Chapter 1: The Meeting

Donjusticia's Disclaimer:Certain areas of this chapter have been edited and modified from the original source material. I own none of the content presented in this chapter.

Very New Author's Note: This chapter has been updated on January 5th, 2017. I will be adding flashbacks to this chapter over the course of time, so expect this chapter to be longer and smoother. :) Enjoy!

New Author's Note:Alright, this chapter was edited on August 8th, 2016. In this chapter, there was a little tidbit that I forgot to add in the original version: the restoration/Academia dilemma of the XYZ Dimension. And considering that the Lancers are going straight to the Fusion Dimension, the edited version gave a few reasons (and more emotion) as to why they're not going to the Xyz Dimension. So that takes care of that plot hole (although, I am very surprised on how almost no one noticed it...). :)

Also, I had to change the semi-final duels, so the duel between Yuya and Crow didn't happen, BUT Obelisk Force did invade the place anyway.

Anyway, the style in this chapter was more generic and informative than emotional, and as Komori Rias pointed out, my earlier attempts in writing the third-person omniscient perspective were a bit...weak, to say the least. Therefore, I have added more description, emotion and feeling to it, while still giving the information of what happened. Let me know if this helped the chapter or not. :)

With that said, enjoy the edited version! :D

Old Author's Note:Hey, I'm back! In this chapter, this is where it hits AU (although, the last chapter was pretty noncanon as well). Also, I don't know what happened to the reviews, but they are there...somehow. If you want to see them, they're at the bottom.

Here's chapter 1 (last chapter was a prologue)! The setting is Synchro Dimension, and the present time is a few days after the end of the Friendship Cup. Yuya won against his duel with Crow in order for this to work, so if he loses in that duel, then this entire story is AU.

There are a few other changes, which you will see once you read the first few parts of the chapter. But the chances of all those events happening in the show are zero to nothing, sooooo...yeah, let's move on!

From this point on, Crow and Shinji will be joining the Lancers (I already stated what happened to Yugo in the last chapter, in case you've forgotten. And yeah, he'll be giving Yuya LOTS of headaches! XD) So, ENJOY (no, not enjoy Chojiro)!

Bold = Author notes, reviews (reviewers)

Bold with Italics = Reviews (Author)

Italics = flashbacks, thoughts, emphasis

It was evening in the City in the proud and free Synchro Dimension, the sun barely peeking over the horizon and the tall, crystal skyscrapers of the Tops, their glowing structures overshadowing the lower, darker and poorer regions of the Commons. With the fading light came a clearer view of the starry black sky and the pale moon, acting as substitutes for the shining of light. There were no clouds in sight, which left only a beautiful and clear dusk for the occupants to watch and enjoy.

But there was something else in the atmosphere, a feeling that had lingered for a while now...peace. After a very long era of discrimination and injustice, there was finally a calm tranquility, a universal peace that existed throughout all of the Synchro Dimension.

For most of the residents, they could sense that cool and tranquil feeling in the air...but not all of them did.

Inside the dining hall of the Executive Council building, there was only one particular resident inside, waiting for the others to arrive in time for the meeting that would soon take place. Both his mind and heart were in complete turmoil, most likely from the past events that had happened recently, and he didn't know what to do about it.

So he did what everyone else in his situation did naturally when deep in thought: he paced vigorously around the room. Not that he had even noticed.

Yuya covered his sweaty head with his hands as a pulsing headache started to form inside his skull, unable to wrap his mind around the events that occurred in the past few days. It had been a very wild ride not only for him, but for his friends as well. Never had he ever imagined that their adventure in the Synchro Dimension would've been anything like this...

He sighed lightly from the thought of the adventure so far, fighting against the forces of Academia, saving the City from their troubles, making new friends and allies, and leaving a lasting legacy behind so that the people who lived in the dimension could finally find some peace after years full of turbulence and chaos. It had been a crazy adventure, but their journey in this dimension was almost over.

A genuine smile inched slowly on Yuya's face. Well, at least they could all have some peace for now. However, that didn't ease the apprehensive feeling in his mind and the uneasy sickness in his stomach. He couldn't shake the feeling that even after all he and his friends had done to save the Synchro Dimension...there was still a war they had to fight.

They still personally had to go up against Academia. And the knowledge of that disturbing fact left a cloud of doubt lingering in Yuya, being the cause of his headache in the first place as well as the reason why he was so deeply troubled at the moment instead of happy.

