Disclaimer: I don't own Persona, good thing because the series is awesome!
Summary: Hisoka Kiyoshi was an extremely quiet and subdued teen who was just getting by in life, but upon a new student transferring to Yasogami High, he got pulled into a Supernatural Murder Investigation that will change his life. Whether it's for the better remains to be seen.
What's this? Another story so soon after I updated Penelope Parker: Spider-Man? Well I've been thinking about posting this for a long while to see if people liked it, so hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 01: New Student and the Midnight Channel
Tuesday April 12th, 2011
Chattering could be heard as a lot of students talked to themselves with the new school year beginning, showing excitement as they talked about the plans they had and whether or not they would be able to hang out.
One student however just ignored everyone in favor of the book he was reading, slowly turning the page as his hazel eyes read it word for word despite having read it hundreds of times before while he adjusted his glasses.
This student was different because he was actually a good two or three years younger than everyone in this room, although the other students in this class all think he's the same age instead of fourteen-not that he'll ever tell them differently.
Looking up, the teen sighed and messed with his messy black hair while his black blazer was making him feel a bit uncomfortable.
Was it too much to ask for a school uniform that was comfortable rather than baggy?
"Hey you guys, I heard that there's going to be a transfer student from the city in class." A female student said catching the teen's attention as his eyes flickered towards the conversation with some interest.
"Huh? Really?" Another guy asked curiously. "A guy or a girl?"
Apparently he wasn't the only one paying attention as a tomboy looking girl with brown hair and a green jacket spoke up. "A transfer student from the city… Just like you, huh, Yosuke?" She asked a teen who was hunched over on his desk, his messy brown hair a bit frazzled while a pair of headphones hung around his neck. "Huh? You look dead today."
Yosuke adopted a pained expression. "Yeah, um… I don't want to talk about it."
The tomboy quirked a brow and looked forward to another girl who wore a red uniform with black hair going down her back. "What's with him?"
The girl in red gave a shrug. "Who knows."
At that the reserved teen stopped paying attention as while the news about a 'transfer student' sounded interesting it didn't involve him.
All he was going to do was keep his head down and get through yet another school year.
'Easier said than done.' The teen thought bitterly as he remembered this was Kinshiro Mooroka's class, or as the students 'affectionately' call him, King Moron and he used the term 'affectionately' very loosely from the rumors he's heard.
As if on cue, the door opened to show a middle aged man with straight black hair in a bob cut, hazel eyes and buck teeth along with a dark navy suit that was opened to show a white shirt and a yellow/orange checkered tie.
Right behind him was a teenager that was assumed to be a transfer student with bowl shaped gray hair and matching gray eyes, wearing the conventional Yasogami High Uniform and he was pretty tall, the kid was pretty sure if he stood up now he would only come up to the guy's chest.
"Awright, shut your traps!" The middle-aged man, said showing he wasn't going to be taking any nonsense here. "I'm Kinshiro Morooka, your Homeroom Teacher from today forward."
He glanced around the room with narrowed eyes.
"First things first! Just because it's Spring doesn't mean you can swoon over each other like love-struck baboons," Morooka said with conviction in his tone as if everyone in this class was thinking like that. "Long as I'm around, you students are going to be pure as the driven snow."
'Laying it on a bit thick, isn't he?' The reserved teen thought with a quirked brow while some of the students shifted uncomfortably.
Morooka then zoomed in on him as if reading his thoughts. "Put your book away Kiyoshi!" He snapped making the reserved teen jump as the attention was on him.
Kiyoshi blinked before realizing he did leave it open and promptly closed it, his cheeks turning red as he ignored some snickers in the class while Morooka continued.
"Now I hate wasting my time, but I'd better introduce this Transfer Student," Morooka sounded as if he was pulling his own teeth out. "This sad sack's has been thrown from the big city out to the middle of nowhere like yesterday's garbage."
Kiyoshi blinked as he heard annoyed mutterings in the class seeing as how Morooka was targeting the transfer student simply because he was from the city, the transfer looked a bit annoyed by this as well.
"And he's just as much as a loser here as he was there, so you girls better not get any ideas about hitting on him." Morooka said looking at the transfer student. "Tell them your name kid and make it quick."
