Two in one day bitch. Enjoy;)

Starting school a month after the first day of school is cool I guess. I mean the stares that I got could have been worse you know? No. You don't. Because they were already as bad as they could get. I could feel the lust and intrigue rolling off the kids in the hallway. It was a nice little appetizer but then again it's disgusting. They don't even know me and yet they're reduced o blithering idiots. Sometimes I wish I had never awakened but then I again it could use it to my advantage.

I stopped and leaned against the wall to gaze at my schedule. It seems that I have English first. My lips twitched into a smile. I love English. As I searched for the room, I declined all the drooling idiots and semi hot girls that offered to help me. Ugh, I miss Victoria.

When I stepped into the room, the teacher looked ready to scold me for being late but he choked on his words. This doesn't stop him from making me introduce myself to the class.

I roll my haunting eyes.

"Hello, I'm Winter Wallace. I moved here from Tennessee to live with my sister, Ashilan Wallace. Y'all may know her," I say in a bored tone. I don't really care about anything except getting through the day. I need lady loves.

"Thank you, Winter. You may sit down beside Ms. Swan," the teacher announces. I look around the room and see a brown haired girl with her arm raised. She's blushing furiously.

I smirk. This will be fun.

Once I sit down, listen to the teacher halfway. This girl's emotions are haywire. She's feeling scared and curious with an undertone of lust. I'm rather chill with the energy she's feeding me but the curiousity and fear is odd.

"I'm Bella," she croaks out before blushing. I look at her with a raised brow. What's with all the blushing?

"Winter. You know that already," I murmur, distractedly.

As I write, I can see her watching me. She tries to do it discreetly but fails. I guess that's a human thing. (Not that I'm not somewhat human.)I get fed up with it quickly.

"What is it, Bella," I groan. She's getting on my fucking nerves.

She pales and stutters for a second.

"I.. just. Your eyes," she says finally. I take a deep breath and blink at her.

"Birth defect." My voice is quiet and final.

I turn back to my paper and continue writing my story about finding my soul mate. Of course I don't say my name in it but I do of course tell my story. I'm sure the teacher will love to read some lesbian loving.

The next period is art and I am thrilled. Art is one of my favorite things. I can't really draw but I have an eye. I love photography with a passion. Everything is beautiful in its own right.

I am forced to introduce myself again before being seated. The girl, Rosalie Hale, is way in the back but I see her clear as day. She is beyond gorgeous but that isn't what intrigues me. She's obviously one of the Cullens that Victoria educated me on. An animal feeder.

I sit down casually and keep my eyes on the teacher. I can feel this vampires annoyance coursing through me. I search deeper, finding curiosity and a hint of lust. Just a hint. Well I am officially offended. I scowl unconsciously and cross my legs. I guess I'll have to revel in the lust of the other students who keep glancing at me.

The teacher hands out drawing notebooks to draw in and I get a new blank one. I open it and know exactly what I'm going to draw. My mate of course. As I begin, I feel eyes boring into the side of my head. I close my eyes as they flash dangerously. God, why do people have to stare.

"Why are your eyes that color," Rosalie whispers, suspiciously. I take deep breath and turn to her. Her eyes are black now. Hmm, not good. When Victoria's so that its lust or thirst. This woman ain't horny.

"It's a birth defect and I'm getting tired of being asked. What's wrong with yours," I say with a glare. She glares back with intensity and I hold it. Her eyebrow raises at me and I return it.

A smile twitches at her lips and she looks away. It seems she's not as bad as I thought.

"You said you moved here from Tennessee. What part," she asks quietly. Her voice is disinterested but I can feel her genuine curiosity.

"I'm from west Tennessee. Near Memphis and Jackson. You been to Tennessee," I query. I'm sure she has but it's proper etiquette to ask. As I wait for an answer, I draw the outline of my gorgeous mates face reverently. I miss her.

"Yes, my hu- boyfriend is from Tennessee. My father adopted him from there," she says quietly. I glance at her with a smile when she trips up on the word husband. The love she is radiating is very soothing. Finally, someone that understands how it feels to have a mate. I wish I could gush about my mate but I keep it down. "Who are you drawing," she asks suddenly.

I gaze at my half finished drawing with pursed lips. I had thought I couldn't draw but I know Victoria like the back of my hand.

"My girlfriend, Victoria," I whisper. Rosalie looks at me curiously and then nods.

"Does she go here?" She sounds interested but there is underlying suspicion.

"No, she's 21. She works with my sister in Seattle," I lie. I pride myself in being smooth in my lies. She tilts her head and then nods before returning to her drawing of her husband.

Lunch comes and I am totally prepared. My stomach is growling like a wild beast.

As I walk into the lunch room, I almost miss the eyes following. I stride over to the food and begin piling food onto my tray like mad. Sure, I get energy from feeding off of people, but I'm still somewhat human. And guess what? Humans gotta eat.

Once I finish I begin walking towards an empty table. Before I can get there I'm intercepted.

