Chapter ten
Hi everybody! Okay, so this chapter has a huge time jump to Jo giving birth. I know that some of you might not want this, but I was truly stuck with where else I could take the story in between the point that it was at until we got to this point (does that even make sense?), so, I decided to skip to Jo giving birth.
I hope that you all enjoy the final chapter in 'in my own time'. I would like to thank everybody who left a review, followed, favourited or just read my story. It means the world to me.
Sending you all love and happiness,
Chapter ten plot- everybody rallies around Jo as she gives birth
Jo sits in the living room of her and Alex's home. She stares at the clock and taps her fingers on the arm rest. She had been waiting, waiting and waiting for her water to break or just something to vaugly indicate that child birth would begin soon.
"How are you feeling?" Addison asks as she walks out of the kitchen with a plate containing a sandwich. In her left hand she held a glass of orange juice. She places it on the coffee table and sits down next to Jo.
"Pregnant. Overly pregnant. I feel like I should be feeling glamorous... after all that's how the movies make it out to be. But it's crappy and it sucks and all the movies should be sued," Jo vents.
I want these babies out of me and I want them out now. It's not too much to ask is it? I think not. Alex gets to be at the hospital doing cool surgeries while I'm stuck here waiting for these babies to take their sweet time coming out.
Addison gives a little chuckle. "We'll go for a walk around the block when Alex gets home from the hospital. It'll hopefully stimulate labour to begin," Addison replies.
"I can't believe that I'm only at 36 weeks. I've still got one week until my due date," she whines.
"36 weeks is perfectly okay for you to deliver, which is why we're trying to bring on labour. The twins are fully developed and healthy," Addison reminds Jo. Jo nods her head with a smile, and in a fraction of a second her face turns from happiness to fear. "Jo, Jo, what is it?" Addison asks concerned.
"I... I don't know what it's supposed to feel like when your water breaks, but I'm pretty sure it might feel like what I just felt," Jo says with fear ridden in her eyes.
"Okay, this is good. This is a great thing Jo. We've got the birthing pool set up in here already, it just needs to be filled. I'll call Alex and Jake and a Meredith and Derek and tell them to..."
"Tell them to get there Arses over here right now!" Jo orders.
"Yes Ma'am," Addison says while nodding her head vigorously.
Breathe Jo breathe, this is it. This is what we've been waiting for. I'm having the babies. It excites and terrifies me.
Scene break
Alex rushes through the hallways of Grey Sloan Memorial. The news that Jo was in labour sent panic through his body. He did not want to miss the birth of the twins. And he rushes through the hallway he bumps into Meredith, who was on her way back from surgery. "Karev, why the rush? You nearly knocked me over," Meredith states.
"Jo's gone into labour. I need to get home right now," Alex says quickly.
"Okay, just breathe," Meredith instructs. Alex nods his head and takes deep breaths. "So home hey? Jo still set on a home water birth?" Meredith asks.
"Yes she is. Apparently thousands upon thousands of woman have done this before... some even in a barn, so there no reason for her not to be able to. I mean, I love the idea of a hospital birth and access to all of the drugs, but hey, I'm not the one giving birth," Alex blurts out.
Meredith gives a chuckle, "I'm going to get Derek then, I'll meet you over there."
24 hours later
Jo sits hunched over in the birthing pool. 24 hours of labour had not been good to her and the stress was beginning to show in more ways then one. She was grasping onto Alex's right hand as he crouched down next to her. Sitting down on the lounge was Meredith and Derek while Jake was taking Jo's BP
"Oh god! It hurts!" She yells at the top of my lungs, "you did this too me Alexander Karev and mark my words, me you're going to pay!" Jo screams in agony.
"I know, and I'm sorry," he says. "Jo, you've been in active labour for 24 hours. You're in immense pain... there is no shame in heading to the hospital for pain relief," Alex says gently.
24 hours. I did not sign up for 24 hours of pain, but I'm sure as hell not heading to the hospital this late in the game.
Jo glares at him with what rendered a death stare. "I am not going to the hospital. I have gotten this far here, So I'm sure as hell going to finish it here!" She snaps.
"Alex, we can safely continue to deliver here for the three hours. If nothing progresses then we will have to consider a C-Section," Addison says.
"I don't want a c section, I don't," Jo begs.
"And we're going to do everything we can to avoid that. You are progressing quite well now and I'm going to check your cervix. My hope is that you're dilated enough to begin pushing," Addison says. She begins to check Jo.
"Ouch, Jo honey, that hurts," Alex says as he looks down at his now white hand.
"Well you try pushing two humans out of a tiny hole known as a vagina and we'll see how much pain you'll be in then," She snaps. "You are a big boy, you can take it!"
"You're right, I'm sorry," he says.
"Oh and for god sakes stop apologising," She say while still experiencing the contraction.
"Okay," he replies simply. The contraction slowly starts to ease and Jo breaths in and out deeply.
"The contractions are 20 seconds apart you are at 10cm and 100% effaced. We can start pushing in a moment," Addison confirms.
"Oh good, more pain," Jo says sarcastically.
"Ow! Why can't men give birth!" She yells as as yet another contraction comes on
"Your daughter has a good point Derek, it's not fair. Woman have to go through the pain of childbirth, so why can't men give birth too?" Meredith asks while pointing the finger at Derek.
"Because it's painful for us to see our loved ones give birth," he replies.
"Oh please Derek! That's the worst excuse ever! Be a man and think of a real one!" Jo yells through the contraction.
"You've been told," Jake laughs.
"And Jake, do something useful instead of wasting time standing there!" She yells.
"Now you've been told," Derek laughs.
"Ah, both of you, stop!" She yells directly.
Scene break
Jo and Alex sit in the bedroom of their two story home. As they lean against the headboard of the bed they look down and smile at the precious new lives they held in their hands, all bundled in pink and white swaddles.
"We did it, I can't believe that we did it," Jo smiles in utter joy.
"You did it," Alex corrects her.
"You're right. I did do it. But you kinda helped too," She grins. She looks up at Alex and they kiss. "We fought so hard to make this happen and I'm so glad that we did. Because now we have this... this amazing family," She gushes.
I'm in love. I am in utter love. Not ever in a million years did I think I could love another human like this, but here I am loving two humans in a way I never dreamed possible.
"Seeing these two beautiful little girls makes it all worth it," he replies.
They hear a gentle knock on the door and after inviting them in the new family see Derek, Meredith, Addison and Jake enter the room.
"My my, you look like a beautiful family," Derek smiles.
"You do. Nobody would know how a hard you both fought to make this happen," Meredith adds.
"So, who is who?" Addison prompts.
"I'm holding Ellora Belle and Alex has Lilia Kate," Jo smiles.
The extended family continue to admire the two newest additions of the family, but most of all Alex and Jo couldn't believe that throughout the journey to create a family, that they had found one right under their noses.
Every family has a story to tell... welcome to ours