Instead however the transfer just looked at him. "You calling me a loser?" He asked with the slightest hint of a smirk earning surprised gasps from the other students who looked at him in awe, completely shocked by his brave words while Morooka's head snapped so fast to glare it was surprising he didn't suffer from whiplash.
"That's it, you're on my shit list Narukami, effective immediately," Morooka said a hint of a snarl while you could see a vein on his forehead.
While Morooka began to rant, Kiyoshi just tuned him out idly wishing he could read while the man was doing this.
He won't lie though he thought that Narukami kid was pretty cool with how he stood up to Morooka.
'Wish I could do that.' Kiyoshi thought with a sigh.
Class wasn't really that interesting after that little incident, what with Narukami being the talk after what he pulled-well that and the intercoms went off urging students to remain in the building while sirens passed by the school before they were released.
Kiyoshi was just happy it took the attention off of him with being singled out earlier.
Grabbing his stuff, Kiyoshi idly saw a strange scene that resulted in Yosuke getting kicked in the nads by that tomboy Chie but walked by not getting involved. Sure he felt some sympathy for Yosuke because no one deserved to get hit there but he didn't know the guy.
Narukami ended up getting invited to walk home with Chie and her friend the girl in red Yukiko, leaving for some of the students to whisper thinking he was attempting the 'Amagi Challenge' as they call it due to how Yukiko kept turning people down when asked out.
Once again, Kiyoshi ignored it because of how he found it annoying in how people gossiped like that.
Seriously, didn't they have something better to do?
Instead he walked through the streets of Inaba, reading a book-having enough practice to walk around people while doing so and stopping at a street light.
While doing so, Kiyoshi took the time to think about the sirens he heard while in class and he would be lying if he said he wasn't interested in what was going on.
Inaba was a pretty small town, so not a lot happens around here.
But if something did happen it was best to head home as soon as possible.
That evening, Kiyoshi sat in a bedroom that was pretty messy with some clothes on the floor along with a laptop and an old gaming system out and a bookshelf full of books.
Once again his Dad was working pretty late, but Kiyoshi didn't let that bother him, he was used to it-in fact he preferred it to be perfectly honest.
He briefly entertained the idea about playing a game as there wasn't any homework to do as of yet, but threw that idea away when he decided to see if the News reported what those sirens were about.
Kiyoshi managed to turn it on at the exact right moment with the announcer speaking. "Our top story this evening concerns a bizarre case in a quiet suburb," He began gaining Kiyoshi's interest. "Around noon today, a woman was found dead near the Samegawa River in Inaba."
That made Kiyoshi's eyes widened in shock.
"The deceased has been identified as Ms. Mayumi Yamano, a 27 year old announcer at the local television station," A picture of the woman came up with the Announcer continuing. "The Initial Results of the Inaba Police Department's investigation have revealed-."
Kiyoshi however stopped listening, being lost in thought.
Mayumi Yamano, hasn't she been on the news for the last week or so because of a scandal with that Politician-what was his name? Nama-something? The man cheated on his wife with her.
And now she was dead.
'It's none of my concern, I don't know her.' Kiyoshi thought to himself turning away as the News continued, this next part however regaining his interest.
"The body was found hanging from a large television antenna atop a local residents roof, authorities are uncertain as to why the body was in such a state," The Announcer explained calmly with Kiyoshi frowning at how bizarre that sounded. "With the cause of death also uncertain, Police continue to investigate whether the death is an accident or a homicide."
"Of course it was a homicide, how else could a body end up there?" Kiyoshi snorted in disbelief at the stupidity of the media-sure not all of them were bad but seriously to wonder that?
What, did she fall out of a Helicopter or an Airplane or something like that? That's the only way he would think it was an accident.
Having enough, Kiyoshi changed the channel to one showing a game show and found himself thinking more about that before feeling some fear.
This meant there was a killer on the loose.
'Just stay in populated areas and stay home.' Kiyoshi decided as he wasn't going to take any risks with something like this happening.
