Violet was just doing some household chores when she froze remembering what Ace said about his Treasure. Seeing this as an adventure she put the laundry basket down on top of the washer, looking over her shoulder to yell out, "Hey boys why don't we go get your treasure back!" The sound of running feet sounded down the hall making her chuckle. She watched them run towards her, skidding to a stop right in front of her.
"YAY LETS GOOOO" Luffy shouted pumping his fist in the air in obvious excitement.
"But the old hag will tear us apart if she sees us there," Sabo protested a worried tone in his voice. Looking thoughtful he added as an afterthought, "if we're going to do it we'll have to be sneaky."
She puffed out her chest pointing at herself with her thumb, proudly announcing, "sneaky's my middle name!"
Luffy tilted his head to the side, confused by the statement. "That's a weird middle name." Ace smacked him upside the head rolling his eyes. "It's just a saying idiot."
"Ohh okay" Luffy's brows furrowed deeply not wanting him to hurt himself from thinking too much on it she interjected, "Well, what are we all waiting for let's go!"
Piling into the car she drove to the orphanage without any solid plan in mind. Not the best way to go about things but she'd cross that bridge once she got there.
Sneaking in through the back she found herself under the very tree she meet the boys at.
"So that's why they tried to chase me off..." It was suddenly all so clear how did she not think of this sooner!
With hast, the three little boys climbed up into the large tree leaving her on the ground. She stood behind the trunk watching over the yard in case someone went outside. Oddly enough on this sunny day, no children could be seen around the yard making the warning bells in the back of her head go off. The sudden feeling of eyes only made her head reel, just as she thought this was too odd! A set up maybe? Swiftly climbing up the tree she knew the old hag must have been waiting for the boys to climb down. Why she was waiting, Violet wasn't sure. It was odd everything bout this was odd! The only thing she could think of is that the old wanted the satisfaction of catching them herself and to be able to take the boys to treasure herself. What'd she want with kids toys, (as what else could it be kids and adults had a very different idea of what treasure was) was beside you.
"What are you doing up here?" Ace hissed, protectively hiding a bag that behind his back. The other two had sacks filled with something but as one of them shifted she heard the sound of coins. She was taken aback she didn't want to jump to conclusions but did these three actually have cash hid away!?
"Change of plans, I got an odd feeling about this whole thing no kids are out in the yard and it's a perfectly sunny day- I think this was planned. the hags watching us."
Ace huffed an amused look on his face, "yeah this was planned, by me. When you asked to get our treasure back I realized that today was lecturer day. She keeps them all inside and runs her mouth off in hopes of getting them to act nice for when adults come. He rolled his eyes muttering to himself "as if that bullshit would work on me."
"what do we do?" Luffy asked ignoring half of what Ace said looking towards Violet for guidance.
A plan was forming in her head, it had a 50/50 chance of working. Worst case scenario someone breaks a bone, that person most likely being her. The thought of changing into her bear form crossed her mind but that would only give the old hag a reason to call the cops... The other forms she had were out of the question they were just as destructive so they were out too.
"Sabo wrap your arms around my front, Luffy you take the back and secure Sabo to me." Luffy wrapped his arms around her and sabo multiple times even going as far as to wrap his legs around her too. Something about extra protection?
Ace sat in the branch, dumbstruck as Violet flapped her arms. She growled feeling Ace's poker face slip as he fought not to laugh at her. The other two were giggling at her actions. Feeling her face go red she did her best to ignore them. She might look ridiculous but just wait she just might- their laughter died down as Violet's arms turned into wings, feet turned into talons as she finished her half transformation.
Once complete she gained the knowledge of what spirit animal she unlocked.
"The great Grey owl," she muttered to herself her wings fully snapping out. She had been positioned towards the car so even when she was forced to close her eyes due to the bright light assaulting her eyes she rose into the air with care. A smirk curled on her lips as she heard the old hag cuss her out
Ace's arms were secured in her talons the grip borderline bruising. She didn't want him to fall, even if he could change into his fully flame form the thought of dropping him let her stomach in knots.
