Sorry for the long wait, but here is the newest chapter of this story.
I do not own anything from either series, but my own characters.
Chapter 5: Warped Realities
Ren clutches his head as the dull headache continues to torment him after another sleepless night. The young man looks up to see the white crescent moon still floating in the sky in the vast darkness of the night. Right beside him is Morgana who is fast asleep in his own dreamworld. He sighs, "Another restless night."
He tries to go back to sleep, but his headache continues to bother him. Just as he was about to get out of his bed, he noticed a figure standing in the dark corner of the attic. Its cat-like eyes were almost white like its sclera, and the outer rim of the iris were glowing a faint aquamarine. The dark figure makes their way into his view. The mysterious figure is wearing a white, long-sleeved dress top with red accents, black shorts with thigh-high boots and a black bolero hanging over the shoulders. The figure is wearing a white hood with a white haik covering the majority of the mysterious person's facial features.
"Fear not, young one. I mean you no harm. I am merely here to help control the surge of power coursing within you," The person's voice was a distorted whisper but clear to the point that Ren could hear the stranger.
This did not deter Ren from letting down his guard: "Who the hell are you?"
The mysterious person slumps slightly and sighs before answering him, "You may call me Sage. You've met one of my comrades before, Wild Rose. Speaking of my comrades, I would like to thank you on behalf of Cosmos's Warriors for helping him find the Rose of Dreams."
A look of surprise made its way across the Leader of the Phantom Thieves of Heart. However, it was quickly replaced by a serious look.
"As you may already know, Wild Rose represents dreams and order. I represent nature and value. I will help you with your growing powers, but for now," Sage walks over to the young man's bedside placing a faint glowing hand on his forehead. Ren's eyes became heavy and before he knew what was happening, he was sleeping peacefully, "you must rest."
Sage carefully tucks the young man in his bed, careful enough to not wake Morgana from his sleep. Sage then snaps their neck to the warp that had slowly begun to manifest in the attic creating an unstable connection to the very place that had given the Phantom Thieves of Hearts to physically manifest their personas. Sage pulls their hood back and the haik fades away into mist revealing feminine features, short white hair, and brown marks underneath her eyes. She also has a pair of long, white, fluffy ears. She quietly walks up to the small distortion and holds her left hand out in front of it. On her lower left arm, a strange symbol appears and begins to glow aquamarine, and the faint glow of her eyes illuminates even more through the darkness. The unstable portal begins to stitch itself back to the way it was before under Sage's careful ministrations.
"T'was a good thinking to come here." Her hand comes back to her side when the portal closes. She looks at the sleeping teen with a small frown: "Who knows what could happen with such a dangerous power running amok, Amamiya Ren."
Mitsuru slams both of her hands on her desk as Ken had just finished relaying his report through the intercom. "Are you sure it was them?" she asked, slightly hopeful.
"That's what the angel said," Koromaru barks almost as if he is confirming what Ken had stated. "However, before I could ask them why they were there, the two warriors had left," Mitsuru curled her hands making them turn white.
"So the Warriors of Harmony… Was it just the two of them or were their other comrades there as well?"
"Just them that I've seen so far. Also, I am bringing back this strange-looking flower that is stemmed from the angel's blood," There is a slight pause before Ken brings something up slowly, "The angel… The angel mentioned he is alive." The red-haired woman drew in a sharp breath.
"Are you positive?"
"His time is still limited, for how long? I do not know," There is a long silence that overtakes the conversation.
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Previews to the next chapter:
"Again." Ren pants tiredly as he tries to manifest another distortion, only to fail. Sage sighs for the nth time of the day before instructing him once more, "Again."