Perhaps, if he eased his mind and aching heart by reminiscing on what happened in the past instead of focusing on the future...

Closing his eyes and leaning against a chair with his arms draped down the front of it, Yuya started to reminisce on his adventures, starting with the time when he was locked in the cell by Roget when he defied his alliance. That man was utterly twisted, and there was no doubt in his mind that he was a despot...

"Hello, Yuya. Enjoying your stay here?" There was a layer of condescension in his smooth voice, and it was sickening to hear. Yuya rose from his position on the floor, putting his deck in his left pant pocket before facing his enemy and the Security minions behind him, a dark glare twisting itself on his features.

"What do you want with me, Roget?" he snarled angrily, clutching the bars of the cell tightly, his knuckles turning a ghostly white from the strain.

The blonde man snickered to himself, giving a leer back at him. "I only desired your alliance before, and I had failed that. So now, if you had nothing to give to me willingly, then you were only in the way. However, that is no longer the case."

But secretly, he had no intentions of revealing his plan to the young boy. In his eyes, Yuya was stubborn and incredibly strong-willed, and had already declared his resolve to save his friends and the Synchro Dimension from the Security Bureau as well as Academia.

He had even declared himself as an enemy to Roget personally, spatting out the words in the officer's face, and the man would make sure that that was the last mistake he would ever make. Yuya already showed that he had a strong will and heart for his friends, so what better way than to use that strength for the man's own personal gain...?

"Then why keep me here?" the boy asked venomously. "If I am of no use to you, then let me go! Why am I here?"

Roget clicked his tongue in disappointment; Yuya was indeed quite naive. "I said that you had nothing to give to me willingly. I never said that you were of no more use to me. And as such, I have come to set you free from this dreadful place."

"But you were the one who had sent me here in the first place! That doesn't...wait, what?" Yuya processed the last sentence a little too late after his rant, and even then, he still wasn't sure if he heard the man correctly.

"I am letting you go," Roget replied in an amused matter-of-factly tone, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Yuya then heard a click on his door, then it slowly opened, ending his imprisonment.

He couldn't believe his eyes or ears; Roget was letting him go, just like that? Even after Yuya had clearly declared that he would never join him or his forces? The boy grew rightfully suspicious of the apparent change of heart; there was something else going on here, something that the man wasn't telling him...

After all, knowing Roget from their encounters, Yuya knew that he would never do anything like this without some underlying motive. And with him being a former Academia agent as well further elevated his suspicions. The man simply cannot be trusted, no matter how good his intentions were.

"That's it? Just like that?" Yuya asked, keeping a steady glare on the man. "No secret plan or anything like that? No trap? Gimmick? Ploy?"

Roget laughed at this and gestured to his men to take the boy by his arms, preventing him from escaping their grip. Yuya was far from happy at this, his red eyes glowing slightly with pure rage as he struggled and squirmed against the guards.

"I KNEW it! Let me go! ROGET!"

Oh, Yuya," Roget sighed, shaking his head. "Do you want to know why I am letting you go?"

That caught his attention, making him snap his head at the man as a spew of vulgar insults fled his lips. "To take me to another cell? To keep me as your prisoner so you can take over and rule this dimension? To get to my friends and make sure that they are imprisoned as well?! You made that point clear in our last meeting, so whatever you have to say to me, Roget, I am not going to listen to you! Not now, and not ever! YOU GOT THAT?!"

Roget smirked, giving a low hum in disapproval. "Far from your little accusations, actually, Yuya. I only want you to duel your way to the top, and become the winner of the Friendship Cup. After all, didn't you say it yourself that you would help your friends and save this world from Academia? And I'm sure you've learned by now that the people in this world only listen to a why not become one for them? I know you have that power inside you, one that is strong enough to defeat even Jack Atlas!"

Yuya's glare wavered for a moment, distrustful of the tone and character of his enemy. However, knowing that despite everything the man had done to stop him and the Lancers...Roget was unfortunately right about one thing: if he were to grab the people's attention, he would have to duel and fight to the top and defeat the King of Riding Duels himself. It was the only way for them to succeed, considering the predicament he and the other Lancers were in.

But something didn't add up...

