A/N: Whilst my otp is Aleheather, I believe there is a severe shortage of Deather (DxH, Duncan x Heather) Fanfiction! Enjoy the lemon which I originally planned on making a fluff-fest but didn't - you're welcome. Also if your wondering hey what about Gwen? Just think that Duncan know's that somewhere in the back of his head whilst he does likes Gwen, it's more of a breakaway from his insane relationship with Courtney and while it could last for a while the relationship would never last. (I also ship Gwuncan and Duncney so I mean no ill-intent by this.)
It was in Area 51 when it happened, both teams remaining in the competition where on the search for a working alien artefact. Occasional screams could be heard, banging against metal and flashes of bright lights that would blind the eyes were coming from different locations.
Heather had stuck with Courtney for the first half of the lookout, but she ditched her eventually after learning that Courtney wasn't much help. She was quite the opposite actually, destroying the only working artefact they had found during the entirely too long time they'd been searching.
So she was off on her own, she passed Gwen who had an all too happy look on her face and notified her of what Courtney had 'accidentally' done. Emphasis on the accidentally part.
Soon enough though, Heather came across one of those scream worthy scenarios, only she was not the one in trouble.
Across from her was a live artefact, a small living alien to be specific. Though instead of someone attempting to catch it, somebody was stuck in between two crates butt raised high and the little alien latched on zapping it whenever the somebody tried to jerk themselves free.
Now Heather wasn't one of the people to stare at people asses so much that she could recognise someone from theirs. This butt was one she recognised from his iconic dance moves utilising it, not wiggling like it usually would when bent over and up in the air like this. Duncan was enjoying having us butt repeatedly electrocuted by the small alien.
It started off as a snicker, a chortle maybe. But the sound was enough for Duncan to realise somebody was nearby. "Help!" Duncan spoke loudly for only the queen bee Heather to hear. The snickering continued, "Are you serious man! Help me out here!".
Suddenly like a broken damn it exploded out of Heather with a large force "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She could not help her laughter, tough guy Duncan who had been acting all high and entitled for the entirety of the time he'd been brought back on the show, was getting his butt electrocuted over and over again by an alien, his shouts for help were only making the alien shock him more.
"That's a girls laugh! I'm sure you're not Gwen and I don't think Sierra would laugh at me like this so, Courtney or Heather whichever one you are help me!" Still all it did was make Heather laugh. Hunched over she had never laughed so hard, she was in absolute hysterics. The only other person who had ever laughed this hard on the show would of been Duncan himself.
The young Asian girl wiped her watery eyes before breathing out, "Oh my god, y-you're stuck between crates and being electrocuted on the ASS!" She doubled over in laughter again. "Heather!" He figured out it was her, "C'mon please help me!" Duncan said as small thumps were heard moving above him.
Heather was climbing the crates only to plop in front of Duncan, kneeling down to be eye-level with him, "Oh but don't you remember Duncan?"-"Remember what Heather?" the teen stuck between the crates looked irritated while Heather just put on a smug look, still occasionally giggling. "Oh only the thing you were never ever allowed to forget."
Duncan appeared to recall something, though not entirely sure of what, he had had two very long seasons already with Heather and of course had done many things involving her, so this specific moment was eluding him completely, "What did I do Heather? Can't this wait until you get me out of here? Please?"
"Oh but Duncan don't you remember when you got me shot in my ass with a tranquilliser dart?" She punctuated her sentence by poking him in the nose with her pointer finger on each empathised word, she flicked his nose upwards at the end, glaring.
'Ah fuck' thought Duncan remembering that yes he did do that, 'how the hell does she still remember that? Shouldn't she of been doped up so much that she'd forget?' He was slightly worried now, he new Courtney would never pull him out from the crates, but now he's not sure if Heather was any better than Courtney arriving on scene with him stuck.
