stood there watching them, not sure what to do. He worried his bottom lip and looked over at Kingsley for help.

"Don't ask me. One minute they were having a pillow fight and the next it was an all-out wrestling match. I'm not sure they can be stopped." Kingsley informed him. Suddenly the pillow from Remus' bed was taken and the scarred boy was hit. As soon as the culprit had realized what he had done, Sirius'(said culprit) eyes widened and he jumped off James and the bed, hiding the pillow behind his back. He then pointed a finger at James.

"He did it!" he accused. James glared at the brunet.

"Did not!" James shouted getting up from the bed.

"Did too!" Sirius countered hitting James with the pillow. Once again Remus found himself in front of two fighting boys. He started laughing.

"You two are ridiculous!" Remus charged in between laughs. Sirius and James stopped. Sirius raised an eyebrow while James squinted at the boy. They turned back to each other and shared a look.

"We're keeping you." They chorused.

"Come on you two! We need to get going or else we'll be late for breakfast!" James exclaimed as he waltzed through the dorm at seven o'clock in the morning. Sirius perked up when he heard breakfast.

"Breakfast? When?" he asked.

"Breakfast, now!" James yelled in the young boy's ear. Sirius sat up in bed and cracked his neck. He swung his legs out of bed and yawned.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He decided, looking over at the bed where their new friend, Remus, lay. "Shouldn't we get him up too?" he queried.

"I've been trying for the past half hour to get either of you up!" James ranted.

"How long have you been up, Mate?" Sirius wondered.

"Since six." James mentioned nonchalantly, "Now go get a shower and brush your teeth so we can get to breakfast before there's no more food left!" Sirius hurried to the bathroom and came out ten minutes later with a bucket of water.

"Reckon that'll wake him up?" Sirius enquired with a playful glint. James grinned and went over to help Sirius pour the water on to the small boy. Remus woke up with a start.

"What in the world was that for?" He screeched, panting for breath.

"To wake you up." They replied in unison. Remus stared at them incredulously.

"What time is it?" Remus asked.

"Seven-fifteen," James replied.

"In the morning?" The scarred boy probed. The two other boys nodded. Remus fell back to bed. "Breakfast doesn't end till nine you dunderheads!" he yelled, knowing the only reason any one would be up at this time of day would be for breakfast.

James smiled sheepishly. "Sorry." He replied. Sirius glared at him.

"You interrupted my beauty sleep for nothing!" Sirius reproached. James rolled his eyes.

"Well, you're both up now so let's go get breakfast anyway." James encouraged. Remus groaned into his pillow.

When Remus and Sirius were both ready they filed down to the great hall. When they got there, they sat down by Lily and a boy whose name they did not know, but he wasn't a Gryffindor.

"Hello, Lily Evans. How did you sleep last night?" James asked charmingly. Lily smiled at the charming boy beside her, but her smile fell when she saw Sirius.

"Fine." She stated plainly. The boy she was talking to had shiny chin-length hair that almost looked greasy. He had dark chocolate brown eyes that were so dark, they truly looked as if he had black irises. He was short, but not small built for an eleven-year-old. He looked at Sirius with disdain. When Sirius spotted the boy's Slytherin tie, he knew he would hate him for eternity. Lily saw the two Gryffindors staring behind her. She turned to look for what they were staring at. Oh! Severus! She had forgotten about the Slytherin. "Oh yes, sorry. This is Severus, Severus Snape. I knew him before we came to Hogwarts. Sev, this is James Potter, Sirius Black and… I'm sorry who are you?" she asked, now noticing Remus. He gave her a shy smile as he left his 'hiding' position behind James.

"Remus, Remus Lupin. It's nice to meet you, Lily, uh, Severus, is it?" Remus inquired shyly. However he was ignored while Severus was glaring at Sirius.

"So, you're the one who called Lily a Mudblood?" he queried, sneering. Sirius and James glared.

"It was an accident, and He doesn't know better. Give him a break. He even apologized!" James defended. Severus squinted and leaned his head sideways.

"So, you're saying that even a rabid dog shouldn't be put down, just because he doesn't know better?" Snape enquired. James scrunched up his face in fury, while Sirius glared. Remus surprisingly spoke up.

"Sirius is nothing like a rabid dog. Rabid dogs have been infected with a disease that makes them act that way, Sirius was just raised in a terrible home. Besides, rabid dogs can't be trained, Sirius can." Remus fortified. "Also, rabid dogs don't show remorse. Perhaps you're the rabid dog." Remus insinuated. Snape gritted his teeth and glared.

"Come on Sev, we don't have time for these imbeciles." Lily huffed as she dragged the boy away from the table.

"Well we disinfected the table, now we can eat!" James declared.

"Thanks for that, Remus. You seem to have a way with words." Sirius complemented, smirking at the small boy.

"Thanks, but I feel terrible. I should go apologize. I'll see you later." Remus then ran off to find the pair that had left.

"Why should he feel guilty? it was Snape's fault for implying that I should be killed." Sirius wondered aloud. James sighed.

"Do you really not understand anything about normal people? Remus feels bad because he may have hurt someone's feelings. That's how things go most of the time. I always feel bad, but not bad enough to do anything about it. Like I feel bad for waking you up so early, but I'm still going to do it tomorrow. It's the way of life, Sirius. Deal with it." James explained. Sirius rolled his eyes and started piling food on his plate. Boy, would this be an interesting year!