Roget took the boy's contemplative silence as mere acceptance, his smile widening to near impossible lengths. "Now you see, Yuya. It's like I said before...we are on the same side in this. I need you to put on a spectacular show and win, to draw in the crowds with your Entertainment Dueling. They'll listen to you, then. However, we can't do that if you're stuck in that old cell..."

And before the boy could say another word in protest, Roget gestured to the Security guards once more, and they tugged at his arms to force him to walk with them away towards an unknown place. The boy had no say in it, except yelling and squirming to break free from their grasp, with more curses flying from his mouth.

Yuya looked back to glare at Roget, knowing in his heart that there was something else that he wasn't telling him...but the man had already left. This left a sense of doubt in the boy's heart, especially after processing the full length of their brief conversation.

After all, why did Roget need him to entertain the City and win the Friendship Cup? What was he hoping to gain from this? It didn't make any sense...

Though, whatever the man had planned for him and his friends, the boy would personally make sure that he wouldn't succeed. Yuya would win, but not for Roget, only for his friends and for the safety of the City.

Even if he had to duel Roget himself...

"Well, it all makes sense now..." Yuya sighed to himself, resting most of his weight against the chair. His mind was relieved of its pain somewhat from the memory, but he still cringed from the throbbing.

At least it was working. Perhaps if he tried to focus on something else...

His mind then wandered to what his friends had told him later on in that same week, on how a small group of Obelisk Force soldiers had appeared from the night sky and quickly invaded the City, carding the citizens left and right in glee. They did it without mercy, and everyone was in a horrified panic.

They killed hundreds of citizens and hurt more innocent lives with dueling. What they did was wrong, and it was a miracle that anyone was able to make it out okay after all of that...

Yuya's heart hung heavy at the terrible thought, almost literally breaking in two. It was terrible living through and experiencing that, even if it only lasted for less than a day.

Then, without warning, fresh images of Heartland City being invaded raced through his mind and flooded his entire sight, with Yuto's memories recalling and focusing on the Academia students laughing in sick pleasure as innocents and duelists alike disappeared...

Yuya clenched his fists from this, his crimson eyes glowing slightly in anger. Almost immediately noticing what was happening, he took a few deep breaths, attempting to calm down his mind. As painful and heart-wrenching as those memories were, it was never a good idea for him to act out in anger.

After all, he promised Yuto that he would bring smiles to everyone. And there was absolutely no way that he would go back on that promise, even if the Xyz counterpart often involuntarily forced him into a rage (though, he never once blamed him or bitterly called him out for it).

Yuya shook his head. Come on, don't think on the bad events, no matter how real or overwhelming they are. Focus on a good memory...

There was one thing that made him smile: his friends. Yuya remembered when the Lancers soon escaped from the underground, not long after Academia had taken over parts of the City. They fought the Obelisk Force off bravely with help from Shinji and the remaining rebels and immigrants that had all worked underground.

However, they did it for a different cause, a revolution to overthrow the Tops once and for all. Yuya's smile seeped down to a frown again; to say that their actions to create a new society were violent was an understatement.

Parts of his memory were still quite fuzzy on certain things, however, so he couldn't really remember all of the specific details for the moment.

Nevertheless, the Lancers and the revolutionaries of the City all made it out safely, both from the underground and from being defeated by Academia, who had nearly torn then apart. They were saved and free, and it was because of their persistence and their strength in their teamwork that captured the attention of the entire City, both from the Tops and Commons...and from Roget.

Yuya shivered from the memory, closing his eyes. Roget was most definitely not happy when he learned about the invasion and escape from the underground, and his sanity slippage only worsened when the Executive Council turned on him not long after, forcing him to take action, declare marshal law, and send Security all throughout the City in order to suppress the remains of the Obelisk Force (if there were any), the escaped Common rebels that threatened to disrupt his definition of peace, and the Lancers who had bravely stood up against the dangers of Academia and Security.

Yuya could still remember the utter insanity in that man's voice when he had declared his intentions to the public...and when he also announced for the Friendship Cup to continue onward with the semi-finals, with the planned duels being Sergey v.s. Crow and Yuya dueling against Yugo, he was both shocked...and outraged. It was at that point that he knew that the man would do anything to stay in power, even if it meant that he would oppress the entire Synchro Dimension and declare himself as a tyrannical king.

Roget was most definitely a despicable villain, a coward that he absolutely loathed with all of his heart...and despite his own attempts to stay optimistic and help his friends, Yuya felt his own anger seething through the cracks of his heart, slowly overwhelming his mind and thoughts...

