Maybe, Part 9
By Amai

Disclaimer- Daisuke, Ken, and Digimon are not copyright me, but copyright Toei Animation/Bandai (there probably are others, but I can't remember offhand). I wish they were, but sadly, not all wishes come true. The only thing that's copyright me is this fanfic, so no stealing, kiddies.

Author's Notes- Yes folks, this is the final chapter. It's rather sad really, but I don't know which sadder, the story itself or the fact that this is the last chapter. But, don't worry "Tales of A Fool" is yet another Kensuke as well, a bit more upbeat, but it also has its moments as well, I hope you'll like that as much as some of you liked the "Maybe" series. Anyways, this final chapter takes place 15 years after the rest of the past chapters. I sorta created my own thing here, and I could explain how Tanryoku exists, but I'm lazy and don't wanna. Let's just say that it's nothing too weird or nasty. Ah- I don't want to waste all your time, so read on!

February 13th, 11:35 PM 2015

Takeru Takaishi sighed. Valentine's Day was nearing. That meant that the 15th anniversary of Daisuke and Ken's disappearance was heading straight for them. It had been so long...since they had been so foolish as to let the young, but vibrant Motomiya Daisuke fall out of their hands. They had gone after him in the digital world, but he was nowhere to be seen, as well as Ken. Maybe it took him eleven years to finally accept it that...

...It was all their fault.

He couldn't help but cry when this time of year came. It was so hard to remember. But he couldn't help but to.

"Takeru, you've got to stop blaming happened, that's all you can say, but you can never change it.", Hikari rested her head on her love's shoulder. She couldn't help but feel that pang of anguish as well, but she knew they all had to give it up because it wasn't helping anything.

"Yeah, I guess you're right Hikari..but..I mean, you never know how much a person can mean to you until they're gone.", Hikari nodded in response and sighed,

"I know...but I really do wonder, if what Daisuke did prove something...a connection that we as people have to another person..he seemed so intent on finding Ken..maybe it really was true love.."

"We'll probably never know.", Takeru simply said.

"Aa, Takeru...I thought I'd lighten the mood a bit", Hikari said suddenly changing the subject and handing him a gift, smiling.

"What is it?", Takeru shook it a bit, looking at it curiously. Hikari's smile widened, and she prodded him,

"Why don't you open it to find out then?", Takeru smiled back at her and was about to open it when the doorbell rung.

"Who could be ringing at this time?", Hikari frowned as Takeru hopped off the couch they were lying on to answer the door.

"Hello...?", he looked down and saw a little boy, no less than five years of age, looking up at him with wide purple eyes of mixed emotions. Takeru's got a worried look on his face and bent down to the boy's height to talk,

"Hi there, you are you lost...?", the boy wordlessly shook his head and handed him a note. Surprised by this, Takeru hesitated at first, but took the note from the boys hands. When he opened it he gasped,

"H-hikari....I think you better come over here..."

A letter. A letter from Daisuke. Takeru's head was spinning. He had disappeared fifteen years ago! How....

Hikari was just as surprised as he when she saw it. Looking over his shoulder she quietly said,

"Takeru, read it out loud....", Hesitating again, Takeru began to read. Maybe this would explain some things...

"Dear Hikari and Takeru,

It's Daisuke. I'm sure you're all wondering what happened to me. No one understood then, but I trust that now you are all older and more mature (heh...ironic isn't it? I should talk) you would understand my reason.

I was in love. Not the same thing as when I was chasing Hikari, not at all. I finally realized that during the period when I left you all that I was. With Ken. I was also angry, extremely angry at the way you all had treated me when I was still with you.."
, Takeru trailed off, guilt cutting in to him like a rusty knife. Hikari shook her head and said,

"Just continue, Takeru...", he silently nodded and read,

"..I couldn't stay any longer. I really couldn't...I was growing insane and I needed someone true to share my insanity with me. I could see it in Ken, I could actually -feel- it. So, I left initially for that cause. I couldn't talk myself into ever coming back, once the bond between Ken and I grew...I'm sure you know the feeling of a bond, Takeru, Hikari. You two share one as well.", Hikari pushed back her tears a bit as he read that and whispered,

"I guess I was half correct about you, Daisuke..."

Takeru continued, "But as all things end, so has my time in the sunlight. It has been a year since Ken died and our cycle is starting to dissolve...I lived to build him up as he did to build me up. But now he's gone, I don't have a purpose, and I'm going to disappear as well, so to speak. So, I have one last request of you two, please...I know you may hold a deep hate for me now, but please consider this. This child, is my son. I can't tell you how or why I have him right now for lack of time, but I want you two to keep him after I'm gone, which will be soon.

Maybe I'm hoping too much, but Ken's last words to me struck with this idea. You see...he was always the one to build up my rage against you, but don't be angry at him for that, he had a reason- protecting me. I know you know what I'm talking about. But...I can remember as clear as day what he said to me, 'Maybe...maybe, Daisuke, it's time for them to be forgiven....'

I have never forgotten those words. Ever. And, Hikari, Takeru, Iori and Miyako...

I do forgive you. Maybe we all need to forgive ourselves...I don't know, but yes, I do forgive you. And don't ever forget that.

I've got to stop here, my time is running out. The boy's name is Tanryoku, and hence his name, he's as much as a leader as his father was (or wished to be) but holds the same shadowed gentleness his other father held as well.

Please take him in, and tell him that both of his parents cared for him more than themselves...and more than any of their family members ever did as well. Tell him to be strong.

And please tell him, and the others that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving...but, as before and now, I had to.

And with this, I'm going to where Ken is. See you all later, Hikari, Takeru, Tanryoku. Good bye.

Signed, Motomiya-Ichijouji Daisuke"

"Daisuke...I promise I'll take care of him like I never did for you..I promise..", Takeru whispered to himself when he finished.

"He...he really did care...just, we pushed him away..", Hikari sobbed. Takeru nodded, but refused to cry. Instead, he looked down at the close-to-tears Tanryoku, still staring at him almost blankly.

"Tanryoku...are you strong?", the boy gave out a straight reply, despite the tears in his eyes,

"I want to be. Daddy told me about you....will you teach me to be strong?"

"Only if you teach me to be as well."

And with that, one new member was added to the Takaishi family. They didn't know what to think of it all, nor did they care. But they would fulfill their promise to Daisuke, and Tanryoku would grow strong.

And each year, around this time, two souls in hell would look upon their third one, and smile, for even if they were in hell, they had each other to heal their long broken wings. And...

And...they knew Tanryoku had them as well.


Well, that about wraps "Maybe" up! But...seeing this, I still have left room to semi-continue it, explaining somethings that weren't...what do you think? As always, R/R!