Sup people, (Yes I realized I spelled Rigby's name "Rugby" at the ending there, whoops -.-) Chapter 2 of this "Long-Shot" (One-shot split into two chapters for cleaner reading) is going to be a very Lemony part, I tried to describe how a Mole and a Racoon would have sex, but I'm just gon apply the human rules of sex to a Racoon and a Mole... Nothing weird, I just wanna complete this story. Lol, enjoy!

*Mordecai's Room, 10:10 P.M.*

Surprisingly, Mordecai's bed had enough room for both Eileen and Rigby to sleep on together. 'For a skinny dude, Mordecai has a huge bed, Hm, weird.' Rigby thought while he curled himself up into a ball and wrapped himself up with his tail, feeling a pleasuring warmth come over him. Rigby has agreed to sleep with Eileen on Mordecai's bed because she has apparently saw something on the ceiling that freaked her out, taking no chances of Eileen getting potentially hurt, Rigby decided to sleep with her. Rigby looked at it more as protection, than sleeping with her, as he thought about leaving Eileen alone on the bed once she fell asleep and once the atmosphere seemed safe and quiet.

But something was urging Rigby to stay with Eileen and conversate with her. This something started to talk to Rigby.

'Come on Rigby what the hell are you waiting for?!' It was Rigby's conscience.


'Rigby stop playing dumb with yourself and STOP BEING STUBBORN... You want her. You want-'


'Even you, out of everything, manage to annoy your OWN conscience. Face it Rigby, you WANT Eileen...' Rigby's conscience stopped, leaving Rigby to contemplate on an action he thought would be... Weird... But pleasuring.

Rigby wanted to kiss Eileen.

Rigby uncurled his body and stared at Eileen, who was surprised by his quick stare.

Eileen was caught staring at him, "Oh- Um- I was just gonna go to sleep, heh heh."

That dorky laugh Rigby admired from Eileen, fuelling his want to kiss her even further.

Eileen pulled up the bed sheets above her head and turned to the side, adverting her eyes away from Rigby, embarrassed that she has been caught staring at Rigby. 'Just get some sleep Eileen, you can stare at him later.' Eileen smiled at this thought, faked her sleep and patiently waited for her next moment to stare at Rigby while he sleeps. Eileen was faking her sleep well until Rigby murmured her name.


Eileen's heart started to pace faster, 'RELAX EILEEN, HE JUST SAID YOUR NAME, COOL IT!' She tried to calm herself down but soon felt a warm, fury paw touch her shoulder. Eileen couldn't keep up with her act and stopped faking her sleep, now sitting up staring at Rigby, waiting for him to talk. "What do you want... Rigby?" Eileen noticed somethhing about Rigby, the way he was staring at her, very... Unusual, considering all of the other stares in the past which led her to believe Rigby just viewed her as a pest.

But there was something about the way Rigby was staring at Eileen, Rigby's pupils dilated and his mouth was slightly open. The Window allowed Moonlight to peer through the window upon Eileen, illuminating her facial features that Rigby found beautiful beyond any measure.

'Look at Eileen's eyes... Look at her... She looks... Stunning.' Rigby's heart started to beat faster and started to talk.

"Eileen... You're... You're..." Rigby couldn't finish his sentence.

Eileen was curious on what Rigby was struggling to say, "Rigby... I don't understand what you're trying to-" She was cut off mid sentence.

Time seemed to stop as Rigby embraced Eileen's lips with his own, pulling her lips closer to his. Eileen's eyes shot wide open, her cheeks flared a bright shade of pink, her heart beat skyrocketed and her body became very stiff, frozen by Rigby's unexpected - but pleasuring kiss. Eileen accepted it however, bringing both of her hands to his cheeks and pulling him closer to her lips, wanting all of his embrace.

Rigby felt a huge weight come off of him when he kissed Eileen - All those stubborn moments when Rigby denied Eileen's love so selfishly... All the true feelings for Eileen held within himself. The kiss acting as a release for everything that made Rigby feel guilty about Eileen, adding a powerful meaning to his kiss.