A pang erupted in his chest right then and there, his eyesight flashed red for a moment, and Yuya instantly cut off his own memory in order to not lose control of himself again. It left him gasping for air, taking all his efforts to not lose consciousness. Especially concerning the current circumstances, the last thing on his mind was to let his inner darkness take over again...

But...these memories just won't, Yugo, are you doing this?

Yugo...something clicked in Yuya's mind about him. Despite the fact that he was his Synchro counterpart, the tomato-haired duelist couldn't help but wonder what the connection was between them. He was another duelist just like him...and he also owned a dragon, just like Yuto. In fact, it was because of him that the XYZ boy now resided inside Yuya...

There had to be a connection somehow. And there was, which was weird.

But what was even weirder was that there were times when Yuya wondered whether he himself was actually Yugo, especially when the latter dueled. They shared a link, a synchronized relationship that was absolutely unexplainable, but it was just...there.

That was so refreshing and exhilarating like a blowing wind...but there was also something else...

Yuya still couldn't describe it. All he could say was that it was was as if they were one person, one entity, one voice as a whole. It was impossible to tell if he was either himself or Yugo during those duels, and that confusing sensation rose to a peak when the Friendship Cup semi-rounds included a duel between them, the two counterparts.

He had no idea what was exactly the cause of this..."link", but he knew that it must have something to do with the nature of the counterparts, including himself. And just thinking that he possessed powers and abilities that often worked beyond his own control...was very frightening.

But then he also recollected an excruciating pain in his head back at that time, in his duel with Yugo, when a pain that could only be described as a burning and electrifying sensation shocked and tormented his skull and skin. The electric waves that circuited through his body left him screaming until his voice was raw, leaving a tingling white noise in his ears. He was lucky to not be shell-shocked or have permanent hearing loss from that torment.

It was the most torturous feeling that he had experienced in his entire life...and that duel nearly killed him.

It was thanks to that indescribable pain that the synchronization intensified to a point where not only did Yuya felt like he was Yugo, but that he was also Yuto...and someone else. There was an extra person involved in the mix, one voice that he had never heard before...and yet the presence of that person was very familiar, almost recognizable...

As if that person was an embodiment of himself. That aspect was a frightening thought for Yuya.

But there was something else in that duel that didn't seem right; he remembered that there was also a constant roaring somewhere in the backgrounds of their, of his voice. He couldn't tell if the roar came from Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon or Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, but he knew that it was a dragon...and it was very powerful.

The sound of that roar stirred something in his soul, something very dark and familiar. He could only best describe it as being similar to the sensation of pain that he would usually experience whenever Yuto's anger overtook him, except that it was far more intense, more ominous, more...god-like and wrathful. And the pain still continued, acting as a catalyst for this angry entity...and before long, he was lost in the darkness, utterly overwhelmed and overpowered by it. He was helpless, forced to succumb to it against his will.

Ever since that moment, when that powerful sensation appeared, he lost all memory of the duel afterwards. However, he did know that he won the duel somehow, considering that when he regained his senses again (along with an aching body pain), Yugo was completely gone...and Clear Wing Synchro Dragon was somehow there in his own deck. He possessed three dragons, each with their own unique power and summoning method. He would have to investigate that later.

And what was even worse, when he looked inside his helmet, Yuya noticed a broken microchip inside it...a mind control chip that delivered direct shockwaves to his brain. He knew that there was only one person who would do such a sadistic and cruel thing to him...or to anyone, in that matter...

A minor migraine started to pulse in Yuya's head from the abrupt memory, forcing him to stop and rub his forehead, pinching the bridge of his nose. Perhaps...he should stop recollecting on that event for now. It was a rather painful one after all. Best to not rethink or relive it.

Despite the numerous holes in his memory, Yuya knew what happened next quite least, despite the other duel that might've occurred after his. He wasn't present at that time, so he had no idea of who won it...although, considering that Crow came out in one piece, Yuya safely concluded that he either defeated Sergey...or, since Roget used the robotic man as a tool to fight against Academia and keep the City under his control, he didn't show up.

But then, Yuya suddenly recollected that Crow was helping the Lancers fight back against Roget and Security, so maybe since neither competitor showed up, their match was skipped or canceled. Either way, he ended up dueling against Jack...

