Chapter I: A halfa is born

Author's P.O.V

It was a cold and damp night in the village of Berk and everyone was asleep, all but five who were in a house on top of a hill. This was the house of the chief and his wife who where in there room with the village healer Gothi and the village blacksmith Gobber they were having a very serious conversation about their new born son.

~inside the house~

"Stoick I don't care what he looks like, he is our son and I won't have you kill him because of what he looks like!" Valka the chief's wife yelled at Stoick who was currently holding a dagger in his hand, on the other side of the room was Gobber and Gothi. Gobber was blocking Gothi who was holding a babe raped in a warm blanket, Stoick sighed heavily. "Valka, we can try again but this…this thing cannot be allowed to live!" he then pushed her out of the way and headed towards Gothi, Gobber and the baby. "Now see here Stoick I know what it looks like but there is no way you're killing the boy!" Gothi nodded her head before quickly running to Valka and handing her the babe, Gobber saw this and quickly pushed Stoick to the ground and held him there. "Valka run! There's a small boat with supply's take it and run!"

She didn't need to be told twice, holding the baby to her chest she and made a dash towards the door. Throwing it open Valka made her way to the docks, once there she found the boat that Gobber was talking about and hopped on without a second thought. And they were gone off to who knows where.

~somewhere at sea~

Valka breathe a sigh of relief when she could no longer see the island of Berk anymore, she was in her own thoughts when a cry of discomfort was heard from the blankets Valka quickly picked it up and unwrapped the blanket. Brightly colored green eyes and brown hair of a baby boy was looking right at her with teary eyes, "oh no no no shhh, its ok it's ok mama's here." Valka gently rocked the babe, when he stopped crying he gave a tired yawn by doing so the rest of the blanket fall of and out popped two small black wings were shown and so were some other features. He had black scales on his arms, back, legs and the sides of his face he also had two black horn like things at both sides of his head.

Valka smiled at the babe when she saw him drift off to sleep then something caught her eye, it turned out to be an island it brought a bigger smile on Valka's face. She looked at the sleeping child in her arms, "Don't worry my child I promise no one will ever harm you again for as I live, my little half dragon my little Hiccup."

~after Valka left Berk~

When Gobber had knocked Stoick down on the ground Stoick hit the floor a bit too hard which caused something to happen, "Gobber?! What are you doing on top of me?! And way is Gothi here?" that made them stop in their tracks. "Stoick what do you remember?" Gobber asked, "Well I remember talking to Valka this morning, then the raid started and I told her to stay in the house but of course she didn't listen me and went out anyways. Other than that everything after is just a blur, wait where's Valka?!" Stoick said in a worried voice that he did see the looks that Gothi and Gobber were giving each other. "~whispering~ maybe this is a good thing, he doesn't seem to know about Hiccup or that he is half dragon. What should we do? ~whispering~" Gothi wrote something on the ground Gobber read it and nodded before putting a hand on Stoick's shoulder stopping his rambling Stoick turned around, "Stoick she was taken, but a dragon with four wings. I'm sorry."

Stoick broke down right then and there; he was heartbroken that his wife was taken from him. "When I find that dragon it will pay!"

Valka may have lost her home on Berk but she found a batter one for both her and her beautiful and wonderful son, her little Hiccup.

Hope you guys like this chapter of my new book 'The Halfa Prince' and I know you guys want be to update 'Kagome's transformation' and I going to have to put it on hold for a little while but I'll get to it I promise. Next chapter coming soon.