Chapter 7

Dohnaseek arced a brow at her words.

" That explains a lot." He took a second to observe her before continuing. "But if he really is the Red Dragon Emperor, why are you still alive?"

The female glared at him.

" His discovery of his sacred gear must be recent. He also is weaker than me, he only won because he miraculously managed to activate his balance breaker at the last moment and took me by surprise."

" Then why did you attack him?"

" He attacked me first." Dohnaseek just gave her a blank stare.

" I..may have taunted him but I didn't know yet at the time."

"And I figured that since he was still weak, I could have profited of the occasion."

Dohnaseek felt like punching her. He really did. Raynare was smart, at least, he though so. But sometimes, her greed and sadistic tendencies tended to make her do just plain stupid things. He exhaled loudly to calm his nerves.

" You though that you could have taken the boosted gear." Something in the way he said those words made the woman slightly tense." You know, if Azazel-sama was here, he would surely have killed you. Not only for disobedience but also for treason."

" Why treason?" He just gave her a dumb look. She took some time to finally see what related her actions to those of a traitor. Then she cursed.

" You finally get it? Not only you disobeyed his direct order but you also made a move against the Sekiryutei while being in a devil territory. Driving him further into our enemies' hands and giving him a bad impression about our faction."

* Line Break *

Issei recovered from Rias's later words. As much as he wanted to just accept her offer right away, there was something that made him reconsider his choice, maybe it was the gut feeling or Ddraig's lack of response, he didn't know. But during the recent days, he had experiences over women who used their bodies to lure men into their traps. Viser was the first who came to his head when he though about it. Then there was Yuma who was playing nice with him just for her own pleasure of seeing his desperate face as she broke his heart. The fact that Rias was ready to go as far as this just to get him into her peerage made him skeptical about her real intentions. During all her explanations, about the Evil Pieces something, territories and all, he took notice of the lack of her mentioning about her own motives and gains into having him becoming a devil. Plus, she herself admitted, while not directly, that if he became a member of her peerage, he would be subdued to her will. The more he though about it, the more he realized there was more to it than his benefices.

Issei took a deep breath and looked at Rias in the eyes with a smile. He hoped he appeared convincing enough as he asked her some time to think about her offer.

Rias herself was puzzled, he seemed completely willing to join her a second and the next, he was not. Didn't she give him more than enough reasons to accept her offer? She even went as far as to allow him to enjoy her chest should he accept. And there he was, asking for more time to think. The more she thought about it, the more she became frustrated, her frustration threatened to transform into anger but before it could escalate further, she felt Sona's hand rest onto her shoulder and give it a little squeeze, calming her slowly and bringing her back to the conversation. The redheaded devil released a heavy breath as she locked eyes with the human.

" Just know Hyoudou-san that my offer has a time limit. I would like to have an answer before next Sunday."

* Line Break *

Issei Hyoudou took a deep breath before he entered his house. He expected to see his mother's glaring face, he was not deceived.

" Good morning?" He greeted nervously. But upon meeting his eyes, her look slowly vanished and a frown marred her face.

" Honey, what happened to you?" His mother inquired as she made her way to his side.

The teen just smiled nervously at her, then made his way to the couch. He paused shortly when his eyes landed on Viser's lazy form who was watching a movie. He just sighed and was about to take place elsewhere when the devil redressed herself and let him some place to sit.

" Where the hell were you yesterday?" She said once he was seated. Her eyes not leaving the t.v. He just chuckled at her in answer.

" Lady, sorry for worrying you." He began teasingly. He was about to continue dramatically but stopped when she just gave him a dull look. 'Okay, she appears to be pissed'

" What happened to your eyes?"

Seeing that his parents had taken place, he decided that now was the right moment to share his late night's adventure with them. In the end, his father ran to the kitchen with manly tears in his eyes, followed closely by his mother.

" WHY! WHY!" At first, he was worried. But then his father continued.

" WHY IS MY SON STILL A VIRGIN!" His shout stopping Issei from standing up from the couch, a blush present on his face. Viser just shook her head, by now, she realized that his parents' extravagant reactions were not always just for show. Most of them had a reason behind them, but sometimes, they did it just to annoy their son.

