Hello, my viewers. This is a story of the villain Thrax, yet he is changed physically, mentally, emotionally for a part of his life, thanks to a incredible woman. This is two years before he entered into Frank DeTorre's body, so you might say Thrax will have a change of heart. Enjoy this story, everybody. -Traveler.

In the year of 1999, in the spring, inside the body of a ex-prisoner named Henry, Thrax aka the Red Death was having trouble with the Blue-cell cops. Who is Thrax? He's about the deadliest virus in recent times, trying to make a record. He has violet dreadlocks, framing his vivid yellow eyes, his red skin covered by his black overcoat, with his dark gray turtleneck sweater, and black pants, and the most special feature Thrax has is his index finger that's able to glow and burn anything on contact, livable or not. Driving his hot red car, he swerved dangerously and desperately as he wanted to survive like any other virus out in the world of humans. He thought furiously on what to do, where to hide until the coast is clear, but a call too close forced his hand as helicopters joined the chase, and he drove up top to the best area he could escape, which is the uvula in Henry's mouth.

"This cat was more secured than I had thought. No way I could get my reward here, better get out and find another body, one that's much weaker hopefully than this one.". Thrax mused thoughtfully as he drove to the closest car space in the lot next to the uvula, and got out, used the elevator to go up.

However, the uvula was blocked by the helicopters and a couple of guards. "Freeze and put your hands behind your head, virus, now!". called out a guard as he held out a plasma gun. Thrax scowled, "I have no time for this.". He warmed up his big claw, and tensed warily as he got ready to defend himself.

Then as by luck or fortune, Henry's mouth opened, the afternoon sun lighting up with the shine of glass. A helicopter cop yelled, "Holy Henry, he's about to drink!". Thrax grinned, and ran to jump as he tore the screen, opening up his coat's wings and escaping his chasers or so he thought. A bright light like it's from the shine of the glass appeared, being mirror blue, and Thrax disappeared as his eyes widened, yelling in distress and fear. When Henry had finished his drink, the cops thought the water had washed Thrax out, killing him or that he had gone down to the bladder. Little do they know was that Thrax is alive and has been transferred to the real world in the future.

-October, 2001, in Camp Verde, Arizona in the twilight hours before dawn-

A copper-skinned Western Apache woman of 20 summers old, was resting upon her bed, when a thud suddenly startled her into waking up. Her name is Jenna Lozen Cloud. She muttered in her native language, then English soon after. "This better be good. I'd rather not spoil my sleep and be ready to teach the kids in a long while.". She pushed back her long ash black hair and blinked her coal black eyes sleepily. In her tanned deerskin sleep dress, she opened her door, walking along the hallway in her stone yet wooden longhouse. She opened her French doors that led to her courtyard, and hearing the slight hoot of a owl, and the rustle of the wind, she was concerned immediately when she heard a unusual sound, which sounded like soft breathing, enough to be heard by Jenna's sensitive ears.

She widened her eyes as she saw a person laying unconscious, upon her precious flowers, squashing them yet Jenna didn't care as she was immediately concerned. The man is dark copper-skinned, the hair long and straight in a black waterfall, and wearing a set of clothes that's from the white people. Jenna determined from the man's sharp face, he must be half Indian and half Caucasian, looking like he's of 25 summers old. Jenna sighed lightly, and brought him in, earning a groan from the man as he was put into a pull-out bed of a couch. Jenna went back to bed, resting in fetal position upon a worn loveseat, wanting to be full rested once the man is up and ready to talk.