Muse was about to disband because Eli, Nozomi and Nico were about to graduate. The girls had tears in their eyes because they didn't want to leave each other. Nozomi came up with an idea on how they can always stay together even when all of them are far away from each other.

"Girls, I found something that could keep us connected even when were all separated from each other" Nozomi said

The other girls were curious to hear what Nozomi's idea was. Nozomi brought a small piece of paper and explained what they could do.

"It's called Sachiko ever after. A charm spell that can keep all of us close to each other even when all of us are separated" Nozomi said

"That sounds interesting, let's do it" Honoka said

"I'd love to with everyone forever too, I'm want to try it too" Rin said

"Staying connected with all of my friends is important to me" Hanayo said

"I thinks doing something like this is stupid but if it's important to my friends than it's important to me" Nico said

"I would love to stay together with everyone too" Maki said

"Let's stay connected everyone and maybe we can meet up with each other again one day" Kotori said

"I'm willing to keep everyone in our thoughts" Umi said

"Let's stay connected everybody" Eli said

Nozomi explained the spell and told them that they have to say Sachiko, we beg of you 9 times and then they all should rip the paper into 9 pieces. They all performed the spell exactly the way they were supposed to. As soon as they were done with the spell. They started to feel the building shake.

"Is this an earthquake?" Honoka asked

"Quick everyone get under a desk right away" Eli said

Before anyone could make it to a desk the floor beneath them started crack and soon the floor gave away. The girls were now falling down the hole. They screamed and the last thing they all remembered before passing out was their screams. Honoka was groaning and slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a classroom but it wasn't a classroom that she recognized at all. The desks looked very old and the wooden floor had a lot of holes.

"Where am I?" Honoka asked herself

She looked around the room but her eyes focused on a figure that was on the floor. It was Nozomi.

"Nozomi!" Honoka yelled

Honoka tried to get up but fell back down after she felt an intense pain in her ankle. Honoka realized that her ankle was probably sprained. Honoka tried to get up again but this she was able to stand up successfully. She walked slowly and made it to Nozomi. She kneeled down in front of Nozomi and started to shake her.

"Nozomi! Nozomi! Wake up Nozomi!" Honoka said

Nozomi stirred and slowly opened her eyes. She saw Honoka was in front of her. Nozomi sat up and looked around the room that she was in. This classroom didn't look familiar to her at all. Nozomi turned around and saw that Honoka was next to her.

"Honoka? Where are we?" Nozomi asked

"I don't know" Honoka said

Nozomi stood up and held out her hand to Honoka. Honoka took her hand and stood up. Honoka stumbled and almost fell over but Nozomi was able to catch her.

"What's wrong Honoka?" Nozomi asked

"I think I sprained my ankle" Honoka said

Nozomi frowned. She wanted to find the others as quickly as possible but it looks like that wasn't going to happen because of Honoka's injury. Nozomi didn't blame Honoka since it wasn't her fault that her ankle was sprained.

"Lean towards me and I'll give you support" Nozomi said

"Thank you Nozomi" Honoka said

Honoka looked around and saw that there was a newspaper clipping near the door.

"Nozomi look there's a newspaper near the door" Honoka said

Nozomi looked around and saw the newspaper near the door. Nozomi told Honoka stay right there while she went over to read the paper that was on the wall. Nozomi read the paper and it said Heavenly Host elementary school. The date was 1952.

"1952? That can't be right" Nozomi said

"Nozomi? What's wrong?" Honoka asked

Nozomi walked back to Honoka and told her what she saw.

"Did we somehow travel back in time?" Honoka asked

"I don't know, but I think the first thing we should do is look for the others" Nozomi said

"I agree let's start looking" Honoka said

Honoka took step but she winced when she did. Nozomi noticed Honoka's wince. She decided that Honoka needed treatment for her ankle first. And after a little rest they could start their search for their friends.

"Honoka I think we should treat that ankle first and after you rest a little bit than we can search for the others" Nozomi said

"I'm fine, I can keep going" Honoka said

"We won't be able to go anywhere if leave your injury untreated" Nozomi said

Honoka gave into Nozomi and decided to do what she was told.

"Fine, we'll get it treated than we can look for our friends" Honoka said

Both girls exited the room and looked around the hallway. The two girls entered another room and saw that it almost looked exactly the same like the other room that they were in. They decided to look around the room to see if there were any more clues. They walked around and they came across a skeleton on the floor. Honoka screamed. Nozomi hugged her so that she would calm down. Nozomi decided to get Honoka out of this room. It was obvious that the orange haired girl was scared. When they were about to leave a voice stopped them.

"You two" The voice said

They stopped and turned around and saw that there was blue flame floating above the skeleton.

"You two are the latest victims, are you not?" The voice said

"A ghost! I can't take much more of this!" Honoka said

"Relax Honoka" Nozomi said

"Who are you?" Nozomi asked

"I was brought here against my will and confined just like you" The spirit said

"Confined? Are you saying that there's no way out?" Honoka asked

"I'm afraid not. This school exists in a reality all on its own, cut off from the world you know" The spirit said

"So why have we been brought here?" Honoka asked

"They brought you here. They're constantly bringing new victims into this school. More and more all the time. Sinless innocents one after another. This is a cursed, multidimensional nexus, multiple planes of existence, all piled on top of one another, created by powerful, vengeful spirits" The spirit said

There was loud sound that sounded like thunder. The girls jumped but they stayed where they were because they wanted to hear what else the spirit wanted to tell them.

"Closed space or perhaps closed spaces. You and we as well, are the unlucky victims of an inescapable abduction" The spirit said

"Closed spaces?" Honoka asked

"Indeed and it seems you two are not the only ones to have been brought here. I'm sensing numerous others" The spirit said

"What?!" Honoka said

"Does that mean everyone else is here too? Are they okay? I wonder? " Honoka thought

"So our friends are in this school too?" Nozomi asked

"I don't know the exact number but I do know that others were pulled into these spaces as you at the same time as you. They are definitely in this school" The spirit said

"Everyone's here Honoka that's such a relief" Nozomi said

"However, you cannot meet them" The spirit said

"They are definitely here in this school. But the space they occupy is different from the space that we occupy. If you wish to see your friends, you must fine some means of entering their space, or bringing into this space. But even then, escape is nigh impossible but at least you'll be able to die together" The spirit said

"Does that mean that there's no way out?" Nozomi asked

"You said we were brought here by vengeful spirits. Who are they and why have taken us?" Honoka asked

"I don't know neither the motives of our captors nor a means of escaping this hell. All I know is that with some effort you can at least live out your days together, in the same space. And that alone is fate worth fighting for. Two heads are better than one. Your chances and your opportunities are so much greater when working together. Do whatever you can to find a way out of here. Don't end up like us" The spirit said

After the spirit was done talking they heard the door to the classroom open. The two girls were about to go through the door but Honoka screamed which caused Nozomi to look over to Honoka.

"What's wrong Honoka?" Nozomi asked

Nozomi wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. She sensed so much malice in this place. She saw Honoka pointing in a random direction. Nozomi looked in the direction that she was pointing at and froze. There was a little girl in a ripped, red dress. She also had black hair. She was looking at them with a creepy look on her face.

"Honoka, we need to run!" Nozomi said

"Okay!" Honoka said

They ran out of the room and were now in the hallway. They were panting and sat down on the floor. Honoka was now sobbing and Nozomi hated it when she saw her leader crying. Nozomi couldn't really blame her for crying. They were lost, hurt, alone and scared. The best thing that she could do for Honoka was offer her a shoulder to cry on. After sitting around for a while they decided to look for the infirmary again so they could treat Honoka's injury.