Title: Perfect Way to Propose

Characters: [Blossom, Brick]; [Bubbles, Boomer]

Rating: T for Totally Teen!

Type: Twoshot

Notes~ My first story, please don't be too harsh with it, please.

Next chapter will be out shortly

I have some other stories for you so follow and favorite

me too maybe? :3

Usually, on Valentines' Day people are freaking out over not having a significant other. But in my case, it's something different. My girlfriend, Blossom, is super pissed at me. It's Valentines' day and my girlfriend of 3 years wouldn't even talk to me. It all started a few days ago when we were supposed to go meet her parents, a scientist and a university professor in California and stay for the weekend since Valentines' day was a Friday. But I had totally forgotten about that when Boomer asked if Blossom and I could go on a double date with him and Bubbles. Is it my fault? No! ..yes..? Yeah, no. This is how it went down:

I was doing some homework when a knock on the door distracted me. I put down my pencil and went to the door only to see Boomer freaking out,"Dude! DUDE! What do I do this year for me and Bubbles' Valentines' day! Dude! I'm freaking out! Last year was our last year of high school! It was so special!" If you're wondering what's going on I should explain.

In junior year of high school, me and Blossom got together, a year later Buttercup and Butch got together (while trying to keep it a secret may I add) And years and years before that (first year of middle school) Boomer and Bubbles had gotten together. In addition to that the day me and Boomer spoke was February 10 and the day me and Blossom planned the trip to Cali was February 8. That's pretty much all you have to know, anyway back to my conversation with Boomer.

"It was so special! Now what do I do?!" He was on the verge of tears and hanging onto my shirt for dear life. He was squeezing and grasping everywhere. I winced when he pinched my stomach fat.

"Dude, relax it's Bubbles. She thinks everything you do is amazingly romantic. Buy her a huge bear or something. Just get off of me!" I pushed him off and left the doorway to continue to do my work but he just followed, now starting to sob.

He started to snot and tears ran down his face,"Brick! Please! I need you right now! I need my smart brother, my genius brother! Think of something romantic." I sat at my desk and picked up my pencil. I needed to do this homework and Boomer wasn't exactly helping with all his ranting. Despite my ignoring him he continued to talk,"..w-what if.. we go to the movies and she meets Ryan Reynolds. Wait no, he'll make her fall in love with him with his hotness." I rose my eyebrow at that, but decided to continue my work,"Brick please I need your help!"

Sighing, I decided to help my brother before he got on my last nerve,"Okay, ask Butch and BC to double date with you or something."

Boomer groaned and collapsed onto the floor, looking exasperated,"DUDE! It's Butch and BC! They obviously won't. And every Valentines' Day they sit on the couch and watch a Star Wars marathon so don't think I haven't already thought of that." From the floor Boomer started playing footsies with my chair. I glared at him because it kept moving my pencil when I tried to write. He kept on doing it while he spoke,"How about you and Blossom come, it won't be that bad right? It'll be fun Brick..." He started to kick my chair harder," C'mon, Brick..my dude. Brochacha... I'm begging you." He kicked it one last time,"BRICK!"

"FINE!" I yelled getting to my feet. I had thrown my pencil onto the ground and I think made Boomer pee his pants. I exhaled slowly,"Fine. Me and Bloss will double date?" I took a seat,"Happy?"

He smiled and got to his feet, giving me his dumb, cheeky look,"Yay! Remember the 14th. Me, you, Bloss, Bubs. Don't forget."

Then it hit me. My eyes widened,"Wait actually-"

"No take-backs, good-bye Brick!" And with that, he was out the door. I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair exasperatedly. Blossom was going to castrate me.

And that brings us today. February 14, with my girlfriend of 3 years pissed at me. Boomer was at my bedside looking guilty,"Brick, this is all my fault." He frowned. He had the balls to bring Bubbles with him too which annoyed me, but could only be allowed because it was Valentines' Day.

I groaned into my pillow, feeling particularly unhappy,"Well, of course it's your fault!"

Bubbles was in my spinny chair, holding her chin in her hands,"Well, Blossom may have overreacted, in your opinion, but you as the gentleman should go to her and apologize."

