Chapter One ~ Stress Relievers

Sebastian's Prov.

It was the beginning of another beautifully clear spring morning. The pale blue sky clear from the pesky, wispy clouds. The trees swaying lightly in the breeze, the leaves shimmering in the sunlight, with the last of the evening's sparkling dew. The sun, even though high in the sky, even from inside, it was easy to tell that the day was going to be a warm one. The birds gracefully soared high in the sky, singing their beautiful morning song. Rabbits and squirrels scampered around the carefully manicured grass, darting in and out of the rose bushes and the stone statues placed around the front of the Phantomhive Manor.
I sighed, staring out at the sheer beauty of the Human world, mesmerised by the appearance of all of England's wildlife. Most certainly a sight to behold, especially for someone who is used to the dark depths of hell. Even being up here for nine years, the sights never seem to bore me at all.
My eyebrows quirked as I noticed the unmistakeable mounds of dirt littering around the tree trunks, rabbit warrens. I'd better get Finnian and Baldroy on that as soon as possible, I thought as I left the window of my Master's study and walked down the corridors to his chambers.

My young Master was still asleep, shrouded in darkness. His head barely visible under the bed sheets. He had requested that I not wake him today, even asked me to clear his schedule, which is most unusual. But then again, being the owner of the Funtom Toy company, and being a civil servant for the "Queen" of England surely takes a lot out of my Master. He works far too hard for his young body, running himself to exhaustion, often bringing on asthma attacks that could kill him, yet he still insists on being the "Queen's" guard dog. There was nothing wrong with it since it is quite a noble position, however he runs himself ragged trying to solve the mysteries and crimes the "Queen" tasks him with. I still don't understand why he continues to work as her guard dog when the real Queen Victoria died six years ago when he was thirteen. Yet now at the age of nineteen, he still works for the fake Queen, maybe to just keep up appearances.
At such a young tender age, so much was expected of him. He didn't have a normal teenage hood, so the only place he can actually look his age is when he is in slumber. His features would smooth out, yet I couldn't tell since nothing was visible other than the shock of bluish black hair on the stark white pillow. A small smile graced my lips as I stared at my sleeping Master.
Who would have thought a demon would care so much for a human? Yes I had been my Master's butler for nine years, but I had come to care deeply for the boy. Which even to myself, seemed strange since I was contracted to the boy. As soon as the contract was for filled, I would be able to devour his soul. Oh his soul was not like the others I had devoured in the past. This soul had seen such terror, such anguish yet the one thing it needed to see to complete my contract, was retribution. Until that day, I would remain the boy's butler, yet I did not expect to care for him as much as I do. One could even say I have become very affectionate for him, but let's keep that between us, shall we.
I strode over to the window, spreading the curtains to allow the sunlight to flow into the darkened room, "My lord, it is time to wake up," I announced, turning and ripping the bedsheets off the boy and folding them neatly over my arm. Resting the now folded bedsheets on the foot of the bed out of the Master's reach. This is the only way to get him up nowadays since he is always so tired. If I do not shock him awake with the sudden cold of the room, then I am afraid he would not wake up until gone midday.

My Master shivered violently, drawing his legs up to his chest, scrunching his eyes closed as a groan escaped his lips, "I thought I told you not to wake me. I requested a day off, you idiot!"

My brows creased over my eyes at the derogatory nickname. I sighed and walked over to the wardrobe and took out his clothing for the day, folding the garments neatly over my arm, "My lord, I have let you sleep in until nine o'clock. I am afraid if I let you sleep in any longer without waking you, then you would ruin your appetite," I murmured, concern in my voice as I pulled out my silver pocket watch from the pocket of my tailcoat. I clicked it open and checked the time before placing the heavy watch back into my pocket and made my way over to the side of the bed.
My Master groaned again and sat up, one arm shielding his eyes from the sun's piercing rays, the other raised over his head as he yawned loudly. I knelt down on the floor at the bedside, placing the clothes neatly beside me as my Master shimmied across the bed and throwing his long legs over the side of the bed. His feet now touching the floor, only emphasising how much my young Master has grown since I have been here.
Carefully, I began unbuttoning his nightshirt, stopping just shy of his navel, a light blush dusting the apples of my cheeks as I noticed how his nightshirt was barely just covering his modesty. I cleared my throat, my voice not betraying my slight embarrassment, "My lord, I would suggest the next time we venture to London, that we get you an appointment to be fitted for some more nightshirts. It would appear these ones are getting too small for you."

