House of Bloo's: Part 2

Mac's jerky and pepperoni-faced older brother Terrance was waiting up late for his younger brother to return, for he knew that if their mom got home before he did, it would mean bad news for him. But Terrance swore that if Mac came home before their mom did, he was going to-!

Suddenly, the apartment door opened and none other than Mac walked in, wearing a scowl on his face while still carrying Coco's eggs.

"You! You are so busted! You thought you'd come home and get me in trouble? Well, your little plan didn't work 'cause Mom's not home yet!" As Terrance continued to scold his little brother, he followed him to his room and slapped the back of his head for the hell of it. "Where were ya, Stupid? What are those stupid eggs, Stupid? Where's that stupid friend of yours, Stupid? Mom told you ta get rid of 'm! But if you didn't, you're gonna be so bu-!"

"I WAS NOWHERE! HE'S NOTHING! AND I TOOK CARE OF IT! HAPPY?!" Mac finally snapped and shouted at the top of his lungs, leaving his older brother absolutely speechless as he ran into his room and slammed the door behind him.

Mac then threw the eggs against the back of his closet with all of his might and slammed that door shut too, stomping to his bed and yanking the covers over him afterwards.

Out of all horrible things that could've happened to him, why did it have to be this? Losing his best friend? He never wanted to think about it…but the scenario was made real today, no matter how much he denied it. The young boy could now do nothing but sleep his sorrow away, and hopefully come up with a plan to get Bloo back.

Mac wasn't the only one wishing Bloo didn't have to be left at that whore house, as the said blue blob felt incredibly nervous while following Wilt, Coco and Eduardo to their room, to which they promised they would share with him, too…but Bloo really didn't want to share a space with any of them, especially Wilt.

But as Bloo was deep in his thoughts, he suddenly bumped into someone heading in the hall. He was barely the same height as the blob, with a very skinny green body, like that of a celery stalk, and one giant eye with big eye lashes; his attire consisted of a white fedora with black trimming and a matching feather, a black and white-striped fur coat with a purple t-shirt underneath.

"Watch where yer goin', ya over grown dildo!" the green imaginary friend snapped.

"Hold it, Jackie! This is Bloo and he's new here, so take it easy on him," Wilt firmly instructed, getting down on one knee to push Jackie away.

"Fine. But get some glasses or somethin' 'cause I won't be so easy on ya next time, Dildo Boy," Jackie threatened while adjusting his fedora and then left.

"Who was that?" Bloo questioned after shaking away his shock.

"That's Jackie Khones, the most powerful sugar daddy in the whole house. Little word of advice: Don't speak to him unless he addresses you first, and only do what he asks when he does," Wilt instructed, as he and the others continued their way to their room.

"I'm guessing he doesn't like being disobeyed very often."

"Not at all. But just stick with us, Darlin', and you'll be alright."

"Right…speaking of which, what do you guys do here?"

"Want a little back story, huh? Alright. I'm the top drag queen and all-out entertainer here, Coco's one of the highest sugar mommas, and Eduardo's just another one of the bitches," Wilt informed with a boastful smile, but then his smile softened as he turned towards Eduardo, "No offense, Darlin."

"Esta Bien. I do it for everyone's happiness," Eduardo brushed off with a blush.

"Co co co coco," Coco pointed out flatly.

"I-I know…" Eduardo's blush grew even redder.

"Well, here we are!" Wilt announced when they finally reached their destination, ducking his head to enter, "Make yourself at home, Darlin'."

Bloo honestly didn't know what to think of the room at first, but what he saw was in the very least…"unique." The first thing he noticed was a dark green nest made of sticks and straw, like your typical bird's nest, but it was too large to house a little bird; the dim glow sticks in the nest immediately gave it away that it was Coco's. Opposite to Coco's nest was a set of bunk beds, the top mattress was very bent and a sign with 'Eduardo' printed on it, and the bottom mattress was much more neat and tidy, the blankets and sheets were pink with matching fuzzy heart-shaped, and there another sign at the foot of the bed that read 'Wilt'. Again, it was quite obvious whose bed was whose.

