Chapter 1

"Annalise Marie!" Governor Swann banged on the door for the tenth time.

He had been trying to wake his youngest daughter for the past 15 minutes. He had already been by Elizabeth's room to deliver her a new dress to wear for Commodore Norrington's promotion ceremony earlier that morning and he figured she was already well on her way to being ready. Unfortunately, that was not the same case with Annalise. Ever since she was born the girl had been stubborn as a mule, refusing to do many things she deemed unpleasant which included waking up any earlier than intended. Just as he was about to raise his fist and knock again he heard some movement from the other side of the door. At first there was some shuffling and then a loud BANG.

"Annie dear, are you alright?" The Governor leant his ear closer towards the door, but before he received an answer it was swung harshly open and revealed his bedraggled daughter.

"S-s-sorry father, how long have you been calling" She rubbed her eyes to rid them of sleep but payed no attention to what looked like a bird's nest sat atop her head.

Governor Swann had been planning on scolding his daughter and maybe giving her another one of his favorite lectures on promptness and propriety but he stopped after taking a look at her eyes. Even when tired they still twinkled wildly with mischief. The Governor had always been unfairly soft on his youngest daughter, choosing to embrace her wild spirit as long as her duties were taken care of. At the young age of 18 she had received already several proposals of marriage but as the younger sibling it was not appropriate to entertain the idea of suitors until her older sister's betrothal had been taken care of. As such Annie spent a lot of her time learning and exploring as was her fancy. The older she got, the quicker she learned to finish her lessons in order to free up her schedule to do what she pleased.

"Only just now Annie darling, I came to deliver you a gift, something to wear to Commodore Norrington's promotion ceremony today." Instead of a lecture he got straight to the point, hoping to spare some time.

One of Annalise's maids brought the box to show her. Inside was a gorgeous azure blue gown that looked like it was made to match her dark chocolate brown hair and deep blue eyes. "Oh daddy, I love it!" Annie ran forward to hug her father tightly around the neck.

"Of course I'll wear it to the ceremony, what time do I have to be ready?" At that Governor Swann was snapped out of his elation and pulled away from their loving embrace.

"Right away Annalise we don't want to be late so you better start getting ready now" He gave her a tender kiss on the forehead and quickly left the room.

Annie now flustered by her father's quick departure and use of her full name promptly started preparing for the ceremony. She was so focused on getting ready that she didn't even protest when a corset was wrapped around her waist and tightened to its end. When she finally realized its presence her lungs were so strained for air that she could barely breath, let alone put up a fight. After her hair was put into a simple up-do she heard her father calling for her "Annie it's time to go darling!" and in response Annalise rushed downstairs as fast as possible in such restricting attire.

She was not slowed by the appearance of young William Turner in the foyer, a close friend of hers that was clearly in love with her eldest sister but was hard pressed to admit it due to propriety. Annie subconsciously rolled hers eyes at the thought of her father's favorite word. "Hi Will! Bye Will!" Annie shouted on her way to the carriage not stopping to wait for a response.

However many hours later….

Annie had been wondering why she was in such a rush earlier that morning to be ready for Commodore Norrington's ceremony, because now that she was here all she could do was think about all the other places she'd rather be. During the whole ceremony she went back and forth from staring into space as she listed things in her head, to struggling to breathe when her corset decided to remind her of its existent. Annie had just struggled to take another deep breath as she added sleeping onto her list. So far for things she'd rather be doing she had swimming, eating, messing around at Will's blacksmith shop, teasing Lizzie about her love for Will, talking a walk around the docks and even listening to her dad give another one of his lectures because at least those were entertaining.

Thankfully the ceremony had finally wrapped up and Annie only had to wait for her sister to finish her conversation with the newly appointed Commodore until she could go home. Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) her day was only prolonged by a loud SPLASH coming from the balcony.

"Elizabeth!" James Norrington shouted down towards the water as the object of his infatuation tumbled down to the bottom.

Annalise was frozen as she watched her favorite and only sister drop like Humpty Dumpty from his wall. Chaos erupted around her and she only shifted from her state when her father followed several Navy men as well as the Commodore down to the docs. Although Annie ended up being much slower than her father and the men, not because she was out of shape (she went swimming or messed around with Will almost every day) but because her corset reduced her to a pathetic fast paced walk.

When she finally arrived to the docs everyone was already gathered around Lizzie and the man Annie assumed was her rescuer. She walked up to them panting which alerted the group to her presence.

"Sorry I'm late everybody" She gasped while holding her side in exasperation. "Corsets aren't really made for running"

"Nor are they made for swimming apparently" Elizabeth stated from the middle of the group.

"Oh Lizzie! I'm so glad you're okay!" Annie started at the sound of her beloved sister's voice as she moved forward to embrace her.

The crowd was still focused on Annalise since her arrival "Thanks to this fine gentleman I presume" she indicated towards Jack whose hand was clenched in Commodore Norrington's.

Annie who took a good look at her sister's rescuer for the first time noticed the embrace of both men's hands "Oh, I'm sorry was I interrupting something?"

The two men finally moved their attention away from the youngest Swann sister and back to the matter at hand. "As the Governor was saying, hang him" The Commodore ordered. Annie was shocked by this turn of events, sure that the man was being congratulated for his brilliant rescue, not condemned to die for whatever reason Norrington saw fit.

"Keep your guns on him men. Gillete, fetch me some irons." Norrington pulled back the man's sleeve further up his forearm to reveal a tattoo; a sparrow in flight over a horizon. "Well, well Jack Sparrow, isn't it?"

"Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please." Jack corrected with a grin.

