I wanted to start something new and lighthearted. Something that involves the slice of life genre. So here it is!

Sadly, Still Alive: Phase II and Phenomenon Intervention will have to wait. Writing and planning the same thing over and over again can get frustrating as well as boring quite easily, so I apologise.

This story is set in an AU. Faunus, Beastkin, Aura, Semblance, and all the powers which are wielded by each and every character still exists to some extent. Villains? A few. Maybe. I honestly haven't decided yet.

I've changed the ages of certain characters for the story. Down below is the list. A part of it anyway.

Yuuki Terumi - 33

Hazama - 23

Kazuma Kval - 13

Summer Rose - 32

Taiyang Xiao Long - 32

Raven Branwen - 32

Qrow Branwen - 32

Ruby Rose - 10

Weiss Schnee - 12

Blake Belladonna - 12

Yang Xiao Long - 12

I'll add in the other characters once they appear, so worry not!

Now, let us begin.

I do not own RWBY nor BlazBlue.


"That impatient harlot!"

Kval flinched when the sound of the door being kicked open resonated throughout the entire apartment building, only for it to slam shut two seconds later. He immediately paused the game he was playing and kept away his scroll device, just in time to see his big brother stomping his way towards their couch.

"Why can't people be reasonable nowadays!?" Terumi complained. He sat down onto the couch and practically threw his empty wallet at one of the dirty mugs on the table, knocking it over and spilling its contents all over the place. Can't say he did it on purpose. "Gah! I'll clean that mess when I feel like it!"

Kval sighed. He rose up to his feet and went to their little kitchen, and later returned with a white cloth in hand. "Let me guess." He walked over to the spot where the mess caused by his brother was located, and said, "It's the rent again, isn't it?"

"What else!?" Terumi brought his face down onto his hands, no doubt stressed out beyond measure, if his current behavior was anything to go by. Not that it was uncommon for him to have tantrums and enter fits of explosive rage, like the one he was having now for instance, with the only difference being that this was a lot more controlled than his previous ones. In fact, having tantrums and entering fits of rage was a daily routine for him!

It was a miracle all the stress hadn't killed him yet.

"Have you even put any effort into finding a second job?" Kval asked. He went down to his knees and started wiping the table with the cloth he carried.

Terumi leaned into his couch and glared at his younger sibling. "Of course I have, you twat! Why do you think I stay up late every night?"

Kval stopped what he was doing, and slowly turned his head in order to face Terumi. "I shouldn't answer that. I know nothing," he said, but judging by the blank look he was making with his face, it was quite clear that he actually knew something. Whatever it was.

"What the hell are you-" It only took a second for Terumi to fully connect all the dots. His cheeks flared red, but luckily he was able to get his blush under control before it had a chance to get out of hand. "You little snake. For a 13 year old, you sure know a lot about the things I do during my nighttime activities..."

Kval gulped. "I-I know nothing," he repeated, his voice wavering ever so slightly.

Terumi peered at his younger sibling from underneath his yellow hoodie, as a menacing grin found its place on his face. "It seems to me that someone is in need of a lesson," he said. He slowly brought his hands forward and went up to his feet, moving his fingers around in a creepy manner soon after. "You should know better than to spy on others, at night especially. Now tell me. What exactly do you know?"

"S-Stop it!" Kval yelled. He backed away and paled, frightened no doubt.

"Hehehe..." Terumi took a couple of slow steps forward, his grin growing more and more wider by the passing second. "Just stay right there you little-" He raised an eyebrow when his scroll device started vibrating inside his pocket. He pulled it out with an annoyed huff, not at all noticing the relieved sigh coming from Kval, and answered the call later on. "Hello?"

Kval tilted his head and watched as Terumi's annoyed expression turned into one of surprise, then shock, and finally rage. Curious, little Kval walked over to Terumi's side, but he was unable to hear the person's voice thanks to his older brother's bad habit of moving around too much every time he was on the scroll.

"So let me get this straight," Terumi started, his face darkening. "You called my number, just so you can rub your achievements in my face? Is that it?"

Kval attempted to get Terumi's attention by tugging at his sleeve, but decided to back away immediately when he emitted a bone-chilling aura. Whoever Terumi was talking to, it was quite clear that the person was skilled in terms of getting under his skin. Truth be told, not a lot of people he knew were capable of doing such a thing, so it was quite rare to see him acting in such a way.

