She was cold, that much Ava could tell, feeling it creeping into her bones. She attempted to look at her surroundings before the flashing of lights blinded her to them. There was yelling, voices booming over each other in what sounded like rage? And then another voice, softer, gentler, trying to cut between those who were yelling.

Was that her voice?

…It was her voice.

She could feel herself take a step forward despite being unable to truly see where she was going on but taking a surefooted step forward anyway. She needed to get to the two who were yelling, or at least what she was assuming yelling, the voices were so filled with raw power it felt like thunder rolling through her chest.

She spoke again, seeming to just try to be heard over them but a sharp crack of a voice overshadowed her own. Balling her hands up into fist, she took another step forward this time determined to be heard.

"ENOUGH!" Ava screamed with that voice that didn't sound completely like hers. "FIGHTING GAINS US NOTHING! WE CAN NOT BE DEVIDED BY SUCH A TRIVIAL DIFFERENCE!"

"He goes against everything Father has wanted for us!" another voice finally answered her still so filled with power she could literally feel it, but she wasn't afraid.

"And you have blown every word he has used into a war!" Ava shouted back gritting her teeth a sudden anger blowing through her.

"You take his side in this then?"

"I take no one's side!" Ava defended herself, that voice becoming stronger as the anger boiled higher at the accusation. "We must come to a compromise! It does no one good to destroy your brothers and sisters over a difference in opinion!"

"This is no difference in opinion! It's against everything Father wanted!" that voice sounded vaguely hurt before it turned on her. "He destroyed the innocence Father gave the humans in deliberation! And you stand with him?"

Before Ava could say anything else, there was an all-encompassing pain that drove her to her knees and a bright light flashed before her eyes.

Ava then jerked up with a shout, fist coming up to defend herself from whatever unseen opponent she was facing before she blinked finally being able to see. She knew that door handle in front of her, and that caused her to relax some. She was in the backseat of Baby.

"You okay back there?" Dean's voice made her jerk her head around to look at him, going on the defensive again, before finding him sitting in the driver's seat of Baby, eyebrow arched watching her in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, just peachy," Ava muttered lowering her fist before reaching up to run her fingers through her hair and then out of habit to her chest where the cross pendant laid. Only it wasn't there. "Shit!"

A cold panic washed through Ava causing her to momentarily forget about the dream and pulling her other hand from her hair to her neck where the necklace was supposed to be. She then twisted looking back at the seat she'd sat up from, double checking that it hadn't fallen off before also checking the pockets of the oddly familiar coat she had on.

"Looking for this?" Dean's voice broke through her panic and she looked over at him, only to find he was holding the necklace up for her to see, all in one piece.

"Yes," Ava let out a deep breath she didn't even realize she was holding. "Thank you." Ava took the offered necklace and slipped it back over her head setting it back in its rightful place. "Where'd you find it?"

"It was on the floor of the motel, just beside my boots this morning." Dean offered in explanation, watching Ava curiously as she visibly relaxed once the necklace was back around her neck. "Guess it's lucky I was paying attention."

"For once in your life," Ava quipped out sarcastically but then smiled a little. "Thank you for paying attention."

"For once in my life." Dean mirrored with a little smile of his own. "That sounded like a pretty wicked nightmare, sure you're alright?"

"Fine," Ava breathed out not sounding too convincing to Dean but then moved to quickly change the subject. "Where's Sam?"

"Sam's walking the mutt 'cause he was whining to be let out of the car." Dean nodded towards the direction they were in and Ava spotted the familiar form of Sam with Blú.

"Shouldn't you be stretching your own legs while we're stopped?" Ava questioned absently turning her attention back to Dean. "Even you need to move around every once in a while, Superman."

"Like you're one to talk about taking breaks in trips." Dean said and Ava smiled a little at the accusation knowing he was right. He then shrugged his shoulders. "Besides someone needed to stay and keep an eye on you, Frozen Fingers."

Ava then looked down at her own appearance remembering a little about what had happened before. "Is that why I'm in a coat?"

