Quidditch Challenge Pick-up lines.

Can we do Astronomy together? We'll get a good grade because you're already a star.

Can you already cast Stupefy non-verbally? Because you're a real stunner.

Nice Silencio. Of course, I knew you were a charmer.

Teammate's NOTP: BlueRubyBeat (Captain) - Ron/Hermione

Word count: 415.

Ron glanced over to Hermione as Professor Sinistra droned on about their O.W.L.s. She looked as pretty as ever, with her curly brown locks and shining amber eyes. How had he not noticed it from the start?

Suddenly the Astronomy teacher's words caught his attention. 'I expect you to work in pairs for the rest of term, so choose wisely.'

Hastily, he took "Twelve Fail Safe Ways to Charm Witches" out of his bag – enchanted to look like a simple text book – and flicked it to an ear-marked page, before rushing over to Hermione before Harry could bag her as a partner.

'Hey Hermione, want to pair up? I bet we'll get at least an E.'

'And why is that, exactly?' Hermione asked, a smile playing at her features.

'Because you're already a star.'

'Honestly Ronald,' Hermione groaned, rolling her eyes and turning to ask Harry to be her partner.

Hmm, Ron thought, frowning. That didn't go as expected.

At the D.A. meeting the following Friday, Ron arrived with his best clothes, hair perfectly styled the way he thought Hermione liked it. After spectacularly beating Dean in their mock-duel - pre-arranged in the boy's dorm, of course - Ron twirled his wand in his hand and watched Hermione flawlessly execute the Stunning Charm.

'You could have cast Stupefy non-verbally you know,' he said as suavely as possible.

'And why is that?' Hermione asked, arms crossed and resting her weight on one leg.

'Because you're a real stunner.'

He woke up on the ground two minutes later, Harry pulling him to his feet. Glancing over to Hermione, he could have sworn that she had smirked.

Ron nodded to himself, pleased. I'm getting through to her.

In Charms, Ron made sure to sit next to Hermione again, and this time waited until midway through the class, when he was sure she couldn't switch partners.

'Nice Silencio, Mione!' he praised when she rendered her Toucan speechless.

Hermione glanced over and blushed, looking away.

'Thanks,' she replied, sitting up a little straighter.

Yes! Ron thought. This time I'm getting somewhere.

He cleared his throat and messed up his hair, strategically leaning on one arm propped on the table.

'Of course, I always knew you were a Charmer,' he drawled.

He suddenly fell over, his arm no longer having a table to rest on. In its place was the silent Toucan. He looked up to see Hermione give a little self-satisfied grin.

'I'm not bad at Transfiguration, either.'