Heather leaned over, face close to Duncan's but nose raised higher than his, her halter top flattening out giving Duncan a clear view of her cleavage. 'Definitely better than Courtney' he thought taking a long glance before responding to Heather's previous question, "That was Izzy's fault! And I cleaned the washroom for you! With my current girlfriend's toothbrush I might add! Can't you just be content that I remember now and help me, you can even take the little alien for your team!" He tried to persuade her.
The two rivals have a staring contest, Heather's streamline body easily fitting in between the crates where Duncan's larger more muscly form is trapped, their faces hadn't been this close since that forced kiss they had shared in the previous season. Times had certainly changed since TDI when Duncan probably would of celebrated kissing the Asian with high levels of gusto. Looking at her now though, he was reminded of how beautiful she actually was.
Reflective eyes that appear to be hard and cold but deep within her pupils they looked soft, her face was very symmetrical with a buttoned nose centring it. Plump lips that look so soft and a small chin that appeared to be the perfect size to cup in a hand as pulled into a kiss. Her hair that had grown back was beautiful, thinking back to when all she had atop her head was her bare scalp she was still quite cute. Her forehead kissable but her soft appearance often ruined by the arch of her perfectly shaped brows that were scowling at him, she looked cold and hot.
He didn't know why he was thinking of this, maybe the alien had shocked him one too many times and he was being delusional. But all the strange thoughts just made Duncan more determined to get out of there, unstuck.
Heather sat smugly before him however just watching him slam from one side to another in what appeared be a futile effort until his stuck shoulders managed to bang sideways sending him falling forward on to his side. Straight into Heathers front.
The little alien had flew off before either could even react to their sudden closeness. Duncan's heavier body sent Heather's back into the floor with a jarring force only for the girl to shudder at his warm breathing against her neck. Her head it the ground harder then other parts of her body, she let out a moan of pain and shock from having a sudden warmth pressed on top of her.
It was ridiculous, ridiculous and cliché, her petite frame trapped under his larger one. Their body's mashed together like uncomfortable puzzle pieces, no gaps but Heather was being crushed whilst under him. "Off." She gasped out before anything, tapping a free hand against his side as if she was tapping out of a wrestling match. The delinquent pushed up on one side keeping his shoulders crooked so he would not get stuck again.
Their legs however were still tangled so their lower halves didn't move, but Heather now had space for her chest to rise comfortably both of them were panting. Their warm breath were brushing each others faces when they made eye contact.
On the floor Heather couldn't stop herself from noticing the vibrant colour in the juvie's eyes, almost matching his mohawk which was strange but somehow suited him. The fact his mohawk suited him was amazing in itself as not many people could pull off a mohawk without looking like a complete and utter twat.
Heather surrendered first, turning her head towards Duncan's arm next to her head and breaking the awkward eye contact. His breath tickled her neck, shuddering again she pulled her legs up slightly only to feel the air between the two thicken dramatically. Both competitors eyes widen as Heather upper thighs brush against a hot bulge which had previously been pressed into her hip flexor only becoming known when she moved.
The hot and bothered teen tried to sit into his hip and away from Heather but in the enclosed space he only managed to place himself above her hips and make the bulge more prominent feeling against her. Heather could feel his long rod through his jeans easily and hitched her breath loudly. The sudden noise demanding another awkward eye-contact once more.
"I'll try to-" They both spoke at the same time, trying to get away from each other simultaneously only succeeding in placing Duncan's crotch completely on top of Heather's. "Shit." Duncan groaned, he could feel himself pulsing and Heather's body against him wasn't helping. He could feel her sharp hips against his and her smooth sculpted calves that brushed against his legs almost made him thrust towards her.
It took much effort but the two eventually did manage to get out from between the two crates and into a small open area between many other crates. A safe haven where no camera's could be seen through the small gaps, a dimly lit area, a private area.
The tension between them was so thick you could almost touch it, fire was exploding between the two. Duncan however felt a fool, he has legitimately just got with Gwen and now he was considering doing something that would probably get him killed anyway. But Heather was right there! And she looked delicious. He had a hungry look in his eye and his heavy presence was well known to Heather.