"Well screw you! I'm unemployed, you say? Well guess what? I ain't denying! But hey, at least I wasn't the one who needed to be raised in a proper manner by a certain someone who's older!" Terumi practically shouted into his scroll. Not giving a rat's ass about the asshole's reply, he quickly ended the call and slammed his scroll device down onto the table. "Good for nothing ungrateful brat," he growled.

Kval stared at his older brother with nothing but concern written across his face. Sure his brother could be an ass at times, but even asses like him had limits when it came down to how much shit they can take for one day, and that was one of the main reasons why he was worried in the first place.

In the past, a lot of adults he knew had asked him why he chose to stay with Terumi inside his apartment instead of the house which was owned by his other older brother, and he'd always reply with the same answer.

I may be young, and I may not know a lot of things, but it is my job to look out for my dear brother. He raised me for as long as I can remember, and he is the one responsible for making me who I am today, so I would like to repay the favor by being there for him when he needs help. Besides, if I were to turn away for a couple of seconds, who knows what he'll do. He has a tendency to get himself into trouble, more often than not, apparently. Though, you probably won't take me seriously since this is all coming from the youngest sibling, not that I mind.

Some said that what he was doing was pointless, a few said that he was foolish, and a handful even jokingly said that his mental state was broken beyond repair!

But did he care?

No. He did not.

Because Terumi was the one who raised him from scratch, not them. So who were they to say anything?

Figuring that the silence was getting a bit too much to bear, Kval went to Terumi's side once more and tugged at his sleeve, this time successfully gaining his attention. "Um...who was it?" he asked.

"A nobody," muttered Terumi.

Kval found himself frowning, but instead of sounding out his thoughts on the matter, he decided to play along. He had no intention of seeing Terumi having another tantrum, so pushing any further was out of the question. For now at least. "I see," he said.

Terumi sighed. He could already feel a headache coming along, and that managed to make him feel a lot more crappier than it should have. The stress was getting to him, and all he could do now was hold himself back from murdering anyone.

He wouldn't mind killing the landlady if he went berserk though. That bitch liked, no, loved to get under his skin lately, and he'd like to repay the favor at some point. Hell, he'd probably end up doing more than just repaying the favor, but being generous from time to time wouldn't hurt, now would it?

"Brother," Kval started, gaining Terumi's undivided attention. "why not we go for a walk outside? Lord knows that you need the fresh air in order to get your mind off things." He smiled. "How about it? We can even head to the grocery store for those eggs while we're at it!"

Terumi rolled his eyes. "Yeah it sounds nice and all, but I'm broke. No money means no eggs, and that also means no cheap noodles."

Kval smirked. "You are, but I'm not."

Terumi locked eyes with Kval, and he found himself smirking as well soon after. "Y'know, I like the way you think."

Kval shrugged, the smirk from before still in place. "I learned from the best, after all."

Terumi laughed, feeling all the stress leaving for once. "You little rascal..."


As planned, they went out.

The two brothers can be seen walking out of the store which they usually went to, since the things they had there were surprisingly cheap, hand in hand while talking to one another.

"So what you're saying is that these three assholes wanted to bully you at school, all because they know that I'm your brother?" Terumi narrowed his eyes, and proceeded to tighten his hold around the paper bag which he carried. "They got beef with me or something? That being said, what did you do?"

"Well..." Kval laughed, albeit sheepishly. "...I'm not quite fond with the idea of punching others, so I didn't."

"Hm." Terumi spared his younger brother a brief glance, no doubt curious. "Give me the specifics."

"Hehe..." Kval scratched the back of his head with his free hand. He looked up at his big brother and explained, "I ran and jumped around. Despite their size, I was quite surprised to find them struggling to catch up. Truth be told, I was...disappointed, in them."

Wow. Just wow.

Despite his innocent appearance, this kid's dangerous. But he did learn from the best, after all. In the end it was no surprise.

"A slippery snake you are," Terumi commented, hiding his smile. "Keep it up. Show those assholes in school who's boss."

"Not what I intend to do, but I'll try," Kval said, grinning from ear to ear.

Terumi nodded. He turned to focus on the path ahead, but then a thought occurred to him. He closed his eyes and chuckled, before softly hitting Kval on the head with his hand, the one which held their hands together. "Thanks, by the way. I needed this," he said.

Kval shook his head, smiling. "I just did what any other little brother would do. It's no big deal. Speaking of which," He skipped a small pebble which was in his path. "how was your new job? You came home earlier than I thought you would."

"Oh. That." Terumi could feel his mood worsening at the mention of his previous job. "Putting it bluntly, I got fired."

"Eh!?" Kval whipped his head towards Terumi, shocked. "How in the world did you managed to get yourself fired from Tukson's Book Trade?"

