Chapter 7

It has been a wonderful three years, Robert finds as his darling sleeps soundly beside him. Somehow, they managed it, time-differences, squabbling mothers, late-night phone calls had all culminated in him proposing on their first anniversary on the beach where it all began. Having decided to live in London after the honeymoon they bought a five- bedroom Victorian town-house with an office for him and an art studio for her. He is so proud of Cora, to see her art in galleries is an absolute thrill for him but, that is nothing compared to the feeling of their daughter kicking against his palm.

She'll be here in a matter of weeks. Mary Josephine Crawley, she will be named after his grandmother Mary and Cora's grandmother Josephine and if his mother was displeased that was a bonus in Cora's eyes. He feels nervous and excited, scared and ready all at the same time. Anna and John have been more than happy to offer advice having welcomed twins Alexander and Alice into the world eighteen months previously. Although, he would hope that Cora's water doesn't break all over the office floor as it did with Anna, he doesn't want that level of chaos ever again, Cora had to remind him that Anna would be fine and that he didn't need to consider getting gas and air installed.

"I can't wait to meet you little one." Robert whispers to Mary, rubbing soothing shapes into Cora's rounded stomach, which makes her hum in her sleep and nestle into him automatically. "To hold you and kiss you and tell you stories of our adventures which, will probably bore to tears. But, we'll tell you and your siblings anyway because we love you so much."

"Yes, you'll have sisters and a brother and grandparents who'll spoil you rotten but most of all my darling girl." Robert tears up at the thought. "You will have the most mesmerising, marvellous woman as your mother, and a love-sick fool who adores his girls for a father and, when you're old enough we'll take you to the beach where Mama and Papa met."

He gives the bump one last kiss before closing his eyes thanking whoever, has seen fit to grace him with such magic. Because, this was, this life, this love was a gift.

Heaven sent.

Forever meant.


And Robert cannot wait to see what the future brings.

I hope you enjoyed this little fic thank you so much for the love.