'Heh heh, IN YO FACE! I TOLD YA YOU LIKE HER! *sigh* My work here... Is done.' Rigby's conscience - proud of his victory, decided to stop annoying Rigby and let him handle this situation on his own, with his own true feelings now shown to Eileen.

Short lived moans and gasps for breath were exchanged between the pair as they struggled to continue their first kiss together, Rigby's hands started to explore under Eileen's pink shirt as if it had it's dirty mind if it's own, desperate for more contact. Rigby's hands admired the warmth that emanated from Eileen's body and made Eileen moan louder the more his hands explored her body. Continuous shivers were sent throughout Eileen's body as never before felt contact with Rigby was being made. Eileen, with either hand on Rigby's neck and cheek, felt like she was in a dream. She started to move one of her hands up to Rigby's spiky hair, letting her hand grip onto his hair as she pulled him even closer to her lips. A moment of pure bliss between the Racoon and the Mole, either one not wanting to stop this moment for a second, both wanted to continue the kiss forever.

Unfortunately for Rigby, being far less athletic and energetic than Eileen, pulled away from the kiss due to him running out of breath. Rigby heavily sighed, hopped off the bed and looked outside the window. Rigby leaned on the window pane for support, still trying to regain lost breath from the kiss, "Eileen... I'm so, so... Sorry." Rigby said in fragments, exhausted.

Eileen gave him a puzzled look and decided to hop off the bed herself, "Sorry for what? Rigby... What do you mean?" Eileen asked in a genuine tone, confused about what Rigby meant. She was within arms distance of Rigby.

"I forced myself on you... I... I shouldn't have done that." Rigby let out a tired sigh. "I'm such a bad frien-"

Eileen laid a hand on Rigby's forever spiky hair, "Rigby stop... Please." She said while letting her small fingers travel through Rigby's hair, feeling warmth and comfort from the spiky fur of the Racoon. "You didn't force yourself on me, I wanted this to happen all along. I wanted you all along Rigby, I was hoping you'd do something like that for... A long time actually."

An awkward silence accompanied the two for a couple seconds until Rigby broke the ice.

"Eileen..." Rigby said, a little lust heard in his somewhat tired tone. Rigby turned his head toward Eileen, soon his whole body.

"Yes..." Eileen replied, a hint of seductivity in her time. Eileen remained still.

"Eileen... I want you. Bad." Rigby's lust got the better of him. He wanted Eileen, he wanted her to be the one he would lose his virginity to. He wants to be the one who takes her virginity, and Rigby was becoming thirsty for her with every second passing.

Eileen bit her lower lip, 'What are you waiting for Eileen? Rigby wants YOU, all these months of him ignoring you... all these months holding a hopeless crush on him and now he's in your grasps! Take him Eileen... And make sure he never forgets you.' Eileen's conscience stopped talking.


"Eileen..." Rigby waited for a response.

"Go..." Eileen said after some silence.

Her words fuelled his lust, Rigby was excited, proving this by action and not words. Rigby put his hands around the slightly taller Mole's waist and laid her down on the edge of the bed. Eileen's legs were dangling and Rigby stood in front of her entrance, "I didn't even get your clothes off yet." Rigby quickly lifted the pink shirt off of Eileen's chest and threw it on the ground, "Pink is totally lame by the way."

Eileen didn't seem to notice his comment as she was overflowed by pleasure as Rigby tickled her chest. If her heart beat wasn't already racing, it quickened more when she noticed Rigby's hands rubbing her cleavage. Rigby then went for Eileen's neck, kissing her's and holding her up so he could unzip Eileen's bra at the same time.

The white laced bra slipped off Eileen and her boobs were now shown to Rigby, she blushed profusely. Rigby pulled back from her neck and admired Eileen's exposed boobs. Perky, but just the right size for Rigby's hands to squeeze and rub. He rubbed his hands around her tits as he went in for another kiss, Eileen moaned loudly at Rigby's actions, enjoying every moment. Rigby then went to bite Eileen's tits while rubbing the other with his free hand. Eileen felt wetness down in her panties, she panted as Rigby kept biting her nipple.