"I slacked off, and may have accidentally torn a few pages of some of the novels when I was bored," Terumi explained, his eyes focusing on the path ahead.

Kval sighed. "Figures. So what now?"

"The usual. Find more jobs," was Terumi's reply, but his voice lacked the motivation. He sighed. "Things always end up with me getting fired. When will the cycle end, I wonder?"

"Have you tried contacting-" Kval stopped himself when he saw the sudden changes on Terumi's face. A mixture between anger and annoyance, if one may call it that. He frowned. "No?"

"No," Terumi muttered. "Never in a million years am I going to beg for help from that ungrateful-"

"Watch out!" a squeaky voice shouted from the distance, interrupting the two brothers' conversation.

Kval and Terumi turned to the source of the voice, which apparently came from behind, and the first thing which met their eyes was the sight of a young girl, younger than Kval, in a red cloak riding a skateboard, with no helmet on at that. Judging by the looks of things, it appeared that she was having trouble with controlling the darn thing, so her stopping was very unlikely.

Worst of all, by the time the two had fully turned themselves around, the girl was already dangerously close to where they were.

Aw crud, was the first thing which went through Terumi's mind. In instinct, he immediately went to Kval's front in order to act as a shield and used the paper bag he carried as his own.

The unnamed girl could do nothing as she collided herself against the paper bag, and Terumi was unable to resist the urge to wince when the familiar sound of eggs cracking under pressure filled the air. What a waste.

Well, at least the cheap noodles were safe.

"Ruby!" another voice called out from the distance.

"I knew this was a bad idea!" And then another.

"Hold on! We're coming!" Then another.

Ignoring the new voices for the time being, Terumi slowly lowered his shield. He gazed down at the little girl, only to find her rubbing her sore behind on the ground, wincing every now and again. He watched as Kval went to the girl and helped her up, while also checking for possible injuries on certain parts of her body.

"Are you okay?" Kval asked, concerned. Despite finding no injuries whatsoever after he was done checking the girl up and down, he made sure to look over her body once more, just in case if he missed anything. "Does it hurt anywhere?"

"U-Um..." The unnamed girl seemed to shrink under Terumi's gaze, if the look she was making with her face and body language was anything to go by. "M-Mom said that I shouldn't talk to strangers..." she stuttered.

"Eh?" was Kval's reply. He honestly hadn't expected that of all things. "W-Well," He put up a smile and held up his hands, wanting to look as friendly as possible. "what she say is true, but rest assured that I'm here to lend you my assistance. So-"

"My mom said that people who often give others help are the ones who I should watch out for," Ruby interrupted. She scanned Kval's entire frame up and down, suspicion filling her innocent eyes soon after.

"E-Eh?" was the only word which Kval was able to come up with as a reply, taken aback.

The hell is up with this kid? Terumi internally questioned himself, his right eye twitching ever so slightly, feeling annoyed no doubt. The least she could do was show them a bit of gratitude for preventing her from possibly breaking a bone or two, instead of being cautious for no good reason. Just be grateful and be done with it already.

"Ruuuuubyyy! I'm here to save you!" one of the voices from before, which belonged to a cheerful blonde girl who appeared to be somewhat older, called out with a wide grin.

The girl with the cloak, whose name Terumi assumed was Ruby, turned to the older blonde and smiled. "I-I'm fine Yang...I think."

The blonde, who was now known to Terumi and Kval as Yang, jumped forward and caught Ruby in a tight hug, much to the younger girl's displeasure. "Ooh! I was so worried!"

"You didn't look like you were..." Ruby grumbled, but she allowed Yang to keep on hugging her anyway.

"I was! I swear!" Yang exclaimed.

"Fine. I believe you," Ruby muttered with a roll of her eyes.

While the two pair of girls were busy hugging one another, mostly the blonde though, two more other girls showed up.

"I'm glad to see that you're not hurt, Ruby," the one with the black bow and amber eyes said, sounding relieved.

"We should blame Yang for almost getting her killed in the first place! I'll tell Mother about this!" the one dressed up in white clothing yelled out, flailing her arms about as she did so. "That'll surely teach her!"

"It's not like I did it on purpose Weiss!" Yang yelled.

Terumi took his time focusing his eyes on the group of kids, his face betraying no emotions as they talked and played around with one another right in front of him. He looked to the side two seconds later, clicking his tongue as the blank look on his face quickly turned sour. "Brats. Just what I needed," he muttered.

Too bad the girl in white clothing, who went by the name of Weiss, heard him loud and clear.

