Author's notes: I hope this lives up to the first part! This will have two more parts eventually! Hope you enjoy!


Bellamy took a hesitant step forward not believing his eyes. Was she really here? Had she really survived all these years? Alone?

He took a deep breath and ran a shaky hand through his hair. He had left her down here alone. He had given up hope that she was alive. He hadn't even tried to look for her. He could have found her months ago.

His heart dropped and he took in a deep breath trying to steady himself all while not being able to pull his gaze away from her.

Clarke stood frozen, the shotgun in her hands aimed at him, her body tense and defensive. He could see the thoughts racing through her head as she tried to put together what was happening.

Bellamy took another step forward and Clarke's arms began to shake.

One more step brought him within touching distance and her arms dropped, the gun falling to the ground with a thud. Her face was drawn with hope and bewilderment.

She looked older. More worn. But still beautiful.

Before he could think of his next move, Clarke rushed forward slamming into him, her arms wrapping tight around his neck.

Bellamy's arms raised quickly wrapping around her back. With a breath of relief he pulled her impossibly tight against him. He could feel her warm breath on his neck as she let out a shaky sigh.

"Are you real?" Her voice cracked.

He let out a shaky breath not believing that she was here, in his arms, "Yeah. Yeah Clarke, I'm real."

Clarke pulled back slightly her eyes racing over his features, before smiling and threading her fingers through his hair and pulling his face towards hers.

When their lips met, Bellamy saw stars; he quickly leaned into her and deepened the kiss. As their lips moved against each other's, all Bellamy could think of was finally.

Clarke pulled away with a gasp and Bellamy trailed kisses down her neck. Clarke moaned, running her hand along the nape of his neck.

She took a deep breath, "I thought you were dead. I radioed you every day for 6 years. But you never replied. You were supposed to be back last year. Why weren't you?"

Bellamy pulled back, his eyes dark, "I thought you were dead Clarke. I thought you were dead." His voice cracked. His hand brushed a stray hair behind her ear and his fingers danced across her cheek for a second longer than needed.

"I got your first message."

Her eyes lit up, "You did?"

He smiled down at her, "Yeah. We couldn't figure out how to get our end working. Your message-" He cleared his throat, "it got me through the past few years. And we did land last year. We couldn't find any survivors. We looked everywhere."

She smirked, "Clearly not everywhere."

Bellamy and Clarke sat talking for the next few hours. Bellamy kept a hold of her hand, needing to be reminded that she was actually there. Clarke's thumb brushed across the back of his hand in reassurance, not knowing if it was for herself or for him.

Bellamy told her about their time on the ark. How lonely it had been. How weird it was being back up in space. How all he could think about was everyone on the ground.

Clarke spoke of how sick she had been for weeks after Primfaiya. How she had thought she was going to die alone. How she had been alone for a year before finding another nightblood. How that little girl became her life and her child. How she had told her all about him and the others, raising her to be strong but happy unlike they had been.

Before they realized, it was pitch black outside.

"Is Madi going to be worried?"

Clarke shook her head. "I'm usually gone for a few days. She's used to it. What about Raven and everyone else?"

Bellamy looked out into the darkness, "They'll be worried but I'll get back tomorrow. Will you come with me?"

Clarke smiled, "Do you even have to ask?"

The hours passed and the world around them was silent, Bellamy and Clarke's conversation dwindled off and they were content just to sit there in silence with each other. Clarke began nodding off against him and Bellamy took off his jacket wrapping it around her.

She snuggled into it with a sigh and fell asleep against him. Bellamy quickly followed after.

The next morning came and Bellamy and Clarke were on the move. Clarke still had Bellamy's jacket wrapped around her shoulders. As the winds of the day grew cooler, Clarke shoved her hands into the pockets.

When her fingers hit something she grabbed it and pulled it out gently.

Her brows furrowed as she unraveled the folded up paper letting out a small gasp when she was met with one of her own drawings. A drawing of Bellamy.

"I don't remember drawing this." She said out loud.

Bellamy, who was a few steps ahead of her, flipped around in shock looking down at the paper he had shoved in his jacket all those years ago.

"I….um…." He coughed.

"Where did you get this?"

"Your mother's office on the ark."

"You've kept it all these years?"

Bellamy smiled, "Yeah I did."

Clarke dropped her gaze back to the drawing, her finger tracing across his face.

She looked back up with a smile and reached out hand through his hair and twirling her finger around one of his black curls, "You look different now. I'm going to have to redraw you."

Clarke and Bellamy arrived back at Bellamy's camp the mid day. They were met with startled shouts and cries of joy. After everybody was hugged out they sat down and Clarke caught them up.

Bellamy sat right next to her his arm resting around her back. He saw Raven and Monty's eyes dart to his arm, but they didn't say a word.

A few hours later, Clarke stood with a groan, "Well I need to be getting back."

"What?" Bellamy snapped.

Clarke's eyes widened briefly, "I need to go. Madi will be waiting."

He took a step forward grabbing her arm, "No. We just got you back. I just got you back. You're not leaving."

Clarke's eyes narrowed, "You're not in charge of me Bellamy. I don't need my hand held. I've been alone for 6 years. I've been raising a child for 5. I know what I'm doing."

"Then let one of us come with you. Let me come with you." He pleaded.

"Bellamy. Let me go." She gritted pulling her arm out of his grasp.

Raven tried to step in, reaching out to touch Bellamy's arm but he jerked away keeping his attention on Clarke.

"If you won't let one of us come then you're not leaving Clarke. I'm not letting you. And that's final."

"Why? Why can't I leave! Why wont you let me go?"


"Because why?!"

"Because I love you!"

Clarke stepped back with a light gasp and silence reigned.

"I love you. Please don't leave. I need you. I tried my best to do what you said. To lead with my head, but I could never do it. I only knew how to use my heart. But I couldn't even use my heart. Because you weren't there. You're my heart. I can't live without you. Please."

Clarke stepped forward, raising her arm and brushing her hand across his face, "Bellamy, you have me. Forever. I'm not going anywhere alright? I promise I'm not going anywhere. You know why?"

His head shook slightly.

"Because I love you too."