Screaming at the ones we love

Like we forgot who we can trust

Screaming at the top of our lungs

On the grounds where we feel safe

Do we feel safe? Do we feel safe?

-Nothing More "Go to War"

Chapter 11

Dovepaw held a bundle of herbs in her mouth. She crouched carefully towards Tigerheart, the tom was breathing heavily. Just near him the badger was being attacked by Rosepetal and Foxleap. The warriors were doing their best to trick it into falling into the large roots.

"StarClan, that badger is the largest one I've ever seen." He breathed as she lay down to rub the herbs into his leg. He winced in pain. "How did those ThunderClan cats plan all this? We were so unprepared."

"I don't think they planned the badger attack." She accidently rubbed in the creamy ointment a little harder, her eyes never left the two warriors. "Foxleap and Rosepetal are trapping it in Gnarly's roots right now. They're risking their lives."

Tigerheart snorted. "But who knows how many deaths they've caused, Snowbird is buried in the debris and Russetfur…" He trailed off as his gaze fell onto Littlecloud, the medicine cat was doing his best to save the deputy's life.

"I-I know." Dovepaw stammered. "The worst part is that they did this to try and rescue me. They thought I was being held hostage. What will happen to them?"

"If that badger doesn't kill them, then Blackstar will." Tigerheart said darkly, his eyes wondered to the two warriors fighting the badger. "Snowbird's his sister and Russetfur is his deputy. He'll be enraged."

Dovepaw took a step back. "I'm finished with your injuries, wait here." For a moment Dovepaw forgot about the fight she and Tigerheart had. He looked so miserable, she was tempted to just ignore the way he had lashed out before and comfort him. He's a Dark Forest warrior, both he and my sister are dangerous. I can't believe it.

The tabby said nothing to protest as she padded closer to see Foxleap and Rosepetal. Foxleap's pelt was tattered but he only raised his chin higher.

"Come in here you stupid brute!" Rosepetal baited the badger into chasing her under the roots. Clumsily the badger followed, unware of the trap set out for it. Rosepetal popped out the other end of the opening the roots made but the badger could not follow. It spat and clawed as hard as it could manage but soon it was clear that the badger was stuck.

"Yes!" She heard Tigerheart hiss behind her. A little further she heard Littlecloud let out a sigh of relief. She guessed it would be easier to concentrate on helping the fallen deputy now that the badger was contained.

Foxleap let out a tired gasp and collapsed beside Rosepetal. The cream furred she-cat crouched to check on her clan mate.

Before Dovepaw could pad over to congratulate them she heard a low moan.


She rushed over the where the white cat had collapsed. The she-cat was standing but just barely, her beautiful coat was covered in mud and she was bleeding from her head.

"Snowbird!" Dovepaw pressed into her dirty fur in relief "You're alive."

"Badger! It came from the ground! I came from the ground!" She gasped and bent her head down to spit out clumps of dirt from her jaws.

"We know, we caught it." Dovepaw rubbed her back trying to soothe the ragged coughs coming from the she-cat's coat. "Everything is fine."

"I would disagree."

Both she-cats turned to see Blackstar standing just above the dip a bit away from where the ground had fallen. Flanking him stood her mentor, Rowanclaw, Tawnypelt, Owlclaw, Dawnpelt and Hazeltail. He continued as he stepped down. "My camp is attacked on the night of the gathering and my warriors are led straight into the jaws of a badger."

"I told you we didn't know about the badger." Hazeltail protested but held her head low behind the group of warriors. Her ear was bleeding, clearly the ShadowClan warriors had clawed first then asked questions later. "We thought…" she trailed off.

The leader pressed forward to his sister and she pressed her dirty muzzle against his head. "I'm all right. What about the others?" Snowbird turned to Dovepaw.

The apprentice felt a lump in her throat. "Foxleap and Rosepetal trapped the badger but…"

"But?" Blackstar echoed impatiently. "Out with it."