"~I'm tired of diets! Enough of going to the Gym, good thing there's something even I can handle!~" A giggle caught Kiyoshi off guard when he realized the game show cut to a commercial showing a peppy red haired girl in a swimsuit.
Not wanting to watch that, Kiyoshi turned the TV off. "I'm more of a TaP Soda person myself." He muttered not really caring.
He would be lying if he said the girl wasn't cute but once again he didn't know her so he wasn't going to waste any time thinking about that stuff.
Plus it would be creepy if he did.
Wednesday April 13th, 2011
The next morning, Kiyoshi walked to school with his book back out, a bit too into it as he didn't notice someone in front of him until he bumped into them.
A bit startled, Kiyoshi ended up dropping his book. "S-S-Sorry." He said his introvert nature acting up.
Quickly grabbing his book, Kiyoshi looked to see the face of the Transfer Student, Narukami who just looked at him with a blank expression.
Truthfully that was kind of freaking him out and he kept quiet, creating what to him felt like an awkward silence.
"What were you reading?" Kiyoshi almost didn't hear Narukami but he was happy that the teen didn't sound too angry about being walked into.
"Oh uh nothing too interesting-I mean it is but-... Ranger's Apprentice," Kiyoshi said his cheeks going a bit red at how he tripped over his own words before thinking he was probably annoying the guy. "Sorry."
"For what?" Narukami asked curiously as Kiyoshi already apologized for walking into him so he didn't see what else he would be apologizing for.
Kiyoshi was saved from answering as Yosuke rode by them on his bike in a rush before a loud crash was heard and the two saw him stuck inside of a trash can trying to get out.
Narukami and Kiyoshi just stared awkwardly for a bit before Narukami walked over and helped him out earning a gasp of relief as his head emerged from the trash cans.
"Whew, you saved me, thanks um…" Yosuke finally got a good look at Narukami and snapped his fingers. "Oh yeah that's right, you're that transfer student Yu Narukami."
When Narukami gave a nod, Yosuke smiled and held his hand out.
"I'm Yosuke Hanamura, nice to meet you." Yosuke said in a friendly tone.
Kiyoshi figured that they probably forgot about him so he went to leave before Narukami looked at him, drawing Yosuke's attention.
"Oh hey Hisoka Kiyoshi right?" Yosuke said remembering catching the two talking when he rode by in a hurry.
"Y-Yes?" Kiyoshi asked not expecting that as a lot of people typically ignore him before Narukami spoke.
"Is your bike okay?" It sounded like a serious question, but Kiyoshi blinked as he was expecting for him to ask if Yosuke was alright.
The only sign he was joking seemed to be a little twitch of his lips though.
"My bike? What about me?!" Yosuke asked with wide eyes not seeing that he was joking.
"A-Are you alright?" Kiyoshi asked to be nice with Yosuke grinning.
"I'm fine, takes more than that to keep me down." Yosuke said sounding confident. "Say did you guys hear about the incident from yesterday? They found that announcer lady hanging from an antenna."
He kind of winced at bringing that up but it was the only thing he could think of to talk about with these two.
"W-Who didn't?" Kiyoshi muttered before wincing as that sounded condescending. "Sorry."
Yosuke blinked at that but he continued. "So you think that was some kind of warning?" He asked continuing where he left off. "There's no way that type of thing could've happened by accident."
"Obviously." Narukami said not really paying no mind to it.
"Still dangling a dead body over a rooftop like that, that's just messed up," Yosuke gave a sigh, thinking that over as he grimaced. "Then again it's pretty messed up to kill somebody in the first place."
Kiyoshi gave a nod to show his agreement while Narukami just kept his face blank.
"Oh crap!" Yosuke just looked at his watch. "We're late!"
"W-What?!" Kiyoshi asked a bit worried as he really didn't want to be singled out by Morooka again.
"You guys need a lift, it's squeaky but it should be fine." Yosuke offered.
"Sure." Narukami accepted but Kiyoshi looked a bit skeptical.
"N-No offense b-but how would you carry the two of us on that?" Kiyoshi said before shaking his head and forcing out. "Bye."
With that he took off running.
"Huh, that was weird." Yosuke muttered looking at Narukami who shrugged.
