A/N: This might be short…or it might be long…we'll see…


~Just One Child~

A pretty lady with long soft auburn hair and large forest green eyes sat on the roof of the biggest house in the village. The sun was rising, slowly making itself known to the world. Normally, women don't climb buildings, but in all honesty, she doesn't care. She doesn't care if her brothers make fun of her, or if Mildew, the grumpiest man she knows, complains about her. It was just her and the rising sun.

"Morning Val!" a tall, muscular man with red hair, facial including, and soft grey eyes stood next to the house watching the strange lady. Blushing, Val swung herself down, "Morning Stoic! I couldn't help myself; I just had to greet the sun as it rose."

Stoic laughed whole heartedly, "Don't worry Valka, climbing houses to watch the sunrise is one of many things that I love you for. How about we go to the Great Hall for breakfast?" Valka nodded her head in agreement, and then walked hand in hand with her husband.

At the Great Hall, villages that needed Stoic's help came and bombarded him. Separated from her husband, Valka grabbed a plate of food and headed out to where her friends were sitting with their husbands. There was Tanya and Rollin Thorston; Alma and Asmund Hofferson; and Greta and Phil Ingerman. As Valka sat down with them, her brother, Spitelout, came running towards them.

"Hey Spitelout, what's the rush?" Alma asked as she bit into a muffin. Spitelout ignored her and faced Valka.

"Guess what? You're an aunt!" Spitelout exclaimed. Valka rolled her eyes. Her brother wasn't the brightest.

"Um? Spitelout? Valka is already an aunt and you an uncle," Greta spoke up, "All of your older brothers have kids."

Spitelout looked annoyed at this, "That's not what I meant! I mean, I'm a father! It's a healthy little boy, named him Snotlout."

Why do all the boys' names have to end in lout in our family? Valka quietly wondered. It was also right then that she noticed that all her friends are either mothers or expecting to be. Valka mentally sighed; I wish I can have just one child.

After breakfast, Valka and all her friends headed off to see the new babe. After words, Greta left to feed her infant son, Fishlegs. Then all the rest went their separate ways to do their tasks. Valka helped with the harvest and prepping it for the upcoming winter. She was done by midday, so she went and grabbed a quick lunch. After lunch, she helped haul in today's catch. After that she went to the market to buy some things they were low on.

In other words, she didn't get a chance to be with Stoic until the evening meal. Valka was home cleaning up, when Stoic walked in. He was carrying two plates full of mutton and steamed veggies, with a slice of buttered bread to the side. Stoic smiled nervously, "Hey, Val, I was wondering if we can it our dinner in here, away from the crowd?"

Valka laughed at Stoic's nervousness, and took her plate from him. As they sat down and started to eat, Stoic told Valka about his day…

"… I only got away from Mildew and his complaints when Silent Sven showed up having lost his prize lamb. Turns out the black lamb fell into the well. How's your day Val?" Stoic wrapped up when he noticed that Valka was quieter than normal.

Valka glanced at Stoic and gave an exaggerated sigh, should've known he'll ask, "Well, Spitelout's baby came today, and, I know we haven't been married for long… I want a child! I'll be fine if it's just one! I don't care if it's a runt or not! I just want a child to call my own!" Valka took deep breaths after her sudden rant.

Stoic watched his wife before speaking kindly, "I know Val, I want a child of my own too. We just have to be patient and wait for Odin to decide we are ready."

Valka nodded her head in relief before Stoic continued, "After that run in with that madman, Bludvist, I think all, if not most, of the villagers are praying we get an heir soon."

~Nine Months Later~

Tanya had twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and Alma had a beautiful daughter named Astrid. All the babies were healthy, and a constant reminder of what Valka wanted most. Stoic was right about the villagers wanting an heir; even Mildew was hoping they'll get one!

It was late winter, and Valka was helping prepare the vegetables for lunch. Standing, Valka took two steps before fainting suddenly. Frightened, the rest of the cooks sent for Gothi and Stoic. Gothi was sitting right outside the kitchen door and was the first one there. She glanced at Valka, and then quickly shooed all the men away.

Meanwhile, Stoic was trying to ditch Mildew and his constantly growing list of complaints when he passed Spitelout. He was talking to his wife, who was holding a squirming Snotlout, "… and then Gothi said that all men most leave immediately. I hope nothing is too wrong with my sister."

Stoic froze. Spitelout only had one sister. "Spitelout? Where's Valka?" Stoic asked, failing to keep the panic out of his voice. Mildew kept on walking, not noticing that once again, his chief's attention is elsewhere.

Spitelout glanced at Stoic lazily, "Didn't ya hear? Valka fainted at the Great Hall kitchens."

At that Stoic rushed over to the Great Hall kitchens. There midwives and healers' in training were running around helping Gothi. Seeing Stoic, Gothi rushed over to him, "Stoic, we need you to stay out here with all the men."

With that said, the elderly woman hurried back into the large kitchen with some clean towels. It was twenty minutes of this. The midwives running about, not speaking a word. Gothi stayed by Valka's side throughout this time, not explaining once what was happening. Stoic paced back and forth, worrying about his beloved and what could possibly be wrong.

Finally the midwives left and Gothi approached Stoic, who was losing his patience. "Well!? What's wrong with my wife!?" Stoic bellowed when he noticed that Gothi was just standing there.

Gothi looked at the upset chief and smiled, "Chief Stoic, nothing is wrong with you wife or son, both are as healthy as can be."

Stoic nodded his head in relief, "Thank you Gothi for your ser… wait?! Did you say son?!" Stoic's relieved expression turned one to excitement as it dawn on him what the elder healer just said.