"Why don't you tell me, Angel? I went to get breakfast and came back to you curled up in a coat that I've never seen before and unconscious to boot." Dean paused eyes narrowed slightly at her now. "And Sam's being annoyingly tightlipped about it."

"It's been two years Dean, I am entitled to buy new clothing." Ava gritted out a little defensive trying to piece together what had happened. Ava then glanced down at the coat before realizing why it was so familiar looking. It was the coat Gabriel had worn before. "I remember being cold and tired… I guess I was just more wore out than I realized when I went for a walk with Blú and Sam must have found the coat in the bottom of my duffle."

"That's bullshit, you run every day and don't come back with a dislocated shoulder and cold to the touch." Dean countered sharply. "What the hell are you trying to hide from me Ava?"

"What makes you think I actually know what it is that I'm apparently trying to hide?" Ava snapped back then let out a deep breath. "Besides I doubt you'd believe me anyway, I barely believe it myself."

"Ava, wait a second!" Dean called out turning to face her when she moved to step out of Baby.

Ava ignored him getting on out of the car and firmly closing the door behind her to put some space between them for just a moment. She hesitated almost slipping out of the coat, but when a bone deep chill slipped through her, she decided to leave it on.

Ava then shook her head and shoved her hands in her pockets before walking over to where Sam and Blú were.

"Hey look it's Sleeping Beauty!" Sam greeted her with a relieved smile. "Didn't think you'd ever wake up."

"Drama Queen much?" Ava grinned rolling her eyes at him, and then greeting Blú who jumped up on her as she approached with an excited bark. "How long was I actually out?"

"Close to nine hours now." Sam informed her glancing at his watch. Ava then placed Blú back down on the ground. "Are you, well, alright?"

"I think so." Ava said after a second or two of hesitation. "Sam, what actually happened? I don't remember anything beyond heading back inside the room?"

"I didn't think you'd remember anything." Sam said with a nod. "You seemed pretty out of it by the time we actually got back inside."

"What happened?" Ava pressed again curious.

"Well, you know that thing you don't really like to talk about that makes odd things happen?" Sam hesitated slightly glancing at her, before she nodded with a grim look on her own face. "Yeah well that's what happened. I tried to warm you up by getting you into some warm water, but it I dunno guess it didn't work." Sam hesitated again for a second. "Did you know you have a mark on your back?"

"A mark?" Ava repeated back then subconsciously rolled her shoulders a cold fear rolling down her spine at the thought of Sam seeing the marks on the inside of her shoulder blades. There was a prickling pain on her back where the shirt and coat rubbed against her skin. "Sure it wasn't just a scar Sam?"

"It wasn't a scar Ava," Sam said shaking his head. "Least not like any scar I've ever seen before and I've seen my fair share of scars." Sam then glanced over to the Impala where Dean now stood leaning against Baby. "It looked more like an initial…and when I touched it, you screamed bloody murder and cracked the porcelain tub and shattered a mirror, so I'm gonna say it wasn't exactly a scar."

"Cracked the tub?" Ava questioned sounding alarmed. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No," Sam shook his head. "Before anything else could happen, someone or something else showed up and locked me out of the room."

"Locked you, wait what?" Ava sounded slightly confused.

"I don't know exactly what happened either." Sam then turned his gaze back to her. "All I know is one minute you were screaming, the next I was on the other side of a locked door. When I got back inside, you were unconscious curled up on the floor in the coat."

Ava paused thinking for a second on the information given. She needed to talk to Gabriel, she had a feeling he knew more of what was going on than anyone.

"Hey you two! Let's go!" Dean's voice cut through her thoughts. "We still have a few hours to go, and it looks like a storm's coming! We're not getting caught in it because you two want to chat!"

Both turned to look at him for a second before Blú took off at a run in his direction. Ava then shook her head and looked back at Sam.

"Right, let's go, before we get left." Ava tilted her head towards Baby.

"Right, just a few more hours before we get to Bobby's anyway." Sam nodded stepping passed her with a little pat on the shoulder.

Ava hesitated though for just a second, before a breeze swept over her causing her to shiver slightly, pull the coat a little tighter and look up at the sky. Dean was right, there was a dark storm brewing just off the horizon.

