When we arrive at the house everyone gets to work, Kensuke and Toji decorate, Misato…. Is Misato, and me and Usui cook. I really like cooking, it has always been a good stress relief for me. We are really just making some basic food you would find at a party, American party anyway.

"Where's Misato?" I ask while piling food onto plates.

"Not sure, said she had to make a run and that she would be right back," Says Toji who is probably gonna hurt himself with how he is standing on the chair.

"Who knows with her," I say exasperated.

"Eh, who cares?" Usui aks, "It's not like this is the first time we have thrown a party,"

"True," I say.

"How many times have you done this?" Kensuke asks.

"Uhhhh, a dozen maybe?" I reply.

"Sounds right," Usui says.

"Wow," Toji says actually looking impressed.

"I guess we're all ready then," I say looking over the scene in front of me.

Toji and Kensuke actually did a good job with decorations, streamers everywhere, strobe lights, and a….. Disco ball?

"The hell is that?" I ask pointing at it.

"That? A disco ball." Kensuke says.

"I know that dip shit but why?" I ask facepalming.

"Cause people like to dance under them." Kensuke says.

I sigh as I hear someone knock on the door, and unsurprisingly it's a dozen people I don't know. Which also means that Misato invite way to many people. This most likely means that A. Misato is an idiot, and B. that we don't have enough food or drinks. Most don't even wait to be invited in they just waltz in like they own the place.

I sigh and face the others, "Thanks for coming, Misato will be back soon make yourself at home," I tell them.

I don't even get a chance to shut the door before more people show up, along with a drunk Misato.

"Hey Shinji! Where's everyone?" She asks not quite drunk enough to slur her words.

"The guest just started showing up, and Misato how many people did you invite?" I ask.

"The bridge bunnies, The work crews, The research staff, Medical wing everyone basically," She admits.

"Damnit Misato! We don't have that much food," I tell her.

"Don't worry I'll just order a shit ton of pizza," She says.

"Fine, don't get too drunk," I tell her walking back into the living room.

It's not long before our apartment is full and the party moves into the other rooms of the building, hell someone even started a bonfire in the parking lot.

"Thank god we're the only people who live in this building," I say under my breath as I walk down the hallway.

"No kidding, it's also a good thing that this is the only apartment building for at least one mile," Toji says.

"Yeah, I can only imagine the noise complaints we would get," I say groaning.

"Stop complaining and have something to drink!" Says a guy handing both of us cups.

We both look at each other, shrug and gulp it down. Yep thats definately alcohol, fireball by the taste of it. Toji's not so used to it so he ends up in a coughing fit but I have some experience with it so I can keep myself from looking like an idiot.

"The hell?" Toji exclaims.

"Alcohol," I say.

"Damn I need something else to drink, to clear the taste from my mouth," He says.

"Good luck, every drink here probably has alcohol in it," I say noticing how everyone is drunk.

"I don't care my mouth is on fire!" He says as he grabs the first thing he finds and chugs it.

Needless to say he spits it back out and coughs again.

"Fireball, nice choice," I say looking at the bottle.

"Fuck off," He says writhing on the floor.

I decide to leave him to think about all the mistakes he has made to this point. I notice that Ritsuko is not present despite promising Misato she would be here. Or Rei.


"Commander I do not see why this is necessary," Rei says walking with the commander.

"Neither do I," I state, "You don't have to attend, neither do I,"

"I chose to," The commander states.

Why, why, why. I have spent the past hour of my life looking for a party gift, what the hell is up with commander Ikari?

"What compelled you to go to this party in the first place?" I ask.

"I have no reason to go," The commander states.

Welp that's completely expected, although the commander never does anything without reason his methods can be a bit…. Unorthodox at times.

"What do you think Rei, this? Or this?" The commander asks pointing at two CD's.

"That one," Rei states.

"Why that one?" He asks.

"Because it's blue," She deadpans.

'Misato is gonna freak when these two show up,' I think in my head.


Partying like this reminds me of back when Usui and I would play in streetball tournaments, of course there would be a huge party at the end of it all. Also there was never this much alcohol involved. I look over and see Misato laughing drunkenly at some joke the bridge bunnies tell. Toji and Kensuke are trying, unsuccessfully, to seduce a woman. Usui, he's used to alcohol so we just sit on the couch watching the madness around us.

"You know, I always wanted to throw a party like this," He states.

"Would have been fun," I laugh.

"No shit," He says with a grin.

"Hello Ikari," I hear someone say.

I turn around and notice its a girl from our class, I can recognize her facial features, dark brown hair, golden brown eyes, lips not too big or too thin.

"Hello Airi," I say confused.

"Surprised much?" She asks.

"Yeah I didn't know anyone from our class knew about the party," I say.

"What are you talking about, most of the class is here," She says.

"R-Really?" I ask suddenly very nervous.

"Yeah Usui got word out a few hours ago," Airi states.

"Dammit Usui, what if we get busted?" I ask.

"We won't," He says.

I mentally slam my head into a desk but turn to Airi, "Well enjoy the party," I say smiling.

"I'm sure everyone will," She says walking off.

I turn to Usui.

"Wow Shinji, I haven't seen you this mad since I watched you play Getting on top of it," Usui says.