Rigby noticed his erection throbbing when it's head touched the fabric of Eileen's sweatpants, he slightly moaned at the contact and removed himself from nibbling on Eileen's boobs, going to work on removing Eileen's pants. Rigby slowly removed Eileen's pants, sliding it off her feet and throwing it away near his trampoline. Eileen had red-trimmed panties covering her entrance, Rigby couldn't help but notice the lining of her panties were soaked. It was Rigby's first time and he had to question the wetness, he stopped for a second, "Eileen, is that pee or-"

"RIGBY! IT'S WET BECAUSE I'M TURNED ON! DON'T STOP!" Eileen screamed, mad that Rigby stopped the pleasuring moment due to confusion.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I'll-"


Scared that Eileen would blow another fuse, Rigby continued to pleasure Eileen and slapped her thigh with one hand and pull her into a kiss with the other. Rigby's erection was rubbing against Eileen's panties and Eileen's body shivered, moaning eagerly for Rigby's length to be inside her, she was ready for it. Eileen pulled away from the kiss and whispered to Rigby, "Take me Rigby... I'm ready!"

Hearing her words, Rigby would not disappoint. He slowly took off Eileen's panties and was now more eager to put his dick inside her, "Holy shit."

Eileen giggled and slowly got up, "How could I forget? I have to lubricate your dick first!"

"Lubra- what?" Rigby said, saddened a bit that Eileen got up from her sexy position he held her in.

"Lubricate... I have to suck you off first... That's how it usually goes, so stay still for a bit."

Rigby wasn't going to deny her, but he wondered how Eileen knew the proper procedure, "Wait wait, how do you know about THIS-" Rigby was cut off suddenly.

Eileen's soft, fragile hands were now around Rigby's penis. "I watched A LOT of porn." Eileen said with a smirk, Rigby looked down and saw Eileen on both knees, ready to suck him off. Before she continued, she maintained Eye contact with Rigby's eyes as she rubbed his dick, "So fucking hard, so big!" Eileen yanked Rigby's dick and hit her boobs with it, moaning as she did it, all while letting Rigby look at the eyes which he so much adored.

Rigby moaned like he has never done before, the sight of Eileen's eyes staring into his, the feeling of his length coming into contact with Eileen's tits and her fragile hands and the sexy moaning that came out of Eileen was too much for Rigby to handle, "FFFUUUUUUCK!" Rigby was in a state of bliss, eyes rolling back to his head.

"I didn't even put it in my mouth yet Rigby," Eileen laughed seductively, "This is going to be... fucking amazing." Eileen then slowly let her tongue lick the head of Rigby's penis, moaning seductively while letting her tongue explore Rigby's length further.

Rigby moaned out Eileen's name and pleaded her to go in further, "Fuck fuck fuck, let me put it in your mouth!"

Eileen retracted her tongue from exploring Rigby's penis and opened her mouth wide, with her tongue sticking out like a dog. "Do it yourself you naughty, naughty boy..." Her mouth remained open and her tongue ready.

Rigby inched his dick closer and closer to Eileen's open mouth until he felt the warm tongue of Eileen's on his shaft and groaned with pleasure when Eileen clamped her mouth shut on his shaft. "Yeahhhhhhhh!" Something Rigby would say with his bro... But this was different.

Eileen bobbed her head up and down, forcing herself to go deeper on the man of her dreams. Eileen moaned as she bobbed up and down on Rigby's dick - pleasuring moans were received from Rigby. Eileen needed a break, she retracted her head from Rigby's penis and inhaled hard, mouth still open so Rigby would be tempted to force his dick inside once again.

"Oh my God Eileeeeeeen! Your so fucking NICE!" Rigby grabbed his dick and put it in Eileen's mouth while she was taking a break from sucking. He grabbed her head from the back and forced her up and down on his dick, gagging noises and saliva came from her mouth. Rigby's breaths were ragged as he forced Eileen to keep bobbing on his penis with one hand, he did it so aggressively that Eileen's glasses were knocked off.

