Alright, now before any of you go berserk about the title, I want you to know that this will be nothing like 50 Shades of Grey. I think that movie and book series is really stupid and links to the ways of cults. Ugh….

Now, this story is just something to make up for the holes and anything that my original story left out and focus more on Nick and Judy rather than my OC. Although you will see him alot, he is not the main focus of this story.

If you haven't read my other Zootopia fic, it's called A Wolf's Howl, and I will be leaving it, and the sequel up until this Thursday at 12:00am, so any that want to read it can until then.

Now, without further ado, I introduce you to The Deepest Shades of Red. Enjoy, review, favorite, follow, and put on that super edgy song. Mine is "I Know I'm a Wolf" by Young Heretics.

Nick's alarm blared annoyingly, waking him from deep sleep. He groaned and got up, turning the blasted thing off before it annoyed him any further. He had to go in today, being three years deep into his career as a cop. He sighed and went into his kitchen. It wasn't big, but it served its purpose well.

Switching on the coffee pot, he went into the bathroom for a quick shower before he had to go to work. As he stepped back into the kitchen, he grabbed his favorite travel mug and filled it with coffee, adding a few cubes of sugar to it.

After reveling in the taste, he grabbed the keys to his apartment and his phone and walked out, locking the door behind him. He sauntered down to the first floor, his room was on the second, and smiled at the wolf that was behind the counter, almost nodding off.

His trip to the ZPD was short lived as he had chosen to live nearer to it. It made the trip convenient and less time consuming going to and from work. It was also not too expensive, even though he had a lot of money saved from his hustling days. It had been five years since then, believe it or not. He chuckled at the thought. A little bunny had come into his life and changed it forever.

As he stepped into the Precinct, he could see that Clawhauser was delving into a bowl of his favorite cereal, Lucky Chomps. He also had a box of donuts next to the cereal box, and a coffee cup next to that. He approahced the paunchy cheetah, leaning on the reception desk.

"Morning, Cheeky." Nick said to get the cheetah's attention. He looked up, a little surprised.

"Oh, hey Nick." He said after swallowing the mouthful he had. "Waiting for Judy as usual, huh?" He asked, leaning forward and resting his paws on his chin, which furled upward. He didn't seem to notice this.

"Yeah. Has she come in yet?" Nick looked around to see if the bunny was talking to one of the other officers that lingered. She was nowhere to be seen.

"No, not yet. Or at least that I know of." He smiled as his tail waved behind him happily. Nick chuckled a little at this.

"That's too bad." He joked, feigning hurt as he placed a paw to his chest. He barked a small laugh as Clawhauser rolled his eyes at him.

"So, did you hear?" He asked, vigor returning to his voice. Nick raised an eyebrow in question. "Apparently, we're getting someone from the government agency to come and train us." Nick was a little surprised at this. He hadn't heard this yet, and was suspecting that Bogo was going to tell them today during roll call. He had had yesterday off, and was most likely not going to like what Bogo had to say to him.

"No, I had yesterday off, remember?" He quirked an eyebrow at the cheetah.

"Oh, that's right. Did Judy not tell you?" He asked, puzzled that the bunny didn't tell him. Nick shook his head, as they had spent the day apart. "That's kind of weird, don't you think?"

"Not really. I mean, she was busy yesterday, so I can understand why she wouldn't tell me." He shrugged it off as he set his travel mug down on the reception desk. His ears swiveled backward as he heard the soft tapping of feet. When he heard the tapping stop, he turned and opened his arms as a ball of bunny fluff hit him in the chest. Judy had launched herself at him and embraced him tightly.

"Morning, Nick!" She said into his chest. He chuckled and set her down.

"You know I can't hear you when you're buried in my uniform like that." He could see her ears redden a little.

"I said, good morning, Nick." She said, giving him a deadpan look. This only made his smile widen.

"Well, good morning to you too, Carrots." He rubbed her head a little, ruffling her fur. She frowned and swatted his paw away. "Come on, let's get to the bullpen before Bogo chews our tails off." That got her smiling a little as she followed him down the hallway and into the room that was bustling with nonsensical chatter. There seemed to be a few bets being made, as money was flashed.