"We're pass the gate, you're almost to the car Violet!" Sabo called out to her practically yelling into her ear as she flew. Sweat rolled down her forehead as she concentrated on keeping this new form until they reached the car. She almost changed in mid-air giving Ace the shock of his life, thankfully she was able to gain control again.
Looks like she'll have to train with shanks again...
Landing next to the car she transformed back into her normal form. Hearing a louder shout she spotted the old women with an army of bloodthirsty looking kids dashing through the parking lot. Scrambling for her keys she unlocked the car pushing the kids inside and climbing into the driver's seat. A thunk was heard as a child slammed their body into the back window of the car signaling to get the hell out of there. She went out of there like a bat outta hell almost running over the orphanage's mailbox.
"Why didn't you tell us you could change into something so cool," Luffy asked with stars sparkling in his eyes.
Laughing sheepishly she smiled, "I wanted you guys to get to know me first I thought that some of my forms might sca-"
Ace cut her off his arms crossed over his chest, "you have more than one form?"
Taking her hands off the wheel she counted down, "let's se and I just unlocked another form today..."
"IDIOT PUT YOUR HANDS BACK ON THE WHEEL" Ace screeched in panic making the other two winch at how loud he was. She did just that not wanting him to pop a blood vessel or anything.
"Wait doesn't that mean..." Sabo trails off a thoughtful look on his face as realization struck him upside the head.
"Yep first time using the owl form."
"YOU COULD'VE KILLED US," Sabo shouted looking down right pissed at her.
She tsk, "but I didn't."
"THAT DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING" Ace and Sabo shouted in unison accusingly pointing at her.
"It wouldn't have killed you, the only one in danger of actually of getting hurt was me. You're both logia so you could've just changed your whole bodies into fire- you two know about that right?" At her question, he nodded- it was a relief to know that making her feel ten times better. " Luffy's made of rubber so he'd just bounce, me on the other hand if I lost focus I would've fallen and broken something."
Luffy ignoring your statement and the others worry of potential death asking, "what are your other forms?"
"The first one I ever unlocked was the be-" once again she was interrupted leaving her more than a little bit irked.
"What's your devil fruit anyway," Ace asked still looking a bit peeved but curious as well.
"Stop interrupting me and I might tell you!" She huffed blowing air out of her mouth and moving a strand of hair that got in her way.
Clearing her throat she begin to explain, "I ate the spirit-spirit fruit, it's a zoan fruit. The spirit is derived from Native American legends. Spirits don't have a form of their own so they take the form of animals, otherwise known as spirit animals. With their auras, they're there to guide you, unless you ignore their warnings..." With a wide smile, Violet darkly added, "if you do then things will get ugly."
The three gulped in fear Luffy looking not as threatened but following his brother's example. Unable to hold herself back anymore she laughed- her laughter brake the tension.
"PFFFHAHA don't be so scared now I'd never use it to harm." The three sign in relief. "Unless I'm provoked." They stiffen again causing her to snort.
"STOP DOING THAT!" Ace shouts looking even more stressed out at the information. Noticing that he was seriously starting to upset him she stopped, teasing was one thing but it wasn't fun to actally stress them out.
"Hey as a way to make it up to you three why don't we go to the park?"
Luffy bounced excitedly in his seat chanting, "Park park park!" seemingly deciding for the other two with his pure exuberance.
His chanting only stopped once the four of you got to said park. The boys bolted once she put the car in park, running straight to the equipment. Since it was late in the afternoon not that many kids were there but the ones that where she recognized. Walking over to the picnic where the other adults sat the smile on her face grew as she spotted three people that she hadn't talked to in a while.
