I thought I was done with the Warrior series then I had an idea and even though I had no motivation to write anything else for this series I couldn't leave it alone, so I finally caved and wrote this. This an alternate universe where Dovepaw decides to join ShadowClan in order to be with Tigerheart and protect at least one other clan with her powers.

Chapter One

Maybe she should join ShadowClan? The idea flashed wildly in her mind, making Dovepaw's heart pound. She had been thinking over this for the past moon ever since she came back from the last gathering. After speaking with Tigerheart she had felt a certain tug in her chest one that pulled her to the ShadowClan warriors that night. She had laughed with one of the younger warriors, a black she-cat with speckled golden fur all over her body. I never caught her name. All in all, she spent more time with the ShadowClan cats than her own clan mates and she couldn't understand why. The following nights she had repeated dreams of piercing jade eyes peering at her from the shadows. Perhaps it was a sign that she needed to join the shadowed warriors?

Don't be stupid, you're one of the three. She thought to herself. There was no way she could leave Jayfeather and Lionblaze, the other members of the three to face the Dark Forest warriors alone.

But what if… they weren't really alone? I could still be a part of the three in another clan.

A thought flashed through Dovepaw's mind. Jayfeather and Lionblaze believed that only ThunderClan could survive the coming threat because only ThunderClan had the three, but what if she joined ShadowClan? Another clan would have a member of the three and could potentially be saved.

The tip of her tail twitched. There was no reason they couldn't save both ThunderClan and ShadowClan. Plus, if she really could save ShadowClan by joining them Jayfeather and Lionblaze would see that she was more than a naïve little apprentice.

A heavy breath she'd been holding escaped her lips and she sat down to ponder the bonus. I would see Tigerheart all the time. They would no longer have to meet in secret and steal fleeting moments in the cover of darkness. She thought of the broad-shouldered tom's bright amber eyes and of his warm scent. Pinewood. He smelled like pinewood and if she liked his scent surely, she could get use to the rest of ShadowClan's scent.

She could learn to hunt in the shadows. And eat frogs Dovepaw? Her excitement dipped a little at the thought of the slimy disgusting creatures. But Tigerheart does it, probably all the time! It can't be that bad.

Dovepaw felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realized joining ShadowClan would mean leaving ThunderClan. This was the place where she was born and raised. In a few more moons she would be made into a warrior. Joining ShadowClan would also mean leaving her kin behind. Could she really do it? Leave Whitewing and Birchfall? There was no doubt her parents wouldn't understand and feel abandoned. She was sure her mother would eventually get use to it but her father? Birchfall would loose his mind just at the idea. He had the idea that his daughters were perfect little angels who would have perfect happy lives in ThunderClan.


There was no doubt he was one of her closet friends, he was there when she needed a shoulder to cry on and she supported him whenever he had a spat with his mother, Millie. Even though the gray striped tom liked to put on a brave front, he truly felt like his mother only cared about his sister Briarlight. Ever since his little sister had been injured Bumblestripe had become a clingy but Dovepaw forgave him for it. She was happy to distract him from the betrayal of his mother with her friendship. He would break if I left him...but he still has Blossomfall and Rosepetal.



Oh no

She didn't know how her sister would react, but she knew it would be extreme. But then again, I guess I don't really know anything about Ivypaw anymore. She trains with the worst type of cats every night and I never suspected a thing. Dovepaw felt sick, her own sister was training in the Dark Forest. What if Dovepaw left ThunderClan and Ivypaw stayed in the Dark Forest forever? Pain gripped at her heart. She remembered yowling at her sister when she found out. She had called her an idiot and felt instant regret but never apologized.

But she was talking about Tigerheart. She said he was training in the Dark Forest. She said he spent all night with her. Not you.

She felt a strong wave of jealousy wash over her but took a deep breath and shook her head. That didn't matter anymore. Ivypaw was her only sister and she loved her. Tigerheart wasn't going to break up their closeness.

Oh, but leaving ThunderClan just might.

She let out a groan of despair.


She turned to see Lionblaze, his fore-paw was raised in alarm and he was staring at her as if she had two heads. "Are you, all right?" he asked carefully.