Yuya smiled lightly to himself at the thought. Whatever happened in his duel with Yugo, Jack was most definitely not pleased with him at first. The boy's only guess was that the sensation that he had felt earlier was really his own darkness taking over, meaning that he dueled viciously against Yugo, so the King of Riding Duels proceeded to show him a different path of dueling instead.

He didn't take note of it at first, but Jack was teaching him on how to be both a worthy duelist and entertainer...if, perhaps, in his own stern, unyielding way. It took Yuya a long time to notice what the King was expecting from him, but he eventually delivered the match in a way that was not conceited or arrogant, dueling as an opponent who listened and responded.

His duel with Jack was more than just a match between two was also a conversation between two different people. It was thanks to him that Yuya learned to improve himself...and to strengthen his friends as well.

And that revelation was what won him that duel. And Yuya was still forever grateful to Jack for helping him see more clearly.

However, despite the lessons that he learned mentally, his body was aching and tired from the duels. And it was at that moment that Roget mysteriously disappeared from the Synchro Dimension, leaving Security free from his grip...Yuya couldn't shake off the feeling that he would meet that utterly evil man again, and the thought of it left a sickness in his stomach.

Attempting to ignore it all, he tried to focus on his surroundings of the dining hall, taking note of the elegance of the golden chandeliers and the silk red-and-gold carpets on top of the clean cobbled tiles of the floor. The marble walls and the clear crystal ceiling added a more subtle beauty that was pleasing to the eye, although, Yuya didn't really pay much attention to those features.

And then the doors opened and more people came him, which consisted of the Lancers (plus Yuzu), the Executive Council, and his three Synchro friends. The once quiet room was flooded with their voices, and the headache that was receding in Yuya's head came back in full force.

At this point, it was actually impossible to focus on anything visible before him; the chatter in the room was too much for his ears. As everyone took their seats, he also sat down and rubbed his aching forehead from the increasing pressure.

The chatter eventually died down to a silence, but the air still held a sense of eeriness and suspense. Everyone was tense, and Yuya could understand why. The events in the past few days all hung heavy in their minds; after all, who could forget the invasion of Academia or Roget attempting to take over the City?

Despite the obvious tension in the room—the majority of it was between Crow and Jack—the meeting went very smoothly from one topic to another. Yuya tried to pay attention to the conversations, but he only caught bits and pieces here and there.

However, one of the topics involved Roget's disappearance, and even in his current fatigued state, Yuya stiffened involuntarily at the name of that man. Everyone else also reacted in their own way as well, and the pressure in the room instantly dropped. It was so quiet, one could hear a pin fall to the ground.

The very thought of that blond despot made Yuya shake his head vehemently as the memories of that wicked man microchipping his helmet and electrocuting him in his duel with Yugo emerged once more. It was an experience the kid wished he could forget forever, and he tried earlier...but he couldn't. He would never be able to forget that painful sensation ever...

Besides that, Yuya could hardly remember the other discussions for the rest of the meeting, his mind being more focused instead on his agonizing headache. He only remembered them talking about something that involved Dennis. There was also something about whether there should be a Head of Security, considering that the City was in peace again...

Peace...Yuya sighed in relief at the word. One thing was for sure: after all the chaos that had transcribed recently, even if they were scarred, traumatized, or hurt badly along the way, even if they knew that there was more trouble lying ahead for them in the future, in this moment there was finally, finally a moment of safety for Yuya and his friends. From what he could tell, the City and the Synchro Dimension as a whole was looking forward to a brighter future ahead of them, once the Lancers have taken care of Academia, that is.

And then, maybe then, people could learn to smile again and enjoy dueling without an ounce of fear, anger or hatred. Just dueling for fun and entertainment, speaking to each other through their monsters and cards...just like his father had done to the people back in his homeland.

Looking around the room once more, Yuya soon caught sight of Yuzu, and his heart gave a slight flutter in relief. He was very grateful to both Sora and Yugo in making sure that she was safe and sound. It felt like ages since she disappeared in the Battle Royale, even though it was only a few weeks ago...

At least she was safe. She was here before him. She was finally with him, reunited by his side. Yuya's heart fluttered at the longing, warm feeling, and he wondered what it meant...

But it didn't matter now, because once this whole war was finally over and done, they can truly go back to their home, to their friends and family together. They could go home...together. The thought of that alone made him smile widely in joy and bliss, eagerly waiting for the day when that dream became a reality.