"Hey, I'm Mike. You wanna sit with me and my friends," he says, grinning. I want to throw up. The boy's arousal is thick and disgusting.

"She feels disgusted by him for some reason," a male voice says from across the room. I balk. It's a vampire of course but he's an empath. This school sucks.

"No, I would rather sit alone," I say with a fake smile. The boy frowns and opens his mouth to speak only to be interrupted.

"Hey, Winter. You want to sit with my family," Rosalie says with a scowl in the boys direction. That was quick, I muse. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes. Thank you."

When we get to her table, I notice Bella Swan sitting with a bronze haired boy. His eyes are narrowed at me like he is trying to figure out something. I keep my surprise down with much effort.

The others look cool enough so I sit down.

"I guess introductions are in order. Guys, this is Winter. Winter this Alice, Jasper, my boyfriend Emmett, Edward, and Bella," Rosalie says with an eye roll. I smirk at her before looking at her coven mates.

Alice looks like she's about to burst with excitement. Jasper looks nice enough but he looks rather pained. Emmett is smirking at me and Rosalie like mad. I wonder what that's about. I feel for him and his lust is palpable. Jesus. I close my eyes as they flash and hide it by taking a sip of my milk.

"Why did you move here," Edward says suspiciously. I look at him with a scowl.

"Because I wanted to. Is there a problem," I sneer. Bella looks surprised. I smirk at her and turn back to my food. Edward's suspiciousness and annoyance spikes.

"Rose, I see why you like her. She's fucking baddass," Emmett booms. I wince and rub my ears as Rosalie smacks his head. I laugh out loud.

"Damn, you like it rough huh?" Rosalies expression causes me and Emmett to snicker.

"You have no idea," he whispers conspiratorially. I fist bump him with a smirk. He's pretty cool.

I catch Alice's eye across the table and raise a brow. She's staring at me like I'm the most interesting person ever. It's kinda weird.

"So you're from the south too," she says, bouncing in her seat. I smile as I think about my hometown. I'm from the south alright.

"Definitely, ever been to Tennessee," I say with a genuine smile. She nods excitedly.

"Have you ever been to Biloxi," she asks. I nod thoughtfully. My mom used to take me to the beach down there.

"Yeah. I used to swim there as a kid." She giggles and looks super happy. I look on curiously. She must have grown up there or something.

"Have you ever been to Texas," Jasper asks in a strained voice. I can hear the accent in his voice. Texas through and through. I shake my head.

"I've never been but my Mamma has. She said it was like going back in time," I say thoughtfully. I had always wanted to go.

He smiles and nods in agreement. The way his family looks at him I assume he doesn't often. I can feel his hunger. He must be new to the diet.

I go back to eating like an animal. It's disgusting but it's all I have. The Cullens stare at me. I glare them and then an idea pops into my head.

"Why ain't y'all eating? Aren't y'all hungry," I asked innocently. It's the human thing to ask, I think. They spout a couple of excuses and I hold back laughter. Jasper raises his brows at me and I wink. His lips twitch into a small frown. I go back to meal.

"I think she knows something," Edward hisses at vampire speed. I smirk as I chew my food. Of course he thinks I can't hear him. He needs to learn not to underestimate people.

"I can't read her mind." I almost choke on my fries. What?

Rosalie pats my back but her face is pinched up. "Just like Bella. But how," she says.

"I can't see her future but Jasper can feel her emotions," Alice whines. I feel like my head is going to explode. Victoria didn't tell me this shit. What the fuck is life?

"She's feeling loads of shock. I think she can hear us," Jasper says. I glare at him and he looks surprised at the intensity.

"Yes, I can hear you now speak up," I say with a scowl. Their expressions are filled with confusion. Rosalie and Edward look pissed.

"What are you?" I scoff. What am I? If they don't know then I guess I could show them.

I let my eyes fill with blackness and turn to look at Bella. She looks scared and then it's gone. Lust overtakes her being. I smirk darkly as the other vampires growl. Jasper's control is threadbare. He looks ready to pounce. Just as she's about to come toward me. I let her go. Edward's growling is laughable.

"As you can see I'm not human. I'm a 18 year old Succubus. I don't plan on killing anyone. Or taking your mates. I have my own," I say in a monotone voice. They look shocked and awed. Edward looks pissed and Bella looks embarrassed.

"We know Succubi. They are cousins of ours up in Denali," Rosalie says finally. She is looking at me with intrigue. I expected more anger but it seems she understands how much I love my mate. I start when I realize what she said. They know more people like me and my sister. Granted my sister doesn't know but still.

"You know people like me," I whisper. They nod. This is great. "I want to meet them. I've only recently awakened and it's very hard sometimes to control my hunger. My sister doesn't even know she's one."

They gave me glances of understanding, even Edward. I guess these Succubi shared some of there experiences.

"I will inform Carlisle and we will call them down to meet with you. You may bring your mate if you wish. She will be safe," Rosalie says with a comforting hand on my shoulder. I smile and then it drops. I wasn't supposed to let them know what I am.

Victoria is going to kill me.