Tales of Demons and Gods Spoof

BLURB: MC got reincarnated in TDG world as Chen Yue. He tried to think of ways to survive in this world as he nears his future death.

Chapter 1 Rebirth as a villain

Chen Yue is a college student studying engineering. He loves reading xianxia novels in his free time. He has read most of the top novels in novel updates. Even if he found the protagonists annoying due to their arrogance and extreme cruelty, they were better than beta Japanese mcs who were pathetic to him. Whenever he was bored in class or at home, he would daydream about being reincarnated as a mc in a xianxia world and gathering a harem and becoming op. One day, as he was crossing the street while daydreaming, he got hit by a car and blacked out.

When he became conscious again, he found himself in some sort of a classroom. A red-haired woman in a blue dress seemed to be talking about something. Some words like "glory city"…. "fighter, demon spiritist"….. caught his mind.

'Wait doesn't this sound familiar? Glory city, this is the name of city in "Tales of demons and gods". And this scene is the beginning of the story when the mc named Nie Li got reincarnated. Am I in a dream and right now I became the mc of the TDG? Wait, there is a girl sitting beside me and there is an orange haired young boy two rows behind me looking at her. Wait, the mc is not supposed to be sitting beside any girl. Also, that boy looked familiar. Right, that face looks very similar to the mc in the TDG manga and this girl beside me looks like the main heroine Ye Zi Yun. OH MY GOD! ##!##! Doesn't this mean I am her disgusting fiancé Chen Yue who is supposed to die later in the story. Why the hell am I dreaming like this. Is it because I have the same name as him? At least let me be a mc in my own dream. Not good, I must wake up so I can have another dream'.

Chen Yue tried to pinch his thigh and arm to wake himself up but the pain felt too real. The girl beside him was looking at him with a weird look. 'Wait, this dream is too real. Let me try to enjoy even if I am a villain of the story'. When the woman(supposedly his aunt) started talking about how nobles are different from commoners and the commoners should accept their miserable fate, Nie Li spoke up. 'This is following the script quite well. For now, let's just wait and see'.

As Chen Yue expected, Nie Li went on to make a bet with 'his' aunt to reach Bronze Rank in the test in two months and was asked to stand behind the class with a group of his friends. When the class was over, Chen Yue went on to his home. Unsurprisingly, he gained some of the memories from previous Chen Yue, so he was able to find his way back. As he started to assimilated his host's memories, he remembered that he has an older brother who is engaged to Xiao Ninger and a father who is in charge of finances for the Sacred family. His father is favored to inherit the position of patriarch.

'Wait, if the story follows the script, my father would lose his position because of Nie Li's schemes, and my whole family would be annihilated because of betraying Glory City. If that happens, doesn't that mean I will die as well? Wait, I just reincarnated, why should I die and become a stepping stone for the mc? I must think of a way to survive. Right, but where is my cheat item? Every reincarnator is supposed to come with an op chat item that can help him become strong. I hope I am not the only one without one. Let's wait and see for now.'

Chapter 2 Finding Cheat Item

After a few days, Chen Yue got adjusted to his life at the house of Sacred Family. His father would be usually busy and his brother was never at home so he had time by himself. During this time, he has acquired all of his host's memories. In the afternoon, while he was looking at a cultivation book from his family's library, he found a weird sensation in his head. A book appeared, "Cultivation: Bronze level", 120 faults. Just as he was confused as to what was happening, he finally realized.

'Haha this must be my cheat item. This look like the cheat item of mc from the most recent xianxia I read 'Library of Heaven's Path'. Wait, how can a cheat item from a different xianxia world be here? From what I remember, this system works by collecting many different books on a technique or knowledge and then compiling the most correct version of the technique. Let me try finding all the different books on cultivation books relating to bronze level'.

Chen Yue found about 20 books and they were all recorded in my library. He merely had to turn the pages and they were all recorded in the Library of Heaven's Path. But turning the pages of 20 books took an hour. He then went to the academy's library to find more books that had to do with Bronze level. He found Nie Li and his group in the library. When they saw him come in, they quieted down and went upstairs.

