Hey everyone! I'm so sorry that I've once again taken like months of hiatus without much warning. If I'm being honest I'm having a lot of trouble motivating myself to continue this story. I'm going to finish this one way or another but it's getting difficult to know exactly where I'm going exactly with this story. The issue is that I just kind of randomly started this story with no real idea about the plot, literally making it up as I go. Which lead me to some large roadblocks and rushed writing. I feel as a writer I've improved a lot over these past years and I almost feel like I'm holding myself back with how shoddy my writing was in the beginning.

I just wanted to let you all know what was going on in my head basically. I still want to finish this story it's just become difficult for me to motivate myself in this! I really wrote myself in a corner not really knowing where I was going unfortunately. I think this is a good learning process because now I know for the future to have an actual plan of the story and have buffer chapters so I don't have to leave you readers for months on end without anything.

So rest assured, I'm going to make myself write the rest of this story one way or another! Thank you all so much for your patience as I sort myself out.