" Why does he have to make it a common knowledge in the neighborhood?" He then noticed Viser's pensive look. "What's wrong Viser?"

She took some time to answer him. " You said that you were proposed to become a devil by Rias Gremory right?"

" Yeah. Don't worry, I told her nothing about you."

" I don't doubt it, but that's not what's bugging me?" She turned her head to him." If I am not mistaken and am not confusing her with someone else, then I think she is the little sister of Lucifer."

Issei's mouth hung agape.

" What?"

" Lucifer's sister, one of the current leaders of the underworld. Also considered as one of the strongest beings in existence." She waved her hand before his eyes. No reaction. She punched him.

" What was that for?"

" You zoned off. Anyway, you know what that means right?" The teen shook his head." Troubles are coming Issei. A shit ton of crap and even more if they know that you are the Sekiryutei. And me by proxy. Even worse if they find out about my situation."

She didn't really know what went inside her head when she voiced that her presence was going to get him more in trouble. Stupid slip up. She had to train even harder now. Joy.

" Then I'll just have to train. Plus, I unlocked this Balance Breaker thingy. It took only a second for me to fight a fallen angel while in that form."

She arced a brow. Maybe he didn't pay attention to her words." Don't get cocky, it will only make things worse."

There goes his attempt at lightening her mood. He just sighed. Plan B it is then." Viser" her eyes snapped up to meet his. "If you're worried about your safety, just remember that I promised you that I was going to help you when you get into trouble right? Then there's no reason for me to go back on my words. Even if I have to protect you from Lucifer himself." The way he said those words was convincing, really, she wondered when he began training his diplomatic skills. There was a little spark in his draconic eyes that just reminded Viser of the main character of the anime she just watched. Brightening her mood slightly. A smile came to her, a small one, but a smile nonetheless.

" Are you trying to copy Naruto?"

" Who's that?"

" Never mind, you don't watch those things. Your only obsession is hentai." For once, he though that Viser was teasing him, a grin made its way on his face. But before he could retort, his parents broke the mood.

" You see that honey? maybe there's still hope."

The two youngsters just sighed at their antics. Slowly, Issei stood up and went to his room, probably to put on a shirt and to change his clothes. Leaving the devil to ponder her thoughts.

Once inside his bedroom, the first thing Issei did was contemplating his new eyes before a mirror. He smirked, he looked bad-ass with those. All that was left was for a cool sword on his back and he would make the bad guys run just by setting their eyes on him. Thinking about bad guys, his thoughts wandered back to what Viser said.

' Lucifer's little sister.' he let out a dry chuckle,' never would have guessed so. Creepy. If I have accepted her offer, I'm sure that her brother would have had my head for abusing of her magnificent boobs, not counting Viser's situation.'

[ You know how powerful that guy is?] Judging from his Issei's silence, Ddraig guessed not. But how could he know? Until now, Issei never faced real enemies, just small fries. [Just think about it like this, if you were a small lizard, he would be a dragon. With your current power level, you wouldn't even be worth of his time.]

[ Issei, it's a pain to admit this but at this rate, you're just struggling to avoid the inevitable.]

" Then what do you want me to do? I'm already trying hard here."

[ Seek allies, train harder, not only you, but also those around you. And if it's still not enough, you have to just give up on school and focus more time on your training.] Issei paused a second.

" You're crazy? Then what about when I need to find a job?" Those were dumb questions. He knew it, Ddraig knew it. But Issei just needed to say something. He couldn't just give up on school like that.

[ Listen Issei, what use will school be for you if you're dead? I'm giving you an easy option here.]

" Then what about Rias' offer? I could accept and gain power and protection."

[ You saw it yourself, that woman is manipulative, you will just end up as her slave without even realizing it. Plus, what about Viser? If they found out about her then she will die. If you were to try to protect her, then you too, you would have to become a stray. Adding the devils to your list of enemies with Lucifer taking it personally.] Issei just lay on his bed. Listening to Ddraig. Trying to argue with the dragon was useless, he knew it. It didn't mean he had to like it.