Thankfully Kiyoshi made it to school on time and apparently both Yosuke and Narukami were able to make it there with no incident as well.
"Be quiet you idiots!" Morooka snapped right as soon as the bell rang. "You guys are in High School aren't you?! Can't you shut up during class? Don't any of you have any common sense?"
'You're the only one talking.' Kiyoshi thought just sitting there while Morooka went on about common sense and philosophy. 'How is this guy a teacher?'
Despite the little rant, Morooka did get back to his job of teaching and school was over before he knew it, so Kiyoshi was gathering his stuff when he saw Yosuke and Narukami talking along with Chie and Yukiko before the Amagi girl left because of something to do with her family's business.
Kiyoshi shook his head to force himself not to listen in when he gathered his stuff, but when he got up, his backpack ripped and dumped his stuff out, the clattering of his utensils and notebooks drawing some attention making him go red as he quickly went to gather them all up.
"Here." Kiyoshi blinked when Narukami walked over to help.
"Oh-uh thanks Narukami-San." Kiyoshi said a bit embarrassed before sighing as he looked at his backpack while muttering. "Look's like I'll have to replace this."
"Narukami you coming or what?" Yosuke's voice caught the transfer's attention.
"I have it from here." Kiyoshi said with a nervous grin.
"... You want to come with?" Narukami offered surprising Kiyoshi who stared at him, unsure of what to say.
"I-I appreciate it but I don't know-not that I don't think it would be boring," Kiyoshi said the words escaping before he could stop them. "Wait-no I mean-."
Narukami just placed a hand in front of him to have him slow down as Kiyoshi was making too big of a deal out of a simple invite.
"You apologize way too much." Narukami stated with Kiyoshi fidgeting.
"... Sorry." Kiyoshi then did a face palm as he did it again before finally answering the question. "Uh… S-Sure, if you don't mind."
Narukami gave a nod as he left the classroom, Kiyoshi running after him.
"There you are, what took you-?" Yosuke stopped when he saw Kiyoshi behind Narukami the former fidgeting a bit when the brunette blinked. "Oh hey Kiyoshi what's up?"
"H-Hi." Kiyoshi returned the greeting with a timid smile. "N-Narukami-San invited me is that okay?"
Yosuke blinked blanching a bit as he realized he now had to treat three people but Chie spoke up. "Sure it's okay why wouldn't it be?" She said giving a friendly smile. "I'm Chie Satonaka."
"Hisoka Kiyoshi." Kiyoshi returned quietly, looking awkward.
"Right, well let's get going." Yosuke said deciding to get this over with, although there would be a small change of plans.
"This is the cheap place you were talking about?" Chie snapped as they were all in a courtyard of the local Junes Supermarket, Yosuke coming back with their food showing Takoyaki. "They don't have grilled steak here."
Yosuke scoffed and crossed his arms while sitting down. "Yeah well, once you hopped on the freeloader train I had to change plans, I only had enough for two steaks not four!"
Kiyoshi suddenly found his soda interesting and took a sip at hearing that, he listened to the conversation while idly sipping his drink.
"Still, that's no reason to take us to your place." Chie told him with a frown.
Now Yosuke gave her a look. "Hey this isn't my place," He said grabbing some Takoyaki to place in his mouth. "Besides you have any better ideas that I can afford?"
"A few." Chie commented as an argument looked like it was going to take place.
Thankfully, Narukami spoke up. "Your place?"
"Oh right you just moved here so you wouldn't know, my Dad's the manager of Junes, we moved from the city about six months ago same as you," Yosuke explained sounding a bit off, Narukami gave a nod at that. "The location just opened up and my Dad was assigned to manage it."
The sound of slurping caught their attention causing them to look at Kiyoshi who had a 'deer in headlights' look on his face as he didn't realize his soda was gone, bringing attention to him.
"Dude you need to speak up, I forgot you were there." Yosuke commented a bit freaked while Kiyoshi laughed sheepishly, wincing at that last part.
"R-Right." Kiyoshi muttered used to that as he always seemed to blend into the background.
"Well here Narukami, this is to welcome you to town." Yosuke said gesturing to one of the other soda's as the guy grabbed it.
