Here we go! Next chapter. No Hiccstrid yet. I might add some in the next couple chapters.

Chapter Six: Back to Berk

"That isn't possible," Hiccup folded his arms. "I've been here my whole life."

"Do you remember getting here?" Haven asked.

Hiccup didn't answer. All his life he'd never put much thought on how he came here. "I don't."

The cave was quiet, maybe a little too quiet for some people.

Snotlout tapped his foot on the ground. "So-"

"No!" Hiccup shouted, disgusted look growing on his face. "I'm not- I can't be related to your kind- to dragon killers!"

Haven cocked her head. "Well I might be related to a dragon lover, so I guess we're even."

The twins began to laugh.

"I-" Hiccup began, but stopped due to a dragon squawk outside. "Stay here."

Once Hiccup was outside of the cave, he tried to act as natural as he could.

"Ah, hey Heathenkeeper. Good morning," Hiccup pretended to stretch as he walked over to the dragon. "How did you sleep? Wanna fish? Have a fish."

Heathen only stared at Hiccup. He knew Hiccup way to well to not know something was up.

He squawked.

"Who me? Something's up? Ha, Nah. Nope. Nothing is going on."

Heathen squawked again, demanding for an answer.

"Well, okay. I was just- well I've been thinking lately and, uh-"

The dragon glared at Hiccup, telling him to get to the point.

"Okay, okay. How did I get here?"

"I brought you here."

Hiccup rolled his eyes. "I knew that, but where did you get me from?"

"What's your sudden interest?"

"No, no reason. Just curious."

"I rescued you off of a Viking island."


Heathenkeeper stared at him for a second. "I don't know."

The silence had returned.

"Did I have a family?" Hiccup asked quietly.

Heathenkeeper looked around.

About every dragon was now awake, and the noise level was growing.

Heathen got up, and began walking towards Hiccups cave.

"Uh, where are you going? We can talk here, or-or not at all. Wait!"

Heathen stared at the end of the cave.

"Uh, there just, uh, uh, friends," Hiccup moved in front of the Vikings.

The dragon stared at them some more, before he turned and walked out, growling something while he left.

"I did?" Hiccup called out after him.

"What did it say?" Haven walked up next to him.

"I had a family."

"Well that's awesome, that means-"

"Look! Haven- right? I can't just leave! This is my home!"

"Berk was once your home too!"

Haven and Hiccup stared at each other, looking like they would start a fight any second.

"You see," Tuffnut whispered to his sister. "The way they ramble on about things shows that they're related."

"I can fix your ship," Hiccup started. "I'll fly to Berk on Toothless."

Haven gave a slight smile, "Okay."

It only took a couple hours to fix the Viking ship. By mid-day they had already set off the dragon island for Berk.

Since the conversation with Heathenkeeper that morning, Hiccup hadn't seen him since. Though, not seeing the over protective dragon made it easier for Hiccup to get to Toothless.

"We're going to Berk, bud," Hiccup whispered to his friend. "If they start causing trouble, I want you to fly away. They will take any chance to capture you."

Toothless cooed in hesitant agreement.

"Let's go!"

Toothless soared up into the air, and circled around the boat. During the journey they'd often fly high above the clouds, then free fall back down to the surface of the water.

"You know, if he is your brother, that'd make him chief," Snotlout pointed out.

Haven rolled her eyes, "And?"

"Just making sure you knew."

All torches on the island were lit, and it looked like a dragon raid wouldn't be happening tonight.

"Chief!" Someone ran up to the mess hall, where Stoick and Valka talked strategy with the rest of the Vikings. "A ship, only a ways away from the dock!"

Valka was first to run out of the room. She left with only one thing on her mind. Haven.

The whole village was gathered at the docks when the young Vikings departed the ship.

The Chief was first to speak.

"Where have you all been?" He stormed up to his daughter.

Facing her angry father before, Haven spoke very calmly. "Dad, I'll explain later, but can you promise me you won't attack him."

Havens eyes pierced into her fathers.


"Just promise me!"


"Promise me the rest of the village won't attack either."

To humor his daughter, he turned to the Vikings. "Promise?"

The village nodded and grunted back to their chief.

Haven turned towards the ship. "Okay."

From the shadows emerged Hiccup, on his Night Fury.

Most of the Vikings stepped backwards, whispering: "A Night Fury."

"Mom, Dad this is Hiccup, the real Hiccup." Haven paused, and stared at her parents. "Your Hiccup."

Sorry it took so long to post.

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