All was quiet above the orbit of the green planet of Aldaraan. The dark cold of space, broken up by the endless amounts of twinkling stars, was tranquil, calm. One who is appreciative of beauty might say the sight is priceless. It seemed like this tranquility could last forever, only broken up by the occasional starship seeking to see the beautiful landscape planet itself.

And yet, the universe seemed to have different plans today.

The calm is suddenly interrupted by a fast-moving ship, a freighter from the looks of it, dodging and weaving out of several green bolts being thrown at it through the vast expanse of space. On its tail was a nearly 1,600-meter-long, triangular shaped warship. An Imperial Star Destroyer, the backbone of the navy for the malicious Empire. The starship was the symbol of tyranny for the Empire, many enemies and innocents alike had fallen victim to its wide array of weapons and starfighters.

With a few exceptions.

And one of said exceptions was flying right ahead of it.

The freighter, which had been modified, was called The Ghost, more than likely due to its ability to slip past and escape Imperials, and it was fast running out of room to do so again. The Star Destroyer soon began launching several snub fighters, or TIEs as they were dubbed.

The mood on the Ghost had certainly soured.

The mission for the crew on the freighter had been simple enough, a grab and go. Their task was to acquire some much needed supplies for their allies in Phoenix squadron.

Of course, things just weren't really going as planned, as they usually didn't. The first part of the plan had gone smoothly enough, but the discovery of several force sensitive children on the planet in Imperial hands had drastically altered things. They had barely escaped from the Imperial complex that the children were housed in. And now with the Star Destroyer hot on their tails, things were rapidly spiraling out of control.

"Well so much for stealth!" a green-skinned Twilek, the pilot of the ship growled, "Kanan, I wanted you and Zeb on those guns yesterday!"

"I'm on it," yelled out the purple-haired Lasat, Zeb, as he jumped down into one of the turrets. "Kanan, where are Ezra and Sabine?" the Twilek intoned to him. Kanan gave a knowing smile, "Well, Hera, I do believe they're dealing with our guests."

"Sabine, why did we agree to watch them?" a blue-haired teenager whined in the cargo hold of the Ghost, as he attempted to quiet down a crying toddler, a task far more difficult than it seemed, "I'm not good with kids!" "Then you better learn fast!" the female with dyed light-blue hair responded, "We need to calm them down, Ezra, can't you use those force powers of yours or something?" "I suppose I can try!" Ezra said. The young boy quickly put his hands over the two toddlers, two young human children, and attempted to reach out through his strong connection with the force.

Well here goes nothing, thought Ezra as he began projecting feelings of calmness to the two. Miraculously, they began to do so.

"Hey, it worked!" exclaimed Ezra happily with a bright smile. Suddenly the ship violently rocked to side as an explosion was heard from outside. The two infants began to cry again.

"Oh, karabast," Ezra grunted in frustration, as Sabine giggled at the younger boy's consternation. "Well, master Jedi," she snarked, "have any bright ideas?"

"I just hope Kanaan and Hera are having more luck then we are," he replied.

A TIE fighter screaming across the top of the freighter exploded into a small fireball, destroyed by accurate fire from Kanan, who had manned the top turret of the Ghost.

"Any progress on the hyperdrive!" he yelled through his commlink.

"I'm working on it!" Hera hissed. She turned to an outdated astromech droid, "Chopper is it done yet?" The droid gave a positive sounding beep in response.

Hera smirked, Good, now let's get out of here before they get a tractor lock. She turned, and switched on to an open channel to her compatriots. "Strap yourselves in, this is gonna be a bumpy one!" as she quickly flipped the switch for hyperspace.

The darkness of space was suddenly warped to shades of blue, and the stars seemed to bend inward as the ship lurched into hyperspace, leaving the Empire behind.

In the cargo hold of the ship, Hera's warning had come too suddenly and Ezra and Sabine were caught unprepared as the ship pushed forward. The tripped over each other and landed in a well, rather compromising position with Sabine on top of Ezra.

"Err, Sabine, uh, mind getting off of me?" Ezra said, adding with a nervous grin, "Not that I don't mind you being on top of me of course." Sabine looked down at the teen below her, his face was flushed slightly and he looked a little dazed from the fall, though he seemed fine, as fine as Ezra could be anyway. She rolled her eyes, but still managed an amused, albeit exasperated smile at his not so subtle attempt at flirting.

Key word: attempt.

"Ezra, you're an idiot."

"Thanks," he replied with a grin as she helped him up. The babies in their cradles had relaxed, now that the calm of hyperspace had set in.

"Let's grab the babies and see what the others are up to."

Ezra and Sabine walked into the main hold of the Ghost to discover Zeb and Kanan already waiting for them.

"Karabast, that was too close," Zeb grunted to Kanan. Kanan rolled his eyes.

"Zeb it's always too close."

"Eh, good point, I suppose," the Lasat admitted rubbing the back of his neck.

"Soooo, what are we going to do with these two?" Ezra asked Kanan.

"We will be handing them over to Ahsoka," a new voice popped in.