But the last thing Bloo noticed was certainly the most outstanding; in the farthest corner was a large vanity mirror with bright lights all around the border, and the mirror was atop a bright pink desk decorated with ball gags, makeup kits, red leather gloves, bags of drugs, red roses, and so much more.

"Sorry," Wilt chuckled and pulled the string to switch off the mirror lights, "I always forget ta turn 'em off."

"Uh, right…" Bloo uttered nervously, gulping down his fear, "U-um, w-where do I sleep?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Darlin'! I forgot about that!" Wilt exclaimed in embarrassment, quickly glancing around the room for a solution. His good eye soon landed on his bunk, and he smiled brightly, "You're welcome ta sleep with me, Darlin'."

Bloo gulped again, this time more audibly, as he knew he didn't really have a choice(and he didn't want to see someone as creepy as Wilt upset). He looked at the pretty and pink bed in fear, and then glanced back up at the tall friend with the same frightful expression.

"I insist," Wilt added sincerely while climbing into the bed, patting a spot next to him. The blue blob looked away for a split second before inhaling deeply, reluctantly climbed into the bed afterwards. But Bloo moved too slow for Wilt's liking, so he quickly wrapped his good arm around the blob and pulled him close. As soon as Bloo was pressed against Wilt's chest, Wilt pulled the covers over and snuggled him even closer, but he quickly turned around to avoid having his face buried in his sweet perfume-scented chest.

After Bloo turned over, he was greeted with the sight of Coco tamping her nest like a chicken, and this went on for another moment until she removed her glow necklace and anklets, tucking them underneath her and sitting down.

Once Coco settled down, Bloo's eyes shot upwards when the top bunk suddenly bent down even more, indicating that Eduardo had climbed into bed. And soon, the big purple monster leaned over the edge and smiled down at the quivering blob.

"Buenas noches, Azul. No te preocupes, Mac volvera," Eduardo reassured.

"Co, co coco coco co, co," Coco clucked with a smirk and rolled her eyes.

But Bloo didn't understand a single word, and he just lay there in silence while his eyes darted between the two as the awkward tension grew.

"They said goodnight, Darlin'," Wilt clarified with a chuckle, and gently patted Bloo's head, "And don't worry, Mac'll definitely come back. Until then, we're always here for ya."

As comforting as Wilt was trying to be, he couldn't get through to Bloo; the blob was now deep in his thoughts, wishing Mac would just come and rescue him.

The next morning, a yellow family wagon was parked outside of Foster's, making many desperate imaginary friends inside the mansion twitch and grin in appeasement at the family approaching through the windows.

Soon, the doorbell called Mr. Herriman to the front door, and the old rabbit opened the door to a blonde middle-aged man and woman, and a little redhead girl; their attire consisted of very high-priced looking clothes, including ascots, plaid skirts, and even knee-high socks.

Mr. Herriman welcomed the family in, and he waited with them for a while until he grew impatient with the maid of the house. So, he hastily picked up the intercom mic from its hook.

"Miss Frances?! Miss Frances! Your presence is requested in the foyer! There is a family who wishes to adopt!"

The single word "adopt" was like a trigger word, and it set off a large chain reaction of excited imaginary friends throughout the house. Even friends who were in the middle of a heated moment couldn't believe what they heard, and darted down the halls to get to the family; Wilt was one of these friends, as he was entertaining a client, but he instantly stopped spinning on his pole and his wig nearly hit him in the face from the momentum.

But he didn't care. Only one person came to mind.

"Adoption? Oh, no! Bloo, Darlin', if you can hear me, shout your safe word three times!" Wilt exclaimed as he sprinted down the halls in a frantic search for Bloo, as his makeup became runny and his white lingerie sagged.

Wilt wasn't the only one who immediately thought of Bloo, for Coco and Eduardo also dropped what they were doing to look for him and hopefully save him.

Little did they know that Bloo was merely in the bathroom while showering, but he ran out to look for a place to hide when he heard the news; unfortunately, a swarm of imaginary friends came through the hall and swept him in, taking him down to his doom against his will.

Soon after Bloo was taken away, Wilt ran by the bathroom and quickly checked, but his precious blob was nowhere in sight; though, he was impressed when he sniffed the air inside the bathroom.