With that said the three made small talk while Kiyoshi only said yes or no whenever he was brought in, not sure what to say.
"You don't talk much do you?" Chie finally asked after a few moments.
This time Kiyoshi only shook his head, taking a small bite of Takoyaki. "I-I-I'm just not t-that good of a talker." He said embarrassed. "So Junes seems to be pretty nice today."
"Yeah it's only been half a year since this place opened up, but I haven't been in the local shopping district much since," Chie commented eating some of her food. "A lot of stores there started closing and… Oh uh-."
Yosuke looked a bit uncomfortable. "You can't blame it all on Junes can you?" He asked not sure if he wanted to hear the answer or not.
As he sighed, the sound of a chair scraping caught their attention making them look over a few tables to see a young woman with long, wavy brown hair and gray eyes wearing the Junes store apron.
"Hey it's Saki-Senpai," Yosuke said his voice changing from uncomfortable to happiness. "Sorry, be right back."
Kiyoshi tilted his head as Yosuke walked towards this Saki, not sure if that was a good idea with how tired she looked but decided not to voice his opinion.
"Is that Yosuke's Girlfriend?" Narukami asked earning a bit of a snort from Chie.
"Haha, he wishes." Chie said with a smile.
"R-Really?" Kiyoshi asked not expecting that.
"Uh-huh, that's Saki Konishi. Her family runs the Liquor Store in the Shopping District," Chie explained while Kiyoshi looked a bit closer before recognizing her. "I think she works here part-time though."
"H-Hey isn't she a t-third year?" Kiyoshi asked with Chie nodding.
"Yeah, she's only a year older than us," Chie commented with a shrug. "Yosuke really likes her."
She then grinned and grabbed some of Yosuke's Takoyaki in payment for something she called 'Trial of the Dragon' before holding one out to a surprised Kiyoshi-the guy kind of reminding her of Yukiko a bit.
"Hey how's it going, you look beat." Yosuke said surprising Saki as she looked at him before she smiled tiredly.
"Heeey! I'm finally on a break, what's up Hana-Chan?" Saki asked using her nickname she had for him before seeing Narukami, Chie and Kiyoshi talking nearby. "Boosting the family business by bringing your friends here?"
"Madame, you wound me," Yosuke said a bit dramatically, holding a hand to his chest, earning a small giggle from Saki before he looked concerned. "All joking aside though are you alright? You look pretty pale. Is everything alright?"
"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired," Saki said putting a smile on her face. "You don't have to worry Hana-Chan."
Yosuke gave a nod, seeing that she didn't want to talk about it as he reached back and rubbed the back of his neck. "If you say so, if you need to talk though I'm always willing to listen-."
"I'm okay," Saki said with a grateful look on her tired face. "Thanks though."
But when she looked away, her face adopted a frown.
"Why'd I leave school early yesterday?" She sighed, Yosuke barely hearing her before she brightened up. "Hey… Is that the kid who transferred here?"
Yosuke kept his worried look, even as Saki made her way towards the group he hung out with. 'Just what did she mean by that last part?' He thought focusing on how she left school early the other day.
Did something happen that caused for her to be this way?
"Are you the transfer student?" Saki asked surprising Narukami who gave a nod.
"I am, Konishi right?"
"Oh heard about me already?" Saki asked a smile on her face, although it seemed a bit more forced for some reason. "It must be nice to have someone from the big city to talk to, huh?"
Knowing she meant Yosuke, Narukami gave a nod as she continued.
"I don't see Hana-Chan hanging out with the other guys much," Saki continued with Kiyoshi blinking and mouthing 'Hana-Chan' to Chie in confusion while she snickered, earning a slight glare from a blushing Yosuke. "He doesn't have too many friends, so I hope you two get along well."
"S-Senpai." Yosuke rubbed the back of his head at that.
"Hana-Chan is a good guy, but he can get a bit nosy sometimes," Saki continued a bit of a mischievous smile on her face. "You have to tell him right to his face when he starts to annoy you."
'Okay even I have to admit that's harsh to say.' Kiyoshi thought with a bit of a wide-eyed stare. 'Especially considering Yosuke is only three feet away from her.'