"Bellemere, Tom, Olivia!" She called out to the three, waving her arm in the air excitedly. Tom laughed at her enthusiasm as his ear fins wiggling in his happiness. His laughter was a deep rumble that always made her think of gentle giants. Tom most certainly got the giant part down being a fish man and all.
Bellemere smiled, "Hey Violet whatcha doing here?" Before she could answer Bellemere snapped her fingers, "oh I get it you wanted to relive the good old day huh?"
Sitting down next to Olivia Violet propped her head on her hand. "Nope I came here with the kids."
Bellemere wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, "oooo so did you-"
"No! Geez, why does everyone keep saying that!? It's improbable even if I did have a kid with him the baby would still be inside of me. Do you even know how childbirth works?"
Bellemere pouted crossing her arms childishly and looking away from her, "no need to get your panties in a twist."
Violets face flushed making her wish to hide her face from her friends. Bellemere ignored her predicament pulling an orange from her purse, peeling it and eating the fruit inside. Letting out a long breath of air Violet sagged as Bellemere continued to poutly eat the orange. "Sorry, it's just people keep saying that and it's impossible babies don't grow that quickly."
"Are you saying you want his children?"
If Violet wasn't red she was now, her face matching the same shade of a fire truck at Olivia's words. The women in question acted normally as if she only just asked about the weather.
Violet furiously shook her head as the three burst into laughter. "N-No! We're just friends!" She exclaimed doing her best to will the blush away.
"Funny that you say that..." Bellemere trailed off with a look of mock confusion she said, "if I remember correctly you went on and on about how cute your Rosi looks." Raising an eyebrow she stared at her, "am I right?"
Violet scowled, "this is why I stopped drinking."
Bellemere shrugged showing an innocent smile. "Not my fault that you're a chatty drunk V~"
Crossing her arms she said, "maybe I'd trust you more if you didn't put any guy I had a crush on in a headlock."
Bellemere frowned, "hey he was asking for it."
Violet threw her hands in the air exclaiming," he was just walking down the hall!"
Tom laughed as Oliva's lips curled into a smirk, "I distinctly remembered Bellemere exclaiming 'fight me' while she slammed him to the ground."
Violet whirled on her frowning deeply. "Oliva you were a professor why didn't you stop her!"
A knowing smile was on the woman's face. "Oh, no reason."
That translated to 'I have a reason but I'm not telling you anytime soon.'
Groaning Violet barred her head in her hands as all this talk of crushed transported her back to her school years. She remembered her old crush and any other boy that didn't know Bellemere avoided her like the plague. It wasn't all that bad it got the frat boys off her back but she was unlucky in the love department in college. The only men that weren't afraid of Bellemere were her childhood friends, excluding Doffy who went to a different college. Slowly lifting her head up she asked, "why'd you do it anyway?" She always wondered about that, Bellemer never told her the reason after all this time.
"Oh because he was a no good dirty cheater that's why." Bellemere smacked the picnic table while Violet sent her a tired look. "And do tell how you found this out?"
"I got a heads up from an outside source that told me he went from campuses to campuses picking up chicks has sex with them and dumps them." Just talking about said womanizer seemed to make Bellemere's blood boil. That or the heat of the day was really getting to her.
"How could you even trust the source?" Usually, Bellemere didn't believe just words alone she wanted proof. So to have her belive someone like that...
"Oh, it was Rosinante brother... what's his face?" Bellemere snapped her fingers a concentrated look on her face.
"His names Doflamingo," Violet said dryly holding back on her sigh.
"Yeah, yeah! That's the guy's name. He said something about not wanting his little sister to get hurt that being you so we both had the same interest in mind."
"Of course he got involved," Violet muttered remembering boys in elementary school failing to confess to you due to the same man. He always had a good reason for this and time and time again he was right about those boys, so you couldn't be too angry at him. He was only looking out for you...
"Isn't strange that he calls you his sister," Oliva mused a teasing glint in her eyes. "When the man you have a crush on is his brother?"
Seeing her train of thought Violet stopped her, "no way we aren't getting into this!"