"Great." Ava muttered sarcastically to herself, hands in her pockets before turning to follow Sam back to the Impala. "Just great."

Maybe three hours later, Dean was pulling up in front of Bobby's house, parking just beside a truck Ava recognized instantly.

"Great," Ava breathed out to herself before moving to instantly get out of the car before the boys even really got a chance to move.

Almost instantly the front door slammed open and a person came barreling out of the house and straight for the car and for Ava. Dean nor Sam had even had the chance to get out before Ava was slammed into by said person.

"Ava!" said person called out and Ava was instantly wrapped up in a tight hug from that person.

"Essie, hi." Ava greeted her with a little laugh. "What're you doing here?"

"We were headed home from a specialist in California when King saw the storm coming." Esperanza explained releasing Ava from the hug. "Figured Bobby would let us take refuge for the night."

"Where is Bobby?"

"Rufus called." Someone else answered for Esperanza and Ava turned to see King standing in the doorway a small frown on his face when he noticed the Impala. "Said he needed some help with something. He'll probably be back tomorrow."

"Sam!" Esperanza squealed in Ava's ear before turning her attention to the younger Winchester.

"Essie, hey." Sam was greeted with an armful of Esperanza. "Been a while."

"It really has!" Esperanza agreed with a bright grin before turning and pulling him back towards the house. "King made dinner and you have to tell me all about Sanford!"

Ava shook her head and turned to follow Sam and Esperanza. She stepped up next to King who had moved out of Esperanza's way and greeted him with a little almost sad looking smile.

"How was California?" Ava questioned quietly.

"Nothing new to tell." King shrugged voice quiet. "It's good to see you though," King paused again seeming to be thinking over what he was going to say. "Didn't think we'd see you for a while yet, considering the call a few days ago. Figure out your witch problem?"

"Quicker than I thought we would." Ava confirmed after a second. "We can talk later."

Ava then glanced over at the Impala where Dean had finally stepped out of Baby and around to grab their bags from the trunk. King followed her gaze and once he spotted where she was watching, frowned deeply.

"Dean, you coming inside sometime before the storm hits?" Ava called out to him moving to step back out and help him grab the bags.

"I'll help him," King's gruff voice stopped her. "You go on inside, there's fish on the stove."

Ava paused for a second looking at King curiously before nodding and as he passed her by, she reached out her hand and gently squeezed his wrist. He smiled a little patting her hand putting her a little more at ease with leaving the two of them alone for a few minutes and turning to head inside.

Ava heard Esperanza chatting away at Sam as soon as she walked in and with a little smile at that, she shook her head and walked on into the kitchen. She then spotted Sam sitting at the table enjoying some fish while Esperanza sat just next to him chatting away.

"We saved enough for you and Dean, Ava!" Esperanza called out when she spotted Ava stepping inside. "I made you both up some plates!"

"Thank you, Essie," Ava smiled picking up one of the plates that was sitting on the counter. "Looks good."

Esperanza smiled at Ava for a second, before her face paled some and she instantly jumped out of the chair she was in, running out of the room.

"Shit," Ava muttered instantly setting her plate down and moving to go after Esperanza.

"I got it," King's voice stopped Ava as he quickly strode inside. "You eat."

"King," Ava protested shaking her head. "You can't-"

"Eat, Ava." King instructed giving Ava no room to argue. "We'll talk later."

Sam looked a little startled, before turning his attention to Ava as she cursed King and stepped back into the kitchen running her fingers through her hair.

"Ava?" Sam questioned after a second or two. "What's going on? I heard Essie say something about a specialist earlier?"

Ava then looked over at Sam for a moment before answering. "Essie's well, she's sick…witches curse gone wrong and we can't… I can't find a reverse."

"Witch curse?" Sam repeated back. "I didn't think King let Essie hunt,"

Ava was quiet for another long moment, before she moved walking over and dropping into a seat next to Sam, plate of fish still on the stove.