"Tigerheart was attacked and so was Russetfur." As she spoke Tawnypelt and Dawnpelt gasped. Rowanclaw's hackles were raised.

"Is he dead?" Rowanclaw whispered.

She shook her head. "His legs are just injured, and he has a few wounds but he's alive."

"And Russetfur?" Blackstar pressed. "What of her injuries?"

Dovepaw looked down. "She's—

Owlclaw's wail split the air. "Russetfur's dead!"

The light brown tom leapt a little further down, his eyes were glazed in horror as he took in the surrounding area. On one side was Littlecloud and Russetfur, the pool of blood was noticeable as was the lack of movement from the clan deputy. On the other side was Tigerheart, breathing heavily he lay quietly with his paws under his head. Next was Foxleap laying beside Rosepetal, the warriors were tired and exhausted. The trapped badger noticing the number of cats staring at it began howling and scratching in an attempt to escape the thick roots.

Blackstar's eyes widened. "What happened?"

"Tigerheart!" Dawnpelt called to her brother. Dovepaw could feel the terror in her voice. The cream furred she-cat raced to her brother, her parents followed.

The way Blackstar turned his gaze back onto her made Dovepaw's blood run cold. His golden eyes were full of disbelief. He looked her up and down "You're covered in blood…what happened?" He repeated.

She knew he knew the answer. His voice sounded empty, but he repeated the question over and over as he stared at his broken warriors. His sister pressed into his side.

Dovepaw was silent, she crouched low to the ground. Blackstar's voice shook her to the core and filled her with fear.

Owlclaw growled at her. "Look what your joining has caused! You're the reason Russetfur is dead! You've killed her."

"Be quiet!" Snowbird hissed weakly at him. "You won't help with your accusations."

Dovepaw flattened her ears but said nothing. He's right.

"Russetfur! Russetfur!" Blackstar was calling. The leader had walked over to the red body. Dovepaw watched as he shook her body with his heavy black paws. He sunk his head to touch his forehead to hers. "Please…."

But she was breathing before! I heard her breathing! My powers are working again! I can't be wrong about this.

Feeling a spark of bravery, she approached Blackstar ignoring Owlclaw's hissing and Snowbird's hoarse calls to her.

Rowanclaw blocked her path. "Not now." His eyes were heavy with grief.

"I heard her breathing." She insisted.

"Dovepaw." He warned.

"They killed her!"

The snarling accusation made both Dovepaw and Rowanclaw flinch. Tawnypelt held Tigerheart closer. Blackstar stood, his white coat was stained with the blood of his deputy and his eyes flared in rage. Dovepaw saw Ivypaw, still isolating herself to the corner. Her sister wasn't reacting at all.

"Blackstar, it was the badger." Snowbird meowed from behind Dovepaw, the she-cat limped to her brother trying to placate his anger. Littlecloud nodded in agreement.

"The badger…" Blackstar blinked and then he chuckled. Why is he laughing? It frightened Dovepaw and she felt Rowanclaw nudge her towards his family.

"Don't say anything right now." He hissed.

She obeyed and sat beside Tawnypelt. The queen had her eyes on her son, but her ears alerted to hear Blackstar.

Foxleap rose forward and with his head low crouched onto the ground in front of the fuming leader. "I'm so sorry Blackstar, please I was leader of this patrol, don't blame ThunderClan. We were led to believe something that wasn't true."

Blackstar sniffed. "I don't blame ThunderClan," He said dryly. "You're all young stupid warriors who think they know everything. I have plenty of experience with those types of cats. I'm sure Firestar would love to hear about what you've done."

"I'm sorry." Foxleap repeated.

"I should kill you where you stand. Blood for blood." Blackstar's voice was cold and Dovepaw felt nervous as she saw ivory coloured claws unsheathe from ebony paws. Blackstar was twice the size of Foxleap, the ginger tom wouldn't be able to fend him off if Blackstar decided to kill him.