And it would be thanks to both Yugo. And Sora.


As for the little Academia soldier, Yuya had no recollection of seeing him ever since he went off to find and help Yuzu. He hoped that his friend was okay...wherever he was. He talked to Yuzu if she knew where he went, but she replied that the last time she conversed with Sora was when he saved her. She stated that they barely escaped from the clutches of Security and the Obelisk Force that time.

Furthermore, Yuya was glad, grateful that Sora was now on their side again. It must've been hard for him to defect from Academia, considering that he probably had spent almost his entire life there (although, he didn't know much of the soldier's past, so he could only assume)...but it was for the greater good.

And personally, for Yuya, he was just glad that his friend was back. He then closed his eyes and sighed, smiling to himself.

Be careful, Sora. Thank you for bringing Yuzu back safely, my friend.

After a couple hours of chatting, debating and planning, some of the people in the hall took notice of the late night fast approaching, due to the horizon being almost completely dark. Everyone was completely tired, evident from the occasional yawns and the grumbling and desires to go to bed. It was finally time to finish everything.

To wrap up the meeting, Reiji decided to make a couple more announcements, standing up in his seat and immediately grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. And as he spoke of what they were planning to do next, it left the entire room in shock, especially one person in particular...

"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE LEAVING?!" The loud outcry almost rang through the entire City, causing some birds that were perched outside the building to fly up in the air. This alarmed a few local residents, who opened their windows and shook their fists at whoever woke them up, with a few swearing like a sailor.

Yuya clasped his ears from the yell as well, the sound not helping with his pained head. The owner of the cry then roughly rose from his seat, almost toppling it over clumsily behind him.

Everyone looked over at Shingo Sawatari, his face beaming bright red with anger as he gave an irritated glare at Reiji. They all sweat-dropped as the brunette with blond bangs continued in a shrill tone, "Why are we leaving already? It's only been a few weeks, and the people of this dimension still haven't realized my potential and greatness as a duelist! We have more work to do here! My father, the mayor, will hear about this when we get back!"

"Shingo, your father isn't mayor yet," Gongenzaka deadpanned while crossing his arms, reflecting nearly everyone else's thoughts at the boy's last exclamation. Shingo didn't seem to notice as he continued to rant on, making everyone sweat again.

Clueless as always. Yuya sometimes wondered on how Reiji allowed the arrogant boy to be a Lancer in the first place, even though he didn't really hold anything against him. He was a member of the team...but his role was not clear.

Ignoring the arrogant teenager, the gray-haired man merely fixed his red glasses before replying in his usual collected tone. "Our objective in the Synchro Dimension is now complete, so there is no more need for further action here. We've only come here to attain allies and resist any invasion from Academia, if necessary. We've reached those goals, we freed the city and gained their trust, having exceeded our expectations. We can move on to our next target: Academia, the enemy base in the Fusion Dimension."

"But...what about the Xyz Dimension, my home?!" Shun asked, his question addressing everyone's thoughts on the obvious elephant in the room. "Shouldn't we go over and help the Resistance fight off Academia? Shouldn't we ensure the safety there first?"

"Shun, I can assure you, if we don't attack the problem at its source, then it will never be solved," the leader replied, looking around the room to see everyone's expressions. "However, I have not forgotten about the Xyz Dimension. Rather, I am glad that you have asked me that, Shun."

"And why is that?" the rebel duelist snarled, clenching his fists as bitter memories of the invasion of his home flooded his mind. "Why are we here, then? If Academia is the problem, then why not eliminate those who also lurk in the Xyz Dimension? Why do we have to go straight to the Fusion Dimension when so many of my comrades need our help in my home?"

"Because, as we speak, I already have duelist soldiers trained from LDS traveling there to help the XYZ remnants fight off Academia," Reiji replied smoothly, never leaving his gaze off the young man. "You see, as we would travel to the Synchro Dimension and then to the Fusion Dimension as the front row of Lancers, those who lived and remained in the Standard Dimension would be trained to fight and help the Xyz Dimension. They're most likely fighting off Academia's forces there right now as we speak. So, therefore, Shun, do not fear for your comrades. They are all in capable and safe hands."

"You always have a plan for everything, don't you?" Serena voiced, narrowing her eyes at the man.