"If they married she'd be his sister in law..." Tom, bless his heart did his best to help you out. His words did nothing to stop your old history professor except a fire. A fire definitely could stop her as it did right now.
"Ah looks as if something's on fire." Hearing screams Violet turn to the playground a horrified look in her eyes, watching as the equipment melted, tilting to the side before her eyes.
"He didn't-" Seeing a grumpy Ace nearby with Sabo who looked to be scolding him made violet groan out, "he did."
"fufuf your children are sure full of surprises!" Oliva didn't seem to be afraid of the fire, simply standing up when her daughter Robin appeared, running towards her.
"Momma!" She shouted only to shy away, seeing that her mother was with a group of people. Her eyes lit up once they focused on Violets form. She gave a shy wave before scuttling behind her mom's legs just in time as Luffy came running out of nowhere. He wasn't close enough to get a good look of the expression on his face but one could sure as hell hear him. "HEY ROBIN BE MY NAKAMA!"
Robin peeked out from behind her mother's leg watching Luffy. Once Luffy caught sight of you he continued to shout running towards the group at breakneck speeds "HEY VIOLET MEET ROBIN SHE'S GOING TO BE MY NAKAMA!" He started to talk normally once he came closer not even out of breath. "She's really cool and knows a lot about history."
"Hey what about me!" A voice piped up. Violet could only shake her head at Franky's appearance. Looks like Luffy's already gathering friends.
"Oh, Violet that's Franky he doesn't like pants." Smiling at Luffy Violet ruffled his hair saying said, "I already know their names Luffy."
"SUPER! Luffy bro I didn't know violet was your mom she awesome!" She laughed as he did his signature pose. Luffy seemed to stiffen at the comment of having her called his mom. He pursed his lips shaking his head Violet didn't see any of this to busy ruffling Franky's hair. She couldn't help but giggle as he pouted doing his best to fix his hair a slight whine in his voice. "Duuuuude not cool."
Hearing more shouts She returned her gaze back to the fire... Wait! THE FIRE HOW COULD SHE HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT!?
Her head snapped around so fast it was a surprise her neck didn't snap. There near the destroyed equipment, she watched with her mouth agape as Ace tackled a girl to the ground. Rushing over she heard their screams- oddly enough Ace didn't set himself on fire while he fought the girl.
Was it awful that she was relieved that he was fighting Nojiko? At least she knew Bellemere and she knew Nojiko could take Ace on without bursting into tears.
"HEY!" Violets commanding tone snaps them out of their fight making the two of them stare at her in a daze. Grabbing Ace by the ear she started to scolded him. "What do you think you're doing? What would've happened if you caught fire huh?" He wiggled and whined his eyes welling up with tears at it became obvious he was panicking and not just because Violet was upset with him.
"BUT I CAN'T CALL MY FIRE!" His cry made her freeze. Taking a good look at him she saw the fear in his eyes. It's the fear you felt when you were at the beach or the time when you were required to wear a sea stone bracelet the first few months of having your power so as not to turn and destroy things by accident.
He held up his wrist, showing a bracelet that was lock in place. His fingers pulled at the sea green colored metal showing that it needed a key if it wanted off.
"She put that thing on me and I can't get it off!" He pointed an accusing finger towards Nojiko.
She gave an innocent smile taking her dirt soiled skirt in hands and curtsying, "Hello miss violet."
Nojiko batted her eyelashes up towards Violet only making the woman sigh. "Then you can ask her nicely for the key."
Ace looked enraged at the prospect of having to say sorry and gave Violet a look of hurt, "bu-"
She cut off his protest, "you need to ask her nicely or you'll be stuck like that until she lets you go. Nothing can cut through sea stone to the population's knowledge."