She felt flush, she'd always been a sucker for a bad boy, a sucker for a scandal. She had her back to Duncan but slowly glanced over her shoulder at him, he was only a few feet away, staring at her hungrily. She'd been making fun of Gwen for being the 'New Heather' less than three hours ago and now she was in this situation. "You're with Gwen remember, stop looking at me like that." she told him, secretly hoping that he would disregard it and continue his ogling of her. She turned away again breathing.
Suddenly there was a large hand grasping around her waist and pulling her to theirs, now seated in Duncan's lap he grinded up into her, fearing her reaction until he heard a soft moan. Heather's shorts were made of a thin material and she could feel him pressing against her and it felt positively sinful. Kissing her neck Duncan spoke rhetorically "And when have you ever cared that Gwen has a boyfriend, remember?" referencing to her kissing Trent back in season one, many moments from their pasts being brought up as they continue there slow but deliberate movements against one another.
It was settled then and there that something was happening, and that neither Heather nor Duncan were going to stop it.
Duncan rolled his hips up into Heather as she felt herself quiver straddled backwards on his lap. A hand made it's way to the front of her shorts unbuckling her belt and slipping his hand under and into them, he cupped her vagina slowly but pressed against her hard. With his erection pressed fiercely against her backside and a hand caressing her front Heather jerked forward into his hand as he teased her.
Gasps came out in soft puffs, both aware of how their privacy could be completely ruined if too loud, Duncan teased Heather's front with one hand as she grinded back against him, his free hand turning her head to face his, their mouths met each others. Like a tsunami colliding with a pool of lava, the kiss was incredible, never before had either of the two shared a kiss like this. A kiss of pure hunger, desire, lust. The kiss was wild.
Soon enough Duncan removed his hand from Heather's pants, his damp fingers traced up Heather's long torso only to reach her Halter top, pulling it up and over her round breasts that bounced out. Duncan turned Heather around to straddle him frontwards, looking at her chest in the dim light they were soon pressed together again as Duncan cupped her breasts, she played with his muscled torso. She slid her hand down undoing his zipper and untucking his erection from his boxers. Duncan's cock sprung free from confines Heather slowly began pumping her hand up and down around him.
Duncan's hands left Heather's breast quickly only to find themselves gripping her ass pulling it up higher changing their positions once more, her breasts now level with his face he nipped her soft buds while his hands work distractedly on removing her shorts completely, soon Heather was in nothing but her hiked up halter top.
It was then again that they looked into each others eyes, awkward but full of demanding passion, suddenly as if he hadn't just been undressing Heather as she herself gave him and hand job they paused. Their eyes were locked together, in the game they were enemies, they weren't even friends when on the same team, but as Duncan detected when first entering the competition with Heather, their was something between them. And now they were going to see it through and do it.
Heather was positioned above his penis, lined up with his cock brushing against her labia. Chests heaved together as one, Duncan leant forward keeping eye-contact he leant in to kiss Heather once again. He reached one hand between her legs which were straddled over him and for the first time allowing one of his fingers to slide up into her tight hole. Slick fingers soon moving up and down within Heather causing small ripples of pleasure in her core they kept eye-contact the entire time, Duncan encouraging Heather to lay down. Soon Duncan was mesmerised by the site before him.
It had been so fast up until this point but now again he took a moment to appreciate her whole body, her heaving chest made her supple boobs bounce softly while being stretched apart by Heather's arms that were far behind her, propped on her elbows Heather watched Duncan, eye-contact broken momentarily as he appreciated her and she appreciated him.
She stared at where they were joined, he slowly removed his fingers giving them a lick without thought, tasting her juices. The stench of sex already heavy between them. Duncan once again positioned himself at her entrance, "Are you sure about this?" He asked one last time for consent, "Yes." Her answer was sure sounding and he pressed forward into her.
The walls of Heather's vagina clamped down on Duncan's dick, after being teased for so long she craved realise. He sunk his large cock into her fully as she mewled beneath him, giving Heather time to adjust to his large length he leant in for a long kiss before pumping his hips in a steady rhythm.
