Church. Antarctica. The bottom of the ocean. All places Nick would rather be than the back of the Hopps' family truck. All that could be heard was the monotonous roar of the engine; everyone was quiet. Tense. At least Nick was. The normally loose fitting Pawaiian shirt and tie felt like a straightjacket, like any sudden move would set off an alarm. Usually, the quick-witted fox relied on his silver tongue to get out of these awkward situations, but at the moment, his mouth was as dry as Sahara Square.

I am definitely talking to Judy about this situation once we get to the compound.

Avoiding the eye contact of the bunnies, Nick soaked in the environment. While it wasn't what he would consider mountainous, there certainly were foothills, surprisingly lush with trees. Slowly, the terrain flattened out until, as far as the eye could see, were fields of crops, likely carrots, and (hopefully) blueberries. It was almost soothing to watch…

"Liking the farm?" the matron of the Hopps family questioned Nick. It took all of the effort in the world not to jump out of his skin.

"Umm, yes!" he replied with a bit too much enthusiasm. "Judy better watch out or I might just quit the ZPD to work here!" The words were something Nick might say, but looking to his right, where Judy sat, the confusion in her eyes implied the execution left a lot to be desired.

The bunny felt Nick's pain. This whole thing was her fault. She imagined Nick in her head so often: his red fur, his fluffy tail, his bad outfits. All of these things were so ingrained that she just assumed she had told her parents that Nick was a fox at some point. She was wrong, and now they both had to pay. Attempting to rescue the vulpine from the obviously awkward conversation, the bunny said cheerily, "We're getting really close to the compound! You're going to be so impressed by it. Plus you get to meet my siblings! All 275 of them!"

"275 clones of you? I think I might die of exhaustion by the end of this trip." That comment earned a chuckle out of the two parents in the front seats. Nick was slowly regaining some of his much needed confidence. They might have been expecting a handsome young buck, but they're getting something even better; Agent Nick Wilde, superstar extraordinaire! I just have to be me, and I'll win them over just like I'll win over Judy! Hopefully…

By the end of that thought, the vehicle had slowed to a stop, and Stu cut the engine. "Welcome to the amazing compound!" The older bunny used his arms to unveil a building that was frankly… unimpressive. At just one story, it looked like a shack that could barely house 2 people, let alone 275.

Judy rolled her eyes, hopping in front of Nick to shove her dad. "He does this to all new guests. The majority of the living space is underground. It's a lot more cost effective, and easier to expand," she explained, Nick visibly relieved that he wasn't about to offend the family he was already on edge with. He certainly didn't need any more stress. Especially since he hadn't met the bunny wave yet...

All four mammals mosied their way inside, with Judy's parents leading the way. Inside the shack was not a home, but as Judy promised, a huge elevator shaft leading down. Stu pressed the button, and instantly a door opened into what seemed like a room in and of itself. "This thing must be able to carry hundreds of bunnies, the fox claimed with awe."

"Sure can. Or just a few big foxes." Nick was bamboozled. Did he just call me fat? It was so nonchalant that he couldn't even tell if it was a joke or not. He looked to his partner for confirmation, only to see her glaring at her father with such intensity, Nick thought lasers would fly out. That answers my question. Don't get too comfortable. Check.

It was over as quickly as it started, as the elevator came to a stop. The doors opened, and the fox rushed out as quickly as possible to avoid any further confrontation, only to be faced by what could be best described as a sea of grey fur. It reminded Nick of the fields he saw only moments before, only this time, with hundreds of wide eyes greeting him. It was eerily quiet as all of the rabbits soaked in the presence of a new figure. Judy quickly brushed up against the fox, introducing him to the family, "Everyone, this is Nick Wilde, my-"

That was enough to break the trance. Suddenly, the horde of bunnies rushed to meet the enticing new fox.

"You're so tall!"

"His fur is so red!"

"I'm scared,"

"Are you Jude's girlfriend?"

"He's not as fat as Uncle Gideon is,"

"He's kinda cute,"

"Do you fight bad guys?"

"I want to touch his tail!"

"Me too!"

Nick had no way of responding to any of the questions. The horde was overwhelming, with no regard for personal space. Tiny paws found their way all over his body, especially on the enticingly fluffy tail of his. Judy did her best to pry the younglings off her, but to no avail. With so many siblings, it was no use.

Suddenly, a loud whistle pierced the crowd. "EVERYONE, GET IN RANKS!" Surprisingly, the female voice of Bonnie scattered the mammals , revealing the disheveled fox lying on the hard ground in a fetal position.

" many many hands," he quietly whispered to himself, rocking back and forth. Judy felt incredibly bad for the fox. She would really have to make this up to him during the rest of the camping trip. Her parents had the same look of guilt on their faces as well, which would certainly help ease the tension in the long run, even if it meant that Nick would be literally hurting in the short term.

The matron continued her strict attempt at rallying her children, who had since lined up in a relatively orderly fashion after being yelled at. "As Judy was saying, this is Nick, and he will be our guest for a while. You'll get to see them a whole lot more when we go camping with them this weekend, and I expect all of you to have much better behaviour if you expect to come along. Dismissed!"

Judy found it striking how similar her mother and Chief Bogo sounded when they were mad...WAIT WHAT! Since when is all my family coming camping with us! This is going to be a nightmare!

A/N: I promise this won't be one of those fics where Nick and Judy never actually end up going camping! We're definitely approaching the actual camping soon!

I'll try to write more soon so it's not another 2 weeks before an update. I hope you enjoyed this anyways, though.