Lincoln woke on a sunny September morning and stretched. Warm Indian summer sunshine fell through the window, painting the carpet and the walls a soft shade of gold. He felt rested, and refreshed, like he always did when he fell asleep holding Luan, his face buried in her hair. His happiness was tinged with just a hint of sadness. He wanted to wake up next to her as well.

One step at a time, though.

In the hall, he rubbed his bleary eyes and started for the bathroom, but a strangled cry stopped him. He looked up just as Lynn rushed him, knocking into him and driving him to the floor. She threw her body across his and slammed the floor.

"One, two, three!"

She jumped up and lifted her arms in a giant V. "You gotta always be prepared, bro."

Luan walked out of her room and looked horrified.

"Lynn!" she cried, and Lynn stopped.

"You should have waited for me. This totally would have gone viral."

"There's always next time," Lynn said, helping her brother to his feet. "Unless Lincoln steps up his game."

Lincoln smiled.

All was right with the world.

I'm actually sad that this story has come to an end. So sad, in fact, that a few hours after I finished this up, I started a sequel. It's called "Their First Time." I will post the first chapter or two later on, so look out for it. In it, Lincoln and Luan's relationship if threatened by snooping teachers, suspicious parents, and yet another sister's infatuation. Thank you for all the favorites, follows, and reviews.