"I don't know Bubbles, she hasn't spoken to me in days. I don't even know how she found out that I made plans with you guys. Did you guys tell her?" Boomer shook his head and Bubbles said no,"If she's not pissed about that what could she be mad about?"

"Tell me everything you did in those 4 days. When's the last time you took her out? What's the last romantic thing you did? How come you didn't tell her you made plans with us?"

I bit my lip and turned the opposite way in my bed. I couldn't help but see that Bubbles had a point, Blossom had been acting weird for a few weeks actually. It had started around New Years'.

As soon as I woke up I realized something was on my chest. I smiled once I realized a certain redhead was snuggling into me. I breathed in her scent and lie contentedly back in bed. That was until she woke up in a sudden. She looked dazed and her hair was all over the place,"B-Brick? What are you doing in my dorm?" She looked around, slowly realizing it was my dorm, and begun freaking out,"What am I not doing in my room?!"

I smirked at how surprised she was,"Do you not remember last night? Butch's New Year's Bash? You had way too much to drink, babe. Almost beat BC in a drink-off."


"I'm kidding! You had a shot and started acting like Bill Cosby gave the drink to you. You passed out after about 20 minutes so I brought you to my dorm and we went to sleep. I promise." She looked down and saw that she was only wearing and undershirt.

Bloss glared at me so hard that she almost used her laser eyes on me,"Then explain this."

Looking at her smugly, I answered her question,"You vomited all over yourself so I took off your shirt and that's it." She gave a relieved sigh and used the pillow to cover her blushing face," Bloss, we're dating, you have to trust me more. 3 years, I mean does that mean anything to you."

She bit her lip and looked at me with those amazing pink eyes,"I-I'm sorry, I just.. I don't know, Brick. It's just weird dating my ex-enemy." She gave me a small kiss on the lips,"I hope you can forgive me?"

I smiled and gave her a longer kiss,"Anythin' for you babe."

"Aww!" Bubbles was gushing and Boomer was waiting for a high-five. I rolled my eyes and continued.

She kissed back and sooner or later that led to us... you know.

Boomer cheered,"Nice, Brick! High five, bro!"

Bubbles giggled at Boomer before turning to me expectantly,"What else? Any dates between then and now?"

"Now that you mention it.."

I covered Blossom's eyes as I walked her down the Boston sidewalk. She was laughing, trying to make e let go of her eyes,"Brick! Where are we going?" She laughed at me. She had a huge smile on her face and her cheeks were red.

"You of all people should know the meaning of a surprise," I teased her,"Calm your pretty little bow down." She laughed but kept smiling and giggling. I stopped walking and whispered in her ear,"Ready?" She bit her lip and nodded. I took my hands off of her eyes which immediately widened when she saw where I had led her.

She gasped, covering her mouth,"The museum?!" She hit my arm and glared at me,"You made it seem like it'd be special! Like you were gonna... Ahem." She closed her mouth immediately, refusing to finish her sentence.

I gave her a confused look,"What were you going to say?"

Blossom shook her head," Nothing, I'm starving, get me food please. I want anchovies and onion pizza." I rose my eyebrow at her. She was acting weird and whenever she acted weird that meant she was on her period and if she was on her period that meant I couldn't get on her bad side. I nodded and went to get her pizza.

"When was that date?" Bubbles asked.

Okay, it was about 2 weeks after our New Year's fling, so that would make it...,"January 14th."

Putting her head in her hands again Bubbles looked directly at me, her blue eyes burning through me,"Next."

"Um, January 19..."

Bloss hooked her arm with mine as we walked through the carnival,"Which ride do you want to go on first? We only have an hour here. I know it-" I put my finger on her lips interrupting her. Her pink eyes glared at me and I smirked at how cute she looked when she was mad.

"This will lead to a lecture on the fact that carnivals have no safety what-so-ever. So why don't you calm your little bow down and let me do the work, okay?"

She pouted but continued to walk to the biggest roller coaster at the carnival with me. When we were waiting in line an admin walked to where everyone in the crowd could see him and started talking.

"You must be this tall to board this ride. If you are over 300 pounds, have diabetes, have heart problems, are missing an appendage, or pregnant or nursing we highly recommend boarding another ride." He finished up and at the same time, many other people left the line. I smiled at Blossom but saw that she was frowning.

"Bloss? What's wrong?"

