A/N Here you go. So my day has sucked when to the beach walked barefoot for like 30 feet and now have blisters on my feet. But here you go. I don't own HP.

Hermione woke up the next morning with Tom's arm draped over her. She took a deep breath and turn over to face Tom. The shifting in the bed caused Tom to wake up. He opened his ees to see Hermione facing him.

"Good morning." Tom said kissing her

"Good morning." Hermione said with a smile

"I could get use to this." He said pulling her closer

"Use to what?" She asked confused

"Waking up to you." Tom said kissing her again

"Me too" she said burring her face into his chest

Hermione and Tom eventually got out of bed and after summing her cloths they got ready for the day.

"Just pretend nothing happened yesterday if anyone says anything you did not see McCarthy yesterday." Tom said

"Okay." Hermione said taking his hand and they made their way to breakfast

When they entered the Great Hall it was already buzzing. They made their way to their table next to Malfoy.

"What is going on? It is way too early for people to be this talkative." Hermione said pouring herself and Tom coffee

"A Gryffindor was found outside the common room this morning apparently they had been attacked. People are saying he was attacked by an animal." Malfoy said

"An animal in the castle?" Hermione said

"Well according to the Gryffindor that found him, she said he kept muttering about woods. She told me that they are assuming he managed to get back to the common room they found blood in the hallways." Nott said

"Dear Merlin." Hermione said

"What where you doing with a Gryffindor?" Malfoy asked Nott changing the topic

"There is nothing wrong with her just her personality; and that doesn't really play a factor when we spend time together." Nott said with a shrug causing the boys to laugh and Hermione to roll her eyes

As breakfast was wrapping up Dumbledore and Slughorn walked up to Hermione

"Miss. Dumbledore, Mr. McCarthy was found injured this morning his friends informed up that he had intended to find you yesterday and when he left to find you that was the last time anyone saw him till they found him this morning. Did you happen to speak to Mr. McCarthy yesterday?" Dumbledore asked Hermione his eyes shooting to Tom

"He was attacked. He was the person they found this morning." She said looking towards the boys

"I am afraid so sweet heart." Slughorn said

"He never found me. I spent some time in the library yesterday but most of it back in the dorms." Hermione said

"Okay we are just trying to figure out what happened. We now know that he never made it to the library, that is most likely where he was headed." Slughorn said

"If you need anything else or help figuring out what happened to McCarthy we will be willing to help anyway we can." Tom said putting in arm around Hermione who looked upset

Hermione looked at Dumbledore and saw the disappointment in his eyes. She knew that he might not be able to prove it but he knew she and Tom where responsible for what happened to McCarthy.