Hearing the words 'can't cut through' he turned to Nojiko with gritted teeth. His eyes were flaming and a look to deep hatred was in his glares. His nostrils flared, his jaw locking as he managed to grit out, "I'm sorry"
Nojiko giggled, twirling the key in her hand looking from Ace to it. Violet knew if she wasn't standing there she would've played with him a bit more but since you were she held herself back.
"it's fine you just gotta learn to fight without your devil fruit it's not always going to be there to save you." With those wise words, she threw the key towards him quickly backing away. It was a smart move because as soon as Ace was free he set his whole body on fire. Violet couldn't even see Ace anymore he was just pure flame, the fire climbing higher and higher into the sky letting it grow taller until it looked like it could touch the clouds. This must have been his first time having sea stone cuffs on him Violet remembered her first reaction, it was like his but replace fire with transforming into a giant bear and frolicking around her backyard.
Yes, it turned as messy as one would think.
"Awww sis I would've made him suffer more." Seeing Nami come up you watched as Sabo sent her a glare. If Nami saw his glare she didn't seem to notice a sadistic smirk curling on her lips.
Seeing you Nami smiled dipping her head in greeting, "Miss Violet."
"Hey, Nami." Violet put both hands in her pockets to hold onto her wallet and keys. Nami had a knack for stealing things, she'd make a great burglar- but that's very illegal thing to do and she rather not have her friend's kid in jail. No matter how many time Bellemere would punish Nami for stealing things she still did it. For a kid her age, she was a conniving lil twerp...
"Come on let's go I want you two to meet my friends." Violet directed her words to Ace and Sabo. They followed behind her as did Nami and Nojiko. Ace was still on fire, the flames flicked sparks showering from his arms. It wasn't as brightly as before, he seemed to have calmed down but acted if he didn't have his fire out in the open it'd be taken away from him.
Reaching the picnic area where everyone was gathered Violet introduced the boys to her friends.
"Ace, Sabo, Luffy these are my friends." She pointed to each in turn.
"Bellemere." The redhead gave them a cheerful wave.
"Olivia." a small smile crept up on the silver-haired woman her face making her look mildly terrifying.
"And this is Tom." Once she pointed out the fishman Luffy bounced up towards him his smile and a question spilling out of his lips. "Franky told me you can build anything is that true?!"
Franky puffed up his chest in pride at having Luffy look up at Tom in admiration while Tom only laughed already having an idea of what stories Franky told the boy. "If you got the blueprints I can build it. Whatcha got in mind?"
Sabo turned twoards where Robin was, "hello miss Oliva, Robin." he gave a half bow surprising Violet at his show of mannors. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I heard from Luffy that you both study the poneglyphs." Robin finally stepped out in the open her eyes glittering in intrest at his words. Oliva only smiled, "Yes we both do, do you have questions for us?"
Sabo's head nodded like a bobble head the three starting to whisper. Olivia chuckled leading the three towards the giant tree to talk in peace without the noise of the others. That very tree that had so many memories for all of them, a tree that had seen many lives...
Ace was the last one standing around who wasn't speaking with anyone. It was just you, him, Bellemere Nami and Nojiko. He sent a look back towards Violet, she smiled giving him a thumbs up to encourage him. He seemed to gather his courage and walked up to Bellemere.
"Hey lady your daughter fights good."
Violet would've face palmed at his words if Bellemere wasn't amused. The redhead laughed at Ace's words raising a brow at the poorly put together complement.
"Oh you mean Nojiko?"
He nodded freckled cheeks gaining a bright red blush. "Yeah but I can still beat her up."
A fire lit up in her eyes at Ace's challenging words. "You wanna fight with a real professional then?"
Violet groaned inwardly at the challenging tone of voice sending her friend a disapproving look. Bellemere ignored her, of course, cracking her knuckles. Ace seemed to light up at her offer. "Hell yes I do- let's bring this out in the open!" They both walked to a clear area leaving a wide girth for people to easily walk around them.
That just left the three of you.
The two children in question were giving Violet looks that made her raise her guard. Nami showed off her pearly whites as she lifted a wallet Nojiko following suit by holding up some keys.