Within the first week at Hogwarts, Sirius had gotten a howler from home. A 15-year-old Narcissa had brought it upon herself to tell the Black's what house her little cousin was in. Walburga and Orion Black were furious with their son. When the Howler finished shouting Sirius marched over to the Slytherin table with tears threatening to spill.

Sirius Orion Black was madder than he had felt since he got blamed for breaking a 500 year-old-vase that had actually been broken by his oldest cousin, Bellatrix. He was enraged. He had decided the minute he had gotten a place in Gryffindor, he would tell his parents near Christmas, so that he would be excused from going him due to his parent's state of mind. Narcissa ha had NO right to tell them. She of all people knew what would happen when he got home.

The Black family was known for their temper and rage towards people who were different than them. What was not known about the Black family is that they would beat their children into submission of a certain life style. Sirius had been told from a very young age that the only thing that was right was Slytherin. The only thing that was right was pure blood. The only thing that was right was hating Mudbloods. Everything he had ever know was twisted upside down the moment he sat on that stool with the hat on his head.

When Sirius had reached the Slytherin table he wasn't sure what to do. He was a Gryffindor, after all, so the first words out of his mouth were brash and unplanned.

"You bitch!" Sirius shrieked. The entirety of the hall turned to stare at the first year. Sirius' fists were clenched shut and his bottom lip was trembling. He bit his lip so it would stop. Narcissa turned around to see his trembling cousin. She smirked.

"Am I? I thought I would be doing you a favor by telling your Mummy and Daddy dearest. I thought I would take that weight off your shoulders. You should be thanking me." Narcissa boasted. Sirius wanted to hurt her. He wanted to hurt her bad.

"You. Had. NO right to…" Sirius stopped and tried to compose himself. Andromeda had finally made her way over to her cousin and sister.

"He's right Narcissa. You shouldn't have told Uncle Orion and Aunt Walburga. However, she can't change it, Sirius. Let's get you out of here before the rumor mill starts." She whispered to the boy as she ushered him out of the hall. Once the great hall doors shut, she hugged her cousin. Sirius wasn't used to this sort of affection, especially not from her. He realized how much she had changed over the years. Sirius had felt awful. The tears were more than threatening to spill, and a couple of them leaked and rolled down his face. Andromeda guided him over to a bench and sat down. "It's all right, Siri. Let it out." She encouraged.

Sirius could no longer hold back and finally let everything go. He wasn't normally the emotional type, but he couldn't stop it. He was so overwhelmed thinking about what would happen when he got home. He knew his parents would have been too furious to see him for a couple of weeks after he wrote to them. That is why he wanted to wait until right before Christmas, so he wouldn't be forced to go home. He knew what was waiting for him there. He couldn't help but cry thinking of what Narcissa had set him up for. Of course, he couldn't stop the eventual beating from happening. At least he would be able to put it off until school ended. Now he was left without that luxury.

Sirius was sobbing on his cousin's shoulder. He had never done this before. Should he try to stop? Should he let go of her and stop soiling her robes? He didn't want to. He had never felt safer before in his entire life. He doesn't ever remember being hugged before. His eyes felt droopy and he wanted to take a nap. Sirius's cries had lessened and Andromeda let the hiccupping boy out of her tight grasp. When Sirius looked back, he found James and Remus sitting next to him. His cheeks turned red.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I… I don't, I'm sorry." He hiccoughed again.

"Are you okay, Mate? I didn't realize the howler would upset you that much. I would have taken it and hid it if I had known." James explained. Sirius smiled softly.

"No, it wasn't the howler. I-I, I don't know," he turned and looked at Andy, "What happened. I'm sorry I ruined your robes, Andy. You didn't have to watch me cry, you know." He finished, he looked a lot less embarrassed than he felt. James clapped him on the back and Remus offered him some chocolate. Sirius smiled and took it.

Meanwhile, Andy shook her head. "Sirius, we all need to cry sometimes. Only you haven't been allowed to since you were born. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Anyone would cry from a Howler like that. it's going to be about the same type of Howler that I'll get when my parents find out I'm dating Ted Tonks from Hufflepuff. You'll get through it, Siri." She soothed.

"You're dating a Hufflepuff," James asked incredulously. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Forget him. I'm Remus, by the way." He greeted the girl.

"Andromeda. But call me Andy. And yes, I am dating a Hufflepuff. There is nothing wrong with Hufflepuff's just as there is nothing wrong with any other house. I need to get to class. Can I entrust you with the protection of my favorite cousin?" she asked James and Remus.

"I don't need protecting Andy. I'm fine." Sirius proclaimed.

"Says the boy who just bawled his eyes out. We'll protect him, don't you worry Andy." James assured. Andromeda smiled, gave one last squeeze to Sirius, and went on her way. James had tried to help Sirius get up and walk, but was promptly pushed away by an irritated boy. The rest of the day they decided to not go to any classes. Remus took a lot of convincing to ditch with James and Sirius, but gave in after they promised hm their chocolate frogs. They all learned something new. Remus and James leaned Sirius could be sensitive. Sirius and Remus learned that James probably had a crush on Lily Evans, and James and Sirius learned Remus could be persuaded to do almost anything with the promise of Chocolate.

A/N Thre we have it! Chapter 1! The next chapter will cover Christmas through the end of the year. Hopefully, it will be up next week. I am also writing a fanfiction with NoHinny called Fixed Points. Check it out if you would like to see Harry's time at Hogwarts- the way it should have been.