Title: Easier Said Than Done

My ears were ringing. I felt all the blood rush to my face as it began to heat up. Her voice kept replaying in my head like a broken record.

Pregnant. Pregnant she had said. Pregnant. If you say a word a certain amount of times it sounds weird. I realized it had been awhile since I had spoken. Ever since she had said those words I had just stood there numbly, unsure what to say or do.

Bloss was staring at me, the whites in her eyes were red from crying," B-Brick..? Are you ok? I- Just..I'm so sorry." She buried her head in her hands and I heard her quietly sniffling.

Why was she sorry? I pulled her hands away from her head and pulled her up. She was looking at the ground so I used one hand to hold hers and another to put under her chin so she'd look at me.

"Listen, Bloss. I love you so much. I would do anything for you. I will love this baby, just as much as I love you, if not more."

Bloss had that cute blush, but she frowned and made worry wrinkles on her forehead,"You're not mad? But it's during college and our siblings-what will my sisters say? They're gonna be so-" She gasped, interrupting herself," What will my parents say?! They're going to kill me! Oh my God Brick! What are we going to do?! What am I g-"

She was ranting again. It was adorable, it really was. But she was getting stressed and hysteric and that's not good for pregnant women. I kissed her in the middle of her rant to get her to stop talking.

"I'm not angry, I'm not worried either. We're in this together and if you want to do this, I will too. It's just as much me as it is you. So-"

She put a finger on my lips,"Nuh uh." I raised my eyebrow,"This isn't both of us equally. This isn't 50/50. It's my body that's going to be crap for 8 more months- my vagina is the one that's going to be mush- and I'm the one whose parents are going to kill her. So don't sit there and tell me it's going to be fair."

By the end of her speech I was fighting the urge to laugh at her, but she was right. She was doing all the work. I was just the cheerleader while she was the entire football team. Wow great analogy Brick, thank you, Brick!

I put my hands around her slim waist and gave her a peck on the nose,"And as always you are correct, babe."

She took a deep breath and got out of my grip, walking towards the bed where I put the laptop earlier,"I guess it's time I tell my parents." She was about to open the laptop and Skype call them but before she did I closed it as fast as I could.

"Before you do, you never answered my proposal. You just begged for me to stop talking." She looked embarrassed and quickly finished my sentence,"..but no hard feelings sweetheart."

She made a face at me,"I thought you were proposing because of the baby, I didn't want to make it seem like we had to have it."

I took both her hands in mine and looked her directly in the eye,"I'm fine whether or not we have it. Whatever you want to do is completely your choice."

Blossom closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After what felt like months of silence she spoke,"Let's keep it."

"Best Valentine's Day ever." I kissed her cheek and placed my arms around her slim waist. There were supposedly lots of side effects of pregnancy and I was ready to help Blossom through every single one of them if I had to. Little did I know it was just what "they" want you to think. We ended up not telling her parents, that was something you told them in person. Not looking forward to that conversation.

I looked down at my newly born child with all kinds of pride in my eyes. She was beautiful. The little hair she had was matted and wet. It was the lightest shade of red I'd ever seen, almost a strawberry blonde. She squinted her eyes as she started to cry and whine. Blossom's forehead was sweaty and smelly but I kissed it nonetheless.

She had just made a beautiful baby for me and I was prepared to do anything for her.

Bloss smiled as she started to cry. "Hi. H-hi baby girl." Our daughter stopped crying and looked at us, eyes wide. They were so dark and mysterious. If you just glance at it it looks brown but if you look closely it's a dark, almost violet red. Since her eyes were so dark and her hair was so light it was as if all the melanin had gone to her hair.

The doctor looked at us, taking off her mask. "Have you decided on a name?"

I looked at Bloss, and she looked at me. We made a telepathic agreement. I pushed the hair out of her face and smiled," Jamie Violet JoJo."

"It's beautiful." Blossom sniffled. One of the nurses took Jamie away and the doctor said something about the new mother needing rest.

I nodded and kissed Blossom. "I'm gonna go tell everyone you're okay." She took a couple deep breaths as the nurses and doctor assisted her.

Everyone as in everyone who rushed here as soon as they heard Bloss was in labor. Buttercup had flown from a class, Butch from work. Bubbles and Boomer from a date. The Professor and his wife were driving here so I was on my way to tell them what was up.