She bit her lip,"Can..can we go on like the Ferris wheel or something?" I gave her a questioning look, about to ask why, but she beat me to it," Just have a bad stomach-ache. Do you mind, Brick?"

That is what I'd call a tough call: miss the best, limited edition roller coaster ever, or make my girlfriend happy. I took her hand and pulled both of us away from the line. She smiled at me and squeezed my hand as we walked away from the roller coaster.

"THAT'S SO SWEET! AWW, BRICK!" Bubbles gushed at me and I rolled my eyes. The blues were always like this. She cleared her throat,"Next?"

Boomer stopped me before I could start,"Wait, so, she wanted anchovie-onion pizza?" I nodded slowly. Was he mentally challenged, deaf, or both? He, for some reason, continued talking,"And she refused to go on the roller coaster too?" Him and Bubbles shared a look.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I started to get frustrated,"Get to the point, Little boy Blue!" Boomer gasped when I called him that. In high school that was his nickname and he hated it because according to him 'he wasn't a little boy anymore'. He looked offended and he turned away. I rolled my eyes at his behavior,"Really dude? We're in college." He put his head high and pretended to ignore me. I was slowly losing my patience,"Boomer, just tell me w-"

He practically yelled an answer,"BUBBLES! Do you hear something? I don't know, like a fly?"

Bubbles giggled at him but caught my eye. My ears felt hot because I was just that mad,"Boomer- baby- he needs our help." She touched his shoulder and he sighed. Bubbles spoke,"Brick, Blossom is obviously hiding something from you, that's why she is acting so weird."

"That- That wouldn't make sense. She wouldn't hide anything from me."

Boomer cleared his throat,"How about the museum day thing: she sent you away to get her pizza. The Ferris wheel: she quickly got you guys away from there. What if she's-" I knew what he was going to say before he said it. I shot up from my seat on the bed immediately. My mind was racing. Bloss? Cheating on me? I ran my hands through my hair and threw my hat against the wall. I was now pacing across my side of the dorm room trying to calm myself down.

Bubbles bit her lip as if she was nervous,"It's not true at all, Brick- the Blossom I know would never cheat on you."

Then why the hell would the Blues put that idea into my head! No wonder she had been ignoring me! She had someone else to spend Valentines' Day with! Bubbles got to her feet and frowned at me,"Brick! She wouldn't do that and you know it! There's barely any evidence to that support too, why don't you calm down and tell me the last time you guys hung out."

I hesitantly sat down in the beanbag near the window," Last week, February 5."

As soon as I went into the Bloss' dorm I knew for a fact that she had been cleaning. When she's nervous all she does is scrub and dust and clean- it's the most adorable thing. Her dormmate had opened the door and I found her sitting on the couch watching Netflix on the laptop (on her lap of course). I smiled at her and she gave me a huge smile back,"Whatcha watchin'?"

She looked embarrassed when she said it,"Phineas and Ferb."

I rose an eyebrow,"What is that?" Her jaw dropped and-

"You don't know what Phineas and Ferb is?" Bubbles looked surprised. I shooed her away and continued my story.

Her jaw dropped and she gave me an impossible look. I made a face at her as I took a seat next to her on the floor,"What now Blossy?" She paused her show and gave me an incredulous look.

"Where was your childhood?!" I laughed at her reaction and put an arm around her as I settled in to watch with her. To my surprise she took off the episode and turned the laptop away from me,"You're going to watch the best episode of this show." After a few seconds, she turned it back and smiled,"Watch this. It's called Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together."

I groaned,"Bloss, not that I don't want to watch this but when you say 'Netflix and Chill' I think hot, dirty sex, not an overrated cartoon." After I said that I brought her closer to me to the point where she was on my lap,"Let's watch something more..." I kissed her neck a few times,"...age-appropriate." Bloss shot off my lap and turned around and glared at me. Yup, I said the wrong thing,"C'mon. Bloss. I was just-"

She turned away and crossed her arms,"If you don't want to have quality time with your girlfriend then you can just leave Brick! I swear, all you men think alike: sex, sex, sex, oh and- surprise, surprise: SEX!" She grabbed the laptop off the floor and was about to storm over to her dorm but I was too fast for her.