Nick jumped into his and Judy's chair, offering her his paw to help her up. She took his paw and he lifted her into the chair with him. Just then, the rest of the room decided to get quiet. It felt like the room was electric, and everyone was on end. Even Nick felt it, the fur on the back of his neck rising as a chill ran up his spine.

They could hear the heavy footsteps of Bogo as he walked down the hallway. He entered the room not too long after, a look of surprise on his face that the room was quiet. But that wasn't what got everyone's attention. It was the wolf that followed Bogo into the room. He wore a dark suit with a white undershirt, and a deep red tie. He held his paws behind him, and he had an air of professionalism about him. He also made the room feel colder than normal, while at the same time charged with electricity.

On his right thigh, snug against his dark pants that matched his overcoat, was a pistol of some sort. It didn't look like the tranquilizer guns that you would normally see given out, but it looked like a real one. Nick took a mental note of this. He also took note to be very wary around this wolf.

"Alright. I like to see this. Now, I have three things on the docket. First, I would like to welcome officer Lisa and Grant Todd." Everyone turned to the fox and the wolf, who sat next to each other. Most of them gave approving nods and welcomes to the two. The fox was staring at Nick and Judy, while the wolf seemed disinterested.

"Second. I'd like to say happy birthday to Officer Fangmeyer." Several whoops and cheers rang out as they congratulated the tigress. They were quite unreserved about it, even though the wolf standing next to Bogo seemed rather unimpressed.

"Lastly, I want you all to welcome Special Agent Ardenhu Fangman. He has come in from the ZBI to help us with cases and provide training and information. For the next seven months will he be here. Respect him. Special Agent, if you would like to say a few words?" Bogo stood down from the podium and went to talk to one of the other officers. Now all attention was on the wolf at the podium.

"Now then, since that's over, I want all of you to know a few simple but important things. First, your training will not be based on size or strength until I see that it is necessary for you to be tested as such." The room went eerily quiet as he scanned the room. "Second, I don't care what species you are, if you step out of line, I will not hesitate to put you back in place." Another chill ran up Nick's spine, causing him to shiver. He took a look at Judy to see that her flare of determination had not dimmed, even in the slightest.

"Third," The wolf called Nick's attention back to him. "If you show exemplary results, you may be allowed some leisure for your effort. And be warned, I am not very giving in my compliments." His expression went stone-like. "Now then. Your training will start today. I will give you thirty minutes leisure time before I want you downstairs and in the training area. Dismissed!" He walked out of the room without saying another word, his paws still folded behind him.

At that time the room burst into slow whispers. Nick looked down to his partner, that same determination in her eyes. She finally looked up at him and noticed that his fur was fluffed a bit. She started to giggle a little at Nick's expense. Everyone stared at her, then looked to Nick, and before long, most of the room was laughing.

It hadn't seemed like five minutes when the given thirty was up. Everyone had gathered in the precinct's gym, and were surrounding a ring mat. The special agent was standing in the middle of it with his arms crossed. Apparently he had changed into clothes that seemed a little loose for him. At least it was better than seeing him in that suit.

"I'm glad you're all here. Punctuality is something I value. Good." He said in his rather deep voice. "Now, at the moment the only thing I'm going to do is test everyone's capabilities in paw-to-paw combat. So, who's first?" He scanned the ones in front of him that he could see. No one was stepping forward. Until Judy unexpectedly stepped into the ring.

"I am." She said. Fangman looked down at her with a little surprise. "No one else was going to step forward, right?" The wolf let a little smile slide onto his muzzle.

"I guess you're right about that. Though you don't look like much." He said, his smile still present. Judy didn't seem to care that he was taking jabs at her as she fortified her mental state. "Alright, how about this. How about the boxing ring instead? As kind of a handicap for me and you." He kept on smiling.

"Sure." She said as the wolf made his way under the ropes and onto the platform.

"Your funeral." Someone said from the gathering of mammals. "She took out a rhino in the ring during her time in the academy."

"I know of her feats, Snarlov, but I'm a little more experienced in the field of combat." He said as he looked at the polar bear. He looked to him with quite an amount of surprise. "I know all of your names. And some of the other things about you, too." Everyone started looking at each other at that.