But warriors don't kill Dovepaw thought to herself. She looked to where her sister was sitting. Her eyes betrayed nothing. Don't you care? I bet a moon's worth of crowfood that you caused this. Say something! Don't let Foxleap take the fall for all of this.

Instead of Ivypaw stepping forward Rosepetal and Hazeltail both approached Blackstar with their heads low.

"Forgive us." Rosepetal meowed sullenly.

"If this were seasons ago," Blackstar hissed. "I'd have killed all of you myself." His muscles rippled beneath his pelt and Dovepaw was afraid that he was actually going to hurt her former clanmates.

"No!" Dovepaw put a paw step forward.

Tawnypelt's tail covered her muzzle. "Be quiet! Otherwise this might get out of control!"

It's already out of control! Dovepaw wanted to yowl. Blackstar's going to kill them!

"They fought the badger!" Tigerheart meowed from beside his mother. "They trapped it under the roots of the gnarled pine."

Blackstar's eyes narrowed. "So, after leading my warriors to their deaths you rescue them?"

"We didn't know there was a badger." Foxleap meowed weakly. "Our plan was to grab Dovepaw and leave."

"And now we're here, three of my warriors injured by your stupidity and even more back at camp."

"I know." Foxleap replied sounding defeated. "Punish me not my patrol how you see fit."

Blackstar raised a forepaw with his claws extended. Foxleap closed his eyes

"Blackstar!" Littlecloud growled. The medicine cat eyes flashed angrily. "Stop this!"

Dovepaw ripped Tawnypelt's tail away from her muzzle, the she-cat was too frozen to notice her escape. Owlclaw watched Blackstar eagerly. Dovepaw was disgusted to see him smiling. Before she could yowl for the ShadowClan leader to stop Blackstar brought his claws down on the grass beside Foxleap's head. The ground made a crunching noise as it received the impact.

Instead of crushing Foxleap's head with his claws Blackstar stared at where his claws had touched the ground. He then released his claws from the ground and lumbered over to where the badger was trapped underneath. The giant animal was still struggling and snarling and as soon as it spotted Blackstar it spat at him.

Dovepaw watched the leader stare at it for a moment. What's he going to do?

Fast as lighting the black footed tom scored his claws deeply across the badger's thick furred exposed throat. The creature stopped for a moment as if in shock before spluttering blood across the black fore paw.

Dovepaw watched, feeling horrified as badger's head slumped forward, almost too far…oh StarClan Blackstar had almost taken its head off.

The leader turned to face the cats watching him. His face returned to one of harshness.

"These cats are our prisoners now, I want them taken to camp and interrogated. Take the injured back as well before their wounds catch up them." He ordered quietly.

"StarClan." Dovepaw gasped, she collapsed onto the ground. The weight of what just happened hit her. Her heart was pounding, she looked to where blood was beginning to pool at Blackstar's feet and she soon remembered a story the elders had once told her.

She was only a few moons old then, still a young kit who had barely left the nursery.

"Ivykit!" She called out to her sister.

The silver and white kit started at her impatiently. "Come on Dovekit, otherwise Mousefur and Longtail won't tell us the story we want to hear and let Purdy babble on about nonsense."

"I like Purdy's stories." Dovekit meowed. "You do too."

"But this is about TigerClan!" Ivykit bounced up and down excitedly. "Something before The Great Journey, we've never heard this one before."

Dovekit sniffed. She didn't care about hearing a story about TigerClan. She much rather listen to the slick long bodied creatures playing in the giant water. Sleek and thick furred cats were yowling at the creatures. She found it hilarious. She giggled to herself. One of the white she-cats was getting splashed by them.

"I want to listen to the otters." Dovekit meowed, perking her ears so that she could hear more. "A cat called Icewing just fell into the giant water."

Ivykit flashed her a look. "See you're so bored you're making up stories in your head. This TigerClan story is much cooler."