My Master grumbled as he lifted his legs as I placed his underclothes and dragged them up his thighs, allowing him to tuck himself in before I turned to his trousers. No longer can my Master wear shorts and long socks. He was no longer a young boy, and it was not correct for a gentleman of his status to wear such clothes anymore. I knew he hated this, especially on a hot day such as today.
I buttoned his trousers and cast my eyes up to my Master as he spoke, "No Sebastian, just let Finnian and Baldroy take care of it," he muttered as I unbuttoned the rest of his nightshirt.
Slipping the silky fabric off the young Master's pale skin, the sunlight shimmering around him, giving him a beautiful golden aura as I held out his clean shirt and placed it around his shoulders.

"I would, however the last time I sent them on an errand to get you clothing, they brought back items that were far too small for you," I explained, turning to the bedside, my fingers encircling around a small black fabric eyepatch. My Master opened his large eyes, one cerulean blue, the other a pale purple with the faustian contract embedded as his pupil. Whenever my Master were to give me an order, the contract would glow a bright magenta, near enough the same colour as my true eye colour, however mine happens to be a lot darker, more bloodier than my Master's. I had the exact same contract on my left hand, however due to my always wearing gloves, no one would be able to tell if it were there or not.
Sighing, his brows creased over his eyes as he stared down at me, "Fine. The next time we venture into London, you Sebastian, will buy me some new nightshirts," he grumbled.

I placed my gloved hand on my chest, "As you wish, my lord," I answered, placing the eyepatch over his eye. Only requesting he hold it in place as I tied the strings behind his head and adjusted the material that laid under his ear and over his other eye. My Master then grabbed the comb that laid on his bedside, and began to comb through his silky bluish black hair, while I buttoned up his shirt, and tied his dark blue tie around his slender neck, folding the collar of his shirt down. My gloved fingers brushing against the soft skin of his neck as I did so.

"What is for breakfast, Sebastian?" My Master enquired, slipping on his jacked as I stood.

A smile graced my lips as I stared down at my Master, "I have prepared a lightly fried egg with hazelnuts, chanterelles, green garlic and blackberries, a blackberry scone and lastly a mixed berry and wild mint salad," I enthused, listing off the options, "Which would you like me to serve for you?"

"Sounds delicious, I would like some of everything," he murmured as he held out his foot. I continued to dress him in silence, after which my Master stood, addressing himself in the mirror. My young Master had definitely grown, now standing at five foot six, however even with his short stature, he made up for it in his personality. He definitely commanded everyone's attention the moment he walked into the room and was definitely a man to respect highly. Even so, I couldn't help but chuckle, his father and mother were both rather tall, yet he seemed to stay so short. Even to me, of which I am six foot one, he still seemed so small in comparison.
I lead him out of his chambers and down to the dining room which housed a long table with two chairs, one at each end. Baldroy had left the dining cart at the head of the table, a large, beautifully carved cloche, housing the breakfast I spent the morning preparing, inside. As my Master sat down in the chair I had pulled out for him, I placed the cloche down gently on the table and with a flourish, I revealed his breakfast. Each little morsel of food in its proper place, exactly how I had arranged it, a small proud smile gracing my features, "Your breakfast, my lord."

"Smells delightful. Thank you Sebastian," the Master said, taking his silver cutlery and began to devour the plate.

I bowed lightly, placing my hand to my chest, "But of course, my lord. What kind of a butler would I be if I cannot provide the most delicious of food for my Master," I said gently, a smirk twisting across my mouth. My Master paid no attention as I poured him his favourite blend of Earl Grey tea, humming in approval as he took a sip of the amber liquid before addressing me, "Go get me my mail."