She silently fumed at his question, Lionblaze and Jayfeather had suggested leaving Ivypaw, her sister for StarClan's sake in the Dark Forest among dangerous warriors as a spy. She was still frustrated with her mentor. You can't pretend like you didn't ask me to sacrifice my sister. She tried to imagine what Lionblaze would say if he found out that she was considering joining ShadowClan.

"Ivypaw and I had a fight a while back." She confessed. "She didn't believe me when I tried to tell her the truth."

Lionblaze's eyes flashed in alarm. "The truth?"

"About the Dark Forest." Dovepaw meowed, she almost rolled her eyes. Don't worry I'll keep the prophecy a secret. Even if it's from my own sister. She thought sadly.

The fur that had begun to rise on her mentor's neck flattened. "Oh." He glanced down as if hoping to find the right words on the grassy ground beneath them.

"Dovepaw," He started. "I promised we wouldn't let any harm come to Ivypaw and I meant it. I'm sure she truly thinks she's being loyal to ThunderClan."

"I know."

"But as a warrior I also promised to do whatever it takes to make sure ThunderClan survives. I think Ivypaw being in the Dark Forest helps with that." He explained as if speaking to a kit.

Dovepaw felt her fur bristle. "Ivypaw's being used by the Dark Forest, I don't want us to use her too!"

Lionblaze sighed. "Dovepaw—"

With frustration biting at her paws, she dove past her mentor running for the hollow. She hated this, she hated lying to her clanmates, hated lying to her sister.

She silently promised that once she saw Ivypaw she would apologize and tell her that she was wrong. Then they would make up like they always do and be friends again.


She ignored Lionblaze calling for her. She would face whatever punishment for disrespecting her mentor later, right now she had to find Ivypaw.

She ungraciously stumbled down the stone hollow bumping into Bumblestripe. The tom let out a meow of surprise and fell back with Dovepaw on top of him.

Dovepaw's face burned as she looked into the dark blue eyes of Bumblestripe. He smells kind of nice…ah get off! Quickly backing off the tom she cursed herself for being so clumsy.

"Hello Dovepaw." He purred. "What's the rush?"

"I'm looking for my Ivypaw. Have you seen her?" Dovepaw tried to make her tone sound urgent. As she spoke her sister's mentor, Cinderheart stood beside Bumblestripe.

Cinderheart was one of the most generous and kind cats in ThunderClan and she always tried to be a good mentor to both Ivypaw and Dovepaw. Dovepaw couldn't remember how many times she had gone to the warrior with problems she could never speak about with Lionblaze.

"You just missed her." Cinderheart's whiskers twitched in concern. "She just went in to see Firestar. Is she, all right?"

Dovepaw didn't want Cinderheart to worry, but she didn't know what to say to calm the warrior's concern. Why had Ivypaw gone to see Firestar? Maybe she really had reached her sister after all and Ivypaw was confessing to their leader about her nightly training.

Ivypaw would never do that She thought to herself. Stubbornness was a trait she and Ivypaw shared, Whitewing had said they got it from their father's side.

"I don't know. I was just looking for her." She decided to say.

Cinderheart tilted her head and looked at her long and hard. Dovepaw felt small underneath the wiser warrior's blue gaze. "Ah, well I suppose we'll both find out what happened once she comes out. I was going to ask her to check on the Elders and Queens."

"I could do it." Both Bumblestripe and Dovepaw offered at the same time. The two looked at each other and Bumblestripe offered her a soft smile. Dovepaw felt her stomach flutter just for a moment.

Bumblestripe had known her since she was a kit. He was nice and sweet, a loyal ThunderClan warrior and a good friend.

Cinderheart chuckled but then her eyes fell back towards Dovepaw. "Alright, where's Lionblaze? I'll let him know you're busy."

Dovepaw shuffled her feet innocently. She didn't want to tell Cinderheart that she had yelled at Lionblaze and then abandoned him in the forest. She searched for an answer to give the warrior.

"He wanted to do some extra hunting." She told the gray cat. "Alone." She added. Please don't look for him.

Cinderheart sighed and shook her head. "Why do toms always try to hide when something's bothering them?"