'Right this is the time when Nie Li gathered his friends and gave advice on their cultivations. Later, he will be hunting some horned sheep using poison arrows with his friends to earn money. Wait, that's where he meets Xiao Ninger, the second heroine. Though Nie Li pretty much denied her feelings even though the girl practically gave out her heart for him. I always felt that if I were the mc, I would definitely have chosen Xiao Ninger instead of Yi Zi Yun. Who cares about past life, this girl had such deep feelings for him. Wait, I have a chance to prevent their meeting from happening. According to the story, this should be where Ninger starts to develop feelings for MC when he treated her illness. I will go the forest before the Nie Li to meet her. First, let me get all those books on cultivation to bronze level'

As soon as Chen Yue finished collecting all the bronze level books in the library, he went back home to cultivate. As expected, the Library compiled all the books into a complete book with no errors. This must be the perfect way to cultivate. As he looked into this book, it looked very clear and succinct, He started cultivating forgetting about lunch until the evening. Around the evening, he felt his soul force has risen up tremendously. He used a soul stone to test and indeed he was now at bronze rank. He felt very happy as this confirmed that his cheat item is very powerful. He then remembered about the forest and set out to find Xiao Ninger.

When Chen Yue reached the forest, he went around randomly to see if he could find the girl. After about an hour, he found a beautiful girl with orange hair emitting a bright light as she is cultivating. When he saw her cultivating, the Library had a reaction in my head, "Female, Below Bronze level. Arctic Disease. Symptons: Pain under feet while training soul force….".

Chapter 3 Curing Ninger

When she heard me approach she became alert and took out her dagger.

"Who is it?"

"Hi, Xiao Ninger."

"It's you, Chen Yue. What are you doing here?" Xiao Ninger felt confused, what would a young master from Sacred Family be doing here?

"I was just trying to practice my skills using the Horned sheep and found you so I thought I would say hello." 'I can't tell her I came here to find her now, can I? With my reputation, I might sound like a rapist .'

"Oh, ok." Though she still held some doubts. Why would a young master from Sacred Family need to come this forest to train. He would have many trainers and resources at home.

"By the way, you seem to be in pain. Are you okay?"

"What, what do you mean? I am just fine." She started to panic, nobody knew about her condition.

"Don't worry. I just felt that you are feeling pain on your feet. You feel it more when you try to train your soul force right?"

"What…what did you say? How…how did you know?"

" I think you have an illness called Arctic disease. You also should have bruises on your body. Your body leans toward yin and training under the moon with this disease worsens your condition."

"Can it be treated? Please help me!". The cold and beautiful girl who seems to intimidate the boys around her now looked pitiful.

"Yes, the symptons will become worse as you train soul force. You can use Daoyin technique to massage affected areas. You should stop training, ask someone in your home to do the massage. You should be completely cured in about ten days."

"Oh, thank you so much, Chen Yue. I… can… can you keep it a secret?"

"No problem, I will not tell anyone", 'I feel a little disappointed, isn't she gonna ask me to treat her. I guess I don't look as reliable like the mc.'

As I turned around and about to leave, I heard a small voice, "Wait!"

I turned around trying to suppress my glee.

"Can you help with the massage?",'Yes, I have hit the jackpot!'

"Are you sure? I will have to touch the affected areas to do the massage? I think there must be bruises in other areas in as well" 'I am trying so hard to keep a straight face'.

"Oh…no…no problem. It's just… nobody will know right? I don't mind if you don't." She was seriously blushing now. Chen Yue's heart skipped a beat. 'How cute and beautiful! How retarded can MC be to throw this girl away. If he doesn't want it, I will take her. Haha'

"Yes, of course, nobody is supposed to know. I can help you if you are fine with it.", 'Again, I am trying to stay calm. My heart is beating hard with anticipation.'

"Thank you…I will repay this favor someday.", She seemed so different from her cold and unapproachable personality.

Chen Yue started to massage her feet using the technique as shown by the Library. It only took a few minutes to finish the technique but he still lingered about a minute more to just enjoy this intimacy. When he started to massage a bruise on her upper chest, her face, her ears and her neck were all red. He didn't linger too long as he himself was nervous. She was wearing a pink bra. He could see her cleavage and he couldn't turn his eyes away it as he massaged. When Xiao Ninger saw that gaze, she blushed even redder which made her look very cute.

"Are…are… you done?"

"Oh... Yes…yes, I am done", 'I felt flustered. I tried to keep my cool. I am already feeling something hard down there. I quickly put my gaze away and stood up'

"Remember, to not practice your soul force for now. You should feel better after a few days of massage. Let us meet again at western part of the forest. There shouldn't be anyone going there since there are no herbs or monster beasts to hunt." 'I needed to change the location so we don't run into Nie Li later.'

"Yes, thank you very much. I will not forget this favor.", She was not looking him in the eye. A faint blush could still be seen. After about ten breaths, she turned back into a cold face with no emotions.

Chen Yue then bid goodbye and walked back home. 'I feel a bit disappointed. In the story, she made small talk with Nie Li and asked him who she liked and so forth. I guess she didn't fall for me after all. Whatever, I get to touch her for a few days. That 's more than what the mc could say. Huh'