"I convinced him to let her come along on what we thought would be a simple salt and burn a few months ago." Ava explained quietly leaning forward towards the table propping herself on crossed arms before moving and running one hand through her hair. "Turns out it wasn't a simple as we thought." Ava then looked over at Sam. "We ended up head to head with a group of pissed off witches for taking out their scapegoat of a ghost. They were using his presence to cover their own tracks and keep Hunters off their own trail and they…well they cursed Essie before King and I could figure out what exactly was going on." Ava then looked up at Sam. "The curse is slowly killing her, and no one we can find can help us reverse it. The specialist they saw in California? A White Witch Mama Doux probably sent them too."

"Wouldn't killing the witch that cast the curse remove it?" Sam questioned after a second and then glanced up to see Dean leaning in the doorway to the kitchen listening to Ava.

"You would think." Ava said her voice low and almost frustrated sounding. "But some magic is harder to cure than others."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Dean questioned from the doorway and Ava glanced over at him.

"We'll figure it out, but thank you Dean." King's sharp voice cut through causing all three to turn and look at him.

"How is she King?" Ava questioned getting up and stepping over to him.

"Hopefully sleeping." King offered after a second his full focus on Ava. "Let's hope it's restful, for now anyway." King then shook his head and turned to change the subject. "So, what happened to your Jeep?"

"Well, you see," Ava said after a second before she shrugged her shoulders. "Witch stepped into the road and caught me off guard."

"Sounds like you," King offered with a little smile at that. "You should pay more attention when you're driving, Cheri."

"Yeah probably so," Ava admitted with a little smile of her own.

"So, Sam and I should probably get going." Dean's voice broke through the two of them.

"What?" Ava questioned looking back over at Dean. "No, there's a storm coming. You guys should stay at least until it's gone."

"We'll be fine, nothing I haven't driven through before An-," Dean cut himself off from calling her the nickname with a sharp look from King. "Ava,"

"No, stay." Ava said eyes narrowing at King when she noticed the sharp look. "I don't want you to get caught in it. I want you to stay."

"Ava," Dean started to argue, and Ava stepped away from King putting herself just between the two men.

"No," Ava said firmly. "There's plenty of room here for us all, and no one needs to get caught out in a storm. Stay."

There was an instant tension in the room between Ava, King and Dean causing Sam to tense his own shoulders unsure what was going to happen. He noticed the cold look King gave Dean and then he looked to Ava before setting his jaw and turning to step out of the room.

"King," Ava called out after him moving to follow behind him. Dean stopped her with a hand on her arm though.

"It's pretty obvious that we aren't welcome." Dean said when she looked back at him. "We'll just go, head into town and get a room hopefully before the storm hits."

"No," Ava gritted out. "You will stay here. There's no reason for you to leave beyond-"

"Beyond him not wanting us here." Dean said taking the hand off her arm.

"I don't care that he doesn't want you here." Ava said turning back to look at him. "I do, so just stop arguing with me and just fucking stay okay?"

Dean hesitated for a second before Ava turned and walked out of the room obviously going to find wherever King had run off to. Sam then turned his attention to Dean.

"So, we staying or what?"

Two hours later, found Sam sitting on the couch in the living room listening to Ava and King's voices yelling back and forth from the Library. Dean had disappeared from the house maybe thirty minutes after Ava had disappeared and it seemed that Esperanza was still sleeping well enough as Sam hadn't heard her get up yet.

After another few minutes the door to the library opened and King stepped out, red faced and looking ready to kill. He spotted Sam sitting on the couch and for a second just hesitated in the doorway before stepping on out.

"Goodnight Sam." King said curtly before moving past him and walking on down the hallway and out of sight.

Sam then turned back to the library where the door was still open. He had just stood up to step inside the room and check on Ava when she stepped out. She looked like she had been crying…

"Oh, Sam," Ava instantly noticed him standing in the living room and brushed a quick hand over her face. "Sorry, I thought you'd already gone to bed. Did we keep you up?"

"No," Sam shook his head and raised the book in his hands. "Just reading a little."

"Right," Ava said with a little nod. "You should get some sleep; I'm sure Dean will be up bright and early to go."