"Of course, my lord," I murmured, turning on my heel and stepping out of the room, taking long strides down the corridors. Mey-rin was in the library, dusting the bookshelves, Baldroy was in the kitchen, preparing a feast for the Master's lunch, and Finnian was in the garden, tending to the potted plants. Tanaka was bound to be in the kitchen as well, his legs folded under him as he sipped his tea merrily.
I turned the handle and entered the Master's study, placing down the silver platter I had been carrying under my arm. I sorted through his desk, picking up three envelopes, turning them to study the delicate handwriting on the front. A deep sigh passed through my nostrils as I saw her Majesty's seal on a stark white envelope, "My Master will not be all too pleased to being bothered by you today, your Majesty," I muttered. I placed the envelopes neatly onto the platter, grabbing the Master's silver and sapphire letter opener before striding out of the door. The platter balanced perfectly in my hand as I walked down the corridor. I noted how quiet and serene the day had started with. No doubt that would change throughout the course of the day. There were bound to be explosions, screaming, shouting, tears and embarrassment from the servants as things went wrong. They would all come running to me in the hope that I would sort everything out, naturally I would, my being a butler and all. But every once in a while I do wish it could stay quiet and serene. Just the mere thought of Baldroy using explosives again to speed up the cooking process of any meal, made my eyes twitch in annoyance.
I paused outside the door, straightening my tailcoat, checking my pocket watch before entering the dining room.
My Master was wiping his mouth with a napkin, "Thank you Sebastian," he praised, pushing his plate away from him as I stepped closer and offered the platter to him. He shook his head and stood, standing over by the window and staring out into the gardens.

"Someone is popular this morning, my lord. Would you like me to read out your mail?" I asked, a smirk appearing on my lips. My Master nodded, "May be so. Yes, that would be best."

"Certainly," I murmured, picking up a rose pink letter and slitting it open. An equally pink piece of paper fell into my hands. I skimmed through the drivel, clearing my throat to speak as I addressed my Master, "Lady Elizabeth wishes to pay you a visit. She has some news that she thinks you will find interesting," I glanced up at him through my lashes, witnessing him shake his head, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.

"Alright then, onto the next one," I muttered, slitting open a thick cream coloured envelope, "This one is informing you that Funtom Toys sales are increasing at a fabulous rate," then onto the letter from her Majesty, "And finally, this one, from her Majesty, is stating there have been some unusual murders occurring in London that require your expertise."

My Master sighed, turning to face me, a scowl playing with his features, "Fine! Looks like my day of relaxation has gone down the drain. Sebastian, prepare the carriage."
I raised my eyebrows at the young Master, "I am sure her Majesty wouldn't mind if you took one day off. After all you will run yourself into an early grave if you continue at this rate," I cautioned, placing the letters back onto the platter.

"No, the fact she sent me a letter requesting my help means she wants it sorted as quickly as possible, "he murmured, tugging at his collar, the heat of the day already getting to him. I had to even admit, it was getting rather warm and there would be no relief until later in the day when the sun would set, "Besides I have you to protect me, should anything go wrong."

I sighed and closed my eyes, "I can protect you from bullets, my lord. Not common ailments, that is a little out of my control," I admitted, opening my crimson eyes to meet my Master's cerulean blue eye. My Master's stare piercing as he questioned me, "But I thought you caused the black death, surely that would indicate you can control common ailments?"

I chuckled lightly, "Causing a deadly plague and treating the common illness are two completely different things my lord," I explained, bowing slightly, "Now, with your permission, I will write to her Majesty telling her you are taking a leave of absence due to your health. Unless you really wish to travel to London on this beautiful day?"

My Master considered this for a moment, his eye casting to the ground, before he sighed, "Very well Sebastian."
I nodded, bowing yet again, "If that will be all, I will be getting on with my duties."
My Master nodded and waved his hand in my direction. With that, I gathered up the "Queen's" letter, and cleared away the table, pushing the cart in front of me and left the Master to his own.

Ciel's prov.

I stared after my butler, a small smile playing on my features as I watched his tall body leave the room, shutting the door quietly. Being my butler for over nine years had definitely made him cautious over my health. If I were to die prematurely due to illness, without finishing the contract, there wouldn't be anyway that he would be able to get my soul. Of course he is bloody cautious, he is only thinking of his damn stomach, to please his unquenchable appetite with my soul.
However a part of me refused to think that was all that played a part in this. After all, since I became a man, Sebastian acts differently around me. Take this morning into account. Blushing like that when he thought I wasn't looking. All because my modesty was barely covered by my nightshirt.
I saw how his eyes bulged slightly, his lips parted slightly and his cheeks turned from their usual porcelain to a rosy pink. How his crimson eyes avoided contact with that part of me, and resorted to staring around the room until I was covered, when he was able to regain his composure.
When I was a boy, nothing like that seemed to bother him when I asked him to get me dressed. Yet now I am more mature, now I am a man, he suddenly finds it embarrassing.
I pursed my lips, I know my feelings toward the butler had changed quite considerably. I used to hate him, not because of the fact that once the contract was over, he would eat my soul, but because I was slightly jealous that he was able to do things on the first try. But after a while we became friends, and now I guess it has slowly, for me at least, developed into something more. I've never acted upon these feelings since it is not proper for men to like each other, especially in this day and age. Even worse so, I know demon butlers are not meant to do so. Mainly because they are not supposed to feel like humans do.
Therefore I keep everything quiet. Yet the longer I do so, the more stressed I feel. Perhaps I will tell him today, after all he told me to relax and the best way for it would be to tell him how I feel, whether he reciprocates them or not.