Without any hesitation, Judy ran for the ring's ropes and sprang up onto one, whilst the wolf seemed distracted. She launched herself at him, using the tension she had built up from pushing the rope to make her spring that much more powerful, to hurl herself at the side of the wolf. Her legs were coiled in for impact. Just as she let her legs start to push towards his face, he moved back a little and grabbed her leg, tossing her to the side, but not advancing.

Judy wasted no time in jumping at him and trying to strike him in any way possible. Yet, every time the wolf moved out of the way or blocked her attacks with his paw or his forearm. Then she realized something.

'He's wearing me down.' She jumped back and stopped, catching her breath as her chest heaved slightly, but only slightly.

"You're fast, I'll give you that. And you hit hard. My arms are starting to hurt from blocking all those attacks of yours." He confirmed this by shaking his arms out to the side to try and rid them of pain. "I'm not surprised you caught on to what I was doing. You're worthy of the best officer here." A light chuckle escaped him.

Judy started back towards him, leaping at him. He caught her mid-air and set her back on her feet. She looked up at him, confused.

"That's enough from you. You still lack skill, but you have power and you adapt fast. Now then. Who's next?" He asked as he let Judy walk from the ring.

The training lasted for several hours, with the special agent working with each officer individually. Most of them came out of the ring with almost no breath, a few pulled muscles, and maybe a bruise or two. The last one to get into the ring, was Nick. The wolf looked him up and down, sizing him up. Nick covered himself, feigning embarrassment.

"Hey, my eyes are up here, you know?" Nick said as his signature smile spread across his muzzle. This got the wolf chuckling.

"You're pretty funny, you know that?" He asked, clearly not kidding about it. Nick shrugged at him and took up what seemed to be a fighting stance that combined many different martial arts. "Now here's something I haven't seen in a long time. An officer with actual combat experience."

"Well, twenty years on the street, you pick up a thing or two." He told the wolf. For the first time that day, the wolf's red eyes flashed with interest and curiosity. A smile spread across his muzzle and he took a step forward, leaning back but keeping his paws firmly placed on the ring floor. He brought one fist up to the side of his face, and the other out in front of him.

Nick moved first, rushing with surprising speed. He struck at the wolf's face. He nearly connected as the wolf moved his head out of the way. The two of them traded blows for almost thirty minutes, until both stood across from each other, breathing heavily.

"Looks like we're at a standstill." Fangman said through rasping breaths. He let out a light chuckle. "Never had a newbie nearly beat me at my own game."

"Well, I guess I'll just have to be the first." Nick dropped his stance and bent down to hold his knees to catch his breath. Around them, the other officers were staring at them, shell-shocked that Nick had nearly beaten a professional in fighting.

Ardenhu dropped his stance as well, addressing the other officers in the room. "Alright! I want to see results like the ones I just received by the end of the month, got it?" He yelled to the mammals surrounding the ring. A series of nods and 'got it's chorused. "Good." Was the only thing he said before he stepped out of the ring and walked towards the showers.

Nick slid out of the ring, his muscles sore and his body aching where the wolf had hit him several times. Almost instantly, Judy was right by his side, checking to make sure nothing was broken or bleeding.

"You really did a number on him, you know?" I think you may not have to get back in that ring." Judy told him. Nick just shook his head, seriousness covering his expression.

"I'll definitely have to get back in there. No matter what." He said, looking down at his partner. "Anyway, I think we have the rest of the day to ourselves. Wanna go get something to eat after our showers?" He asked, his smile back.

"Sure. I think I would like that." She told him, smiling as her ears went erect and her tail flicked happily.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get our showers and get going! I'm hungry!" He said as he extended his claws and began playfully chasing the rabbit to the door of the female locker room.

Hello again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It took me a while to come up with a good way to introduce the fact that Nick knows how to fight, and quite well if I do say do myself, but I had a lot of fun writing this first chapter. Hopefully you guys like this and will wait for more.

Now then, as for reviews. Hate is welcome, though it will only fuel how hard I laugh at it. If I'm being honest, I don't care what haters think. It's funny to me. Just wanted to make that clear.

I will try to answer any reviews or questions any of you have. Though I won't reveal anything about future references.

Anyway, I will try to leave little easter eggs if you will in each chapter. How many of you can spot them? I'll give you a hint. Jack Black plays the main character of this hit series.

Now, that's all from me. I hope you like this! Tell me if you do, and I'll do my best to respond.

May inspiration light your paths,