The four turned to see Hera enter the room with Chopper, "She'll be able to keep them safe and find them a new home," she continued.

"Well, we'll be in hyperspace for a few hours so you all had better find something to preoccupy yourselves with, Hera and I can take care of the babies," said Kanan.

Ezra turned to Sabine and whispered, "See, I told you they are totally a space-couple."

Sabine smirked and Kanan turned to Ezra with a raised eyebrow, "What was that Ezra?"

"Oh nothing, nothing at all," the mischievous teen responded with a dreamy sigh, giving Kanan a face that showed he was clearly lying.

Sabine suddenly spoke up, "Well, I don't think the walls are going to paint themselves," and she began to walk out of the room.

"Oooo, can I help," exclaimed Ezra, giving Sabine the cutest face he could muster, "Please?"

Sabine was unfazed, "Sorry Ezra, this is a solo project."

Shoot, thought Ezra, so close.

Zeb began to laugh as soon as Sabine left the room, "Heh, nice try kid," he sneered sarcastically as Ezra gave him a scowl.

The scowl was short lived as the droid behind him suddenly shocked him with his built-in zapper, as the metal menace robotically cackled.

"Chopper!" yelled Ezra, as Zeb began to laugh even harder at the boy's misfortune. However, the Lasat's amusement was quickly cut off when Chopper bumped into him at full speed trying to escape Ezra, pushing the unaware and off-balance Zeb off his feet with his head connecting with a pole.

The resultant clang made Kanan and Hera both wince as the Lasat slowly recovered. When Zeb got up he growled at the droid, "Alright, that's it." Zeb looked over to Ezra, "Hey kid, waddaya say we explore the inner workings of this here droid?"

"Why Zeb it would be my pleasure."

The droid in question let out a few beeps of panic and wheeled off to the cargo hold to hopefully escape the two.

"Hey, get back here!" Ezra shouted as he and Zeb began to pursue.

"Don't rip the ship apar-," Hera began, but was cut off by a crashing sound.

"Apart," she finished with a roll of her eyes. She looked over to see that Kanan was tending to the babies. Kanan had kept them calm during the chaos.

She walked over to him and observed him and the two younglings, the Jedi Knight seemed to be in deep thought.

"What's on your mind?" Hera asked.

Kanan stood up from the cradles that contained the two kids and said, "I just wonder what would have happened had we not discovered these two, would they become slaves to the dark side, to the Empire? Or would they just be killed off, in order to keep them from becoming Jedi."

Hera shook her head, "It doesn't matter, they're safe now."

"But what about the others, Hera, the ones we can't save?"

His question was unanswered as Hera slipped her hand into his and they looked down upon the two sleeping infants, unaware of the fate they had just avoided.

Aboard the Star Destroyer, a certain Agent Kallus was less than pleased at the escape of the Ghost.

If we had just been here a few seconds earlier, we would have had them! Kallus thought angrily.

Kallus turned to a deck officer, "See if you can track them."

The deck officer shook his head, "We've tried already sir, they scrambled our sensors somehow and we were unable to get a lock.

Just perfect, Kallus thought, what else could possibly go wrong?

"Sir, Lord Vader wishes to speak with you!" an ensign yelled out.

Ah, that.

"Patch him through," said Kallus as he walked back to the comm room.

The dark lord of the Sith appeared in front of Kallus.

"Lord Vader, sir, I have just encountered the rebel ship known as the ghost and I began to pursue them, however-,"

"Your failure to capture the rebels does not concern me," Darth Vader stated.

"Sir, but I thought-,"

"There are far more force sensitives in the galaxy, these two were expendable."

Kallus looked at the hologram in shock, "But, what if they become Jedi, sir?"

Darth Vader looked at him and said, "Good, symbols of hope will rally more to their cause."

Kallus looked incredibly confused, "Lord Vader, I don't follow what you mean."

"It's very simple, Agent Kallus, in their current state, we cannot defeat the rebels. While they are not a credible threat to the empire due to their scattered state, they are a nuisance. The cells are far too agile and flexible to defeat on their own, they could continue their current tactics for years."

Kallus looked thoughtful for a second and spoke, "What do you propose we do then, Lord Vader?"

"Agent Kallus, I am assigning you the task of a double agent, your goal will be to feed the rebels information and gain their trust as one of their fulcrum agents. I want you to help them unite all their cells together, and recruit all that will join to their cause."

"But that would make them a very credible threat to the empire!" Kallus protested.

"Indeed, it would, but when they are united as one, we will crush them as one, no survivors," said Lord Vader, "This is your mission, you will have all the resources you need at your disposal, do not fail."

"I will not sir," Kallus responded, trying to contain his excitement. All the resources I need? Kallus thought, this is incredible.

"I hope so for your sake, agent," said Vader.

"The emperor would be most displeased if you did."

A/N: Hey all, this is the first story I've ever written for this site, the idea for this story has been floating around my head for months now, and I felt I just had to write it out. Any constructive criticism is appreciated. I plan on completing this story.