Yes, today that would be my mission. Tell Sebastian that I ... BANG!

My eye widened as the loud noise rattled the manor. I darted out of the dining room, the door slamming against the wall, rattling the hinges, "Sebastian! What the bloody hell was that?" I shouted, glancing up and down the corridor. Sebastian appeared beside me, his eyes rather confused yet a frown marred his features, "I don't know, my lord. But I will endeavour to find out," he announced as he steamed down the corridor.

"If Baldroy is using explosives again, tell him I will tie him outside and use explosives on him!" I shouted after him.
I took a deep breath, "How am I supposed to relax with all these damn explosions? Honestly one of these days I am going to end up having a heart attack." That's when I heard it. Something that I never wanted to hear, especially today. When it is welcome, or at least expected that is fine, I can endure but when it shows up unannounced...


That voice! That cursed voice! The one that belonged to my cousin Elizabeth.

I stomped down through the corridor, stopping at the top of the stairs, my features marred by a strong scowl, "How many times must I tell you to send someone to let us know you are coming? Stop coming unannounced!" I growled, glaring down at the blonde woman who stood in the foyer. Her curly blonde hair hung around her youthful face in ringlets, her bright emerald eyes, luminous and sparkling, just like her jade dress. The fabric clinched at the waist, accenting her breasts and puffing out at her hips, making her waist seem smaller than it already was.
Sebastian was standing next to her, Elizabeth's white gloved hand on his arm.

"Well Ciel, what I have to tell you is awfully important and it really couldn't wait until you sent for me. So here I am," she sang, a smile on her light pink lips.
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose tightly.

"My lord, it is rather rude for you to just stand there and not invite Lady Elizabeth in," Sebastian commented. Oh how he likes to comment on my manners. If it wasn't for him, then I would be the rudest earl alive. Yet thanks to his coaching, I have managed to attain some manners.
"Sebastian, take Elizabeth to my study and bring us some tea," I ordered, storming off back to the dining room without so much as a reply. I slammed the door behind me, my breathing quickened as I stomped over to the rose pink letter, reading through Elizabeth's handwriting.

What could possibly be so important that she sends me a letter and comes to my manor in person, on the same day?
Unfortunately there was nothing in the letter that could give me so much as a hint. I sighed heavily, "Better not doddle then. The quicker I deal with her, the quicker I can relax."


"You what?!" I gasped, nearly choking on my tea. I sat forward, my arm bracing myself on my chair as I gaped at the lady sitting in front of me. Sebastian had left us to it a few moments ago, but he was bound to have heard the bombshell that Elizabeth had dropped on me.

"That's right Ciel. I am calling off our engagement. I've found love," she said dreamily, sipping lightly at her tea, "Oh I do hope you are not too upset?" she fretted, her eyebrows creasing in concern.
I sat back, resting my head on my hand. My elbow perched on the arm of my chair. I just had to get it into my head, I am no longer bound by the betrothal that my family had set for me. This was the best news I had ever been given. Yes I loved my dear cousin, but I never wanted to marry her. This gives me a new burst of freedom I could only have dreamed of.

"No, I am surprised but I am not upset at all. I hope you are happy with this new fellow?" I asked, a genuine smile crossing my features. She might be my cousin, but her welfare was definitely something I always concerned myself with, no matter how old she was.

"Yes, I am very happy with him. I just do hope we can still be friends, Ciel?"

I smiled gently at the blonde lady, "Of course Elizabeth. You are my cousin after all. I will make an announcement in the morning that we have mutually decided to break off the engagement. Then we are both free to do as we will."
She smiled at me, her emerald eyes practically glowing, "Oh thank you Ciel," she surged up from her seat, rounding my desk and crushing me into a hug. My face crushed against her chest. I patted her back, "Elizabeth... I can't...breathe..."