" You said that it was last resort right?"

[...yes. There are other alternatives but that one is the easiest.]

Issei perked up hearing his words." So there are other options?"

[ Naturally.]

Issei waited for the dragon to continue. But it didn't, making his brow tic." If you were going to leave me hanging then you could have just said no."

[ Just contemplating something. Plus, you only asked if there were other options. Anyway, I can take your heart to make of you a Dragon.] He tried to sound nonchalant about it, hoping that his wielder would not get too excited about it. His hopes were crushed.

" YOU CAN DO THAT!?" Ddraig winced.

[ Yeah, but I'd rather not, not now.] Issei's heart was broken once again in less than 24 hours. The dragon may have it's reasons for doing what he did but he didn't have to be a dick about it.[ Focus on more training. Just wanted you to realize your situation and make sure Balance Breaker didn't go to your head.]

The boy just let out a grunt. He stayed there for a second, reorganizing his thoughts. Then he stood up and headed for the bathroom, he needed to cool his nerves and think of something else. Maybe he would watch a nice hentai later, it felt like an eternity since he last took the time to enjoy them.

* Line Break *

Viser didn't know how long it took him, but Issei was back sitting beside her watching the TV. By the pleasing smell on him, she guessed he just came out of the bathroom.

" Hey Viser." She just answered him with a little humm." Wanna hang out?" Her curiosity was picked.

" Why?"

" Why not?" And here she though he was getting better at convincing people.

" This movie is pretty lame. And you practically never get out of home, so.." It was true, the movie was not that good. But she wasn't really watching it. Her eyes were set on the screen but her thoughts were elsewhere. She looked at the clock, seeing that it was still 15 p.m, she decided that it would be good to go out and take a break.

" Sure."

* Line Break *

True to Issei's words, she rarely left the safety of their house but there was a reason she did so. She didn't want to attract unnecessary attention. She knew she was quite attractive, but it wasn't men's attention that she wanted to avoid. She could care less about that. It was those of the supernatural world that she feared.

And that's just what happened. They were having a good time, sure, they didn't really do unusual things like going to karaoke or something like that, but there was something in just walking and chatting with the pervert that made ease. She didn't mind him staring at her chest from time to time. He was trying to be discreet at it, which kind of made his attempts funny. All in all, it wasn't that bad.


Then, of course, they had to run into Issei's ex-girlfriend. Or could she be considered as such if she was only pretending? It mattered little, what counted was that she was a fallen angel.

His words were barely a whisper but they rang loudly to her ears.

" Issei." At least, this time, the fallen was not under disguise. She wore a dark red sweater and black from fitting jeans.

She appeared unsure, and so was Issei. Viser on her part, put on a blank facade and was on her guards, liking to think that the fallen was not stupid and wouldn't attack them in the middle of the road.

" What do you want?" His voice was cold, and Viser may have imagined it but the other girl seemed to flinch at his tone.

" I just came to talk. I'm sorry for what happened yest-" She couldn't continue, once her eyes met his, she froze in place. His green eyes, slightly shadowed by his hair made a really intimidating sight. Added to the strange aura surrounding him, it just inspired fear in her.

" You are sorry?

Tell me Yuma, if that is even your real name, how would you feel if someone played with your feelings just to stab you in the back the moment you decide to fully trust them!?" Raynare said nothing. She couldn't think of nothing to say to him. Not when she was busy trying to reign her fear. People were beginning to pay attention to them, but frankly, Issei couldn't care less. Viser on the other hand did.

" Hey Issei." She called for him, he almost forgot about her." Let's take this elsewhere."

He clenched his fists, he just wanted to leave. He didn't want to see the fallen angel, at least, not right now.

" I'm sorry Issei." Her voice was slightly shaking, and he could not help but feel a bit saddened seeing her like that. But he would be damned if he left her play with him again, she got him once, he wouldn't be fooled twice.

A.N:Have a lucky day.