"Not everything, Serena," he replied as Shun sank back to his seat and crossed his arms, still very miffed. "I'm only prepared for situations where I can win."

The last statement earned both surprised and mixed responses from the group, ranging from anger to confusion to satisfaction. Only Yuya didn't say anything, considering that the sudden commotion in the room was worsening the pressure in his head. He clutched his hair with both hands, waiting for the noise to die down and ease the pain, if for a little while. Yuzu noticed his discomfort, becoming quite worried for her friend.

In the midst of all the chaos and commotion, Jack and the five council members quietly sipped on their drinks, noticing Reiji raise his hand in order to calm his group down. Even Reira loosened his hold a little, albeit just a little.

"Before you continue, let me remind you that this has always been the main objective of the Lancers: to oppose and stop Academia and to protect the other dimensions. The Xyz Dimension will be delivered into safety once more by LDS, so we will move on to our goal. And to do so, we would eventually have to travel to the Fusion Dimension and fight Academia itself, understand?"

The Lancers each murmured a response before returning to their recent positions, with Sawatari awkwardly fixing his chair that was on the floor. Even though he didn't give a say, Yuya still didn't like the idea of participating in a war, where dueling was used only for conflict and brute force...but he knew that there was no other option when it came to Academia, especially its leader, the Professor. And he hated it.

However, upon looking at the young man, Yuya wondered just how strained Reiji's relationship with his father really was. Of all the Lancers, the war must've hit him the hardest of them all, even if he never showed it. The thought made him wonder what he himself would feel if his own father was also the main enemy...


Yuya didn't want to think about it. He loved his father too much, and he still missed him with all his heart. He knew that he was still somewhere out there...and he would do whatever it took to find him and be reunited with him.

It's been over three years...and yet, I can still remember that day. Father, why did you have to leave? Where did you go?

It wasn't long before Reiji spoke up again, snapping the tomato-haired boy out of his troubled thoughts. "We will be leaving tomorrow morning. Till then, I want everyone to get a good night's rest. Save up your strength for tomorrow; you will need it for the journey and battle in the Fusion Dimension."

"We will be taking care of everyone's quarters for the night," one of the council members stated in a strict tone. "Now, since everything's been settled, shall we consider this meeting adjourned, Akaba Reiji?"

"I do have one more thing to say," he replied, straightening his glasses again. "Crow, Shinji, I will need your duel disks just for tonight. If you're going to be joining the Lancers, they will need to be upgraded and adjusted to the Solid Vision and Dimension Travel systems before we can move on."

The two Synchro duelists looked up at this, rightfully wary of the man. Crow gave a mild glare at Reiji while Shinji started to protest, saying that he wouldn't let anyone near his duel disk, but nevertheless, the decision was already made. They reluctantly handed over their duel disks to him, but he thankfully let them keep their decks.

Yuya watched this with half-lidded eyes. He really was ready for some shut-eye. And after looking around, so was everyone else; Sawatari was the only one who yawned.

"And now, this meeting is officially adjourned," the Head of the Executive Council declared, much to the Lancers' relief.

And not long after, the dining room was empty and devoid of life as everyone went to their separate suite rooms, the same rooms that they've been in during the Friendship Cup. They murmured their goodnights and best wishes to each other, some even waving a hand or smiling to give extra encouragement. Yuzu alone came up to wish her best friend luck, hugging him briefly and thanking him before returning to her room.

As much as Yuya enjoyed the comfort, he still couldn't shake off that apprehensive feeling stirring inside him, telling him that something bad was going to happen...and soon...

Meanwhile, not far from the dreaded barracks known as Academia, stood a great city now left in rambles and desolation, with skyscrapers toppled over, houses crumbled and streets broken and torn up from war. The cold sunlight shone over the ruins of a once proud metropolis and over one half-dilapidated house resting on the outlands...

"Hey, Lyd! You've got to come and check this out!" a young male voice called out throughout the dark rooms, grabbing the attention of the only other person in the surrounding area of the house. The mentioned figure slowly rose from her position on the wooden chair in the kitchen and walked through the darkness, careful not to step on any leftover debris or broken cement that rested on the ground.

She made her way through the dilapidated remains of the house towards her comrade's voice, lost in her own thoughts and her past. Her friend was not really the type of person who would eagerly call out for anyone; he was too shy to do that.

Therefore, she wondered what he had discovered that would make him grab her attention so earnestly. Maybe he found something important, something that could stop them once and for all.