"Oh I am terribly sorry Ciel. I forget sometimes that even though you are a man, you still are such a weak little thing," she giggled, and pranced back to her chair.

"Trust me. I am stronger than I look. I just do not like mountains of ruffles cutting off my oxygen supply," I smiled back at her.


We spoke for some time about her new fellow, another noble whom she had met at a party. They had begun their courtship while I was in Europe a few months back and have seemed to have fallen irrevocably in love with each other. He owned an oil company in the States and would travel often to come and see her, however he had wanted to ask for her hand in marriage, yet she had forgotten to mention that she was betrothed. But since that is all out of the way, I am sure that Elizabeth will run off to the States with the man and get married.
I saw Elizabeth to the door, smiling and waving at her as her carriage retreated away from the Phantomhive manor. Sebastian closed the door, his face rather solemn, "I am sorry my lord, but I over heard part of your conversation with Lady Elizabeth. I am terribly sorry to hear that she is breaking off the engagement to you," he murmured, closing his crimson eyes, placing a large hand on my shoulder.

I glanced up at the man and smiled, "I am not. It means I can pursue who I really like without there being a scandal against me," a smirk playing on my lips as the tall ravenette blinked at me. His mouth popped open, his eyes wide and confused.

"And who would that be, my lord?" Sebastian asked, "You have never mentioned having any sort of romantic feelings for someone before."

I smirked at the man, enjoying the fact that he does not know something for once, "I might tell you after dinner. All in good time," I whispered, placing my hands behind my back and walked off into the manor, not before seeing Sebastian quirk his eyebrows at me, a smile stretching across his lips, "Fair enough my young lord."

Sebastian's prov.

I spent the day in quite the predicament. My Master, Ciel Phantomhive, one of the rudest Earls I have ever come to meet, actually has found someone. He likes her and she is bound to like him if he is to pursue her. Deep down, in my cold black heart, I felt a horrid sadness that I never thought I would ever feel.
Usually I would remain composed and not think of such trivial things such as affection. But it would appear that I have managed to, dare I say it, fall in love with my Master. I don't quite know how this is at all possible since demons are not born to love. We are only born to consume souls. We are born with no emotions, so how is it I am able to form these very strong emotions toward my young Master. It's not like I have anyone I could consult, there have been no books written on demons forming such attachments to humans.
A burning jealousy tore through me, causing me to be rather short with the servants. Snapping at Mey-rin for her clumsy antics, Finnian for breaking the fountain while chasing after a bird, and Baldroy for dropping ash into the baby boiled potatoes for the Master's dinner. The only one who had not got on my nerves today was Tanaka who stayed out of the way, offering help whenever he could.
By the time I served dinner, I was ready to question the young Master, when he surprised me all together. I had set the table for one, yet when I came back to him with the dinner cart, lined with cloches, there was a place setting right next to the Master. The table cloth had also been changed to intricately embroidered red and gold place matts, along with a delicate candelabra. Was he expecting company? He didn't tell me he wa... Unless it is this mystery woman he happens to like.
I contained myself and walked over to the table. Outside was rather dark, so the room was lit with the soft glow of the candles, the atmosphere, rather intimate.

"Expecting company, my lord?" I asked, gnashing my teeth together to stop myself from saying anything more.

My Master turned to face me. His face flushed as he had already drank at least one glass of Bordeaux red wine. His cerulean blue eye staring intently at me, a small smile on his lips, "Yes I am," he answered, his tone undecipherable.

"May I ask who it is?" I questioned, this time I couldn't stop myself from sounding strained.

My Master chuckled lightly and stood, taking the cart out from my hands, "Sit Sebastian, I know you do not eat human food with you being a demon and all. But at least drink some wine, I can serve myself."
Shock must have registered on my face because my Master chuckled again, pulling the chair out an motioning me to sit down, to which I obeyed. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish, this was rather unexpected. I had never thought that I would have seen the day that Ciel Phantomhive would serve himself his own dinner.
As my Master served himself, I felt rather uncomfortable, this had never happened before and I was wondering if my Master really was sick.

"My lord, please allow me. After all what kind of butler would..."