I took her arm and pulled her towards me, holding her waist and making her look me in the eye, she was glaring at me. At first, we just stood there, her in my arms for about 15 long seconds, the whole time she was giving e her cold glare. I smiled nevertheless,"...You're adorable when you're mad."

Bloss rolled her eyes and pulled away from me. This time she dodged my hand and made it to her room, slamming the door. Her dormmate Cassie let out a laugh from the bar stool by the island in the kitchen and I gave her a furious glare and she shut up. Good girl. I followed Blossom to her room, fighting the urge to roll my eyes,"Blossssssss... Don't you think you're being a teeny bit dramatic." I mumbled for the rest of the sentence,"..is it that time of month?"

"BRICK!" She yelled from behind the door. I bit my lip to avoid laughing at her tone and her sensitivity for that topic," Cassie, do me a favor and kick Brick out." My jaw dropped. Was she kicking me out?

Cassie was already getting off her chair and coming towards me,"Bloss, I was kidding. C'mon! Cassie let go!" She pulled me towards the door. I could barely believe what was going on. Kicking me out. She was kicking me out! Nope! Still unbelievable! I called out to Bloss,"Blossom! Make her stop!" No answer. I groaned as I was led to the door,"Call me later, kay, Bloss?" Still no answer," Talk to you later!"

Cassie and her man-hands pushed me out,"Make sure the door doesn't hit you on the way out." She slammed it and it smacked my ass making me move like two inches forward.

"It did hit me FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Don't be surprised when you get sued for all the money you've got, you blonde bimbo!" I kicked the door for effect, huffed and walked off angrily. Bitch.

Boomer gave me the dumbest look,"I thought I was the dumb one, Brick." I glared at him for that comment, about to cuss him out but before I could he continued,"You never ever mention a lady's period when she's pissed off! Never Brick! Never ever in a million years ever!" I rolled my eyes, he acted like a 5-year-old sometimes. He turned to Bubbles and gave a cheesy smile,"Right, Bubs?"

She kissed his cheek and smiled back,"You know it, Boomer." I fought the urge to throw up as Boomer returned the kiss on the cheek with a kiss on the lips, which led to Bubbles kissing him back, which led to a half a makeout session. In the middle of my dorm. In front of me.

"Boomer!" I hissed as he was kissing her. He looked up at me,"Dude. Get a room!"

Boomer groaned and picked up Bubbles, she had her legs around his waist as he hoisted her up as he began to stumble towards the door. He turned around to look at me,"Brick, do something grand for her. She's probably stressed or upset, you doing that will let her know you care." It was hard to take him seriously as Bubbles kissed and touched his chest, it was like watching a live porno.

I nodded numbly and he almost tripped out the door,"Boomie, I love you!" I heard Bubbles moan through the door. I sighed as I sat down on my bed. I had no idea what to do. I just wish I had given her what she had wanted, then this never would've happened.

Then it hit me like a metaphorical train wreck. I knew exactly what she wanted! And as Valentines' Day, it was the perfect day to do this. I just needed to take a huge amount of money out of my account. I stood up, grabbed my wallet and started thinking of a way to do this.

This is just perfect. I switched the light off and each and every candle illuminated the room. I had called Blossom earlier and she was coming now. It had gone down a little like this:

Deep breath, Brick. It's easy, you've done it before. Just pick up the phone... with quite a struggle I took my cell phone and clicked her name on speed dial. It rang for a few seconds and Blossom's voice sounded, ah, my angel. How I missed her sweet voice.

"..hello?" I freaked out and hung up. Dammit! I slammed my phone onto my bed and angrily walked around the coffee table. This was the dumbest idea in the history of dumb ideas, it was almost like the BLUES came up with this idea!

No! No! No, Brick! You can do this! I pumped myself up and called her again. It rang,"You can do this, deep breaths!"

"Um?" Nope. I hung up again. I ran my fingers through my long red hair and groaned. She probably didn't even want to talk to me. I let her down. I didn't deserve her, she should go back to dating Dexter. He didn't deserve her either but it would be a step up from me at least, I laid down on my bed and nervously fingered the tiny box in my hands. Maybe I could ask her at another time, maybe her-

"Treasure, that is what you are, you're my gold-" My ringtone for Blossom rang and I hesitantly picked it up.