The child turned to Terumi, ignoring Kval for the time being, and narrowed her eyes ever so slightly. "Who is this peasant?" she boldly inquired, unflinching as well as unblinking.

Terumi quickly shifted his gaze to Weiss, and if he was pissed off because of what she'd just called him, then he didn't show it. In fact, he looked perfectly calm.

On the inside was a different matter entirely though.

Did this brat just-

"Hey Blake," Ruby turned her head towards the one with the black bow, successfully gaining her undivided attention. "what does the word 'peasant' mean?" She tilted her head to one side. "Does it have something to do with peanuts?"

"Not quite, Ruby. The word 'peasant' means a poor farmer of low social status," Blake swiftly replied.

Ruby blinked a couple of times. "Oh."

Yang giggled, finding the meaning to be somewhat funny. "It sounds silly, to be honest," she said.

"Hey!" Terumi shouted. "Who the hell are you calling a poor farmer of low social status!? And you." He turned to the one called Weiss with a glare so sharp that it managed to scare away all the birds in their surroundings. He lowered himself down to the girl's level, and if he was surprised to find her standing her ground while returning his glare with her own, then he did a very brilliant job at hiding it. She had guts, he'll give her that. "Despite having a pea-sized body, you sure have a big mouth. My advice? Learn to properly use it in the future, plebeian," he warned. "Or else."

Weiss gasped, before her face started reddening due to sheer anger, no doubt caused by the words of the unemployed man. And not only that, but the wretched man also had the audacity to call her a plebeian. A plebeian. No matter how hard she tried, Weiss couldn't deny the fact that he'd just struck a nerve. No one had ever called her that before, so hearing a mere peasant calling her that straight to her face made her blood boil.

"How...dare you," Weiss muttered. She balled up her hands into extremely tight fists. However, before she had a chance to throw insults at the very cause of her current mood, Terumi reached out and flicked her on the forehead. "Ow!"

"What, are you going to throw a tantrum? If so, then by all means!" Terumi allowed a satisfied grin to crawl itself up to his face, and that seemed to infuriate Weiss even further, if the redness on her face was anything to go by. Had to say that he enjoyed watching that expression of hers, but what truly satisfied him the most was the look which was dancing around in her eyes. So much hatred coming from a little brat was always welcoming. "I'm waiting," he reminded, his grin growing a tad bit wider.

Unfortunately, Kval decided to ruin his fun by being mature, like he always does when things would start showing signs of disaster happening.

"I am very sorry for my brother's behavior," Kval apologised. He stepped forward and bowed in a polite manner, and later lifted up his head a bit in order to meet the girl's icy gaze with his own. "Do ignore him. He has a bad habit of purposely getting under everyone's skin, so giving him your attention is probably what he wants you to do," he said.

Tch. Terumi cursed internally. Just leave it to him to ruin all my fun.

"I see." Weiss folded her arms and eyed the younger sibling up and down. "And you are?" she questioned.

Kval smiled and opened his mouth to answer.

Too bad he was unable to say anything when a certain someone with a red cloak came in and interfered by exclaiming, "Don't trust him Weiss, especially his brother! My mom said that we shouldn't talk to strangers because they're dangerous!"

"E-Eh?" Kval quickly turned to Ruby, sweating slightly. "You're still going on about that?"

"That's because you're a stranger!" Ruby exclaimed and pointed a finger in Kval's direction, looking all cute while doing so without knowing.

"Now that you have brought it up..." Weiss said as she cupped her chin. It seemed that she was starting to agree with Ruby from the looks of things, which was, in a way, bad.

However, before the conversation could get any further, a new voice decided to join in, which belonged to a female.

But for some reason, the owner of said voice didn't sound too happy.

"Girls! What did I say about wandering off too far? And don't even think for a second that I didn't see what happened to Ruby when she tried to ride that new skateboard!"

Yang flinched, along with Weiss and Blake. "Yikes..."

Ruby on the other hand quickly turned around and gasped, wide-eyed. "Mom!" she exclaimed as a wide grin started to form itself onto her pale face. She held out her hands and ran up to the woman who appeared to be her mother, but was unprepared when the woman's hand reached out and chopped her on the head. "Owie!" she yelped.


A bit rushed, but not too rushed. It's not too bad, but not too good either. It'll have to do.

To those who can correctly guess who the landlady is will get free cookies! Though, the answer is pretty obvious.

Anyway, if you readers have anything to say, any questions to ask, or any ideas to suggest, then by all means leave them in the review and I'll try to answer all of them to the best of my abilities!

This is CPL, over and out.