Like how when they both were when trapped in between the crates Heather was trapped between his arms, though this time calm and unpanicking. She ran her hands all up his body, lifting his shirt up she rubbed his torso and chest one hand soon settling on his lower back while the other in his hair tugging at his green mohawk as they kissed.
Heather's flexible legs were outstretched giving lots of room for Duncan to thrust in and out, he soon uses this to his advantage grabbing on to both her long legs and pushing them down to the floor into a full middle splits causing her pussy to stretch further in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Their mouths clashed together muffling each others moans and grunts, wet sounds echoed throughout the small area.
Heathers leg muscles continued to clench tighter along with her pussy, heat pulsating through her, Duncan's long hard thrusts setting her close to the edge, she panted. "Duncan, I'm gonna cum" She spoke into his mouth not bothering to break the kiss Duncan pounded into Heather faster, her back arched upward awkwardly she changed the angle of herself just enough so that he was hitting G-spot dead-centre with each hard thrust. Both her hands clawed at the bottom of his back leaving red trails.
Soon her entire body was shaking with pleasure as she came hard on to his dick, clenching down on him. Duncan pressed into their kiss harder to muffle her loud moans he slowed his pace elongating her orgasm until he couldn't hold himself back any longer thrusting hard into her again until pulling himself out of Heather to cum over her spread legs and tummy. Both body's became limp, together they panted to catch their breaths.
They were basking in the afterglow, giving slow tired kisses, Heather leaving hickeys on his neck and under his choker. Duncan continually cupping her breast up into his mouth, pinching and sucking on her nipples separately leaving them with hickeys all over. The two soon caught their breath.
Heather sat up first, her breathing calmed she pulled her shirt back over her breasts, collecting her clothes Duncan soon followed her example putting his pants back into place, readjusting his crumpled shirt and raised choker so all was in place.
They stood up at the same time looking into each others eyes for the final time that day understanding each others needs, knowing not to tell anyone. Heather walked through the gap between the craters first with Duncan slowly coming out from behind, the coast was clear but she could hear members of Duncan's team nearby, deep voices from a few rows away. The two went completely under the radar and tension they had previously felt dissipated.
Nobody from team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot suspected anything as Heather turned around to see Duncan's head flopped down in shame. She bursted out in laughter again like when he got stuck the first time, when distracted he straightened his shoulders resulting in him getting stuck once more. When team cirrrrh found them, the moment was over, both teams still looking for their artefact, with a final laugh Heather ran off on sore legs leaving Duncan and joining the rest of her team looking for an artefact.
With the ironic help of Alejandro the delinquent was free to search as well, not even the observant Alejandro aware of what just happened between him and Heather, team Amazon won once again. It went back to normal, as sad as it may seem he was used to loosing in this team.
Duncan could almost convince himself that the whole thing was just a vivid dream, so little had changed between he and Heather. The atmosphere was calm on the plane if not juxtaposed. It did seem a vivid dream until he saw Heather walk into first class rubbing sore hips from earlier activities. The two had done it, nobody knew but the two themselves. But it is what it is, and it is what it isn't.
He was so glad she stayed to tease him for being stuck and shocked, and although his team lost and Tyler got booted out of the competition. While stuck in economy class (or loser class as Heather calls it) Duncan couldn't help but think he had just won something major.
Review fam
This is a A/N for chapter, it doesn't have any spoilers but fan is being stupid and not letting me put it on that chapter so..
When I was writing my other story 'Another Attempt' (A time-travel Aleheather fic) I had it about half way done when the whole thing deleted on me soooooo... :))))))))))) I wrote this because I literally could not bring myself to rewrite 2000 words so instead I banged out eleven thousand plus words!
Hope you enjoyed my Duncan x Heather little smut thingy, and goodbye (would be a spoiler, who as I said when this was just a one-shot I do like, I just don't like how she changed for the worst in season 3), I will hopefully continue this, though I don't know how frequent the updates will be, the chapters hopefully will be nice long lengths like this!
Review xx