Once they saw me Bubbles stood up and gasped. "Is she okay? What happened? Did she die? Was it a C-SECTION? Oh my God it was, wasn't it. Brick JoJo you will tell me immediately what the heck is-"

Butch covered her mouth. "What's the baby's name?"

I answered all their questions and brought them not only up speed but to Blossom's room too. I remember the time we told them Blossom was pregnant.

Blossom squeezed my hand comfortingly, trying to calm me down as I looked at everyone. Butch and Buttercup were talking among themselves, probably arguing about which superhero would beat who. Bubbles and Boomer were feeding each other the muffins at the cafe we were at. Whatever the name was. I don't remember minor details.

I looked at Bloss. Those eyes were like a calming drug, they were my kryptonite. I took a breath,"Hey guys." Yes, good Brick. Sound casual. They all turned their direction towards me as I sat down at the table. Their eyes questioned me. Especially Buttercup's. She was gonna beat me into the ground. She and Bubbles. I've seen Bubbles mad. I twitched a little.

Buttercup gave me a wary look. "What's the deal? You said you had news."

Yup. I couldn't do this. It's not that I was ashamed of the baby, just that I didn't want it this early. I wish there was a way to just like shove it back in. I always thought that if one couple were to have a child early it would be the blues. Or the greens, they're so unreliable you'd think their birth control would be too but oh well. Nothing I can do now. Other than ask Bloss for-.

"Brick?" She squeezed my arm and I started to pay attention. Crap. I realized I had been quiet for the longest time. Sweat had begun to get on my forehead. It was February, not that hot.

I wiped my forehead. "It feels hot in here right? Am I the only one who's hot? It feels warm. Don't you think it's warm guys? I don't know, I'm warm. So haha I'm the only one that's warm huh? Okay I'll be the lone warm. Haha get it? Lone Wolf, lone warm. I'm funny." I fingered the zipper to my hoodie, trying to pull it down. I was nervous. I'm never nervous. I'm Brick! The cool, calm, and collected Brick. This was nothing. I decided to just blurt it out.

"Blossom is pregnant!" It came out louder than I had thought it would. All conversation in the cafe came to a screeching halt. When I had yelled it I had gotten up and slammed my fists onto the table, adding to the noise.

Everyone looked our direction, including waiters, customers, and every single thing within 69 mile radius. Everything stopped and it was quiet for what felt like months. Butch broke the silence. "Mazel tov."

Then there had been telling her parents- which I promised myself not to remember. No! I'm not going flashback! NEVER AGAIN!

We had met them inside their home in Florida. The same town where Blossom and I met. From enemies, to classmates, to acquaintances, to reluctant lab partners, to friends, to crushes, to dating, to baby, then marriage. Yeah long story, one I could probably tell you later. Anyway we had gotten to their house and as you can imagine I was sweating buckets.

Bloss and I were at the door, she was about to ring the doorbell but I stopped her. "Wait," She gave me an inpatient look, "How about we write a note? It'll be old-fashioned, they'll love it!"

She rolled her eyes at me. Obviously her pregnancy was already setting in. "Brick, calm down. Everything will be fine."

"Blossom." I held her shoulders down so she had to look at me. She stared at me, anticipating my next sentence. "Hear me out... We tell them you're pregnant after the baby comes, that way they can't get mad. It's a-"

"Are you-!" I put a finger on her mouth so I could finish. My plan made so much sense though!

"If we bring a baby with us they won't be mad that you kept the pregnancy from them, they'll just be like 'Oh lawd, oh my, a lil 'ol sweet pea baybea!'"

I removed my finger from Blossom's mouth waiting for her response. She crossed her arms and gave me an incredulous look. "My parents do not have a Southern accent." She knocked on the door, much to my dismay. Thanks for listening sweetheart.

I sighed and waited for the worst. But hey, jokes on her, I was doing a country girl accent, so jokes on her. I said jokes on her twice.

Her dad came to the door a few seconds later, smiling and hugging her. "My baby girl! How are you! Are you guys here to plan your wedding with us?" He asked, looking at Blossom more than me.