Eileen pushed Rigby's hand off her head, "My glasses! Tone it down a bit Rigby!" Eileen found her glasses and put it back on, she sighed, "We can transition, or I can keep sucking you off..."

Rigby was lost, both ideas sounded nice to him - Getting his dick sucked by the only chick that has ever turned him on or pounding the pussy of the chick that has turned him on! Rigby couldn't decide.

Rigby didn't speak a word, instead, he gripped Eileen's chest and easily laid her on the edge of the bed. Rigby stood vertical, rubbing his wet dick while embracing the flat nudity of Eileen, her perky tits, her flat chest, and her fresh pussy that was basically wet already.

Eileen laid down on the bed, calm, staring at Rigby as he was exploring her nudity with his eyes, "Take me already Rigby."

"Fuck yeah I will!" Rigby excitedly said and put Eileen's legs around his waist, his penis almost coming in contact with her vagina. Rigby used his tail to pull Eileen's laying body closer to his length and put both hands on her shoulders, face to face.

Rigby entered his dick inside Eileen's warm and tight pussy.

Rigby - The one guy that people thought would NEVER lose his virginity... He lost his virgnity... To the most beautiful girl in the world, the girl that mattered to him the most... Eileen.

Rigby's eyes closed and he moaned in utmost pleasure as his penis graced the warm, tight walls of Eileen's pussy.

Eileen was in a state of bliss as she lost her virginity to Rigby... Her, Rigby. She shuddered with pleasure and tensed her body as Rigby's tail instinctively pulled her closer to his dick, allowing his length to be further inside her. Eileen screamed loudly, "FUUUUUCK!" As Rigby's dick travelled deeper inside her.

Rigby put his penis inside of Eileen as deep as he could, his breathing was fierce and his lust was wild. After some seconds of going down deep inside Eileen, Rigby pulled out and laid his dick down at the entrance of her pussy.

The pair shared an emotional kiss together, Rigby's tail was still wrapped around Eileen, which pulled her lips closer to Rigby's embrace and further onto his lips.

"You're so Warm Rigby... Fuck me more." Eileen was horny for Rigby to keep going inside her.

"Anything for you..." Rigby said while tickling her rib, which caused Eileen to laugh with a sexy tone. This urged Rigby to put it in her faster.

Rigby grabbed his dick and positioned the head at Eileen's entrance once again, and entered with aggression.

Rigby found the tempo that he was comfortable with, continuous thrusts as his hands were gripped onto the sides of Eileen's chest, skillfully stroking his dick inside and out of her as she continued to groan from pleasure and bittersweet pain.

Rigby couldn't go on for much longer - He was close to cumming. But Rigby didn't wanna pull out of Eileen either, 'She feels so damn nice...' Rigby continued to thrust and added more force to his thrusts the closer he came to his climax. The bed was rocking as Rigby forcefully thrusted Eileen.

"Ugh- fuck- Eileen, I'm about to..." Rigby said in between ragged breaths.

Eileen heard his words through her loud moaning and allowed Rigby to stay in. She yelled passionately, "Cum on me Rigby! Fuck me fuck me fuck me!"

Rigby's breaths became more savage as the bed rocked violently and Eileen's moans became louder... until he came to his climax...

Instead of intense breathing, short, loud gasps came out of Rigby's mouth.

With a roar of pleasure, Hot, white semen erupted from Rigby's penis in short chunky loads, filling Eileen's pussy with Rigby's hot cum.

Eileen squealed with pleasure, "Ohhhhhhh yes Rigby..." She felt his semen fill her pussy up and trembled with joy, trying to regain lost breath from her fuck session.

Rigby pulled his dick out of Eileen slowly, watching as his cum drizzled out of her Vagina. His erection softened and laid down on the bed, next to Eileen.

"I love you Rigby..."

"Eileen... I love you more." Rigby dozed off to sleep quickly.

Eileen laughed and kissed the sleeping Rigby.