"You are one hell of a butler, Sebastian. It is my day off and I have had the entire day to plan this so please just let me continue. That is an order," he muttered, his brow curved over his eye as he continued to serve his dinner onto a plate.

"Of course, my lord," I replied as I sat back in the chair, crossing my leg over the other and resting my hands in my lap. I was rather embarrassed to be served by my Master, after all what kind of a butler would I be if I could not serve him properly.
Once he had served himself, he placed his plate down on the place matt and picked up the bottle of Bordeaux with a vintage of thirty years, pouring it with shaky hands into our glasses. I held up my glass, swirling the wine around before taking a gentle sip. I couldn't taste anything, since demons couldn't taste any human food or drink, but I did not want to seem rude.

"What a delightful vintage, my lord. You have exquisite taste," I complimented, a tight smile gracing my features. My Master hummed in response, slumping down into his seat, taking a large gulp of his wine. I raised one eyebrow, noting how my Master was definitely different this evening. Never before have I seen my Master in such a state, he never allows alcohol to influence anything he does.

"My lord, you should not gulp down your wine," I chided, unable to help wanting to change his atrocious table manners. My Master glanced at the blood red liquid, marvelling at it as he stared at the liquid in the firelight. Twisting the stem of the glass between his fingers, "They say that alcohol is liquid courage. I have to say, I am still not feeling very courageous at this time. But no matter, I will just have to do this without the aid of wine."
I sighed, "My lord, you are rambling, you are also drunk I might add. Maybe it would be wise if you retire and we rehash in the morning," I suggested, bracing my hands on the arms of the chair in preparation to stand.

"Sit back down Sebastian. I need to tell you something and I cannot do that if you keep disappearing on me," he grumbled, his cerulean blue eye piercing into my own. He gulped down the last of his wine, sighing heavily.
I exhaled deeply through my nose and sat back down, "My lord, I am a busy man, what do you need to tell me?" I asked, getting rather impatient with the young Master.

My Master sat there for a while, unmoving. Only moving his fingers to twirl the wine glass, watching the shards of light that reflected from the crystal. In that moment he looked so confused, so lost. I could not say I have ever seen my Master so tongue tied before. Many firsts were making themselves known on this night, and I am not sure whether I am a fan or not. I sat quietly, sipping the tasteless wine, however I could feel the burning effect of the alcohol as it slipped silkily down my throat. I frowned at a small spot on the table, noting that clearly Mey-rin had not polished the wood thoroughly enough, making a mental note to scold her about it later, when the young Master spoke.

"I told you this morning that I like someone. Yet I do not know if this person can like me back, or if it is even possible," my Master whispered, his voice barely audible and clearly forlorn.
I sighed heavily, So he wanted to talk about his mystery lover, oh the joy I feel right now!

"Have you told them you like them? How can you know if it isn't possible if you have not asked them how they feel?" I questioned, holding my tongue on what I really wanted to say.

My Master glanced at me, his brow raising in surprise, "You do not understand do you? I would have thought someone as smart as you would have caught on."

I cocked my head to the side and took another sip of the wine, "What do I not understand, my lord?" I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him. My mouth pulled down at the corners. I folded my gloved hands in my lap, to stop myself from clenching them into fists.

"What I mean is I do not know if it is possible for this person to love, after all this person isn't exactly human," my Master blushed, casting his gaze down to his untouched dinner.

For a moment I did not say a word. Is he talking about me? Surely not. But who else could he be talking about? I decided to change the subject, feeling uncomfortable, "Is your dinner not to your satisfaction? I can whip up something else if you would like me to, my lord."

The young Master glared at me, "The dinner is fine, do not change the subject!"

An evil idea came to mind as I agreed, I decided to push him further, to get as much information out of him as possible, "Really my lord, Grell Sutcliff is hardly capable of such emotion, after all he happens to be pursuing the Undertaker and Will," I baited, a small smirk pulling at the corners of my mouth as I finished off my wine.
I turned to face the man as his fist slammed down on the polished mahogany, his brows curved dangerously over his eyes as he ripped off his eyepatch, "I am not interested in talking about Grell Sutcliff, you damn fool!" he growled, staring me straight in the eye. His faustian seal glowing magenta. I rose from my chair and leant down, resting my hands on the arms of his chair, a large smile curved my lips. My hair brushing his face slightly as I towered over him, his face drained of colour, his breathing slightly erratic, "Then who on earth could you be talking about, Ciel?"

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