"Ava," Sam hesitated, and she turned her gaze to him. "Are you sure you're okay? Seems like you have a lot on your plate… I didn't mean to add to it."

"It's fine Sam," Ava smiled a little at him. "Nothing more than I can handle."

"Ava..." Sam started but Ava shook her head at him interrupting him.

"It's fine Sam, really." Ava said then moved to shut the library door behind her. "Get some sleep. I think I might try to turn in as well,"

Sam then nodded, realizing he wasn't going to make any more progress with conversation from her now. "Goodnight Ava."

"Goodnight Sam." Ava offered in return before turning and heading upstairs and out of Sam's line of sight.

Ava: We need to talk,

"Sounds pretty serious,"

Gabriel's voice behind her startled Ava enough that she jumped spinning around and dropping the phone she was using out of surprise.

"Shit!" Ava proclaimed letting out a deep breath before bending down to pick up her phone. "Could you give me a little warning next time?"

Gabriel stood hesitantly on the other side of the room watching Ava closely, wings pulled tight and tense behind his back. Ava looked back over at him for a second before letting out a breath she didn't even know she was holding and setting her phone to the side.

"I don't think it's going to hurt me this time for us to talk face to face." Ava said after a second rolling her shoulders a little looking for pain. There was just a slight discomfort between her shoulder blades, nothing she couldn't handle anyway. "I'm too exhausted,"

Gabriel stood where he was for another moment or two before relaxing, his wings dropping down to skirt across the floor as he stepped forwards.

"So, what's up squirt?" Gabriel said obviously trying to lighten the mood some.

"Were you the one who showed up and locked Sam out of the bathroom?" Ava questioned watching him closely, still anticipating some type of pain to accompany his presence.

"Smart girl, what gave it away?" Gabriel smiled at that and Ava snorted out a slightly frustrated breath before pulling at the coat she still had on.

"Shouldn't have wrapped me up in your own coat." Ava atoned with a little smile. "How did you know I was in trouble?"

Gabriel paused at that question, the smile sliding from his face and a frown taking its place. "You sure you are really ready to have this conversation?"

"Probably as ready as I'll ever be considering the circumstances." Ava shrugged before moving around her bed and back over closer to where Gabriel stood next to the door. "Nothing surprises me anymore."

"You might amend that statement after you find out the truth," Gabriel explained with a little almost bitter sounding laugh.

"Why is everyone so afraid of telling me what is going on?" Ava argued arms crossed slightly defensive. "I'm not a porcelain doll that will shatter at first touch,"

"Well considering last time I had this conversation with you before you were mentally ready, you put a gun in your mouth, I'm a little hesitant." Gabriel explained after a second or two.

"Should I even ask what you mean by that?"

"Sure you're ready to?"

Ava sighed this time defense rushing out of her. "No, of course I'm not. I have the feeling it's something pretty perception bending, but something is being hidden from me and I really don't like it. Something in me is obviously trying to tell me what's going on since no one else will, and it's brought back those lovely waking nightmares."

"Brought back?" Gabriel questioned again moving a little closer seeming to be testing his limits on just how close he could get before causing her pain.

"The nightmares had become decently reasonable before I met you." Ava explained before looking over at him again. "But now…"

"What I will say now is this." Gabriel sighed out, and Ava squinted her eyes unsure. "There's a war coming soon, and you unfortunately play a pretty big part in it. I just need you to trust that I will tell you what you need to know as we go."

"I trust you Gabe, probably more than I should." Ava said shaking her head. "We wouldn't be standing here if I didn't, but I don't like things being kept from me, especially if they involve me."

"I can understand the frustration coming from feeling like you're being kept in the dark." Gabriel nodded. "But for right now it really is for your own safety. I don't need Michael finding you again before you're ready to face him."

"Why is Michael even looking for me?" Ava questioned uncrossing her arms and putting her hands out palm up. "Why would he waste his time on someone so meaningless?"

"All in good time, Ava."

Gabriel and Ava's conversation was then cut off as a loud crack of thunder vibrated the house causing Ava to jump and pale. There was then a gentle knock on Ava's door that interrupted Gabriel from saying anything else.