Narukami just tilted his head when he offered his opinion. "Nah, he's a great guy." He said going from his first impression leading for Yosuke to give him a grateful look.
"Ahaha, I know." Saki said still smiling. "I'm just kidding."
Kiyoshi looked at her and wasn't too sure as she was looking pretty pale, then again she could be tired because he heard about how busy it could get in Junes.
"C-Come on Senpai," Yosuke looked at her nearly tripping over his own words just like how Kiyoshi did a bit ago. "You don't have to worry about that."
"I know Hana-Chan, but I still do," Saki said while checking the time. "Well, my break's just about over. Back to work I go… Laters."
"Oh, uh Senpai?" Yosuke tried but sighed when she was out of earshot soon before sitting back down. "Hahah, Saki-Senpai says I'm annoying, but she's even nosier than I am. She has a younger brother and pretty much treats me the same way."
"Ooh, you don't want her to treat you like a brother huh?" Chie's wide grin had Yosuke on edge with him giving her a careful look. "Haha I get it, so that's how it is."
"What are you talking about?" Yosuke asked cautiously.
"The daughter of the local family-run liquor store and the scion of the invading chain," Chie said flourishing her hands a bit dramatically. "The flames of forbidden love."
"Wha-?!" Yosuke's whole face turned a shade of red at what she was implying. "Dude, it's not like that."
"S-S-Seems like it t-to me." Kiyoshi got out with Narukami giving a solemn nod.
"Man you guys are ganging up on me-what happened to my Takoyaki?!" Yosuke looked down to eat only to notice his plate devoid of food.
Kiyoshi looked away while Chie went to change the conversation. "Right well I happen to know just the thing to cheer up that lovesick heart."
"It was you wasn't it?" Yosuke deadpanned, sighing as he knew he wouldn't get an answer. "I'm never leaving my food unattended again."
"You ever hear of the Midnight Channel?" Chie asked confusing Narukami and Yosuke.
Kiyoshi however spoke up surprisingly. "I-Isn't that the r-r-rumor about the T-TV that comes on at M-M-Midnight?" He asked looking at her curiously.
He heard of it but not what it was really about.
Chie gave a nod. "Right you are, you're supposed to look at it exactly at Midnight on a rainy night, while you're staring at your own image, another person will appear on the screen and they say that person is your soulmate."
Yosuke didn't look too amused. "And here I thought you were actually going to say something useful," He said shaking his head. "How could you get so excited over a Urban Legend like that?"
"Childish?!" Chie asked a tinge of annoyance in her tone. "You don't believe it do you?!"
"Of course I don't." Yosuke told her.
Narukami looked at Chie. "It is unbelievable." He voiced taking a sip of his soda. "As far as Urban Legends go."
Kiyoshi fidgeted a bit as he tried to look comfortable. "T-T-They have a p-point, sorry."
Frowning at the three of them for a lack of faith, Chie smirked when a thought came to her. "Well it's raining tonight! Let's all try it out."
"Hold up, try it out?" Yosuke parroted now looking amused, leaning back in his seat. "Wait, you haven't even tried it yourself? Wow, I'm trying to remember the last time I heard something this stupid."
Chie was now glaring daggers at him.
"All that aside, you know that incident yesterday?" Yosuke asked, changing the subject. "You guys think it was murder?"
"W-What else could it be?" Kiyoshi asked talking a bit more frequently then when this little hang-out session started.
"Ooh, what if the culprit behind it was still lurking around?" Yosuke teased with Kiyoshi turning extremely pale at the thought.
"You shouldn't joke about stuff like that, now who's the childish one?" Chie gave Yosuke a glare, mollifying him a bit.
"Yeah you have a point." Yosuke muttered.
"Anyways you guys better try this out tonight." Chie told them firmly.
"I'll be up unpacking anyways so I'll try it." Narukami promised.
"Fine, I'll give it a shot." Yosuke said to appease her.
Kiyoshi just gave a nod, showing he would look into it.
That evening, Kiyoshi sat quietly in his bedroom, eating a Rice Ball, his eyes on the News for that evening.