"Actually," Blossom said, "We're here to-"

"Plan the AMAZING wedding with you!" Blossom looked speechless and I took it as a chance to avade being brutally murdered by Mr and Mrs Utonium. I put my arm around him and let him lead me into his house. "Where's the Missus?"

Blossom followed the both of us in, closing the door afterwards. I was surprised she wasn't telling him yet, she looked amused.

Mrs Utonium was in the kitchen, she looked to be creating lunch. She was carving a chicken. When she saw us she dropped everything- including the chicken, cutting board, and knife. "Blossom," She squealed walking towards us, "What brings you two here, there are no holidays in March." She said as she hugged Blossom. The way she was hugging- it felt as if she was crushing the baby.

I narrowed my eyes, waiting for them to stop but it didn't happen anytime soon. "What, I can't see my favorite parents-in-law?" I said cheekily. Still hugging, wow. It was 15 seconds later and they were still hugging. My baby was probably now missing a few chromosomes because of Mama Bear and her iron grip.

When she let go, I gave a smile and pointed to the chicken on the floor, "Looks like a quality meal for lunch." I said. I didn't mean for it to sound like I was being a smartass- I just thought it was funny. Blossom walked away, on her way to help her mom with lunch.

WAIT! Noooo. That would only mean I was left alone with-, "Hello, Brick." The Professor said, with what could only be a sinister smile.

"Salutations, Mr Utonium. How are-" He took the collar of my shirt and brought it close- our faces inches apart as he spoke.

"Brick Jojo." He growled. Lord Almighty he scared me. "I would like to show you something in the basement, would you mind following?"

The Professor let go of my collar and made his way to the basement entrance. -WHICH WAS PAST THE KITCHEN! Blossom could save me from what could only be a homicidal father knowing I proposed to his daughter. As I followed I caught Blossom chopping onions as her mom stirred stew. "Blossom." I whispered fearfully. No answer. "Blossom. Blossss. BL-"

He covered my mouth before I could get her attention and brought me down the stairs. Well this is it. This is how I die. I just wish I had known that the last time I saw my sweet Blossom was the last time.

"Why are you doing this?" If I've learned anything from television shows, if you keep the villian talking- you live longer.

He set me down on a chair and I knew to stay there. He opened a drawer and ruffled through it- after awhile he brought out a ray gun. "Do you know what this does, Brick?"

Um, no because I'm seeing it for the first time? Instead of saying that I shook my head, "No sir."

"Good, because I'll tell you. This ray-" He twirled it in his fingers,"-if shot at you, will remove all of your chemical X DNA forever." My eyes widened. He made that? Is he crazy?

Or should I say mad? He saw the way I was looking at the ray, and he put it away. "I will only use it if you hurt my daughter in any way, shape, or form." If that got into the wrong hands we could have a serious problem on our hands.

"I have no intention of doing that, sir. I love her."

"If so, you don't mind doing a series of tasks to prove that."

"I would do anything for Blossom," I said, getting out of my chair, "As I said before: I love her."

He nodded and gave me a hard look- grabbing my shoulders and freaking me out- all at the same time. "Good- your tasks are-" Actually, I'm not gonna get into that. All that is a completely different story- perhaps to get into later. Anyhow, we went up for lunch but I was still nervous.

Why? You ask? Because the Professor just threatened me. I knew I was never gonna hurt Blossom- just the thought of losing my powers forever was looming over my head.

Lunch was a blur. All I remember was a bunch of glares from the Professor and a lot of curious looks from Blossom- but afterwards we had decided to go to the beach for a calming afternoon.

Blossom had been wearing a polka dot bikini which was, may I say: haaaawt. She and her mom were chilling out under the umbrella and the Professor and I were sitting there.

Mrs Utonium was reading a book, she glanced at Blossom. I noticed that Blossom could kind of show in a bikini, I had told her about it and she said it would be worse in a one piece. "Blossom, honey, I mean this in the most polite way: are you gaining weight?"

Blossom looked speechless. She looked a bit annoyed, "No I'm not." Blossom had always taken pride in her activeness. She was hot, yes, and skinny, yes, but if she wasn't I'd still love her.