I swear to god I could hear her eyes roll," Brick, do you think I'm stupid or something- I, along with everyone else in the goddamn 20th century, has caller ID!"

I bit my lip," Yeah, and baby I'm so, so sorry, I just uh. I just wanted to talk to you. Could you maybe come to my dorm? I- I just have a surprise for you.."

"You want me to walk to your dorm so you can give me a Valentines' Day present." Before I could say anything to that she gave an annoyed sigh,"Fine, I'll be there in about half an hour and I swear to God if I see one cliche teddy bear or fucking chocolate I will kill you, Brick Jojo." God, I love her.

That brings us to now. 20 minutes after our conversation. Ten minutes until she was due to come here. Me waiting for my Bossy Blossy to arrive. I had set up candles and on my laptop, I had set up a Facetime with her mom and dad, almost as if we had gone to visit them, just like she had wanted. I had asked her dad about it, and he didn't object completely but I think that was mostly because his wife had been right there when I shared the news, and she had already gone full wedding planner mode.

There was a sudden knock on the door and I jumped. From the laptop, I recognized Mrs. Untonium's voice,"Good luck, Brick." She added a little squeal at the end and I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Blossom looked horrible. The white of her eyes were tinted red like she had been crying and she was wearing an old gray over-sized hoodie and sweatpants. Not to mention her hair was in a lazy ponytail, some of her red fibers even sticking out,"We need to talk, Brick."

I stuttered an answer,"Hey, h-hey, baby. Sure, sure, sure, of course." This conversation was not off to a good start, she had already said the four fatal words that end a relationship. I opened the door wider so she could come in and she looked around at the candles in disbelief.

"Wow... Brick? You did all this? It's-"

Mr. Untonium waved from the laptop screen,"Hello, darling. Happy Valentines' Day."

She went closer to the bed to talk to them,"Daddy! Mom!"

While she was distracted I pulled down the zipper of my tracksuit and revealed my best suit. I took off my hat, patted down my hair and got down on one knee.

Another deep breath Brick. I pulled out the tiny box and looked at the ring. It was a silver ring with about a thumb-nail sized ruby smack dab in the middle. Deep breath. I cleared my throat and Blossom turned around.

I swear Bloss almost jumped out of her sweatpants,"Oh my God." She covered her mouth and her eyes started to water,"Brick oh my gosh..." She fanned her face as tears started falling down.

"Blossom," I spoke firmly and as if I was determined. I loved her. She meant the world to me and I couldn't live without her,"you are my-"

She interrupted me, suddenly serious, she showed a straight face,"Brick- don't."

Don't? She didn't want me to propose? No- I had to do this- the least she could do is let me finish my speech before turning me down,"You are the reason I get up in the morning. You're-"

"Please, don't... I-"

"You mean so much to me. I just-"

This time instead of talking over me she covered my mouth,"Please, Brick, you don't need to do this. Just-"

I ripped her hand off of my mouth. Was me proposing that bad? Did she have a problem with me? Now I knew for a fact that she was cheating on me. Tears burned at my eyes and I blinked it away,"What the fuck, Blossom!" I heard a gasp from the laptop and the Professor about to scold me. I walked over to it and slammed it down,"You mean a lot to me, I do all of this for you! I love you, Blossom! I really do! But apparently, you love your mistress more!"

She gave me a confused look, as if she had no idea what I was talking about,"M-my mistress?"

"Yeah! Your mistress! The guy you're cheating on me with!" She looked shocked. Probably because I had found out she was cheating,"Am I not enough for you? We've been together for three goddamn years, Bloss. W-we've been- for three-three years. If-If you're tired of me- just say so." I was breathing heavily and I think I was about to start crying.

Blossom put a hand on my shoulder and I tore myself out of her grip,"Brick, there's no one else."

I narrowed my eyes,"Then why can't I propose, huh? How come you've been avoiding me? How come you've been avoiding me, Bloss?"

She took a breath and rubbed the back of her neck,"I just- I..." She paused and looked at me, almost with pity,"...because I- I. I, uh.. I'm-" Bloss made a weird sound and before I knew it I had grayish puke all over my previous best suit.

"I'm pregnant." She choked, starting to cry.

And suddenly it all made sense.