Bumblestripe's opened his mouth to argue. "Not all toms hide their feelings I—"

"Make sure to check Purdy's fur for fleas." Cinderheart ordered. "I'm going to drag Lionblaze's sorry behind back into camp." With that she darted up towards the stone entrance.

I ran away from him, he's probably upset with me. Dovepaw felt bad. Lying wasn't her strong suit and it always filled her with a terrible guilt. I should've spoken with Cinderheart.

A light cuff brought her out of her thoughts.

"You shouldn't have offered to check the Elders and Queens if you didn't want to." Bumblestripe meowed. "You can go take a nap if you'd like. I'm sure hunting all morning was tiring."

Honestly Dovepaw hadn't done much hunting. Every time she crouched near the ShadowClan border, her thoughts had drifted off to the idea of joining the clan. Dovepaw shook her head. "I won't break my word."

"All right! Off to the Elders then" He lead the way to the entrance of where the oldest cats slept.

The two of them entered the den to meet Mousefur curled up deep in the den corner. The newly repaired walls supported her still and skinny frame. Purdy lay beside her stroking her back with his tail.

Dovepaw felt her chest tighten, the pain of loosing Longtail was still sharp in the air. Bumblestripe gently nosed Mousefur up. "Cinderheart wanted us to check on you two."

Dovepaw hung around his flank not knowing what to say to the grieving she-cat. She watched as Mousefur turned her head away in silence.

Purdy smiled weakly, yellowed, and broken teeth showing. "She's just tired is all. Tried to tell er one my stories, betcha that shoulda put er right to sleep." He glanced at Dovepaw. "ah ur sister came stomping into camp a few moments ago, right into Firestar's den."

"Back in my day apprentices didn't just do whatever they liked." Mousefur finally murmured. "They had respect."

Bumblestripe's eye lit up at the elder words. "I'm sure she has good reason."

"Her reason doesn't matter." Came Mousefur's sharp reply. " She's been getting bolder and bolder everyday, even had the audacity to tell me and Longtail once that we—" Her ears flattened, and she lowered her head onto her paws.

"Tell us about Longtail!" Purdy urged. "Tell us about the time he took on that ShadowClan patrol single pawed!"

Dovepaw blinked and curled her tail around her paws. Bumblestripe had begun to nose Mousefur's fur for ticks.

"Well," Mousefur murmured. "That was a long time ago before any of these younger ones were running around and before Firestar ever came to the clans."

Dovepaw's eyes brightened, worries about her sister and Lionblaze disappeared from her mind. She loved a good story especially one that took place before Firestar was leader of ThunderClan.

"What happened?" Bumblestripe asked the elder. His twitching tail betrayed his excitement.

Mousefur raised her head. There was a small smile on her lips. "ShadowClan was stealing prey from us. The rotten maggot pelts thought they could get away with it too."

Dovepaw felt awkward, that was Tigerheart's clan. The idea of leaving ThunderClan to join the shadowed warriors still lay in the back of her mind

"But Longtail was a clever tom," Mousefur praised. "He tricked those prey stealers into chasing him into a waiting patrol of ThunderClan warriors. I was there." She sat up on her haunches and reached out with her claws as if imagining the battle.

Bumblestripe had stopped checking Mousefur to listen to the story. "And you won?"

Mousefur grinned smugly. "We gave ShadowClan a beating they'd never forget, Longtail almost ripped Blackfoot's ear in two, and I gave this warrior Fernshade a good pummeling."

"Blackfoot? You mean Blackstar?" Dovepaw questioned.

"The mousebrain tried to take Longtail and Lionheart at the same time." She purred. "Longtail gave him something to think about."

Dovepaw reminded herself to look for the tear in the ShadowClan leader's ear at the next gathering. Or when you join ShadowClan.

Dovepaw shook her head, while she was leaning towards joining ShadowClan she still had to think about the negatives. What if ShadowClan rejected her? What if ThunderClan came to drag her back to camp? What would her clanmates think? What would Lionblaze and Jayfeather think? Her panic grew and her tail quivered.

She searched Purdy's ragged fur for ticks to escape her thoughts. She listened as he went on about catching badgers in his younger days.