"Honey, I didn't mean it to be rude, I meant it to be-"

"To be nice? Yes because when you tell a pregnant woman they're gaining weight they tend to not get self conscious and hurt." Oh no she didn't. Why Blossom. Why. Right after the Professor threatened me too. Blossom crossed her arms and stormed off angrily, leaving me alone with her now homicidal parents.

Speaking of them the Professor was giving me a huge death glare, as if he was burning a hole through my head. I gave him a shy smile.


"Brick?" I looked up at Boomer, falling out of my trance. "Are you good?" He asked. He was on the end of Blossom's bed with Butch, BC and Bubbles were on the left side of the bed, and I was on the right.

I smiled and held Blossom's hand. She smiled at me, that warm smile she gave me- that made me feel like everything was right in the world, and nothing could ever mess that up.

Butch scoffed and crossed his arms, "Sure, you're all lovey dovey now but as soon as you get home with the baby- fighting."

Narrowing my eyes at him, I mirrored his crossed arms, showing I had also aquired the ability. "Bloss and I never fight! We're the example set for other couples. Right, Bloss?"

"Brick, everywhere is sore and I'm in no mood to help you win an argument." She took a deep breath and tried to get comfortable. "Right now...I just want to sleep." As soon as she said that her hand went limp in mine.

The monitor connected to her started to rapidly beep. It felt as if a wave of shock went into the room. No one knew what to do. "Blossom!" Buttercup yelled. As if yelling her name would fucking help! Thanks a lot.

"Someone!" I yelled into the hallway. Before I knew it a bunch of people in different colored scrubs rushed in. Soon they were blocking my view of Blossom, I struggled to see what was going on.

One of them said something about paging another doctor and I was confused and upset and it was chaos in the room. "Wait, what's going on? Is she ok?"

The guy in scrubs pushed me away and said, "Someone get him out of here! Lexie, take him and the others to the waiting room." I saw that Butch, Boomer, and Blossom's sisters were also fighting the power.

A blonde took me aside and spoke to me. She shook my hand and said, "Hi, I'm Dr. Arizona Robbins and what we think is happening to your wife is that her fallopian tube ripped when she went into labor. We paged our leading gynecologist Dr. Montgomery, but we still need your consent." I was confused and worried, and my head felt as if it was a spinning top. But if this was gonna save Blossom what choice did I have? I nodded and the scrub people escorted her out.

"Is she.. is she gonna be okay?"

The doctor nodded and put a hand on my shoulder. "We're going to do everything we can." She walked away with the clipboard and all was left was my family.

Buttercup sat in one of the chairs and crossed her arms. It was silent for a while then Butch yelled, "That's BULLSHIT!"

"Butch!" Bubbles frowned at him, shaking her head.

"Don't Butch me! She was fine! Sitting up and talking, how does she go from fine to emergency surgery. That's fucking bullshit."

I stood there quietly, their argument continuing. But everything was starting to sink in. I was a father now. I was responsible for a life. But Blossom- if she died I would become a single dad. A widow at 25. A baby all on my own.

I needed to throw up.

Bubbles and Butch weren't arguing anymore, because they were all looking at me. She looked worried, "Brick, are you okay?"

What do you think, smart ass. My wife was going to die. She was going to die. Dead. Dead wife. I felt hands on my shoulders, helping me up.

It was Boomer, he looked at me like I was the most pitiful thing he's ever seen. "Listen, man, Blossom's gonna be alright."

"You really think so?"

He nodded, "If you want you can tell me a story?"

My nose flared as I tried to not get pissed off at him. A story! But then I realized, whenever I felt somewhat upset or nostalgic I would think back to something else.

I sat in a chair and scanned all of their faces. Just about everyone has at least fear and worry in their eyes. Good. That meant they cared. But I cared the most, I would make sure Bloss knew that when she came out. If she came out.

No, Brick. Stay positive. I cleared my throat before I spoke, "Remember that time Blossom went into labor?" I asked. I looked in the corner as a joke, like what cartoon characters do when they try to remember something.

No one got the joke. Blossom would have. Buttercup rolled her eyes, "No we don't remember, we weren't there, smart one."

Okay well.

It was about 7 in the morning and I had just gotten home from the night shift so I was just getting my homework ready for class at 1. I decided to shower and take a quick nap, to my surprise Blossom came over saying that she took the day off from class-

Buttercup snorted at that. "You're telling me Blossom took a day off from school willingly?"

