A man and two teenage boys waited in a small, dark, stone hallway that was only illuminated by the light of a candle. The man, with glossy black hair, had his narrow green eyes fixed on the closed door in front of him. The boy to his left, who had messier black hair and a large bandage plastered across the bridge of his nose, was beginning to doze off. A younger boy to the man's left, with dark brown hair but a similar face to the older boy's, was painting a mask.

"How much longer?" The older boy groaned. "That baby's gonna be a slowpoke, and we've got no room for slowpokes. Y'know, I don't think I've ever seen a baby take this long to be born…"

"Genkaku." The man said in a low voice, not taking his eyes off of the door. "Say one more word and I'll throw you to the water snakes. I think I forgot to feed them this morning."

Genkaku sat stunned for a moment before laughing. "Wow, touchy. Are you actually worried about Machi in there? Thought you had faith in her, Hugo."

"He's worried that Machi will kill him the moment he walks in there." The younger boy snickered.

Before Hugo could fulfill his promise and give the water snakes twice the meal to take care of, the door slowly opened. Another Viper woman stood in the doorway, holding a bundle of cloth in her arms.

"How's the tyke doing?" Hugo asked, standing up.

The woman moved aside a fold of the cloth to reveal the baby's flushed, sleeping face and thin, fuzzy blue hair. "It's a healthy boy. Might not want to go inside now, though. During delivery, Machi threatened to kill you in twenty-six different ways. I counted. Wait until she's rested and had time to clear her head." She held out the bundle to Hugo, who silently took it.

The younger boy stood on his tiptoes to look closer at the baby. "Wow, he's puny! He's gonna be a shorty like Machi!"

"I wouldn't talk, Utsurona." Genkaku said with a smirk. "I'm still waiting for you to hit that growth spurt you keep promising."

"Small or not, this might be the only baby you get from Machi, Hugo." The woman said, smiling. "As she was saying, 'I'm never letting that man near me again'."

Genkaku cackled. "Ho-ho, a fate worse than death! Better luck next time, Hugo. Maybe I'll just take that beauty for myself!"

Utsurona rolled his eyes. "That's gross, Genkaku. As if she'd be interested in a kid like you."

"You two." Hugo hissed.

Genkaku looked up. "What? You're gonna throw us to the water snakes now?"

"No." Genkaku gave a devious smirk. "I think I'll throw you to Machi instead."

"From what Aruko has told me, the Viper was originally an indigenous tribe of people living on that chain of islands. They were given the name 'Viper' by outsiders because they tamed all kinds of snakes to catch food for them. The Vipers were extremely violent and barred entry to any visitors. Nobody knows why they were so distrustful, but it's believed that long ago settlers came to their islands and kidnapped some members as slaves, making them wary of all newcomers. They stayed like that until just the past fifty years or so. That's when they began trading with the Mafia and various criminals who offered them stolen money and treasure. The Vipers soon learned to venture out from their islands and steal what they want. They even used their connection with the Phantom Troupe to wipe out their rival tribes..." Lily trailed off, looking down.

Pirro paled. "Rival tribes? Lily, you can't mean…"

Lily nodded, a pained expression on her face. "I'm so sorry, Pirro. The Viper feuded with the Kuruta clan, who lived on a peninsula nearby. I think they argued over the sea between them, where they fished. That's why the Viper gave vital information to the Troupe about the Kurutas."

Pirro was shaking now, his eyes a vibrant red. Not only had the Vipers taken Woble from him, but his father's brethren too, all those years ago?!

Lily put a calming hand on Pirro's back, pleading to continue. When Pirro stilled, she began again. "Aruko is the son of Hugo, the current King Cobra, or chief of the Vipers. His mother was a Phantom Troupe member with whom Hugo had a romantic affair. This made Aruko a Rattlesnake, a high ranking member of the tribe who could one day take Hugo's place. All young Vipers are trained by aging members of the tribe, and their lessons are merciless and brutal. Aruko was frequently beaten by his caretaker, mostly because of Aruko's gentle and timid disposition that made him dislike violence."

Kuondo's eyes blazed as he clenched his fists. Even he was surprised at how angry he was at this man he'd never met. Aruko was only a kid. Nobody deserves to be treated like that!

"But Aruko escaped." Lily continued. "He was able to run away at just six years old. He lived alone, wandering Zaban City alone for many months. That's how he ran into me." She reached up to wipe her eyes, getting choked up. "He's lived with my family ever since, but he hasn't forgotten the trauma he experienced. That's why I'm forfeiting with Aruko. He's… he's suffering."

Kuondo's eyes stung, and he could see Pirro's clouded with emotion.

"But you must never mention any of this to Aruko." Lily whispered, putting a finger to her lips. "It would break his heart."

"Osu!" The boys said in unison.

"Kurapika, please don't do this." Oito pleaded as Kurapika sat cleaning his weapons one by one.

"Queen Oito, you of all people should understand my fury. Woble was like…" his voice caught, but this time his anger overpowered his grief, "like my daughter. Utsurona cut her down in her prime. He took away her chance to get married, to perhaps have children of her own… He took her future. And he took away your only child, after you went to all those lengths to keep her safe during the Succession War all those years ago."

"I know that. But Kurapika, please…"

"I've taken your advice many times in these past twenty years, but Oito, I'm going to kill Utsurona and there's nothing you can do or say to stop me." Kurapika said in a low voice.

Oito sighed, defeated, and looked out the open window. "It makes me wonder about those children…"

Kurapika looked up. "My children?"

"Well, yes and no. I meant the prince and princess of Royal Begrose."

Kurapika stopped sharpening his knife for a moment. Begrose… wasn't Kuondo talking about that place recently? What did he say again?

"Utsurona just slew the king and queen of that country… they had two children who were never found after the murder." Oito continued. "Two children, a son and a daughter."

Kurapika arched an eyebrow. "Who were they? Were they killed as well?"

"The kingdom couldn't disclose their names or show their photos, lest Utsurona hunt them down. Oito thought for a moment. "But the daughter was about Pirro's age, and the son was a few years older."

Kurapika's eyes widened at the image that flashed in his mind. Kuondo's new friends… Riki and Reiji! They had no parents with them, and they were the same age as the prince and princess…! "Is Utsurona… looking for them?"

"Yes, he is. Rumor has it he's looking for them in Padokea as we speak."

Kurapika rose abruptly, his eyes shifting to scarlet. "Utsurona is in Padokea?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I didn't think you were going out on a quest for revenge!" Oito exclaimed. "Maybe I don't want my last living connection to Woble to die!"

"Oh no, it's a trap…" Kurapika whispered. "If Utsurona is looking for youth in Padokea, that puts my son and his friends in danger!" He picked up his weapons and put them all in the secret holders within his tabard before hurrying for the door. "Oito, call my wife. Tell her where I'm going. I have to save them!"


"And Oito," Kurapika stopped just short of the door and turned to her, "I am sorry for this. I promise I will not die."