Dovekit was taken back. Couldn't Ivykit hear the otters and thick furred cats trying to chase each other off. "But this grey cat named Mistyfur is saying that they're a big deal…can't you hear them?"

Ivykit sighed and nudged her sister. "Forget about that and come with me."

"I don't wanna." Dovekit planted her feet firmly into the ground.

Their mother, Whitewing yawned and wrapped her tail around her kittens. "What are you two chattering on about?"

"Dovekit doesn't want to hear a story with me." Ivykit whined, she blinked her big green eyes at her mother. "Please make her come."

"But I don't want to." Dovekit stomped her foot.

Whitewing chuckled and nudged them both near the entrance. "Dovekit, Ivykit did what you wanted to do yesterday, how about you do what she wants today."

Dovekit furrowed her brow but broke once her sister started blinking her eyes at her.

"Pleeeeeaase." Ivykit begged.

Dovekit sighed. "Fine, but afterwards, I wanna talk about the otters."

"Sure." Ivykit purred and pressed against her sister. "Thanks, Dovekit, you're the best!"

Dovekit purred and leapt towards the entrance. Laughing her sister followed her bouncing like the otters she saw with the thick furred cats. Together they made it to the elder's den where Longtail was grooming himself.

"Longtail!" Dovekit called to the blind tom.

The elder raised his head. "Dovekit, Ivykit you've made it!" He purred.

"Where's Mousefur?" Ivykit asked.

Longtail chuckled. "Well someone had to distract Purdy."

"Poor Mousefur." Ivykit laughed she then pressed her forelegs onto Longtail's chest. "Story!"

Dovekit settled in front of Longtail with her tail curled around her body. "Is it scary?"

"Don't be a scaredy cat Dovekit. I'll protect you." Ivykit meowed to her sister.

Longtail's blind eyes shone warmly. "That's good Ivykit, you two are littermates, that means you need to protect each other."

"We will!" They both chimed at the same time.

Longtail purred. "Now for that story."

"About TigerClan!" Ivykit reminded him.

"Yes, about TigerClan." Longtail meowed. "Tigerstar became leader of ShadowClan after Nightstar, StarClan knows why ShadowClan thought it was a good idea to accept him."

"Maybe they're dummies." Dovekit suggested. Only a dummy would let Tigerstar be their leader.

"Shush Dovekit!" Ivykit hissed.

"He then made RiverClan join him and the two clans became one under the name TigerClan. Tigerstar's goal was to take over the forest but WindClan and ThunderClan refused to join him." Longtail continued.

"Hooray!" Dovekit cheered. "See they're—


Longtail flicked Dovekit's nose. "Let me finish little one, Tigerstar thought certain cats shouldn't exist, so he tried to get rid of them."

"Which cats?" Ivykit meowed.

Dovekit bit her tongue. Why do you get to talk?

"Cats of mixed blood, he even got his deputy to murder one of them." Longtail meowed. "Brave Stonefur was slain by Blackfoot."

Dovekit gasped. "That's terrible!"

"Don't be surprised."

Mousefur stepped into the den shaking water from her coat. "Purdy's talking with Firestar." She meowed. "Should give us a couple days."

"What do you mean don't be surprised?" Ivykit asked curiously.

Mousefur lay in her nest. "Well Blackfoot was Brokenstar's deputy and I hear rumours that the reasons his paws are so dark are because they're stained with blood. No water can wash it out."

The kits shivered looking terrified. Longtail scowled. "Don't tell them things like that Mousefur, you'll scare them."

"ShadowClan had a lot of killers." Mousefur continued. "Blackfoot's their leader now and so far, he hasn't gone back to his old ways but if you ask me I think he's unstable."

"Mousefur." Longtail warned.

"He's killed two cats that we know of."


"And then he lost faith in his ancestors and destroyed the code in ShadowClan"

"Mousefur!" Longtail growled. "Kittens!"

Mousefur blinked and stared down at the shaking bundles of fur. "Ah, sorry little ones sometimes I can get carried away."

