Um, OK?

I figured that I may as well write some fanfiction, because I tend to read a deal of it.

Disclaimer: As I am not Rick Riordan or J.K. Rowling, I own nothing

Chapter 1: No

Rewritten, although it still isn't really any better. Sorry it took so long to psych myself up to do it.

The last thing I needed was another quest. I'd already helped the gods sort out their problems enough times to go around thank you very much. "No"

"Yes." Annabeth fixed me with one of her stares, the one that meant business.



"Gee, great answer, wise girl."

"Look, I'm not on board with it any more than you are, but Chiron did say he would appreciate it."


There was a pause, as Annabeth decided what to say. She knew I had already made up my mind: I was going. Even though I didn't know the kid, I felt as if it was my duty to protect him."Look, we need to do this for the boy. Besides, wouldn't you have liked it if you had somebody of your expertise helping you through your quests?"

"I did have help, and they all ended up dead."

Turning to face me, Annabeth put her hand on my cheek."Not all of them," she says, "after all, I'm still alive, am I not?"

"Just you isn't enough, Annie."

"Grover's not dead. The rest of the seven aren't dead, and neither is Nico, or Reyna." Changing the subject, Annabeth stood up and fixed me with a look, "Now get packed, seaweed brain, I'm making you go. Besides, I've heard that England has wonderful weather this time of year."

If there was one thing I knew about England it was that it rained. A lot.

"Yeah, right. You're supposed to be smart, Annie, even I know that England this time of year is just full of heinous rain."

"No it isn't"

"It's freaking september Annabeth; If it is raining in New York, chances are it is raining in England."

"'Yeah, yeah.' Goodbye"

"what? No. I'm not going"

"well, I am, whether or not you are is for you to decide, but, honestly, would you rather be there with me, or here by yourself?"

"Screw you, chase. Screw. You."