"They're stupid animals," He went on. "It's all about trapping them. Once they're trapped they can't do much. In fact, I once trapped a badger under a—

When they were done Bumblestripe nudged Dovepaw's shoulders. "You were shaking for a bit." He whispered so the elders couldn't hear. "Maybe you should rest a bit. Ivypaw might even be out now. I'll handle the Queens."

Dovepaw didn't argue, she had after all come to camp to apologize to her sister. She nodded gratefully and darted towards the apprentice's den careful not draw attention from any of the warriors.

Lionblaze or Cinderheart might've come back and realize that Dovepaw had lied. Guilt pricked at paws again as she approached the entrance, she knew she shouldn't have lied to Cinderheart or yelled at Lionblaze. I should be picking moss for moons. Hopefully, Ivypaw would forgive her.

She spotted her sister's silver and white fur and stepped closer. Ivypaw was drawing her tongue over her forepaw. She seemed pleased and her tailed flickered across the den floor excitedly, but she stopped once Dovepaw's scent reached her nose.

The two sisters stared at each other for a moment and then Ivypaw turned her head away.

"I don't want you to nag me anymore." Ivypaw muttered bitterly. "You're not Whitewing or Cinderheart."

Dovepaw flinched at the open hostility. She rooted her paws to the ground. "I came to apologize."

This seemed to surprise Ivypaw and she turned to look at Dovepaw. "you want to apologize?"

Dovepaw nodded bashfully. "You're my sister, I shouldn't have said what I said. I was just afraid that you were going to get hurt."

Ivypaw's fur bristled. "You shouldn't have to worry about me at all! I'm not a dim-witted mouse Dovepaw, I know what I'm doing!"

Dovepaw felt a cold shiver run down her spine. "But they've killed cats Ivypaw!" She brought her voice to a whisper. "What if something happens to you? What would I do then?"

Ivypaw went quiet looked at her paws and mumbled. "The same thing everybody else does, forget about me."

Dovepaw took a paw step back. "What?" Who could forget brave and stubborn Ivypaw? Her sister was amazingly clever and resourceful. Even a blind cat could see that!

Ivypaw's eyes flashed. "Who has time to remember me when my sister's so great at everything she does!"

Ivypaw blamed her? That couldn't be? What had she done?

Ivypaw continued. "You have special conversations with senior warriors and Firestar all the time. Everyone listens to you and thinks you're a StarClan warrior come to save us all!"

But I am supposed to save you. Dovepaw bit her tongue. Her powers were ruining her life and Ivypaw's. Maybe she should go to ShadowClan, this way Ivypaw could get the attention instead of her.

"I'm sorry."

"Ha!" Ivypaw laughed. "It doesn't matter anymore. Nothing you do can fix it and I don't need you to fix it either. Unless you suddenly disappeared there's nothing you can do." She growled.

Dovepaw looked at her sister with a newfound determination. " I could leave."

A mixture of emotions flittered through her face. "Yeah right." She muttered under her breath. "Like anyone would let you leave. They'd miss you too much."

"I can tell you why I get special attention and I can make the clan give you the attention you deserve." Dovepaw promised. Her breath slightly quickened, was she really going to do this?

"I don't really want you to disappear." Ivypaw mumbled.

Dovepaw took a deep breath and pushed her face closer to her sister. Staring eye to eye with her she whispered. "I-I have the power to hear, smell and see things that are extremely far away. That's why I'm such a good hunter. Firestar knows and that's why he's always talking to me."

Ivypaw snorted. She flicked Dovepaw's nose with her tail and began to make her way towards the exit of the den. "You must really think I'm an idiot. Like I'm suppose to believe you really have powers that allow you to…to be better than everybody else!"

"Wait!" She called to her sister. "I'm not lying Ivypaw! I can prove it to you, just let me show you!"

Ivypaw stopped and turned to her sister. "How?"

Dovepaw turned around. "I'll show you, but we can't let anyone else see, especially Lionblaze and Cinderheart or any other warrior for that matter, they don't know either."

Of course Lionblaze knew but she wasn't going to bring him into this, not yet at least.

Curiosity glimmered in Ivypaw's dark green eyes. "This better not be a trick."