"Next, more details in the developing story on the incident in foggy Inaba," The Reporter began with Kiyoshi swallowing what he was chewing as he began to pay more attention. "It is confirmed that Ms. Yamano had been involved in an affair with Taro Namatame, husband of enka singer Misuzu Hiiragi."
"The scandal again, really?" Kiyoshi asked in annoyance.
Then again could this whole murder be tied to a love quarrel? If so then this should hopefully be wrapped up in another day or two.
"The Police plan to investigate this relationship and question any personnel involved with them. In addition, we now bring you an exclusive interview with the local student who found Ms. Yamano's body."
Kiyoshi took another bite of the rice ball only to nearly choke on it as it showed the student.
Despite the face being blur, he recognized Saki on the News.
Coughing to get some air, Kiyoshi looked at the News more intently. 'Was this why she looked so tired earlier?'
"What went through your mind when you saw it? Could you tell she was dead? Did you see her face?"
"U-Umm..." Saki replied her voice distorted although you could tell she was put off by the reporter's enthusiasm.
"Don't you think it's scary that someone was killed on a foggy day?"
"Huh...? She was killed?"
"Oh, errr...So did you see anyone suspicious around here?"
"No, not really..."
"We heard that you found it when you left school early. Did you have some personal business to take care of?"
"Huh? That's..."
"For crying out loud, leave her alone." Kiyoshi said a scowl on his face at how the reporter was most likely trying to find something to add to the story at the expense of Saki.
"—a tragedy that occurred near the local shopping district. Many store owners are raising concerns about losing customers as a result..."
Kiyoshi just rolled his eyes at how this guy seemed to be blowing everything out of proportion, if anyone loses customers it's because of this guy right as another reporter joined him.
"It really is a bizarre care, isn't it? I mean, hanging someone upside down from an antenna… I'd have to say it a warning or a sign from the culprit."
"Yes, but so far, no one has come forward to take credit for the crime."
"So the cause of death is still unknown? And they don't have a single suspect yet? Taxpayers' funds are going to a police force who can't even figure out if this is an accident or a homicide?"
It was at that moment when Kiyoshi turned the TV off, sick of hearing any more news.
He's pretty sure the Police knows it's a homicide and are working their butts off trying to find whoever did this. Checking the time he saw he still had a few hours before midnight.
'Might as well play a game-.' Kiyoshi froze, tensing all over when he heard the front door slam shut.
Soon the familiar smell of Sake hit his nose and he slowly locked his door, intent on not leaving his room for the whole night.
'Better find a better way to pass the time until midnight.' Kiyoshi thought to himself, grabbing his book to study for any upcoming tests.
Rain was soon pattering on his window while Kiyoshi studied, glancing at the clock every few minutes to make sure he wouldn't miss it.
'Still you see your soulmate inside of a TV? Where did Chie-San hear that?' Kiyoshi wondered briefly, seeing he now had a few more seconds before midnight so he got up and walked to his TV, turning the light off.
It was extremely dark while he stared at the TV, slowly feeling like an idiot as it remained blank.
"Of course it won't happen." Kiyoshi muttered, kicking himself for believing it-.
The TV turned itself on, making Kiyoshi shut up and look at it with wide-eyes.
A blurred image of a girl appeared on the screen, flickering every few seconds-it seemed to be repeating the same scene over and over again showing the girl in pain-.
'Wait she looks familiar.' Kiyoshi tried to look closer but the TV shut itself off, leaving him to stare at the now blank TV with morbid fascination.
Just what did he see?
To Be Continued…
Alright, hope you enjoyed the first chapter to my Persona fanfic, much like the DBXenoverse/YJ story it's about an OC I created and instead of him/her replacing Narukami like some of the fics do-most of them being crossovers, I figured why not do something like this.
I have a lot planned for Kiyoshi to go through and no doubt some of you figured out the problem he faces from the small hints that showed in this chapter. I have a small idea on what pairing to use for Kiyoshi if I do that but for now just him trying to get out of his shell.
Or I might just do a sequel where he gets pulled into his own adventure if I finish this one, who knows?
So tell me what you think and I'll get back to you all soon.