"Ooh, Axe? Bloo, you dog," Wilt cooed with a smirk before continuing his search.

Meanwhile, the rest of the imaginary friends soon arrived in the foyer, where Mr. Herriman and the rich family already waiting. But Herriman quickly noticed that there was still someone missing.

"She will be here momentarily," Herriman reassured the family. And just as he finished his sentence, Frankie could be seen pushing herself through the desperate crowd, mumbling "Sorry" and "Excuse me" occasionally to get through.

"Sorry, got stuck in traffic," Frankie quickly apologized once she reached the other side, politely shaking the man's hand.

"My daughter is in need of a test subject for her creations," the husband began, his voice pompous to the extreme.

"Yes, and whenever she tries to create one of her own, she sits up in her room and fingers herself," the wife added giddily, a seemingly permanent smile plastered onto her face.

"I'm lonely, Mother! I need companionship, for fuck's sake," the little girl whined while sucking on her cherry lollypop to calm herself down, "And it's like you always say: Why waste time making a new life to plague with today's society when we can just pay someone else to do it for us?"

"Actually, having an imaginary friend isn't like buying a toy or a person for the night—for the most part, anyways. They're a big responsibility, and," Frankie tried to explain, but the little girl only cut her off.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Fatty. Just get me a friend, ok? And don't get my half-baked nitwit who's desperate, I want the best one you got. Got it?"

"Oh, you're gonna get it…"


"Nothing, nothing."

"So, Miss, do you have an imaginary friend for my precious Sweetums or what?" the husband questioned impatiently.

"Um, well…" Frankie began with uncertainty," Well, at heart, most friends here are pretty nice—well, I guess I shouldn't say that—but there are still some friends with dignity. Point is, your kid is a bit of a-."

"Out of my way! Out of my way!" a shrill voice echoed from the back of the crowd, to which Frankie knew she had found salvation at least.

"Yes, yes! We have the perfect friend for your precious Sweetums," Frankie quickly informed.

"I hear you're looking for an imaginary friend of the highest quality and services. Well, look no further, for perfection has arrived. Presenting…" Duchess began boastfully as she approached, waiting for Frankie to introduce her.

The said woman only sighed and rolled her eyes, introducing Duchess with an emotionless tone, "Presenting Her Royal Duchess Diamond Persnickety I, Last, and Only."

"Thank goodness," a murmur came from the crowd.

"My papers," Duchess added as she handed the couple her pedigree.

"Hmm, a pedigree imaginary friend," the husband stated in amusement.

"How valuable," the wife added.

"Enough about me, tell me about yourselves—and your income," Duchess went on kindly, but added the last part with a hiss.

"Look at 'em! They're filthy, stinkin' rich," Frankie pointed out before grabbing the couple and dragging them towards Herriman's office in desperation, "C'mon, let's fill out the paperwork!"

With that, Herriman and Duchess followed them, and knowing they had already made their decision, the rest of the imaginary friends left the foyer in great disappointment. But there was still one imaginary friend left because he didn't know where to go.

"Um…uh, guys…" Bloo looked around for anyone to tell him what to do, but they all ignored him. And when he finally noticed that he was all alone with Sweetums, he simply stared at her in confusion as she stared back with a big smile.

There was an awkward silence that lasted for a moment, but Sweetums was determined to get what she wanted, for she knew that this imaginary friend was absolutely perfect.

"Ever done drugs before?" she began with a giggle as she approached.

"Uh, no, and I don't intend to. Ever," Bloo nervously clarified while backing away.

"Trust me, the stuff me and my parents make will get you addicted in one night. Here, try a sample!" Without warning, Sweetums removed her lollipop from her mouth and shoved it into Bloo's, making him gag. But the taste came flooding over his taste buds so quickly that he barely had time to spit it out, and he suddenly felt incredibly energized and excited.

"Ooh, you were right, this is totally wicked. What flavor is this?" Bloo quickly asked, sucking harder.

"I call it Crimson Crack. Made it myself," Sweetums boasted with a grin, "And if you want more, all you gotta do is come home with me and be my sex slave.