"Ava?" Dean's voice came through the door and Gabriel raised an eyebrow in what seemed like surprise. "Ava, you okay? I er, know you don't like storms...thought I'd just come check on you."

Ava looked at Gabriel who smiled and then disappeared in a rustle of feathers just as there was another loud crack of thunder which prompted Ava into quick movement to the door.

Ava quickly slammed the door open and almost instantly buried herself into the chest of the man standing on the other side of the door. He laughed a little pulling her in, feeling her shake when another crack shook through the house and the lightning illuminated the room.

"Guess it's a good thing we didn't leave then, yeah?" Dean's amused voice was muffled by her hair when he leaned down to bury his nose in it for a second.

There was another loud crack of thunder that caused Ava to jump and squeak out a little noise instead of a true answer to his question.

"For fuck's sake," Ava muttered a little angry at herself under her breath. "I see worse than a storm on almost a daily. It shouldn't affect me this bad..."

"All of us have our weaknesses, Angel." Dean said shaking his head at her. "Part of being human I guess."

"Coming from the man who isn't afraid of anything." Ava said loosening her grip on him after a second or two more.

"You've never seen me on a plane," Dean responded with a little laugh and let her go as she loosened her grip.

"Flying?" Ava questioned curiously looking up at him. "Seriously? How is it I never knew that?"

"Never had the chance to need to fly." Dean shrugged then he frowned in concern. "You going to be okay?"

"Maybe once the storm stops." Ava agreed glancing at the window when she heard the sounds of rain now accompanying the lightning and thunder. "I'll go read or something until it passes. You should get some sleep."

"Wouldn't be able to sleep knowing you're up because of the storm anyway." Dean admitted after a second. "We could sit and talk for a while, like we used to." Dean then hesitated seeming to realize what he'd said before stammering out awkwardly: "I mean, if you want to. I don't want to-"

"It sounds like a good idea Dean," Ava interrupted him with a little smile. "Think we can do it without arguing for once?"

"I can definitely try." Dean said with a smile and a nod.

Ava then moved to the side letting him into the room and shutting the door behind him as soon as he stepped in. She then walked over to a small cabinet in her room and pulled something out.

There was another flash of lightning and crack of thunder that caused her to jump and close her eyes for a second to catch her breath before moving and showing Dean what it was she had grabbed.

"Care for a drink?" Ava questioned lifting the bottle of whiskey up along with the two glasses.

"Love one," Dean confirmed before looking around the room for somewhere to sit.

Ava noticing this shook her head pouring out the drinks before sitting down on the bed and patting the space next to her for him to sit. He hesitated for a second seeming to be unsure before moving and gently sitting down on the other side of the bed taking the glass Ava handed him.

There was a long beat of silence between them as both enjoyed their drinks seeming to be trying to figure out what to talk about before Ava sighed and just blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Remember the first time this happened?" Ava questioned glancing over at him. "We were stuck somewhere in Alabama I think, middle of nowhere, trying to get to Kansas to meet with John for a hunt."

"Yeah storm came out of nowhere," Dean nodded remembering and taking a small sip of his whiskey a fond smile on his face. "Couldn't see more than a foot ahead of Baby's hood. Think that's the first time I had ever seen you panic, scared the shit out of me."

"Yeah I remember," Ava laughed a little into her drink. "I think you were more panicked than I was by the end."

"Not likely." Dean snorted out slightly defensive. "But can I ask, why storms?"

Ava paused then looking at the glass in her hand as another strike of lightning flashed and a crack of thunder rumbled through the house.

"It's just, I dunno, like a really bad memory I forgot somewhere along the way." Ava said after a second or two. "I know that doesn't make any sense."

"Makes enough sense to be valid," Dean shrugged at this taking another drink.

Ava smiled at this, changing the subject then back onto easier topics. The alcohol seemed to have loosened them both up as conversation came easier and easier with each drink. Soon enough both were attempting to keep their laughter quiet enough to keep from waking up the others downstairs.

"That was hilarious you know," Ava was laughing out. "That soccer mom seriously had the hots for you! It was the only reason we even got half the information we needed for that case!"