Violet gasp recognizing the items to be hers. "YOU LITTLE DEVILS!" she screech, jumping over the table and after the two cackling little girls.
By the time Violet got her wallet back, she was covered in dirt and sweat. She was at least much better off then Ace who was covered in dirt along with his wounded pride.
She was positive that if Nojiko and Nami put in enough effort that they could be just as strong as their mother, maybe even stronger. Alas, they rather pursue other things, not as if that in itself is a bad thing, they were just kids, they had their whole life ahead of them. She knew she worried too much and was maybe a bit more paranoid about the world around her than most. She just wished they would take some more self-defense classes and keep something on them so they could have that extra level of protection...
Sabo came back to the group beaming bring along a more open and social Robin who was openly laughing at a joke he made. Her eyes though traveled towards Luffy holding a tender look on them. Violet could already tell she was charmed, she had such a mothering look on her face it was ridiculous.
Sabo snapped her out of her musing pulling on her shirt and dragging her into a talk about dinosaurs that were just like dragons, that paleontologist found. He kept spewing the facts that Oliva told him one after the other as if he himself turned into a fountain of knowledge.
Luffy jumped up and down in excitement holding Robins hands as she shyly agreed to join his crew?
The words snapped her out fo her conversation with Sabo. Placing a hand on his shoulder as a way to tell him to stop she turned to Luffy, brow raised in confusion. "Luffy what crew?"
With sparkles in his eyes, he bounced on his feet words flying out of his mouth a mile a minute. "I'm going to be the pirate king and a pirate king needs a crew!" Holding up his fingers he said, "I have about six crew members Robin Nami and Franky are the new recruits!"
Violet laughed at Nami's predicament watching the child stare at Luffy in horror. Scowling at the rubber boy Nami hissed dangerously, "stop counting me!"
"Well, I wish you good luck on becoming the pirate king."
Seeing the sun going down Violet gather up the boys, bidding goodbye to her friends. Everyone went their separate ways promising to meet up again on another day.
The drive home was filled with the kids talking about their new friends. She was glad, they needed some kids their own age to talk to and school didn't start for another month. At least she believed so, that was another thing she'd have to check out on a later date...
Once at home she took a nice long shower left with picking out leaves and sticks from your long hair. Ace presumably did the same as she spotted him walking the halls with wet hair. She scolded him for the action not wanting him to catch a cold due to his actions. In silent defiance, he set himself on fire to dry himself off, which was effective but not what she meant.
Once everyone was in bed she tossed and turned trying to fall asleep but failing. Something was bugging her but she couldn't put her finger on what that something was.
Feeling a kick to her shin she grumbled unhappily as Ace muttered, "stop moving."
Getting comfortable she finally felt at peace, only to remember that tomorrow was father's day and she still hadn't gotten a gift for her dad.
These were her last conscious thoughts as she drifted off to sleep.
Authors note: Hey everyone... Been a long time with this story, huh? A few months right? Anyway, I had no clue what to do with this chapter in the least but with the last chapter being a bit tense I decided to go with something less so. To get that sweet, sweet build up ya know? Also, the outline of this chapter was written in June so that's why it's alluding to fathers day since I thought, "hey why not bring brook into this, he's gotta be dying to meet the grandkids!"
Another thing many of you may have noticed is the change of narrative- that being from you/your to she/her. It was done completely by accident and by the time I noticed it this chapter was halfway done so not changing that. I'm going back to fix the other chapters, they're kinda old. I feel like I can at least add something to them and make them more expressive. No more you/your either in future chapters I'm done with that, I can't write my story that way anymore since I subconsciously go back to using pronouns of my characters.
With that done I hope you like this chapter, I'm exhausted but I know a lot of people have been waiting for this. So to the people that have stuck with me for this long and have liked my story and have liked my things-
Thank you!
I hope you're not disapointed in the outcome