Eileen then picked her clothes off the ground and put them on. Mordecai and Margaret wouldn't wanna see her naked with Rigby, that would be weird. She finished putting all of her clothes on, and took her position beside Rigby, who was fast asleep. She put a leg over Rigby and held onto his head as she buried her face on Rigby's warm fur. Eileen started to doze off to sleep but was awake at the contact of Rigby's tail pulling her closer towards Rigby's warm body. His tail wrapped Eileen and Rigby together, Eileen dozed off in a pool of warmth that came from Rigby's body, she sighed with pleasure before going to sleep.

Rigby and Eileen then slept together on the bed, surrounded by warm love. The Moonlight shined beautifully over the couple and left them to their sleep.

Hold up, that's Mordecai's bed...

*Downstairs, The Living Room, 1:08 A.M.*

Mordecai woke up calmly, scanning his eyes around the dark room that he was in. He felt something moving on his lap.

His heart beat quickly as he looked down on his lap, surprised as fuck.

Margaret's head across Mordecai's lap as her body rested calmly on the couch.

"Holy shit... Dude, wait until I tell Rigby about this!" Mordecai looked across the living room at the couch that was smaller than the one he and Margaret were resting on. He scanned the room for his friend Rigby, but couldn't find him. "Hm, probably off with Eileen or something... WAIT." Mordecai noticed Eileen wasn't anywhere to be seen around the living room either, and neither was Rigby!

"No fucking way." As much as it pained Mordecai to remove his lap away from Margaret's head, he had to go find out if Rigby and Eileen did it. Mordecai got up and quickly grabbed a pillow for Margaret to rest her head on, Mordecai stared at Margaret's slim body, her special feathers and beautiful body, "Sleep tight Margaret." Mordecai then hesitantly kissed her cheek, blushed hard and quickly ran around the house, trying to find where Rigby and Eileen would be.

While exploring the house, Mordecai assumed the worst, "Oh no..." Mordecai assumed they did it in his room, more specifically... His bed.

"NO NO NO!" Mordecai ran upstairs and dashed to the door that lead to his room, "Please no please no please-" Mordecai opened the door and his beak opened wide.

Eileen and Rigby in the moonlight. Rigby's tail wrapped around Eileen as they snuggled close together. Mordecai leaned on the wall, snickered to himself and sighed, "Hm, a really cute couple." Mordecai smiled to himself and waited outside his room, trying to take in what Rigby has just did.

A Robin came upstairs as Mordecai waited outside his door.


"Shhhh." Mordecai gestured Margaret to be quiet. "Come here!"

Margaret was confused but decided to check out what Mordecai was pointing at.

"That's just a pile of clothes on a bed, I don't see-" Margaret's eyes grew larger at the sight.

"Are you fucking serious!" Margaret squealed, Mordecai shushed her, but not for long.

"Eileen and Rigby! I knew it would happen I just knew-"

"Quiet! Let's not wake them up, come on, let's do something else until they get up."

"Fine! But oh my god! This is amazing!" Margaret was still squealing at the fact that Rigby slept with Eileen... With his tail wrapped around her.

"Yeah heh heh... I know." Mordecai slowly began walking downstairs until his hand was grabbed by Margaret. His eyes widened and his white cheek feathers started to become a shade of pink. Mordecai nervously started laughing.

"You're a really comfortable pillow you know?" Margaret said, freezing Mordecai in his tracks.

Mordecai's mind was in shambles, threatening to shut down on him, "I am a pillow! Thanks!" Mordecai nervously said, realizing what he just said was some weird shit, he slapped his head and groaned.

"Awww, it's okay to talk weird in front of me Mordecai, I don't mind." Margaret giggled and blushed, "I don't mind it all... I find it cute when you do that."

Mordecai's heart beat was racing, and tried to think of an excuse to get away from the attention from Margaret he couldn't handle, "Uhm, I gotta go..." Mordecai thought of his bed, "I GOTTA GET SOMETHING FROM THE BED, heh heh, be right back!" Mordecai's cheek feathers were flushed in pink. He dashed to his bed and fainted at what he saw beneath.

