The fight with the nightmares were wearing Jade Turtle and Vixen out which is just what Nightshade was hoping for. She sent her sleep waves after them. They were both about to fall asleep when suddenly a yo-yo knocked her right on the head. She angrily turned to see Cat Noir and Ladybug standing above her. She lunged for them but Ladybug cleverly snatched her watch, smashed it, and de-evilzed the Akuma. Everyone who was put to sleep woke up, the nightmare monsters disappeared, and Nightshade turned back to normal.
"Huh? Where am I?" The girl asked.
"Are you okay?" Ladybug asked.
"I think so. I can't remember anything."
"Let me take you home."
She took the girl home. A week later the gang held a movie night. Adrien got to her house early. He found her setting up sleeping bags and movie snacks while humming. He tapped on the window.
"Adrien?" She opened the window. "What are you-"
He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.
"Forgive me Marinette." He said. "Please forgive me, I never meant to hurt you I only wanted to protect you."
"Protect me? From what?"
"Nightshade gave him nightmares saying that if you two fell in love you would die." Plagg said.
"How terrible." Marinette gasped.
"They seemed so real." Adrien said. "And what happened to those two miraculous users-"
"What happened to Leonce and Jeanne was tragic." Tikki said. "But it didn't always end that way, Plagg may not remember this but one set of ladybug and black cat miraculous users during the Mexican war of independence fell in love. The ladybug of the time was Catarina Montoya a Spanish girl and the cat noir was Arturo Sanchez a Mexican boy."
"Wait! Now the mention it I do remember them. They used their powers to help fight in the war." Plagg said. "Also they were snubbed by society."
"What for?" Adrien asked.
"Catarina was the daughter of a solider who fell in love with a gypsy and Arturo was the son of a thief who rapped a nun." Plagg said. "Gypsies were not considered part of society at the time so people didn't like Catarina for being half gypsy and Arturo was born from wedlock and his father was a drunk thief so naturally he was hated too."
"Arturo and Catarina fell in love and I think they got married but I don't know for sure because after the war ended we were called back." Tikki said.
"Point is kid love is fool of risks." Plagg said. "And most of the time it's worth it or so I've been told."
"You two belong together, no matter what." Tikki said.
Adrien and Marinette looked at each other and their lips were brought in a passionate kiss. They held each other and nuzzles each other. Adrien was so happy to have Marinette in his arms again. He would never let her go, never again. The Kwamis were right, they did belong together.
"Hey! We're still here you know." Plagg said.
"Sorry." Marinette giggled. "We should get things ready for Nino and Alya."
When Nino and Alya arrived, they ordered pizza, popped popcorn, made sundaes, a few pasteries from the bakery, and soda to have with the movie. They laughed and cuddled together in nice warm blankets while eating their snacks. By the end of the movie they were all asleep.
An elderly Leonce was on the ground fatally injured and unable to move. He hated himself for what he had done and in his sorrow he began to cry and beg God for forgiveness of the evil sin he had committed. He prayed that he would forgive him for hanging Judge Parish and Darcia, for burning half of Paris, but most of all for letting his anger influence him to conflict destruction.
"Leonce." Called a familiar kind voice. A voice that he hadn't heard in twenty years, a voice he had missed hearing for so long. He opened his eyes and watched as the star took the form of his beloved princess. Jeanne de Arc, the same beautiful nineteen year old maiden she was when she died. Except she seemed to look more beautiful then ever.
"Leonce you can come home now." She said.
"What?" He said.
"He's watched you suffer, he's forgiven your sins, and now he says it's time for you to come home." She held out her hand, he was hesitant to take it. He wasn't sure this was real. "Come home my prince."
As soon as his hand touched hers, the hurt and weak old man disappeared and in his place was the young and handsome prince he was twenty years ago. She pulled him close and they shared a long awaited kiss as they descended into heaven together never to be parted again forever.
Then the heavenly light changed into a church with bells ringing and flower petals falling as he and Marinette were happily married and kissed.
Adrien woke up from his dream feeling peaceful. He saw that it was still night and he found Marinette outside watching the stars.
"What are you doing up?" He asked.
"I couldn't sleep. What about you? Anymore nightmares?"
"Not this time."
"They must've been pretty bad for you to avoid me."
"They were but now I know I was a fool to believe them."
"You don't ever have to be afraid. We'll always be together."
"But what happens when one of us dies?"
"Then we'll have to wait. It'll been painful but worth it. Because no matter what separates us, no matter how long we're apart, in the end we'll always find a way back to each other."
She kissed him, he kissed back, tears of relief and joy streamed down both their cheeks because in their hearts they knew it was true. Because when two people truly love each other they're never apart forever. Someone you love may leave you for awhile but if you truly love that person and they love you then you'll see them again the wait might be hard and it might hurt but in the end it's worth it. For nothing in the world is more powerful than love.