Bloo's eyes dilated as he clenched his teeth, "Sounds good ta me!"

But just before the girl and the blob could make their way to Herriman's office, a purple blur whizzed by and snatched Bloo up, much to Sweetums' dismay.

Bloo soon found out that the one who rescued him was Eduardo, as he smiled at him with Sweetums chasing after them. But when he wasn't looking where he was going, Eduardo accidentally got his horns caught in a doorway, which allowed Wilt to swoop in and grab Bloo.

"Get back here with my slave!" Sweetums shouted in rage.

And as Wilt carried Bloo along, the said blob couldn't help but quick a brow at Wilt's strange attire.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Bloo inquired flatly.

"I told ya, drag queen," Wilt replied and grinned, "Like what you see?"


Coco suddenly came out of nowhere and stuck out a leg, tripping Wilt and making him drop Bloo as well as tumble into a wall; Coco hastily picked up Bloo and put him on her back.

"Where's my slave, you freak?!" Sweetums shouted at Wilt, but he was too dazed to reply. So, Sweetums turned around and soon noticed Coco, running after her in a hot pursuit.

But even after Coco escaped with Bloo, Eduardo snatched him back up from a balcony; though, his victory didn't last long when Wilt came running, ripping off his lingerie before lunging at them with his good arm stretched out.

He reached for Bloo as if his life depended on it, and professionally snagged Bloo from Eduardo's grasp like he were a basketball; in fact, he continued to treat the blob like a basketball by dribbling him down the hall, constantly apologizing with each bounce.

"Unhand him, you queer!" Sweetums demanded when she came running towards them, but Wilt easily leapt over her; he even put Bloo in his band arm, so that he could flip off the little girl while sticking out his tongue.

The chase went on much longer, resulting in Wilt slipping from the recently mopped floors, to Coco forgetting she could fly and falling down a flight of stairs, to Eduardo getting chased by everyone else before Wilt cheated by using his long arm again.

"Ya know, you're surprisingly malleable—and I mean that in the best possible way," Wilt told Bloo, as he stood at the end of the hall while tauntingly spinning Bloo on his finger like a ball. But he made another dash for it when the others came sprinting towards him, beginning the cycle all over again.

Eventually, Wilt, Coco and Eduardo literally got caught under each others feet and trapped themselves in a pile, all while Sweetums was the last one to chase after Bloo and cornered him.

"Hi, Tiffany. Ya mind if I call you that? Oh, it doesn't matter 'cause you'll do anything for this," Sweetums cooed lustfully while pulling out a brand new lollipop, just like the one in Bloo's mouth, but he suddenly noticed that it was nearly gone.

And Bloo knew he couldn't deny the sweet, heart-racing taste anymore, so he spit out the old one and drooled at the new one in Sweetums' hand. But then he remembered something else, something that pulled him from his crack-induced desires: Mac.

"No, get away from me! Guys, you're all fighting over the same thing, so just shut the hell up and help me!" Bloo scolded while Sweetums continued to taunt him with the lollipop, and it grew more and more difficult for him to resist.

"Darlin', I'm sorry, but this ain't all about you! I'm just tryin' ta save you 'cause a care!" Wilt snapped.

"Si! Me, too!" Eduardo added in anger.

"Coco co!" Coco clucked.

Wilt's eyes widened in realization, "Wait…ya mean…?"


"And you?"


The three immediately started laughing heartily at that, as they finally started untangling themselves.

"Oh, hell naw, that's too priceless!" Wilt laughed while whipping away a tear of joy, "Bloo, Darlin', you're not gonna believe this! We've all been tryin' ta save you for ourselves like we were pent up, and you were the last dildo on earth! Ain't that just the bee's knees?"

"Ha! That's hilarious, Guys, seriously! But before I lose all my free will to some sugary drug, I'd like to ask you to save me from being adopted!" Bloo exclaimed before Sweetums forced another lollipop into his mouth, instantly making him lose his mind and follow her for more.

"Oh, shit," Wilt muttered under his breath in shock, as he and the others chased after them.

Meanwhile, Frankie and Mr. Herriman were nearly finished filling out the legal documentation for the couple to adopt Duchess, and she and Frankie couldn't be more excited.