Clear, white semen on the edge of his bed, dripping down slowly from the bedsheets onto the floor, his eyes switched immediately to Rigby's frail, little body, then back to the semen... Rigby's Semen.

'They fucked on my bed and Rigby busted on...' Mordecai couldn't finish his sentence and fainted, hitting the ground unconscious.

A Minute later, Margaret came in his room, wondering why Mordecai was on the floor. She poured cold water onto his face and woke up from his faint.

"Gotta get out of here. NOW!" Mordecai pulled Margaret's hand towards the door and ran out of his room with her, he closed the door and dashed downstairs to the living room with Margaret, trying to recover from the sight he just witnessed in his room.

*Upstairs, Mordecai's Room, 1:30 A.M.*

Eileen woke up from her warm sleep and uncurled Rigby's tail off of her body. "Who could ever resist such a warm and furry guy? No one, Eileen, no one." Eileen smiled, talking to herself.

"Thanks Eileen."

Eileen's eyes widened and became startled, "I thought you were still sleeping!"

"Nope." Rigby looked at the clock on the night table, "Shoot, it's 1:30... Sorry I kept you in."

"I don't mind... Besides, it was totally worth it." Eileen smiled and Rigby pulled her into a kiss, wrapping his tail around her warm body once again.

After some minutes of embrace, Rigby let go of Eileen's body and proceeded to go downstairs with her.

*Downstairs, Living room, 1:36 A.M.*

Rigby and Eileen went downstairs together, holding hands as they searched for Mordecai and Margaret.

"I love you Rigby. So much, you don't know how long I wanted to do that for..." Eileen said.

"I love you too Eileen, I was so stupid to not figure out that you were... Y'know, the one for me." Rigby nervously laughed, but then smiled at Eileen.

Mordecai and Margaret were not to be seen anywhere around the living room, the pair proceeded to go outside and check the car.

Rigby and Eileen both stared in surprise as Mordecai had Margaret on the wall, about to kiss.

"WOAHHHHHHHH!" Rigby yelled.

Mordecai quickly jumped, scared at the sudden noise, looking around he saw Rigby and Eileen. "Dude shut up! It's late!"

"Heh heh, you and Margaret..." Rigby smirked.

"You and Eileen... Must've been comfy with her..."


"Guys stop fighting, Eileen and I were supposed to leave a long time ago, come on Eileen." Margaret gestured at her to get in the car, she quickly looked back at Mordecai and whispered, "I'll kiss you later! Not right now though!"

Mordecai looked back and nodded, dumbfounded and waved to Margaret as she got in her car.

Eileen looked at Rigby, "Sooo, I guess I'll see you at the coffee shop tomorrow?"

"Aw you bet!"

Eileen smiled and kissed Rigby on the cheek. She walked off the porch and got inside Margaret's car.

The girls waved goodbye to Mordecai and Rigby as they drove off back home.

After some silence, Mordecai spoke, "Dude..."


"You and Eileen? I knew it would work one day.

"Shut up!"

Mordecai snickered to himself, and wanted to tell Rigby one more thing before he went inside, "Oh and Rigby?"

"Hm. What?!"

"You better clean my bed... That's kind of nasty."

Rigby's eyes widened, and screamed.


"Whatever dude, good night."Mordecai went back inside and slept on the couch.

Rigby stayed on the porch and thought about Eileen. "All this time, just... Ignoring her and then I... Fuck her? Man, it's never a regular day." Rigby looked at the night sky.

"Unexpected night, heh heh." Rigby went inside and slept through the night.

An unexpected, but Happy Night for Rigby, what seemed like a normal hang out day with Eileen and Margaret turned into something, explicit... Rigby didn't mind it though...

The End!

Hope you enjoyed! To be honest, I did little editing, so please bare with me on the errors. I think I did a good job on making the sex scene between Rigby and Eileen, tried to make it erotic as best as I could. Anyways, that's all for me and I hope you enjoyed this Rigleen "One-Shot" (Longshot but whatever), I'll see you people later!