Happy Friday, readers! And for the last time... enjoy!


We go to bed that night enveloped in each other's arms after having connected in the most profound way yet (both emotionally and physically). I find myself dreaming about a future with Steve. I'm looking down at us. I can see the happiness practically radiating from the both of us in waves. I see we're walking on the shore of Themyscira, holding hands; the sound of children's laughter somewhere close by.

Wait. Children's laughter? There are no children in Themyscira. I was the first and only one.

I start to look around, trying to find the source of the most delightful sound I may have ever heard. I look everywhere near Steve and I, but I find no one. I'm surprised to feel utterly disappointed. Especially because the laughter I could hear somehow sounded familiar.

"Is that what you want?"

I jump, startled, by the voice I suddenly hear next to me.

"Father! You startled me," I say looking at him with eyes a little wide. "What is going on? Is this a dream?"

He smiles at me and looks down at the other me down at the beach with Steve.

"It was not my intention to startled you, my daughter. Forgive me," He puts his hand on his chest and bows his head slightly.

I nod, accepting his apology.

"Diana, everything you have done over the last 100 years has been commendable, and you have made me very proud. So I came here to bestow upon you a gift. I have seen Steve's heart. What you are seeing right now, it is not your dream. It is his,"

I turn to look at him and try to figure out why he's showing me all of this. I know Steve loves me. I know he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Of course we haven't talked about children yet, but eventually we'll have that conversation, I assume. Why is he here showing me his dream? And what kind of gift does he want to give me?

I ask, since I can't come up with the answers myself.

"Well, you have not answered my question yet, child. Is this what you want?"

I look down at the beach once again and I see Steve whispering something in my ear that makes me burst out into laughter. I push him lightly on the shoulder and he stumbles backwards a couple of steps. He opens his mouth in disbelief and shakes his head in mock disapproval before moving fast and picking me up. He starts running towards the water with me thrown over his shoulder. When he's waist deep into the ocean, he lifts me up and throws me in. I emerge a few seconds later to splash water at his face. I swim the short distance between us to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"Yes, Father. That's what I want. That and so much more," I answer with longing in my voice.

I see him nod from my periphery, my eyes glued to the scene below.

"You are a demigod, Diana. He is a human. He will eventually die, like the rest of them. Whether it be from old age or sickness, he will die,"

I turn to look at him now. "I know that. You don't have to remind me. But I'm choosing to focus on the present. I just got him back, I don't want to have to think of a time where he won't be with me anymore,"

I exhale exasperated.

Why is he doing this? Why would he stain such a beautiful moment?

"What if I told you, you do not have to ever worry about that time coming?" My confusion must be apparent on my face since he continues with his explanation. "Like I said, you have made me very proud and I believe you have earned a gift,"

He turns his body completely towards me and holds me by the shoulders.

"I will remove the biological clock of Steve Trevor, so that the passage of time has no effect on his body. He will remain very much human. He can get sick, he can be killed, but he will not age. Diana, I am giving you and Steve the gift of time. So that you may create the future you want for as long as you want it. You both have earned it,"

I stare at my Father, taking in what he just told me. Steve being back would've been enough. How many people can say that a loved one came back from the dead? I had considered myself the luckiest woman that day on the beach when Steve had come back. But this gift? I don't think I will ever be able to fully understand exactly what I did to deserve such kindness.

"Father, thank you. Thank you," And for the first time, I step forward and hug my Father.

He welcomes my hug. I feel his hand on the back of my head, cradling it.

"Your heart is the purest I have ever encountered, Diana. All you do is put everyone first and you second. I think it is time for you to come first," He pulls back, hands on my shoulders again. "You deserve happiness and he will give it to you,"

He leans forward and kisses my forehead.

My eyes snap open and I look around to see I'm in my apartment again. I turn my head to look at Steve and see a glow over his heart. It floats there for a moment, as if assessing. Then all of that energy comes together as a tiny ball of light that sinks itself in the middle of his chest.

For a moment I think that he felt absolutely nothing and that in the morning I would have to explain to him my Father's gift, but he sits up abruptly with a gasp and a hand flying to his chest.

"What the hell was that?!" he asks scared and confused.

I sit up and smile at him, putting my hand on top of his. "I don't think you will believe me when I tell you,"

At the obvious happiness on my face, he visibly relaxes. "After everything we've been through, I think I will,"

My smile widens and I tell him all about my dream.


AN:It has been an honour writing this story. I had a lot more fun than I thought I would. Thank you so much for the support and all the love! I don't know if I'll write a couple of one shots in the future. If inspiration hits, I guess you'll know. But if not, maybe write what you want to read, that's what I did! Much love to you guys!