If that were the case, then there was perhaps a hope for them, for everyone...

"What is it, Joho?" she asked in a slightly irritated tone as she stepped into the room, her tall figure still hidden in the shadows, despite the sole bright light of the computer resting atop the wooden desk.

Upon further inspection of the room, one could note that the white walls were utterly bare, save for the holes here and there that showed the insides, such as the wooden beams and insulation. There were no windows in sight, and the ceiling above showed only one lone fan with light bulbs, not spinning at the moment. The ground was still trashed with debris, the only clear spots being near the desk and trashcan that stood next to it on the left.

Rolling around in the black-wheeled chair to face her, the joyful male gave a wide toothy grin as he pointed to the screen of the computer...or, well, what was on the screen.

"Guess who decided to come back," he answered in a proud tone, his emerald eyes staring up into her purple ones in a loving manner...only to be shoved forcefully out of the way by the girl. He crashed with a thud into the cement wall behind her, giving a slight moan from the impact.

"You didn't have to do that, you know," he grimaced, rubbing his sore head. The light of the computer revealed his face, his hair being a mild brown color with one single bang sticking straight up in the air. He wore a dark cloak, opened to reveal the white shirt and dusty brown belt that rested underneath. His black pants reached all the way to his ankles, with multiple tears decorating one of them, and his feet were covered by a pair of dark combat boots. Two large pockets could be seen on either side of his pant legs, just above his knees.

"Quiet...please," she replied firmly, getting a closer look at the computer.

Her position in front of the machine still darkened her body from the neck down, but the screen gave her face a little more light, revealing a set of bandages wrapped around her forehead, covering her left eye and ear. Her light purple bangs peeked out over some of the bandages; some parts of hair dangled over her ears and drooped on her shoulders while other parts were tied in a loose ponytail in the back, giving her a more unkempt appearance. Her neck was covered completely from view by a high collar, its color being a faded dark purple-gray color. Her lone, dark amethyst eye scrutinized closely at the screen, watching it carefully.

Her sharp eye suddenly widened as a certain image flickered across the screen, followed by an intense glare. "Yep, that's him alright. I'd recognize Academia's clothes anywhere."

"What are we going to do? Why is he here?" There was a strange sense of worry in Joho's tone as his green eyes flickered repeatedly between the screen and the hardened face of his leader. "What if he blows up our whole operation to save the Fusion Dimension? What if he contacts Academia? What if he...finds us? Oh, this is bad, this is bad!"

"For once in your life, will you stop your whimpering, Joho?! MAN UP!" she yelled coldly, looking back at her friend with a bright red glow showing underneath her bandages. "He is from Academia, so it doesn't matter. He betrayed us, so he's still our enemy. I'll go out and make sure that he regrets ever coming here."

"You know...maybe he's changed since then," Joho reasoned, hoping to appease her anger. "I mean, we don't even know if he's still in league with them...maybe he defected them, just like you did."

"I don't care," she muttered coldly in return, giving a solemn stare at her friend. "He betrayed us. That's reason enough to kill him."

"K-kill him?! B-but...h-he's your br-br-br...!"

"No, he's not. I've cut off all ties from family four years ago, remember?"

"Y-yes. But...this just isn't right."

"So what if it isn't? In the end, the world will have one less troublesome Academia duelist to deal with...and I won't have to live with this pain anymore."

"Lyd..." Joho sighed deeply, not knowing or finding any other way to convince his friend from her decision.

She had already made up her mind, and there was no way for him to change it.

"Alright. Do what you have to do. know there's a risk that you might run out of power if you don't recharge soon. My guess is that you have until tonight to find him."

"Yeah, I know...and that's more than enough time for me," the girl replied in a soft tone, sounding almost forlorn for a moment's notice...before turning her focus back to the computer screen, giving a long and hard glare at the occupant on it. "I think it's soon time for some Academia monsters to die tonight...don't you think?"

And that's it! Next chapter will probably be after I watch Ep. 88. Also, the suspense is increasing! Who is the brother? Also, I'm sorry if the part in the Synchro Dimension was a bit lame. It's SO HARD TO WRITE A SCENE WITH SO MANY CHARACTERS AND SO MANY CONTRASTS IN PERSONALITY! I don't think I did a great job with keeping Yuya IC (in character), but it's sorta justified in this case.