"He's scary!" Dovekit squeaked from beside her sister. "I don't ever want to meet ShadowClan or Blackfoot!"

"Go!" Blackstar repeated.

"Dovepaw let's go." Rowanclaw called to her.

She kept her gaze on the ShadowClan leader, he had moved from the badger to Russetfur and no cat stopped him. Even Owlclaw looked terrified as he led Snowbird away. Tawnypelt began to nudge Tigerheart up as Dawnpelt supported her brother.

"Come on." The mother whispered to her son. "That's it." They were soon gone from sight. The ThunderClan warriors had followed them silently.

Dovepaw felt conflicted, she had joined a clan whose leader was a murderer and whose faith in StarClan had wavered. She suddenly felt fear grip at her heart. Part of her wanted to follow her mentor back to the camp and do her best to avoid the cat who had nearly decapitated a badger in anger but the other part of her felt sorrow and sympathy for the leader who was holding his deputy as if she would disappear if he let go.

She barged past her mentor and made it to Blackstar's side. He was hunched over Russetfur's body and his chest shook. His white pelt was turning red from holding her so close. "There's still a chance…"

"It's almost leafbare Blackstar, I can't work unless I know there's a breath." Littlecloud gently told the white cat.

"Listen harder then!" Blackstar snapped.

Dovepaw flinched but with a cough alerted them of her presence. Blackstar watched her silently and as she lowered her head to Russetfur's muzzle his lips begin to curl.

"Dovepaw what are you doing?" Rowanclaw hissed. "You were given orders. Don't forget that you still have a trial tonight."

In…. Out…please, please be breathing…

Dovepaw gulped. Please

In…out…in yes!

"I can hear her breath!" She exclaimed.

Blackstar's eyes widened. "Really?" His tone became hopeful.

"Blackstar, I can't…" Littlecloud paused and his blue eyes met Dovepaw's. He stared at her until Dovepaw wanted to turn away. And I thought Jayfeather was scary when he stared. "Perhaps I can try a little more."

"Dovepaw heard her breathe, she's fine, she's fine." The leader repeated and held his deputy tighter.

"Blackstar should I take Dovepaw home?" Rowanclaw asked cautiously.

The leader shook his head. "No, I need her here. You may return to camp Rowanclaw. The clan will need leadership right now."

Dovepaw watched feeling awkward as her mentor left her with the clan's Trinity. She stayed silent as Blackstar cleaned away the blood from Russetfur's pelt and as Littlecloud did his best to close off any remaining wounds.

"Are you hurt at all Dovepaw?" Littlecloud asked her.

She blinked. She had forgotten about her own injuries, if anything she only had a few cuts and bruises. She was one of the lucky cats.

"Just a few, they don't even need herbs." She assured.

Littlecloud sniffed at her pelt. "You're healing at a fast rate." He observed. "I suppose you're right, you might have a few bruises tomorrow morning though."

"That's fine." She meowed and looked at Russetfur. "Will she be okay?"

"I've treated her wounds so if you're right and she is breathing then she should survive the night." Littlecloud told her. "Blackstar, you can carry her home."

Blackstar nodded and gently rolled the russet furred warrior onto his shoulders. "We're good to go?"

"Yes." The medicine cat sighed tiredly. "It's been a crazy night, let's get this apprentice home to sleep."

"I'm okay!" Dovepaw protested. "I think I'm getting use to staying up late, plus I have my trial still."

Blackstar stopped to stare at her. "You're truly serious about this aren't you? Becoming a fully-fledged ShadowClan warrior?"

Dovepaw nodded confidently.

Littlecloud chuckled. "Did you think she spent half a moon here for no reason at all Blackstar? She's joined patrols and defended her clan."

Blackstar frowned as they walked forward. "She hasn't tasted frog yet."

Dovepaw scrunched her face up. "Is that one of my trials?"

Littlecloud laughed. "Blackstar hates frogs, a lot of cats do, it takes a certain palate to enjoy one of them. I myself quite enjoy them."