"That game was such bullshit and you know it!" I say.

"Maybe but it was still fun to watch," He says.

"Oh shut it," I say back.

"You think your dad will show up?" Usui asks.

"Not sure, he said he would consider it I think," I tell him.

"So an indirect yes," He says.

"At this point I hope he doesn't show up," I say.

"Why's that?" Usui asks.

"Well besides the fact that everyone here is either drunk, hammered, stoned or just out of their minds, they are about to start a fire outside in the lot," I say.

"Still not as wild as that time the exchange student from middle school jumped off the roof onto a flaming table," He says.

"If I remember correctly, you were the one who said you would give him a dollar to do it," I say.

"Technicalities," He jokes.

I then hear the door buzz so I head to check the door. If not for a drunk Airi stopping me.

"Hey thereeee misster big shot pilot," She slurs.

"Airi you should stop, you've had enough," I say.

"Not yeeet, wanna join me later?" She asks.

"For what exactly?" I ask.

She giggles.

"What do you think silly?" She says before passing out and knocking us both to the ground.

It's at that point that Usui opens the door for the new guests……… father and Rei.

"Would you believe me if i said it's not what it looks like?" I ask.

He just stares at me a moment before looking around.

"Look it wasn't supposed to be like this," I begin to explain.

He smirks, "Rei go enjoy yourself, It's time to party like it's the 80s" He says.

What the fuck is wrong with my life. My guardian brung a whole city and five liquor stores worth of alcohol, my real father showed up and is now dancing under the disco ball, a girl is passed out on top of me and that bonfire is starting to get out of hand.

"Usui," I say.

"Yeah?" He asks from the door.

"On a scale of zero to fucked is Nerv tomorrow?" I ask.

"Right in the ass," He jokes.

"Figures," I say rolling Airi off of me.

"She's a hell of a lightweight," Usui says.

"We legit talked to her sober five minutes ago right?" I ask.

"Yeah but it also might have something do to with that dude selling drugs," He says.

"Fuck all of this," I say closing myself in my room and barricading the door.

"Goodnight sweetheart," Usui jokes.

"Fuck you," I say putting stuff in every crack of the door to reduce noise.

Once that doesn't work I put in my earbuds attached to my SDAT and put pillows over my head. It muffles the sounds quite a bit and somehow I fall asleep.

The Next Day-

I wake up to silence, thankfully. I have a slight headache from drinking a little but it's nothing too bad. I get up to use the bathroom but as soon as I open the door a body falls on me.

"What tha?" I say looking at the passed out person.

He's out cold clearly still dead drunk. I push him off of me and step over all of the trash around the house. Looks like it got a little too crazy last night. When I get to the bathroom there are three people passed out in the bath so I close the curtain. After doing my business I head to the living room, that looks like a hobo resort now. I see father passed out at the table face down, cup of whisky still in hand, Misato with said bottle of whisky, Toji with his ass in the air and Kensuke in the position most police shows use for dead bodies.

"Misato wake up," I say.

"Hmmmm, *Incoherent*et," She says.

"What?" I ask.

"BUCKET!" She yells running for the bathroom.

While she is throwing up everything she has, I wake father up.

"Father wake up," I say.

He sits up straight and looks around confused about where he is. Then he goes pale and runs in the vague direction of the bathroom.


I hear him open the door and slam it shut and then hear him and Misato retching their guts out.

"Fuck me," I say.

"Nah their fucked by the looks of it," Usui says.

"Yeah obviously," I say, "How many people are still here?" I ask.

"Half of the people left around 4 because we started running out of booze but the other half was already passed out," He deadpans.



I look around the apartment and think of all the cleaning to be done soon, fuck me.

"OH GOD!" Misato yells from the bathroom.

"Move over." I hear father deadpan in a sick voice.

"Why didn't you stop them?" I ask

"I tried, Misato kept finding more bottles though," he shrugs.

"That sounds like her," I sigh.

I listen to the both of them throw up for a while longer, it seems their stomachs have calmed down a little.

"You two take some Tylenol and drink some coffee," I tell them handing them cups and pills.

They both gulp it down without hesitation and swallow the pills.

"You two are the adults! Your not supposed to get shit faced in the living room with a bunch of minors!" I yell at them.

"Wait…. didn't another person come with him?" Usui asks.

"What are you……. oh god where is Rei?" I ask.

"I didn't see her after I sent her to have fun," father says.

"Shiiiiiiiiit" I say running out the door.

I run around the building looking around for what seems like an eternity before I end up back at our apartment.

"Any luck?" Usui asks.

"No sight of her," I say.

"I was afraid his might happen," father struggles to say, "that's why I put a tracker on her," he hands me his phone.

"Not gonna question that but it says she is right above us," I say.

"Did you check the roof?"


Minutes later me and Usui bust through the doors to the roof.

"REI!" We yell.

There's rei alright, she somehow drug a mattress up here and fell asleep. Pen-Pen is her hostage too, he struggles to get out of her death grip on him.

"I guess alcohol can change people" I say.

"You should know," he says back.

"shut up and help me bring her inside," I say.

A/N: once again updating after several months, ahhhh it feels terrible to become something I hate. Anywho this is just a chapter I had fun with making once I left writers block in the dust hope you enjoyed!