"Like you're one to talk!" Dean argued back. "What about that mortician that ask you out on a date?"

"Ugh don't remind me!" Ava groaned out, making a face then swinging a hand over to slap him in the chest. "I think I might have been the first alive woman he'd ever spoke to!"

Ava and Dean had ended up moving the more alcohol they had consumed, and ended up lying side by side staring at the off-white ceiling as the storm began to calm down.

"You probably were," Dean agreed reaching over and moving her hand where it had just lay after slapping him and sitting up. "Well now that you have enough alcohol in you to probably kill a normal person and the storm is dying out, guess I better make my exit."

Ava rolled onto her side watching Dean attempting to get to his feet. He had managed after a second but wasn't exactly steady. Ava laughed at this reaching out and grabbing a beltloop on his jeans and tugging him back down to the bed ungracefully.

"You idiot," Ava said with a snort. "You've had just as much as I have, you can barely stand!"

"I would have been fine if you'd leave my pants alone woman!" Dean grumbled shooing her hands away but making no attempt to get back up.

"Yeah, right! I barely touched you and you fell over." Ava argued pulling her hands back only to push herself up slightly. "You wouldn't have made it to the door without falling over! I'd hate to have to come pick your ass up if you had tried the stairs."

"Like you could manage to get on your own two feet!" Dean argued, but there was a goofy grin on his face.

"Probably do a better job than you!" Ava laughed out closing her eyes and shaking her head.

There was then something smacking Ava in the face, causing her to topple over with a startled yelp and land flat on her back on the bed, head hanging over the side. She blinked to look at what it was that had hit her only to find a pillow lying on the floor.

Ava then reached out grabbing the pillow coming back up with it in hand and smacked Dean in the chest with it.

"You jerk!" Ava cried out.

"Your reflexes are shit when you're drunk." Dean laughed before reaching out and catching her before she fell again having put most of her effort in hitting him with the pillow.

"Like yours are much better!"

At that statement Dean took a playful defense which lead to a slight scuffle between the two as they argued over it. After a few minutes of fighting though, Ava ended up sideways on the bed, head hanging off the edge again, Dean straddled across her stomach holding her wrist pinned just on the edge of the bed.

"Told ya!" Dean said triumphantly with a crooked grin.

"Yeah, yeah, Mr. Brute Strength!" Ava shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Doesn't mean your reflexes are better, just means you're heavier than me!"

"Are you calling me fat?" Dean questioned making her pick up her head to look at him.

"I said no such thing," Ava grinned before both laughed.

Ava then let her head drop back down off the side of the bed with a little sigh. Dean relaxed at that dropping his own head to lie on her chest letting go of her wrist and wrapping his arms around her back to bring her into a slightly awkward hug.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Ava questioned curiously but moved her own arms up and around his head playing with his hair lightly.

"For this." Dean said not moving in the slightest and allowing her to continue to absently play with his hair. "I needed this."

Ava hummed in acknowledgement not moving herself, beyond playing idly with his hair and allowing him to rest his head on her chest and listen to her slowing heartbeat.

It was a long while before either moved, and Ava honestly figured Dean might have fallen asleep before she noticed something that felt remarkably like a gentle kiss on her collarbone.

Thinking she might just be getting light headed from the alcohol and sitting with her head upside down for so long she brushed it off. She then shifted to try and move so that her head wasn't hanging off the side any longer.

When she moved though, the arms Dean had wrapped around her back tightened keying her into the fact that Dean was in fact not asleep as she previously thought. He then shifted pulling her a little further back onto the bed to where her head wasn't hanging off any longer and closer pressed against him.

"Dean?" Ava questioned almost instantly sobering up at the feel of soft kisses being pressed up her neck now. "This is such a bad idea…"

"Tell me to stop and I will," Dean's voice was gruff but firm, letting her know he knew what he was doing.

Ava hesitated for nothing more than a second making up her mind almost laughably easy. "No. No, you don't have to stop…"

And just like that the rest of the storm was blurred out by hushed whispers and soft kisses.

Sorry this took so long to get out to you guys! Please read and Review!