So he's a pirate, Annie thought to herself suddenly paying more attention to the mysterious man. He was thoroughly soaked from the swim he took in order to save her sister's life; his white shirt was slightly see through as well as stuck to his skin. The condition of his shirt gave Annie a good idea of what his body looked like, he was muscular probably from years of working and living on a ship. His arms and chest seemed well defined and only added to the strong features of his face, including his jawline, tanned skin, and intriguing brown almost black eyes lined with sailor's kohl.

"I don't see your ship Captain" Norrington mocked.

"I'm in the market, as it were" Jack Sparrow replied almost conversationally.

"He said he'd come to commandeer one." One of the navy men by the name of Murtogg piped up, earning a glare from the pirate.

"Told you he was telling the truth! These are his sir." Added Mullroy, another navy man. He handed Norrington Jack's effects, who immediately began sifting through them.

"No additional shots nor powder. A compass that doesn't point north." He unsheathed the sword. "And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate I have ever heard of."

"Ah, but you have heard of me." Jack added with a hint of a smile. Norrington did not seem amused by his argument and roughly pushed Jack towards Gillete to be put into irons.

In that moment Elizabeth stepped away from Annie's arms. "Commodore, I really must protest!" She pleaded.

"Pirate or not this man saved my life!" Elizabeth tried to step in front of him. Annie decided to follow her sister, picking up the blanket she dropped in her haste to argue for the pirate's life.

Annie moved her sister out of the way as she wrapped the blanket back around her in order to preserve her decency. She also decided to help her sister's argument

"Commodore do you honestly intend to kill Elizabeth's rescuer?"

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness." Norrington firmly reasoned.

"Though it seems enough to condemn him." Jack put in as Gillete clasped the irons around his wrists, earning him a glare from Norrington.

"Indeed." He hatefully said. Unbeknownst to the crowd Gillet placed both the irons on the pirate before stepping away, which was a mistake. "Finally" Jack grinned. Unable to stop it the crowd watched as Jack threw the chain around the neck of the closest Swann child, which happened to be Annie.

Other than the shock coming from being detained Annie tried to remain calm. "Don't shoot!" The Governor frantically warned as the Navy men raised their baronets in alarm.

"Commodore." Jack announced loudly, "My effects and my hat please" Norrington hesitated to comply which made Annie roll her eyes, Typical. "Commodore!" Jack tried again. After Jack's threat was solidified Norrington gave a nod of approval and his effects were brought forward. They were handed to Annie although the gun was quickly snatched from her possession and pressed harshly to her skull.

Annie had to remind herself that the gun contained only one shot, as the Commodore stated before, and that one shot was not intended for her. Through some reasoning it was clear to her that this pirate did not mean to threaten her, even though he seemed to be putting on a good show from the look in her father's eyes. Although there was a chain around her neck it was loosely hung and it seemed like Annie was just a means to an escape, something she was surprisingly ok with.

"Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind" Jack motioned towards his belongings. Annie stood frozen, deciding to play up the scared act in order to aid in his escape. "Come, come dear. We haven't got all day." Jack turned the girl around expecting to see either fear or disgust but was instead met with a blank face. He jiggled the restraints still placed around her neck to garner her attention, "Now if you'd be so kind."

Jack watched with a grin as the polished girl placed his hat on his head firmly and then began to strap on his sword. To do so she had to put her arms around his and as she did this Jack looked over her shoulder to give the Commodore a smug grin. Although while he wasn't paying attention the girl fastened his belt tighter than needed, causing him to grunt "Easy on the goods darling."

Annie smirked as she only pulled the belt tighter, "You're disgusting" she sneered and then winked, surprising Jack and giving him pause. For the first time he looked down at his hostage finally noticing the girl didn't look scared or disgusted. She looked amused. He continued to survey the girl top to bottom. She appeared to be younger than the Miss Swann he pulled from the water, he figured she was her younger sister. Although she was younger she did not seem to be any less matured. Her body was the first thing he noticed, although she had a short stature you could tell that her figure and perfect curves made up for her lack of height. Her dark locks fell like melted chocolate around her face and made her eyes stand out even more from her tan and slightly freckled face. What made Jack really notice her (as he had seen his fair share of curves and a nice face) was the depth in her pretty blue eyes. They reminded Jack of the sea.

Seeing her smirk made Jack smile back before continuing on with his plan "Gentlemen! M'lady" he gestured towards Elizabeth, "And of course, my lovely lass" Jack finished whispering into Annie's ear. "You will always remember this as the day that you almost caught…Captain Jack Sparrow!" He pushed Annie into the awaiting arms of her father and sister before turning around and kicking the lever of a shipping crane nearby. Then he was pulled up into the air by the rope he clung to.

"Now will you shoot him!" Governor Swann yelled after a moment of stunned silence of the soldiers watching Jack swing in circles in the air.

"Open fire!" Norrington ordered fiercely. All of the men began shooting at Jack, who was still suspended and swinging around in the air. He let out a yell as the bullets whizzed by him until he stopped on another wooden crane, gained balance, and used his chains to slide down the rope and onto the bridge and out of sight, the redcoats on his heels.

Now that Jack was gone the remaining company was focused on his previous hostage. "Annie are you okay?" Governor Swann asked while checking his daughter for any bumps, bruises, or scratches.

"Yes, yes I'm fine." Annie breathed.

"Well let's get you two both back home where you can rest up and are safe" The Governor wrapped his arms around both of his beloved daughters before leading them towards their house.

I wonder how long it's going to be until he lets either of us out of the house again after this, Annie thought to herself before going over the exciting day's events in her head.