This is just a preview full chapter coming soon.


"So I heard you found your semblance Vomit Boy."

"Yes Yang I did and I would be really grateful if you didn't call me that. I haven't puked for two weeks now. I mean sure I get nauseous, but still, my food stays in my stomach. Even Ren congratulated me and he rarely stays awake nowadays."

"Alright, it's just a joke but if it bothers you that much how about a new nickname? I think Lover Boy should do fine, I mean you and Nora don't even walk to class normallynormally, you carry her on your back while she points the way." Yang said while crossing her arms.

Nora swallowed the piece of pancake she had been chewing, "Well I'm never letting him out of my sight after what happened last time. Also, I like getting a piggyback ride it's so comfortable especially since it's Jaune, if he took longer to get to class I'd probably fall asleep on him. Don't you guys know how it feels?"

"Actually Nora, Yang and I stopped getting piggyback rides around the time I turned five. We started training and dad started doing more missions. Qrow would take care of us while we trained and he'd play with us too sometimes, but he'd never carry us, said he didn't want us falling and getting hurt.

"Oh guys I'm sorry I talked without thinking." Nora said in a single breath, while putting her hands together in front of her as if in prayer while closing her eyes.

"It's fine Nora I mean look how we turned out; Ruby is quick as lightning and I'm tougher than five Ursa Major." Yang said gesturing towards Ruby and pointing at herself with her thumb, "And besides, I'm not a fan of people being all grabby, even if I like them, so it's all good no hard feelings."

"I wouldn't mind getting carried, but I think I'd be too embarrassed if there were a lot of people around." Ruby stated putting more thought into that single sentence than anything else she had said the past week.

"Thanks guys let's all hug it out!" Nora exclaimed before grabbing Jaune and the sisters, forcing the air out of their lungs.

"Nora, can't... Breathe-" Jaund said, tapping her arm. "Ren! Help!"

"Point your index and middle fingers like a gun." The pink eyed boy replied.

"Done-" he said, doing as he was told.

"Aim right under her ribs." He directed, his head slowly lowering towards his arms on the table, "Poke and repeat..."

As Jaune's world began to fade, he did as stated and emerged from darkness. Being let go he started to breathe again, and heard the cutest giggle coming from his giggle along with, was that a snort? "Thanks Ren I owe you."

He turned to see his friend sound asleep hunched over the table. "Right. Yang you and Ruby okay?"

"No, for a second there I could've sworn I saw Summer. Ruby, how about you?" She asked shivering in her seat.

"...Mngh... Not the chocolate chips... You monst-," the Crimson Reaper didn't finish as she gently started to snore.

"Jaune-yyy... ple-ase... can't stop... l-laughing..." Nora said, Jaune finally remembering he never stopped the onslaught towards his girlfriends weakspot.

"Sorry Nora." He said wrapping his arm around her and kissing the top of her head.

"It's okay... I'm getting you back next time," she said, trailing off at the end barely loud enough for her to hear it.

"What was that?" Jaune asked, looking into his Little Bomber's eyes.

"Nothing!" She all too happily denied.

"Okay, if you say so. Hey Yang, shouldn't we wake up Ruby?"

"Hmm..." The Blonde Brawler drawled looking at her younger sister, "Nah. Weiss-Queen's got this. Right?"

"Fine, though I hope this is the last time I have to wake her today." The Heiress stated, and as she stared at her leader, Jaune could have sworn he saw a small glyph on Ruby's nose.

"Ngahh! Cold, cold! I'm awake!" she exclaimed practically flying back from the table a few feet holding her nose.

"Oh look at that, you're awake. C'mon sis let's go to class." Yang left, Weiss and Blake following her.

"Hey wait for me! Bye, Jaune! Bye, guys!" She left leaving rose petals where she stood less than a second ago.

"Well, I believe that we too should start heading to class," Pyrrha stated standing up and shaking Ren's shoulder.

"Yeah I guess so, maybe we'll finally get to meet Proffessor Peach."

"That's the spirit Jauney! Let's go!" she exclaimed, before turning to her knight with a faint blush apparent on her cheeks and nose. "Can I-"

"Hop on," with him speaking those two words Nora proceeded to kiss his cheek and jump on his back. Jaune simply held onto her legs and began walking.

"Those two seem happy together, wouldn't you agree Ren?" Pyrrha asked turning to her newly awoken teammate.

"They do. Jaune is probably the best person fie her, he would never let anything hurt her and she will always look after him. She would never give him up." Ren thought a moment, before a rare smile appeared, "Except for a pet sloth." He finished jokingly.

Pyrrha simply stared at him before bursting into laughter while he joined in with his chuckling. "Yes, I suppose you're right, though chances are he would be the one giving her the sloth." They both simply calmed down and followed the couple in front of them.


Hello again. This is the first of a few Nora's Arc stories I will be writing as their own AU, the next story I write won't be a Nora and Jaune story sadly... But you the readers get to decide which pairing I shall write.

The choices are as follows:

Circuit Breaker: Jaune/Penny

Excalibur: Jaune/Glynda

Trials: Jaune/Salem

Silent Knight: Jaune/Neo

Topaz: Jaune/Emerald

Winter Knight: Jaune/Winter

So please leave the one you wish me to write in the reviews and I shall start on it. My second Nora's Arc story will be a continuation of this and will come next month if my schedule allows it. Until next time, Ciao.