
It was entirely by accident that Robert Crawley had found himself in Newport on the nicest day of the year. He had flown out for a business meeting which, unbeknown to him had been cancelled the week before. The potential clients were profusely apologetic, an admin error had meant he was left out of the cancellation email however, they had arranged for him to stay at a nice local hotel and reimburse him for his travel expenses. So, all things considered, it had worked out rather well for him. He wasn't in any rush to fly back home not with torrential rain and high winds battering the country. No, he was his own boss. CEO in fact, of Crawley Enterprises he could miss a day or two or three. Three minimum he had decided as he sat on the beach, his suit jacket having been sacrificed in lieu of a beach towel. But, as Robert looked out at the shimmering sun glinted water he found his eyes transfixed on the most exquisite woman currently coming out of it. She was tall and had the most glorious body in a fitted navy swimming costume. Her hair was short, and droplets were running merrily down her face but, he could tell from the radiant smile she was giving him that she did not care about bit of water. Wait. She was smiling at him, she had caught him staring and he couldn't help the blush that ran fast to his cheeks. Robert feels like a naughty school boy as she walks towards him, still wearing that same rueful, I caught you smile.

"Hello." The mysterious, exquisite woman chuckles and he now finds that her voice is just as lovely as she is. Her American accent is rich and sweet, she's a local considering he has heard countless people today speak in the same friendly tone or maybe he's just lucky, this has been a rather fortuitous day. "Hello." Robert shyly but warmly replies.

"So, it's not often I catch a handsome stranger staring at me after a swim." Her tone is jovial but, teasing. Is he wrong to detect a slight hint of flirtation in her voice?

"I apologise- I was just- I was just- "Robert stammers, feeling foolish and so completely the sheltered twenty-six-year-old Brit his parents had raised him to be. The entire scenario would have tickled Rosamund, delighted his father and probably caused his mother to self- combust.

"You were just looking at the ocean and I happened to interrupt you." Cora states as if it is a proven fact.

"Yes. No! I mean, I was looking at the ocean but, then you." Robert seems to drag the word out. "I assure you, there was no interruption. Miss?"

"Levinson." She replies with ease. "Cora."

"Cora." She loves the careful sound of her name on his tongue and the smile that comes next. "I'm Robert- Crawley." He adds his surname in haste as if in fear that he'll be lost amongst all the other possible Roberts she could meet today however, Cora somehow manages to make him feel like he is the only person in the world. Until, another woman who appears to be her mother calls to her.

"Cora. Sweetheart, we're heading back are you ready?"

"Just a second. I'm talking to my Robert- I mean- my friend who's called Robert." He sees her blush furiously just as he did moments before. "Alright honey." Martha chuckles giving her a knowing and warm glance and nodding hello to Robert. "We'll wait." Before she disappears looking like a cat who has got the cream.

"Sorry about that. I just have to go." Cora says almost wistfully. "God, you're British and probably not even going to be here tomorrow."

"I am." Robert says quickly, getting up and closing the slight distance between them. "I mean, if you don't mind me being here tomorrow?"

"I would like nothing more." Cora beams. Her hair and body having got considerably dry just in a the few minutes of them talking together. "I'll be here around ten. Maybe we could be here around ten together?" She says hopefully.

"I would like that very much." Robert says honestly, already giddy at the thought of spending more time with her. Any time at all.

"Great! I'll see you then. Bye." And then, she sprints away with a spring in her step.

This had been a perfect accident, a random well-placed look. A gorgeous woman and the promise of another perfect day. Serendipity.

Hope you enjoyed. I think I'm writing more if you'd like it? X