Dovepaw felt her paws begin to tremble. She could finally let her sister in on her secret and then maybe just maybe Ivypaw would understand.

The two apprentices managed to sneak past the warriors in the hollow. Dovepaw felt a little alarmed as she noticed that Firestar seemed to be gathering the senior warriors. She wondered if Ivypaw knew why.

She led her sister into the forest near the fallen log that they use to jump over for fun when they had just become apprentices. Things were simpler back then. I didn't know about my powers. I thought I was normal and I wasn't hurting Ivypaw.

Ivypaw sat down and curled her tail over her paws. "Well, let's have a look."

Dovepaw frowned. "Believe me." Her sister snorted. She's so bitter now because of you. "I need you to go to a place where I can't see or hear you, do something and then come back."

Ivypaw groaned. "Dovepaw you don't need to embarrass yourself. Let's just go back, I'm sorry too let's just—"


"Fine!" Ivypaw growled leaping over the log and heading north. "This better not be a waste of time!" She called over her back.

"It won't be." Dovepaw promised.

She sighed and concentrated. She saw her sister trip over a twig and curse. Ivypaw was muttering darkly under her breath and pushing fallen yellow leaves around. She piled rocks onto each other and used a long stick to draw a circle around them.

Moments later Ivypaw reappeared beside her again. "Alright." She huffed, out of breath "Now what?"

"When you were gone, I could see everything, smell everything and hear everything that you were doing." Dovepaw meowed.

Ivypaw was silent and she continued. "I saw you trip over the twig—

"I didn't trip!" Ivypaw hissed. She sounded embarrassed, but her tail twitched curiously

"And then you pilled some oak leaves around and put a pile of stones on top. Then you drew around it with a stick."

Ivypaw ears shot up and she stared at Dovepaw in shock. "That's…right. There's no possible way you could've seen me…unless…unless—you're really." Her voice trailed off in disbelief.

"Yeah." Dovepaw meowed back breathlessly.

"This…this is probably how you knew about the brown animals isn't it? StarClan, no wonder you're such a good hunter! We have to test this!" Ivypaw voice held unbridled excitement.

"What— Before Dovepaw could protest her sister was already pulling her by the scruff to a new spot.

"Do it again." Ivypaw bounced up and down. "Come on Dovepaw, please."

"Well, I can hear Crowfeather grumbling at one of the apprentices in WindClan. They missed a rabbit, so he's upset. In RiverClan one of the apprentices pushed Hollowpaw into the lake and he's trying to catch them—

"You can hear the other clans from here? You must be able to hear everything! This explains so much." Ivypaw gasped. "Lionblaze knows and that's why he treats you like a StarClan warrior."

Dovepaw nodded hesitantly. Letting Ivypaw know that Lionblaze knew about her own powers technically wasn't wrong. "That's why he's always asking me to do stuff, not because I'm the better apprentice."

"But you are!" Ivypaw burst out, looking distraught. "No matter how much I train and train and train I'll never be able to catch up to you."

Dovepaw touched her muzzle to her sister's cheek. "Ivypaw don't worry, I've made a decision that will help." Her heart pounded as she spoke. "I'm going to leave ThunderClan."

Ivypaw pulled away shock radiating off her pelt. "What? You can't!"

Dovepaw looked determined. "I want to go. Trust me sis I wouldn't go if I didn't think it through."

A couple nights are enough to think it over right?

"Go where!?" Ivypaw almost wailed, her voice cracked. "You're my sister, I know we fight but…" She fell at a loss for words.

"I'm going to join ShadowClan." Dovepaw told her. "It's near by so I can still see you and—

Ivypaw's pelt bristled. "ShadowClan? You're leaving your clanmates behind for Tigerheart?"

Dovepaw's tail brushed Ivypaw's shoulder. "N-no not that." It's still a big part. "Joining ShadowClan will allow me protect more than just ThunderClan. It's not fair that only ThunderClan can use my abilities." Ivypaw may know I have powers now but she can't know about the prophecy. Then I might reveal Jayfeather and Lionblaze.

Ivypaw hissed and pointedly turned away. "Your loyalty should be to ThunderClan, to me! I can't believe you're trying to do this especially now." She added.