"If you will just sign here, Duchess will be yours," Herriman informed and handed them the last piece of documents.

"Yes," Frankie whispered in excitement.

"Yes, indeed. For you are making a very wise investment, as I am a work of art," Duchess stated with great pride, to which Frankie silently gagged.

But just as the couple signed their names, the door burst open with Sweetums and a hyperactive Bloo standing in the doorway.

"Why hello, Sweetums. Meet your new imaginary friend," the husband began.

"Duchess," the wife finished for him.

"Ew, she's ugly! I hate her!" Sweetums snapped at the sight of Duchess, making Frankie snicker, and she then pointed at Bloo, "I want this one."

"N-No, you don't! I-I smell!" Bloo lied, hoping it would convince her to give up.

"Yeah, yeah! He smells, real bad!" Wilt quickly agreed while grabbing Bloo, bringing him to his face and cringing at his fake stench before muttering to him, "I'm sorry. You wear Axe really well, Darlin'."

"Nuh-unh! Tiffany smells like drugs and Axe, the perfect combo, in my opinion," Sweetums protested when she snatched Bloo back and smelled him for herself.

"Thank you, but, uh…I'm a vicious monster!" Bloo lied again.

"Si, he's a monstro! He so loco!" Eduardo panicked dramatically when Bloo lunged at him, playfully biting his shoulder as to not actually hurt him. But not only did it not convince Sweetums, but it made Eduardo blush deeply since he was unknowingly biting his sweet spot.

"You call this vicious?" Sweetums growled while pulling Bloo off, pulling back his lips to expose his flat and perfect teeth.

Feeling that it was her turn, Coco stepped up to Sweetums, clucking rapidly with a sassy tone.

"What she said," Bloo added in agreement when he was sure she was finished.

"What? N-No, I don't want any coco. I just want my Tiffany," Sweetums argued in great confusion, making the others get down on their knees and beg her to give him back, but to no avail, "I'm not gonna listen to you because you're too freaky, he's a bitch, and she's a crazy bitch!"

Wilt, Eduardo and Coco were all instantly offended, even though they knew it was true, but they had enough dignity deny it at the moment.

"I'll say it one last time: I want this one," Sweetums repeated while placing Bloo on Herriman's desk.

"Very well," Herriman complied and put Duchess' adoption papers through a shredder, which made Wilt get down on his knees and cry out in sorrow again.

"Ok, ok, that's enough!" Frankie snapped before sighing, "I'm sorry. I know you all wanna help, but this little girl really wants, Tiff—I mean, Bloo."

"Then I guess it's true…Mac doesn't want me, after all," Bloo admitted as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Oh, shut up!" came the familiar voice of a young boy, "Not want you? What are you? Crazy?"

"Mac!" Bloo cheered at the sight of his best friend.

"Well, whaddya know?" Frankie mused with a smirk, truly impressed with the fact that Mac came back for Bloo.

And as Mr. Herriman destroyed the other adoption papers, Bloo jumped down to get to his real creator, but not before flipping Sweetums off.

"That's my boy," Wilt complimented under his breath.

"Do you have any idea what I've been through all day?! Where were you?!" Bloo snapped at Mac.

"School," the boy simply replied.

"Oh, yeah."

"C'mon, Mac, let's go hang out. You won't believe the day we've had," Wilt explained while he and the others led Mac out of the office.

"I'm sorry, Sweetums, but Bloo is Mac's idea. And since Mac's here, Bloo's no longer up for adoption. But you can still take Duchess if you like her. C'mon, Duchess is great. Don't you want her? Take her, take her! Please, take her!" Frankie hopelessly begged.

"No, I hate her," Sweetums hissed before stomping out of the office.

"So do I…"

"Come along, Sweetums. Maybe you can try and imagine a friend just like Tiffany, hmm?" the husband suggested.

"Shut up, Dad! You know thinking makes my head hurt!" Sweetums growled as her parents followed her out.

"Mine, too. Let's just order another shipment of drugs," the wife stated, fear obvious in her voice.

"This is unacceptable!" Duchess huffed.

"I'll say! They almost took you," Frankie added in agreement.