Her Professor made her take a the day off from school. She was annoyed about it so she came to my dorm to see me. When she knocked the door I assumed it was my roommate Zack and I was ready to yell at him for not cleaning up his room. But when I opened it Blossom gave me a huge hug and was crying.

I patted her back and let her into the room, setting her down on the couch. I passed her a tissue box. See, I was used to her tearful rants. A pregnant Blossom is a sad Blossom.

"What happened, Bloss? Saw a stray dog again?"

She shook her head and told me about the professor as she cried.

I gave her a huge hug and spoke to her. "Don't worry about it, because when you get back he'll be the one to give you lots of catch up homework and call on you. Plus while you're gone you can study and make sure you know everything there is to know about the topic. Sound good?" I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

Blossom smiled at me and took a wavery deep breath to calm down. "Wow, you're good at that." She laughed.

"9 months of this will do that to you."

Bloss giggled and put her head on my shoulder as we sat there. "Remember our first checkup on the baby?"

"Are you really gonna do a story within a story?" Butch rolled his eyes. God. Him and Buttercup were perfect for each other. Always complaining and shit.

"How about you guys shut the hell up and listen? Sound good?" Usually I'm a little less snappy but nope- today I was pissed off. And I think they can agree I have a good reason.

She started reminding me about it. Because I had remembered I had been nervous. Considering I was brought up by a monkey and she was brought up by a mad scientist. Maybe the baby would have fur or a lab coat. Anything could happen. As far as I knew this was the first Chemical X baby ever and anything could go wrong. "Well when we got there I sat in the exam table and waited. You checked the- ow!" Blossom cringed. She hissed and held her stomach.

"Bloss, are you ok?"

She cleared her throat and sat back up. "Yeah, um just some kicking." The smile was back on her face, "Anyway you took the ultrasound device and checked your chest for breast cancer. I thought it was absolutely hilarious. You made me pee."

"You peed?"

She rolled her eyes and turned away from me, "Pregnant women pee a lot." Blossom started to try to get off the couch. I smirked.

"I'm not judging you, I'm just surprised."

Bloss gave me that look she does. You know that incredulous look that she does. "Surprised that I needed to pee?" She was still trying to get up off the couch, I think she got frustrated because she looked like she wanted to kill me. "Brick! Stop arguing with me about pee and help me up!"

She was articulate like that. I got off the couch and helped her up. She tried her best to waddle over to the bathroom. If she still had her powers she'd fly there but the baby and the pregnancy put her Chemical X on the fritz whenever she used it. I watched her waddle with a smile on my face. She was taking deep breaths. A simple walk to the bathroom winded her. She was adorable!

All of a sudden Blossom squealed. It wasn't that squeal white girls do when they have a coupon to PINK and Starbucks, it was more of a surprised yelp.

I shot out of my seat and went to her side as fast as I could, "Are you ok? What's wrong, what happened?"

She had an embarrassed smile on her face. "I think I just peed my pants."

"Because, as you said before, pregnant women pee a lot." She laughed at me, "See, Bloss, I listen." I gave her a cheeky smile.

What we didn't know is that Blossom's water had just broken, she hadn't peed. It was just bad timing. We ended up finding out when Blossom kept feeling "kicks" every 30 minutes, then every 10 , and finally we realized what was going on and I carried her to the hospital.

It's a pretty crazy story to tell our kid when she grows up.

When I finished the story everyone was cracking up, despite the situation we were in. To be honest I was glad. I could lift the spirits in the room with just one story.

I would tell the one about the Professor and his threat but everyone would say I was overexaggerating the part with the ray, just like Blossom said.

Boomer cleared his throat when he stopped laughing. "Remember that time we all triple dated at a fancy restaurant?"

That date went absolutely horribly wrong. There were arguments, plain fights, and kicking under the table. Sure it sounds like nothing but it was so bad we got kicked out.

A doctor walked in. He looked like the guy from earlier, who told that other doctor to get us out. He had shaggy brown hair. I wanted to punch him in his stupid face. "Hi, Mr...?"

How dare he walk in not even knowing my last name. I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms, looking as intimidating as I possibly could, "Jojo. Mr Jojo."

