Red Snow

Finding this Han character was harder than Korra thought.

And he was a person who could get into the Spirit World.

Who was this Han person anyways? If he could get into the Spirit World, was he even human? Either way, once they captured him, they were going to have answers.

It was just one of the many perks with being the Avatar. One threat to the world after the other. Besides that, a lot of strange things in the world crossed by her. Then again, she was the connection between the physical world and the Spirit World, so strangeness was part of the job.

"I never thought I'd see your face again…"

She turned and saw a face she saw long ago in a meditation session. Her back shivered. She never thought she'd ever meet him, though it was a face she called 'father-in-law'.


Once he stepped into the light, Korra saw his entire face. Looking at him, she saw the face of her husband.

"Don't you think every day I look in the mirror and I don't see my father every time…?" Tarrlok tried to hold his breath. "Everyday, I pray to the Spirits and ask them that I don't turn out like him, but every time I try, I'm just exactly like him…!"

She remembered holding his big frame.

"I don't see how my son could have married you, Avatar…" he spat her title out. "You're Water Tribe now, that I can understand, but I told him to get revenge on you! Never thought he could be anymore pathetic…"

"If you didn't take away my bending in your past life, I could have ruled all of Republic City…!" he began. "If you didn't distract Tarrlok and just let him get on with his political career, he would have gone on to do greater things. Greater than you…! And Noatak… Such a waste of talent."

"He's nothing like you, Yakone…!" She pointed a finger at him. "You both wanted power, but what makes him different from you, better than you is that he used his power for good. If anyone's pathetic, it's you…! He's a thousand times the man than you'll ever be. Tarrlok just wanted you to love him for him, Noatak wanted you to love him for him… They were your sons and you treated them like dogs…! I don't know how you could even do that to them."

"What enrages me more is that child growing in your womb…! Not only was I disgraced by the Avatar once before in my lifetime, now I'm a grandfather to the child of an Avatar."

Did she hear him right, or was she just imagining things? Korra was pregnant with her and Tarrlok's child? Their very first child was coming…!

She reached below to touch the life that was growing inside of her.

She looked up at Yakone. "This child will do great things. Better than you… Better than Tarrlok. And it will set out to do what Tarrlok wanted to do in the first place."

Yakone's agenda was dying out faster than he thought.

"This child will not grow up the way you raised Tarrlok and Noatak...!"

Before she left him, she turned around to look at him.

"Tarrlok may hate you for the rest of his life, but I could never hate you, Yakone."

Yakone's eyes widen.

"You are the father of my husband, and the grandfather of my child," she continued. "And to hate you is to hate them. Like it or not… we are family."


Yeah, so I hope this turned out well. Out of it this week, haha... I had no idea what to do to end this, so it may sound a little abrupt.

Hope you're having a great day!