"But that wonderfully awful little brat wanted that little blue infidel over me!"

"Tell me about it. She ruined everything."

"And he ruined my one chance to get out of this dump once and for all!"

"I know! It was the chance of a lifetime! I mean, you could've been outta here, like, forever!"

"Well, I guess there's no accounting for taste. They obviously cannot appreciate a true piece of art such as myself," Duchess ranted on as she left.

"Obviously, not—and you sure are a piece of work," Frankie added sarcastically, but Duchess took it literally.

"Thank you."

"Can you believe it?" Frankie asked Mr. Herriman in surprise.

"Not in the slightest. Duchess is a royal pain," Herriman simply stated.

"No, not her. Mac. The come-back kid. He's different. I honestly don't think he's gonna abandon his friend."

"Don't be so naive, Miss Frances. It's unbecoming. You know as well as I that it is just a matter of time before young Master Mac tires of his beloved Bloo. At which time, his visits will cease, and Master Bloo will be placed in the care of a new child, who will eventually tire of him as well."

Frankie scoffed, "Why do you always have to be so negative? And have you seen the way Wilt looks at Bloo? I've never seen him look at anyone like that, and that's saying something."

"It's just a cruel fact of life, Miss Frances. Every child tires of their imaginary friend at some point."

"Yours didn't." With that, Frankie looked up at the portrait of Madame Foster hanging proudly on the wall, and Mr. Herriman glanced up at it himself when Frankie was gone.

That afternoon, Mac, Bloo and the others had had their fun, and it was time for Mac to go back home; Coco laud him a few more eggs for old time's sake, and he promised he would be back tomorrow at three o'clock after school.

"And don't worry, we'll keep him safe from any kids or druggies or kid druggies who might want him," Wilt reassured.

"Thanks! See you guys tomorrow!"

Little did Mac know that hiding in the bushes across the street was none other than his brother, Terrance, who couldn't believe what he just saw.

"I knew it. That creep didn't get rid of that blue jerk, after all. He's so busted," Terrance growled in annoyance.

"So, you hate him, too?" a smooth voice with an accent came.

"Who's there?!"

"A friend—well, more like an imaginary friend," Duchess explained as she crept out of the shadows, making Terrance jump back in surprise.

"Do not be afraid."

"I'm not, it's just…you're a freak, ew!" Terrance whined, coiling back when Duchess offered him a hand to help him back up.

"Look, I'm trying to help you."

"No, thanks."

Terrance tried to walk away, but Duchess quickly stepped in front of him and scolded him, "Don't you have that little blue creep?!"

"Yeah, but…"

"Well, so do I."

"Ugh, man, you are so gross."

Duchess had had enough, so she grabbed Terrance by the collar of his shirt, "Listen, you punk!"

"Ew, you're touching me…"

"I'm not here to listen to your ignorant critique about physical appearance! I want to make a proposition—I want you and I to hook up."

The tone in Duchess' voice made Terrance's stomach churn, "Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Hook up and get rid of that little blue nuisance forever!" Duchess quickly clarified, carelessly dropping Terrance in annoyance, "I want that cute, happy, fun-loving twerp wiped out and forgotten. But I can't pull it off without a vicious, mean and evil creep like you, so will you help me?"

"Listen, Mac is my brother and Bloo is his best friend. And as much as I dislike him, I have never thought of such a foul, horrible and unthinkable crime. And you…" Terrance began firmly, approaching Duchess with an accusing finger as his frown grew into a wicked grin, "You're a genius! How did you do it?! I was proud of the work I was doing in the noogie-wedgie arena, but this is pure genius! Gettin' rid of that blue twerp once and for all is brilliant! I would be ho—no—humble to assist you in any way possible. I'm at your service, Your Horrible-ness."

To show that he meant it, Terrance got down on one knee and took Duchess' hand into his own, kissing it like a true gentleman.

"Call me Duchess," the said imaginary friend corrected in appeasement.

Frankie's right. Wilt has never fallen harder for someone. But with the obvious threat of Terrance and Duchess, will they ever make it that far? And more importantly, what lengths will Wilt go to to win Bloo's thoughts?

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!