Dovepaw tail twitched. "What do you mean?"

Ivypaw growled. "I had a dream, ThunderClan is going to be destroyed by ShadowClan unless we attack them first. They want to push into our territory!"

No! That can't be true. Tigerheart would have told me. Dovepaw backed away. "I don't believe that."

"Well Firestar does, and he's planning an attack with the senior warriors right now." Ivypaw meowed. "You'll have to choose ShadowClan or ThunderClan. Tigerheart or me!"

Her body felt cold, anxiety gripped at her mind. If ShadowClan was planning an attack she should be able to find out. Taking a deep breath, she concentrated and let her senses drift back into the hollow.

The senior warriors were all gathered. Sandstorm, Cloudtail, Graystripe, Squirrelflight, they were all there. She watched as Dustpelt stood up. "Well we gave them the clearing. We should take it back!

"It was ours to begin with," Cloudtail agreed.

"And with leaf-bare coming," Graystripe chipped in. "the extra hunting would be useful."

Firestar looked to be in deep thought. "I don't like going back on my word."

Thornclaw stood up. "ShadowClan cares little for honour, a warrior's word means nothing to them!"

"And if Ivypaw's right then we risk our lives by delaying." Firestar meowed.

Dovepaw then stretched out to the ShadowClan camp. Surely, they couldn't be planning to attack ThunderClan. Ivypaw had to be wrong.

The ShadowClan camp was quiet except for the occasional chatter from apprentices, the almost nocturnal warriors seemed to just be waking up. Tigerheart was at the entrance of the warrior's den. He was sharing tongues with his brother Flametail

"This will blow up in your face." His brother was muttering.

Tigerheart laughed and nudged his brother's shoulder. "I know what I'm doing Flametail, it's working out just fine the way things are."

Dovepaw almost lingered on their conversation but moved on.

She reached the leader's den. If a battle was coming Blackstar should be up and planning but the white tom was sleeping, his body still and only his whiskers twitching showing he was in a dream like state.

Part of Dovepaw felt guilty for spying on the leader. It felt wrong to watch cats while they were sleeping and unable to defend themselves. She moved on to the Medicine Cat's den.

In the Medicine Cat's den Littlecloud carefully counted herbs. He had only the most basic herbs out, clearly, he wasn't planning for healing cats injured in battle.

Maybe it was the younger warriors planning to attack? She searched for young warriors and apprentices. She stopped outside the apprentice den.

"Dawnpelt can you teach me that hunting move?" One of the apprentices eagerly asked outside the apprentice den.

"Sure! Go grab Starlingpaw and we'll all leave together." Dawnpelt, Tigerheart's sister purred.

"Stop blanking out and answer me. You have to chose right now! Me or Tigerheart." Ivypaw demanded.


There's the first chapter to the Dove of Peace Alternative Universe. Of course, this isn't much of a cliff-hanger as I have a feeling we all know what Dovepaw will decide.

I knew I wanted to write about one of the sisters joining ShadowClan, at first, I thought of Ivypaw. What if when she was being held hostage by ShadowClan she decided to join them? But I thought it would be…stale. Ivypaw is already stubborn and sneaky but Dovepaw? Dovepaw's a sweet cat who wants to protect everyone (at least when she was first introduced). I often see people interpret this as Dovepaw being a Mary sue (which makes no sense but aight) but I see her as more of an empath. She really feels for others.

Ivypaw use to be my favourite sister but I see a lot of myself in Dovepaw. The only times I felt frustrated with her character was with the whole Tiger/Dove/Bumble because I despise love triangles for the sake of drama.

I have an idea of ShadowClan in my mind that's been sitting there for a long time since before Yellowfang's Secret was released. So, I have a lot of headcannons that will come into play with this story. Dove of Peace will disregard any books past The Last Hope because that's when I decided to stop reading Warriors. Actually this idea's been sitting in my mind for a looooooong time.

Headcannon: ShadowClan cats have very odd sleeping patterns. ShadowClan cats could be fully nocturnal if they didn't have to interact with the other clans. This is why some cats are seen in the camp during the day while others are not.

Double Bless