Dr. O'Malley cleared his throat, probably to keep from laughing at my last name like most people do, "I just came to update you on your wife, she's, um, currently in the ICU, if you want to see her. Please follow me."

About a week later I took Jamie, our baby, home then a week after that I brought Bloss home. The week alone with the baby had been (how do I put this) hell. She was loud, annoying, I just couldn't take it. When Bloss came home she explained all the crap to me. The bottles of formula, the patience, the perfect microwave temperature, and the diaper changing.

For the baby shower Mr and Mrs Utonium had gifted us a new house. Probably the best gift we got. I almost didn't want to accept it because I felt as if we should've worked for it ourselves.

When I told Bloss that she had laughed at me and told me sometimes I could be too modest. She said it was better than raising a child in a dorm room. We ended up taking it, but only if we paid half the mortgage.

I'll probably never forget the first moment I felt like the perfect father. Of course it was years later.

Bloss had been caught up at work, usually she came home around 4 but she told me she was coming at around 8 and I had to take care of the baby. Whenever I heard those words my blood rang as cold as the ice castle in Frozen. Which I have watched millions of times. Babies mean sacrifice.

Jamie was a year and a half old and Blossom cared for her most of the time. I was just there, you know? Jamie developed faster than other children, you know? At 3 months she was talking at 4 she was walking. Blossom had "taken intiative" and started teaching Jamie right away.

Now Jamie was a year and a half old learning multiplication facts. Her hair was darker now, it looked like Merida's hair color in Brave. I'm gonna keep referencing Disney Princess movies because that's all I watch. Her eyes were now around my color. They were darker than Blossom's but not mine.

Right now she was reading in the living room while I was starting dinner. All I knew how to make was spaghetti and fried chicken so that was what we were eating.

She was reading A Christmas Carol which was weird considering it was summertime. I loved that she was so intelligent.

While I let the spaghetti boil I sat next to Jamie and put an arm around her, she put her head on my shoulder and got comfortable. "Like it so far?"

She nodded but didn't take her eyes of the book. "Yeah, it's like the Grinch but better."

I for one didn't exactly remember when Scrooge had stolen all the presents on Christmas, but she was adorable when she was smart.

That night for Jamie's bedtime at 6:30. Don't get mad at me for that restrictive bedtime- blame Blossom and her book on parenting. Anyway that night Jamie had been going to bed and I was getting ready for my final exam by studying.

About 15 minutes after I put her to bed she came to my room. I put my book away and set her on my lap. "What's wrong, Jamie?"

Her eyes were red and her hair was messy. "I can't sleep, When's Mama coming home?"

"She'll be home soon, don't worry. Until then would you rather sleep here with me?"

Jamie crinkled her nose, like she does when she thinks hard. "No." She got off my lap and went back to her room. Obviously Bloss was her favorite. I scoffed and went back to my textbook whatever.

At 7 I went to check if Jamie was sleeping, sure enough she wasn't. Her room was dark but she was sitting there in the dark. I turned on the light and she hissed, "Daddyyyy." She whined.

I smirked. She had a thing for sleeping in total darkness. Read about cocoons. I turned off the light and got onto her bed and snuggled up with her. Whenever she had nightmares or couldn't sleep I would sleep in her bed with her.

By the time Bloss came home we'd both be fast asleep.

Notes: I hate how this chapter came out. I wanted it to be at least 5k words and I couldn't think of anything better to write about. In addition to that all the time Brick in his POV said that it was a whole other story- I am actually gonna make that a story. Like how he said they went from enemies to blah blah that's gonna be a story. Probably my next one. Another one will be how the Professor built the ray and another one will be a spin-off of the kids own story.

So as a review tell me if you liked this story and which story you'd like next. Maximum 3 votes.

1) Ruffs and Puffs Story: Pretty much a highschool story with drama, betrayal, and Chemical X.

2) Mad Scientist Personified: The Professor has an idea to save each and every one of his perfect little girls. From their partners, if course. He devises a sinister Ray just for that purpose.

3) The Red Wedding: Brick and Blossom are getting married! 'Course shit has to go wrong.

4) Mini Puffs: The story of the children of the Puffs and Ruffs.

Those are all the stories so far- so if you want to tell me which one you want next do so- if you want to tell me if you liked this story tell me.