Time to finish this and get a move on!

Let's go!

All OCs belong to me and Ninjago belongs to LEGO.

Final Extra: Class is in Session!

(5 Years Later...)

"Daddy, look at me!"

Lloyd smirked as he watched his daughter and a group of kids were playing tag, seeing her dodging a kid's hand. Cherise's raven locks but the deep emerald eyes from Lloyd, Lisa Lin Garmadon. He loved her so much, the moment she looked up at him with those eyes, he knew he'd have another. And he was right because after she was two years old, Cherise gave birth to Olivia Octivia Garmadon. She had his eyes and blond hair,his heart was stolen a third time! The first was due to Cherise...

The girl she was trying to outrun was Cole and Tiffany's kid, Roxanne Clair Belmonte. Her hair was black with orange highlights with her Mom's bright blues, Cole softened up big time. He fed her all of his cake, he never shares! Just like him, Cole had to have another. He got a boy, Wyatt Sin Belmonte. He had a darker shade of Tiffany's hair and had both eye colors for each eye, Cole's grin at the time couldn't have been any bigger!

Kai and Kyra's kid were trying to catch someone to shed the title of being "it", Kenji Rin Kotestu Jr. Kai wanted to name him after his grandpa, his Dad. K.J. had silver highlights in his brown hair with brown eyes, Kai wanted another one and got his wish. Konohamaru Katana Kotestu had a darker shade of Kyra's hair and brown eyes, he and Wyatt were already fighting. Like father, like son!

As for Zane and Lily, they had two boys. Samuel Richard Julien was they're oldest while Zachary Issac Julien was the youngest, their middle names were after each grandpa, a nice touch. Sam's hair was a completely shock, a full head of red hair. It shocked them all, it was more shocking when Zachary came out with aqua locks like his Mother. Sam was smart but he seemed to have quite the temper, NEVER disrupt his nap time!


He turned around and saw his Brother, seeing a young boy with him. This was Shang Shenron Garmadon. This was his child with Viper, black haired with green eyes. He loved the little guy though he seemed rather cold at times, he was about 7. Dad and Mom were pleased that between him and Havoc, there was only 5 grand kids. So far of course...He DID want a little boy but he was content with his little girls for now. Besides, Dad and Uncle Wu had their hands full with having daughters.. Now how did this happen when the both of them and their wives were each late 50's to 60? Well, that was Nabiki's fault. She slipped them yesterday's tea and turned the clock back by 30 years, much to both brother's fury. After a lot of convincing, Mom and aunt Sakuya got them to agree to have one more child each.

Amber Madison Garmadon was the only brunette with Mom's orange eyes, Dad was dreading puberty already! Uzuki Misaki Garmadon was another blond but she had her Mom's purple eyes, Uncle Wu seemed so happy up until he realized that she's be 16 some day. Lloyd was a BIT worried, they were cute now so thy had a right to freak.

He felt hands wrap around him, he turned and kissed his wife. Cherise smiled.

Mom was right, love was worth it.

And set!

Still wondering if I should write the uncensored version now or write the next fic. Also still not sure on if I should continue with Ninjago or start another series...

So many unknowns, don't worry, we'll settle it soon.