By that time, Gothi had up and vanished to help out another patient. Excited, Stoic walked into the backroom that was attached to the Great Hall for emergencies. And is where Valka was at. Walking in the room, Stoic immediately found Valka sitting up on a cot, holding the tiniest baby he ever seen, asleep. The new father walked up to his small family.

"Hey Val, what are we gonna call the little guy?" Stoic whispered so as not to wake the babe.

Valka smiled warmly at him, "I was thinking of Hanok Haddock? I don't know! I'm afraid he is so small and frail, what if he doesn't make it?" Valka's warm smile vanished into worry.

Stoic gently took the babe as he sighed, "Valka, listen to me, Hanok may be small right now, but he will grow to be the strongest of us all, just have faith in our little son."

The rest of the day the villagers, minus Mildew, celebrated the new member of the Haddock family. That night Stoic laid his infant son, who looked a lot like Valka, in his old cradle. At midnight, tragedy struck. A mysterious cloaked stranger broke into the chief's house and stole his child. Stoic immediately sent a hundred search parties out to find the kidnapper and bring home Hanok. Only all the parties showed up empty handed. Stoic and Valka both moaned over the lost of their only child then on…

~Fifteen Years Later~

Stoic's POV

I was checking the ship one last time before we sell out for the Semiannual Chieftain meeting. My beautiful wife, Valka, walked up to us, frowning with concern.

"Stoic? Are you sure about this? What if a dragon raid happens and we need you for repairs while you're gone?" Valka asked nervously.

My best friend, and the one in charge during my absence, Gobber spoke up cheerily, "Don't worry 'bout that! I got everything under control! Now, where is my hook-hand?"

Valka shot me a look, to which I replied, "Val, it was either Gobber or your brother. The choice was obvious to me. Besides, I made arrangements with Trader Johann to pick up a surprise for you at the island the meetings at."

At these words, Valka immediately perked right up with curiosity, "Oh? I wonder what it is? You be safe now! Bye Stoic!"

At that, Valka and I quickly kissed before heading our separate ways. Hers, back to the village, mine off to the meeting. I just wish that when I boarded the boat, someone could warn me I wasn't getting Val a beaded fur coat to replace her worn out one. But, as Destiny had it, I was surprised too.

The trip up was uneventful. Once there, I greeted my fellow chiefs: Bertha of the Bog Burglars, Oswald of the Berserkers, Mogadon of the Meatheads, Norbert of the Hysterics, and Madguts of the Murderous. Alvin of the Outcasts wasn't invited to no one's surprise. We started the meeting by making peace treaties and trade offerings with each other. When afternoon struck, we went onto more important matters. The dragon raids.

"Nobody has even come close to killing a night fury! As long as the unholy offspring of lighting and death roams Midgard, we don't stand a chance!" Bertha exclaimed out of frustration.

Oswald spoke up next, much more calmly as well, "What we need is an alliance, join up into one strong unit to bring down these monstrous beasts. I bet even a night fury won't stand a chance against all of us!"

As Oswald finished speaking, Madguts and Mogadon leaned forward and started whispering in each other's ears, while Norbert started whistling the tune to Dancing and the Dreaming. Finally, Madguts stood up to speak.

"Why should we join you? Remember Drago? He is the only one with the answer to our dragon problem! Let's join him!" as Madguts finished speaking, he got nods of agreement from Mogadon and Norbert.

I choose then to stand up, "My fellow chiefs, I have meet Drago while the rest of you haven't. He is a madman that can't be reasoned with. He will no sooner kill us and our tribes than stop the dragon war. We must band with each other and not with Bludvist."

I sat down and waited for a response. Bertha stood up to speak again, "Chief Stoic is…"

She never finished that thought. Just then there was an ear splitting banshee scream. All of us ducked while someone outside were heard yelling "Night Fury! Get down!"

Quickly, I leapt to my feet and charged outside, not noticing the others following. There, I see a strange black beast circling the air above us. Asmund, who escorted me this trip, handed me a bola to throw at the beast. I did just that. As the bola entangled the mighty beast's wings, it was heard letting off another of its' famous screeches, although, I can't help but feel like I heard I child cry out of fear coming from the dragon.

Asmund spoke calmly, "Chief, sir, did the night fury just cried out of fear?"

Not my imagination. I hurried to the dragon's side, it was still breathing but luckily it was badly hurt and couldn't fight. There I noticed the appearance of a small boy riding on the night fury! The boy was small and scrawny, with auburn hair and forest green eyes. Freckles decorated his face. The child glanced at me with wide eyes, yelped out of fear, then tried to hide in the dragon's wings.

"Hey there, we won't hurt you! I'm Chief Oswald, and these are my friends, Chief Stoic and Chief Bertha. What's your name little one?" Oswald spoke up right next to me. I'll admit, I jumped when he spoke.

Glancing around, I noticed that Bertha and Oswald both were standing next to me, while everyone else were forming a semicircle around the night fury and child. The boy slowly crawled out of the beast's wings, eyes nervously looking around. Now that I got a closer look at him, I can see that the poor thing wasn't wearing shoes and his clothes were all tattered and filthy. All this leads to something that can make the mellowest person angry. He was covered in scars, not dragon made ones either. Scars put there by a human; I even recognized several as welts from a whip!

"Hi-hi-hiccup." The child stuttered, playing with his fraying tunic while avoiding everyone's eye contact.

"Oswald? Hiccup needs a safe place to stay while we look for his tribe. Can I take him in? Val and I have the room!" I blurted out, surprising myself along with everyone else.

Praying that he will refuse, I was disappointed when Oswald and everyone else agreed that I should be responsible for the kid. I just pray Valka won't be angry at the sudden house guest. I also hope we can find Hiccup's tribe and fast. The kid rides a dragon, and not just any one, a night fury! His tribe has got to be the only tribe with information on the creatures! How hard can locating a bunch of dragon riding Vikings can be any way?