Blackstar sniffed but said nothing as he padded forward with Russetfur on his back.

Dovepaw yawned. No don't be tired, there's a lot I need to do. I need to do my trial, check on Ivypaw and the others. And yet her eye lids threatened to fall.

Dovepaw was soon enough back in the camp but instead of facing a hoard of cats chatting she found that the warriors had been calmed and were instead quietly licking their wounds.

As soon as the warriors spotted Blackstar carrying Russetfur's body they began to gather like ants to honey. After bringing her body to the medicine cat's den the leader returned, his fur was still ruffled, and his coat still stained with blood. Dovepaw thought it would be hard to erase the memory of him killing the badger. With the blood on his coat it was easy to imagine him as the killer in the stories she heard as a kit.

"I wish to speak with my warriors soon." Blackstar said. "Dovepaw go and rest."

"But my trial—

"We'll speak about that later." He promised.

"I'm awake." She meowed stubbornly.

"If you're so awake, then come help me in my den." Littlecloud ordered. "Flametail and I need an extra paw to help the injured cats."

Happy to do something Dovepaw followed Littlecloud to his den, it was more spacious than Jayfeather's den and Dovepaw was happy to say she felt comfortable here.

"Flametail, Dovepaw is here to help." Littlecloud called to his apprentice, the ginger tom was rushing from cat to cat with a bundle of sticks in his jaws.

"stsgud." Flametail said through his bundle. "shikenelpu."

"What?" Dovepaw cocked her head.

"ukenelpim." With that Flametail pushed through the long ferns that covered the den. "seeulater."

"He says you can help me here while he attends to your former clan mates." Littlecloud translated. "Some of them got a major beating and not just from our warriors, the badger really battered Foxleap."

"Pinepaw got a wound in her side, Oakfur has some cuts in his chests, Shrewfoot's foot is sprained and of course I'll need to keep an eye on Russetfur's condition through out the night." The short tabby listed.

"That's a lot of wounded." Dovepaw was in slight awe. "Treating them could take the whole night."

Littlecloud smiled. "Oh, it will."

"You're not going to sleep at all then!" Dovepaw exclaimed.

"I have cats who need me to keep them alive at the moment, sleep can wait until they're better." He let out a hoarse cough. "StarClan! Looks like I need some catmint myself."

"Do we have enough herbs?" Dovepaw asked.

Littlecloud sighed. "It's practically leafbare, we never have enough herbs. All our catmint is dead." Another cough came from his throat. "But we'll be fine. Come on I'll show you how to make poultice out of marigold."

Helping Littlecloud had made Dovepaw feel useful, all the cats in the den were too injured to ask her any questions which was a relief but every time her eyes travelled to Russetfur's limp body she felt guilty. Littlecloud says she'll survive the night

"You saved her life." Littlecloud meowed as he applied the poultice she had made to Oakfur's chest. "Don't feel guilty for the actions of your friends."

Oakfur winced. "StarClan this feels worse than the actual injury."

"That means it's working." Littlecloud replied matter-o-factly

Oakfur rolled his eyes and looked at Dovepaw. "If you saved Russetfur's life you should feel like a hero."

"But it was my fault those warriors came, they came because they wanted me." Dovepaw meowed.

"That's not the worse thing." Oakfur offered. "The way I see it, they made a stupid mistake not you—Littlecloud!"

"You're squealing more than Pinepaw Oakfur." Littlecloud teased.

"I'm missing guard duty."

"You've always hated guard duty."

"That's because I'm always on guard duty." Oakfur sighed and threw his head back. "Crowfrost is going to let any cat with a pretty face walk right past him."

"Rowanclaw's on guard duty." Littlecloud meowed as he finished. "There! Last patient of the night for me! Now all I have to do is make sure Russetfur doesn't stop breathing during the night."

"Have fun." Oakfur muttered bitterly. "Rowanclaw's gonna get distracted too, as soon as Tawnypelt swings by just watch."

Dovepaw tried to laugh but all that came out was a yawn.

"Better get some rest." Littlecloud meowed to her. "You've helped a great deal tonight, thank you Dovepaw."

Dovepaw finally agreed and made her way to the apprentice's den, before she entered she paused. Maybe Rowanclaw needed some company on guard duty? She spun around and bounded over to the thorny tunnel

"Rowanclaw." She called. "Do you need some company?"

"Come in Dovepaw." Came the sigh.

She entered the tunnel, using her senses she located the red striped tom sitting against the wall of the tunnel.

"How are you?" He meowed. "I saw Russetfur's body, it must have been terrifying to watch it happen."

"It was scary," Dovepaw admitted. "She saved my life."

"And you saved hers." Rowanclaw chuckled. "She's gonna be upset about that when she wakes up. She's always hated being in debt."

"She's not in debt to me." Dovepaw told him.

He flashed her smile. "ShadowClan honour says debt is very important. Blackstar's in your debt too."

"I didn't save his life."

"But you saved his clan."

Dovepaw fell silent. "What are you talking about?"

Rowanclaw purred. "I've had three kits, I know when young cats are lying to me. And you still have those tells deer mouse, really gives it away."

Dovepaw's face burned at being referred to as a deer mouse but she relented. "I'm not…okay I am! But I can't tell you why!"

Rowanclaw raised a brow. "Remember what I told you Dovepaw, I won't press for secrets."


He nodded. "I don't know what you did but it saved the clan. What if the badger had broken into camp? You saved lives as far as I'm concerned."

"What about my trial? It was supposed to be tonight." Dovepaw felt misery sink her feet into the dirt. "Instead of proving myself to the clan I caused it to be attacked."

"I must be a terrible mentor if you think you've done something wrong." Rowanclaw used his tail to pet her head. She sneezed and was surprisingly overwhelmed at the flowery scent that came from his tail. "You've passed your first trial by the way."

She pulled away. "What? But I didn't hunt or fight or, or…how did I pass?"

Rowanclaw snorted. "First of all, you fought a badger,"

"So that was the test?"

"StarClan no! That would be barbaric. Your test was one of loyalty. Guess who oversaw your trial?" Rowanclaw purred.


"Guess again?"




"He didn't want to."


Rowanclaw chuckled. "It was Blackstar." He revealed.

You've reached the end!

So it's been a while…. I've actually had this chapter stashed away for months. My problem was that I was loosing interest with warriors again but I think that I owe it to myself to finish this story.

Dove passed her trial! It was a test of loyalty. Blackstar did have something planned for her but attack on the camp changed his plans.

The badger's dead! Blackstar killed it but by killing in such a gruesome way he's reminded his clanmates and Dovepaw of his murderous past. He practically forgot where he was and snapped! And all it took was the loss of his deputy.

Note; Owlclaw admires Blackstar when he's like this and he's not the only young warrior that does.

I think it's important to note that Blackstar's sins have not be forgiven. His past haunts him. It's why Mistystar and him are so curt and why the older warriors don't trust him. He knows this and its affected his mental health. Now Dovepaw's afraid of him.

I think Clan leaders have a tendency to struggle and loose faith in themselves and their ancestors. It happened to Bluestar, it happened to Leopardstar and I believe that when the sun was eclipsed it happened to Blackstar. He relapsed and followed a cat who seemed to know the answers to everything, he stopped taking care of himself (his white pelt was dirty and ruffled), he lost his spirit (his eyes were dull after the four clans battled) and let a complete stranger take over his clan.

What's going to happen to the ThunderClan prisoners? Will Russetfur make it through the night?

HEADCANNON: Nine lives make Clan Leaders age a bit slower, the more lives they have the slower they age. By the time they have only one life left their age begins to show.

Also Rowanclaw smells likes flowers just cause.

Tawnypelt likes it.

Double Bless
